View Full Version : college oppurtunity

09-03-2003, 10:06 PM
OK guys and gals. Most of you are back in college like me. I have a question even for those that aren't in college. If given the oppurtinity to study abroad. (meaning go some other country and study) where would you go and why? I am bringing this up cause the oppurtunity has well just landed in my lap. Not for sure where to go. SO lets here it all. Tell me where you would like to study and why?

09-03-2003, 10:23 PM
Japan for sure
i am looking into this. i have to take a japanese clas first and then i can apply...hopefully i can go next year or th year after.

09-03-2003, 10:25 PM
But why Japan other than to get parts for our cars?

09-04-2003, 12:20 AM
Theres no other reason heh

09-04-2003, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Nissan240SX
OK guys and gals. Most of you are back in college like me. I have a question even for those that aren't in college. If given the oppurtinity to study abroad. (meaning go some other country and study) where would you go and why? I am bringing this up cause the oppurtunity has well just landed in my lap. Not for sure where to go. SO lets here it all. Tell me where you would like to study and why?

Theres too many variables to make a definite call foremost thing that comes to mind is do you want to go abroad to see the world and party, or further your education.

If you want to go abroad and see the world japan is a good place to start though it's difficult getting settled in when you don't speak the language.

Many european countries would be suitable to study in and the bonus is the ability to hop from one country to the next (the notable exception would be the UK but thats still just a ferry).

09-04-2003, 08:14 AM
lol. spellcheck 0w|\|z j00!!

japan is a great place to go to study abroad. i know alot of people who went there and had a blast despite the fact that they couldn't speak japanese. there's going to be a bit of culture shock though... i heard hip-hop culture is replacing the old visual rock, cutesy j-idol and popish culture. baggy pants, bandana's, 'gangsta'... all that crap is 'in' now. argh...

but remember, you should focus on what you want to do after college. reality is awful harsh after graduation.

09-04-2003, 08:36 AM
England for sure. I love England and everything about it. If I had the opportunity to go anywhere in the world, I'd definitely go back to London.

09-04-2003, 09:44 AM
Study aboard is an expensive investment, but very worth it. I did study aboard a year ago in France. The only bad thing about the trip was that it was not long enough, I was there for 6 weeks. In France I stayed in a suburb about 30 minutes outside of Paris. I took two classes there. We saw most of Paris and we also took trips to the north and south of France. It just blew me away of the scenery and landmarks. I also had two free weekends where I could go anywhere. I went to England in Spain. I had a choice to go to Germany for study aboard, but decided to go to France because I knew so many people that were going to France. Overall I had fun in France, I took tons of pictures of sites and especially cars, but I think if I would have went to Germany I would have fulfilled my car craving more (also the Germany study aboard program also went to the BMW plant:mad: ).

Here is the take of what I noticed in the European countries I visited:

France: Well it is explained at top. And prices to buy things were reasonable. On a automobile point of view: alot of small cars, but tons of bmw's, and porches were a dime a dozen.

Spain: Nice party atmosphere. Easy to get around. And every thing is cheap as hell there. But sadly to say the Spanish food sucks. Automobile point of view: pretty much the same as France.

England: I love England, well I guess having family there will help also. But anyways, very expensive( I didn't really buy anything because my uncle paid for everything), it is like everything there is like 1.5 times more expensive then other places. The weather sucks in England. The sites were okay, but I really liked walking around there automobile stores. Automobile point of view: the best place out of the three, you will see alot of variety of nice cars)

Traveling around: It was very cheap to travel in Europe. When I went to France to England it cost me 100 bucks there and back and only an hour long trip. From France to Spain it was about 150 bucks there and back and only took 1.5 hours.

Sorry about this message being so long, but I think this will help you. If I had to do it again I wouldn't change anything, the only thing I regret right now is taking Japanese so late in my college career, because I would have also found a way to go to Japan to study aboard also.

