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12-07-2010, 05:40 PM
What it says. Tips and advice on exercises, technique, diet, supplements, and general gym talk. I am a relative novice to body building but I am learning as I go. I am becoming more interested in it the more I grow. It's fun to get healthy.

NOW, for my question.
I need tips on how to gain some muscle mass. I am a hardgainer, I have been working out pretty steady for about a year. I was taking a whey protein, a simple creatine, and some sort of sugar amino stuff (DSG?) it helped me heal extremely fast. It worked. I am now taking break from supplements, but I am still working out, more like maintaining.

I want to pack on muscle when I come back. With supplements and some serious determination. I have read you should gain a pound a workout cycle(week).

For me I have somewhat neglected doing leg workouts, but I do run everyday.

-Hardgainer tips I have found,

-Workout cycle- More rest is needed to heal. Like 10-12 day workout cycle instead of 7 day schedule. Muscles grow while resting.

-Legs- If you workout your legs your entire body becomes geared more for muscle growth. Its all about the hormones.

-Trash Cardio- Your body only has some much energy it can effectively exert everyday. Use it for building muscle instead of your heart and lungs.

Any advice would be appreciated!!!!

12-07-2010, 05:43 PM
Hardgainer here too. Main thing for me is eating right and clean, and hitting the gym hard 5-6 times a week.

Supplement wise I take a pre-workout like Jack3d and then protein or a weight gainer usually. I've put on like 20-25 lbs and used to be 130 lbs! Been working out for 2-2.5 years though.

12-07-2010, 06:01 PM
Scoobys Home Bodybuilding Workouts (http://www.scoobysworkshop.com/)

Pretty much everything you need to know/basics. Yeah some of his videos are a bit cheezy but there good to watch non the less and read everything on the site, it will help educate too. I hardly knew little to non about working out until i came across this website.

12-07-2010, 06:08 PM
YEA! I have seen scooby on youtube. Good information, sometimes a lil cheezy, but whatever.

I do need to work on my diet. I do not eat right, its kinda expensive to. "Built motors wont run very good on 87 octane" -what my friend says. Which is funny because I have cooked professionally for years, so no excuse really.

12-07-2010, 08:00 PM
I'm on the same boat as you, relatively new but I see obvious results over tr past 6 months. I took muscle milk as a preworkout supplement.

In terms of cardio, it tends to lean you out a bit so you will lose a bit of mass.

12-07-2010, 08:50 PM
The best cardio for me is swimming. You build your heart and lungs while also gaining some serious muscle stamina.

I can't due running and biking to much due to a bad knee so swimming is right up my ally as well.

12-07-2010, 09:49 PM
I've learned from reading and experience that if you want to put on mass, you need to eat a ton, and give your body time to recover. Major compound movements such as squats, deadlifts and press' work wonders. I'm 6'3" and I went from 190 to 200 in less than 2 months. I trained three times per week.

12-07-2010, 09:56 PM
Diet is SUPER important. I can't stress this enough. That and adequate rest are probably the most important things in gaining real muscle mass.

Figure out how many calories you need to take in just to maintain your current body weight and then up that by 500. If that's not enough, add more calories. BUT when i say calories, i mean QUALITY calories. There's 1600 calories in a western 6 dollar burger from carls jr, but that shit is gonna do nothing for you. Lean meats, brown rice, whole grains, potatoes, etc...you get the idea.

As far as supplements, a good protein supplement is all you really need, but if you wanna go the creatine route as well, go with creatine ethyl ester NOT monohydrate. Monohydrate makes you retain water. Yeah you'll look bigger, but you wont be putting on any real weight and as soon as you stop taking the stuff, you'll lose mass. Ethyl ester on the other hand is beneficial in muscle contraction and energy production and doesn't give you the water retention.

Weight gainers are cool for calories and what not, but they tend to have a lot of cholesterol and if you're not doing ANY cardio this can obviously be detrimental to your cardiovascular health. And you'll put on fat weight and not real lean muscle mass. My advice on these would be to use them in moderation and make sure you get in at least some cardio. If you're eating enough and its the right stuff, you really dont need a weight gainer.

Personally, I use AfterShock as a post work out supplement. Its a weight gainer, BUT i use it primarily for the amount of protein and carbs it gives me after i've pretty much destroyed myself on the track and in the weight room . I'm a college track and field athlete (100 meters and 200 meters) and i do more cardio in a day then most people do in a week so the cholesterol isn't as much an issue for me than it would be for someone else. But i also have to do a lot of heavy weight lifting and power lifting. I have to take in around 3500 - 4000 calories a day just to stay at race weight and keep my muscle mass (165 lbs. - 170 lbs.) Trying to eat that much food is annoying and expensive. And honestly, sometimes i'm just not that hungry. So i just use a shake as a way to get the calories i need for the day.