09-04-2003, 01:06 PM
Yeah sorry about the spelling, I had just gotten back from the law library and was dead tired. Just had to ask what everyone else thought. Anyways thanks all for you replys this is something that I am not for sure if I want to do or not. I do know that I want to further my education and as most know of course some partying comes along with that but hey its all good. I was either thinking France or Germany. I had a feeling that it would be expensive but the plus to the program is that scholarships, grants and loans will pay for it because its part of getting your education you still going to school. I could also do the Semester at Sea program just don't know. My mind is thinking of so many possibilities that I am just not for sure where to go. If I even should go. Any other people that could tell me there opinions that would be cool. Thanks guys for all your input.


09-04-2003, 02:11 PM
I agree with radhaz, it's difficult getting settled in when you don't speak the language. do you speak another language besides english? If not I would go England.

09-05-2003, 04:52 PM
My top choices would be Spain, Italy, or Japan. If you haven't been to Europe before, you should go to Europe because of the ability to jump on a cheap plane flight or train ride to another country. I was in Europe for a month during January and it was awesome. I had never traveled to another country before except for Mexico and I was in amazement everywhere I went. It's really awesome to be in old countries that have such a rich history.

I'm heading out to Japan or Costa Rica the next chance I get to go on a nice trip, Costa Rica for the surf and Japan for the culture, the car parts, and the chicks but since I'm strapped down with a GF, I guess I can leave out that last one.

09-05-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Nissan240SX
where would you go and why?
Canada! ;)
I would go to England or Australia. Must be an English speaking country, for me. I'd want to get around without asking people how to get somewhere, in their language. Too frustrating.

Probably Australia for the cars.

09-05-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Nissan240SX
OK guys and gals. Most of you are back in college like me. I have a question even for those that aren't in college. If given the oppurtinity to study abroad. (meaning go some other country and study) where would you go and why? I am bringing this up cause the oppurtunity has well just landed in my lap. Not for sure where to go. SO lets here it all. Tell me where you would like to study and why?
I would not study abroad just yet, mostly because I am still an undergraduate and I dont want to jeopardize my B.S. for a little trip that has little or nothing to do with my mechanical engineering major.

But if I were to study abroad, I'd probably go to China. China's future is where its at. Invest now, things are dirt cheap there, and the quality of labor/materials is improving surprisingly. That's why China is #1 on foreign investors' wish lists. China is among the top 3 of the world's largest economies if it isnt the largest already. I also would like to get closer to my ethnic roots...

Screw Japan, cost of living in Japan is too damn expensive. And their economy is pretty messed up, and I dont really see vast improvements in its future.

09-06-2003, 09:00 AM
My top choices would be New Zealand and Australia if you don't speak any languages. In college I did an internship thingee (summer 99) in Germany. It was AMAZING. The girls there are so hot....you wouldn't believe it....and....oddly enough prostitution is legal (no I did not partake). I could never get used to it when my buddies and I would be scoping out some 19 year old hotties.....and then a car from the US army base would stop.....barter....and the girls would get in. I would get ****ed and be like "I can't even get a girlfriend that hot and she's sellin her *** over here to GI's". What a shame.

Anyways.....they have all kinds of sweet rides on the roads (old farts drive Merceedes...younger people drive BMW). There was a cool festival downtown Frankfurt and they had the new M series lineup before it hit the USA (M series Z3 coupe, Z8 roadster, etc). We'd gotten passed by 4 Testarossa's on the Autobahn....3 red 1 white.....all in a row. Must have been a driving club or something.

The food there was awesome and the exchange rate wasn't too bad. If I could speak German better I'd consider living there for awhile if I had the means. Everything was so clean there.....the streets....highways......very little litter. Also...its Left Hand Drive. If you plan on driving while you are there (buying a beater BMW and toting around), you are better off getting an INTERNATIONAL DRIVERS LICENSE while you are in the USA to use over there.....as its near impossible to get a German Drivers License (you have to take months of class to pass tests.. which cost $1000's of dollars).

Most younger Germans were very friendly and liked to practice their English....so they would take the time to converse. I noticed alot of the older germans (senior citizens) would be evasive and seemed almost stuck up...probably cause they are old enough to remember getting spanked in WWII.

Anywhere in Europe is good.....because everything is so close together that if you get a Europass (train pass good all over Europe) you can have some big fun. Anyways.....check into it if you think you can learn some quick German.


09-08-2003, 11:50 AM
I'd reccomend it. Japan would most likely be pretty difficult. It's fairly expensive also.