Oh and LEGS LEGS LEGS. Simply running isn't enough. You've gotta lift with your legs too, just like you would with your upper body. Like you mentioned, you activate testosterone production with heavy lifting with the legs, so do them! It'll help your gains all around. Plus, it looks dumb to be all swole up top and have toothpicks for legs. lol

Sorry that was so long winded, but i hope it helps! I'm around this kinda stuff all the time, plus my brother is a personal trainer and he's big as hell. lol

12-07-2010, 10:11 PM
diet and other detail
This guy knows his stuff.

12-07-2010, 11:33 PM
Sweet, Thanx revat, that's what I wanted. Advice from someone about my size and knows whats up. I will def crack down on my diet, though I doubt I will need the calories that you do. Im 6'2 and looking to hit 180, and bench my weight in sets. Then find some new goals.

I never really had a set workout, I would just do chest/arms one day, then maybe back and shoulders another, then legs or run. I will start squatting and dead lift as a part of my routine. I could tell when I rested longer I would be able to lift more and REALLY feel it the next day, in a good way. My friend, which I worked out with frequently, hit the gym way too ofter for me. I tried to explain to him more rest equals more muscle, he didn't get it.

And I was taking monohydrate, the product even explains that it helps you hold water. I thought it helped, half placibo and when I was puffed up. I will try the other kind.

Anyone used a test booster?? I have heard good things, but dot want to mess up my hormones or become a moody bitch.

12-07-2010, 11:53 PM
I been meaning to try the German Volume Training, suppose to build up fast

Right now I do 6 miles a day on my fixed gear bike *tho i havent been constant with it lately due to weather*. Cut down alot of food and shredded some weight.

I am taking Creatine Monohydrate *1000g , a teaspoon a morning should last about 100days according to what i ready on bodybuilding.com*
Whey Protein on the days Im gonna lift and work out hard.
Multi vitamins pack.
Fish Oil Omega 3 1000mg
I been unemployed for the longest so thats my budget on suppliments.

Work out equipment :
adjustable dumbbells.

Outside I have a gold's gym bench w/olympic size plates and barbell. Usually after my bike ride, Ill jump on this.

Inside I got my old soloflex muscle machine that i had for like over 10+ years. Was in storage but i recently pulled it back out.
I recently adapted weight plates to it with olympic plate adapters. Soo much better.
This is what they look like when fitted with wieghts, best thing ever
YouTube - Soloflex Hybrid. The first video. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKlUMROYzvM)
You can find them cheap if you want one on craigslist, they use rubber resistance bands so alot of people give them negative feedback but once you fit it with weights its not bad.

With my home equipment I can do bench press, military press, butterflies, leg curls, leg press, squats, bicep curls, dips, Pretty much all I need, than the cardio workout from my bike.

Id love to go to the gym but I cant afford it right now. I think just going to the gym gives you the motivation to push hard, where as at home you get kind of lazy on it.

Resistance bands are good to have too. I sit at the end of my soloflex with it wrapped around the the back and I can just do air punches/extension with it.

12-08-2010, 12:23 AM
I have read the way to gain mass is how you do your sets.
You start with a set of ten, then add wieght and do a set of 8, then add weight and do a set of six. Then a final set where you can only lift the weight once or twice without help. I read it is important to keep track of Total weight lifted and try to increase it slightly every time you work out. Example, for easy math- 3 sets of 10 of 100lbs. Which is 3,000lbs of total lifting. So next time add like a 5lbs, so its 105lbs. and 3,150lbs. 150 more pounds, It's the method I'm going to try.

The German way sounds opposite. 10 sets of ten? Seems like a way to get cut. I will read on, Arnold knew some shit. I read somewhere he never counted his sets, he just lifted till it hurt.

12-08-2010, 12:44 AM
speaking of arnold

12-08-2010, 12:55 AM
Reps matter but like whats been mentioned, its how much weight in relation to your max that you're actually moving. And of course how many sets.

I saw considerable gains in the phase of my lifting where i was doing 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps, BUT i was lifting moderate to heavy weight. (As a sprinter you not only have to have muscular power, but muscular endurance as well.) In my current phase though, everything is 4 sets of 8, but its all heavy and more power oriented. Personally, my muscles respond better to higher reps, but that's just me.

As a general rule though, i'd say 8-10 reps for mass / 12-15 reps or more for definition. Make sure though that when you're doing low reps, the amount of weight you're doing is enough to get a burn on numbers 6,7, and 8 (or 8,9 and 10). If its easy on your last rep, you're not lifting enough. And the same goes for high reps. If its so light to where you're not really getting a burn at number 15 or whatever, you're not lifting enough. Do the most you can do, but WITH PROPER FORM AND FULL RANGE OF MOTION.

12-08-2010, 01:07 AM
LOL I'm watching Arnolds bio right now. Pretty interesting.

I think that website is geared for experienced body builders. Or guys that are already Huge. I have seen and read stuff that I know wont work for me, intended for professional.

I call working out, getting hurt. The whole point is the pain.
Right now in my down time I'm really working on my form. I am also concentrating on my sets, to see what works for me.

12-08-2010, 05:19 AM
Iv been woring out past 6 months steadily. I eat tons of protein iv lost 35lbs of fat and gained about 18% muscle all around. I keep my diet simple, cuz i hate cooking all the time.

Breakfast: Oatmeal, Hardboil eggs
Snack: 2 hrs later fruit, protein bar
Lunch: whatever i want but i keep it somewhat protein and healthy
Pre workout shake: i take Pro Nos
Work out heavy
Post workout; Pro Nos and Omega 3
Dinner: Chicken, fish, steak and some brown rice and veggies

Now that I lost quite a bit of weight im going to start taking Amped, and a muscle builder protein.

12-08-2010, 05:16 PM
Best I've ever heard someone talk about how important diet is for gaining weight, he said "imagine the body weight you want to be at and eat like you are at that weight".

If you want to gain mass and strenght, focus on the 4 main lifts.
Squat, deadlift, bench and over-head press. Lift these heavy and do assistant exercises afterwards varying them every few weeks.

I started training around 2 years ago. After a few months I was ready to start deadlifting. I remember barely being able to do 185 but I just hit 405 a few weeks
ago. I weigh in around 180.

I have more of a power lifting mindset though.

Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 program does wonders for people as well.

12-08-2010, 08:30 PM
Im going to need to make a work out schedule because im just all over the place with work outs.

12-08-2010, 09:17 PM
Church, I'm going to make one tomorrow. Ill post it up, see how it works for me. My goal is to get my body into a weight gaining mode and keep it there.

12-08-2010, 11:53 PM
If you're a true ecto then eating clean doesn't matter in the slightest.

Fast food has tons of carbs and tons of protein, it's actually one of the best things for gaining weight, shit ton of sodium though.

Also, the more I eat, the quicker my muscles heal.

12-09-2010, 12:17 AM
Pics of zilvians sexy bods or bust.

12-09-2010, 12:21 AM
First time I lifted in 2 or 3 months today, guranfuckingteed I look better than anyone on this site.

That's right.

12-09-2010, 12:26 AM
stop being a pussy and use the juice.com

12-09-2010, 04:50 AM
Needle in the butt. Than tons of guys will love you:hug:

12-09-2010, 05:01 AM
My suggestion is get off the internet and go to the gym, period.

12-09-2010, 01:11 PM
LOL, yeammmK, I will spent every waking moment at the gym.

I am scary motivated, I have never been as mentally focused on a goal as I am with lifting.

Testosterone Booster, anyone used them??? I'm thinking about trying them.

12-09-2010, 03:23 PM
Push-ups help a ton. After a year my chest, back, and arms have grown substantially

Im not into taking supplements either or spending tons of money on protein shakes and all that crap. I do however eat alot. I eat fast food all the time but even it out with alot of vegetables and lean meats. A glass of milk after a hard workout is great for recovery also.
I probably work out once every four days just because im not into it but when i do go I go pretty intense. Full body workouts with alot of running

5'10, 185. My body is pretty much solid

Please work out your legs!!! Dont be one of THOSE guys that has bigger biceps than his legs! haha

12-09-2010, 03:44 PM
can we merge this thread with the mens health supplement thread?

Drop sets have been working for me.
Example curls 50lbs/45lbs 6-8reps then 40/35 6-8 reps 30/25 6-8 reps 20/15 15 reps. and then back to the heaviest again with 2 more 6-8 rep sets.
The 1 second up 3 seconds down, negative focused techinque has been working out great to0.
Form is everything.

12-09-2010, 05:04 PM
Scoobys Home Bodybuilding Workouts (http://www.scoobysworkshop.com/)

Pretty much everything you need to know/basics. Yeah some of his videos are a bit cheezy but there good to watch non the less and read everything on the site, it will help educate too. I hardly knew little to non about working out until i came across this website.

im checking out the site, good stuff.. his body doesnt match what you would expect from seeing his face lol

12-09-2010, 08:41 PM
LOL, yeammmK, I will spent every waking moment at the gym.

I am scary motivated, I have never been as mentally focused on a goal as I am with lifting.

Testosterone Booster, anyone used them??? I'm thinking about trying them.
Most of the test boosters are bullshit, DHEA is a supplement that works, 200 grams of protien a day , plenty of water , sleep , Give muscle groups plenty of rest between excercise days, Don't smoke if you're trying to gain weight because it is a appitite killer, Size does not come overnight even with a needle in your ass.

12-09-2010, 08:51 PM
join a crossfit gym or follow their regimens online...done and done...

12-10-2010, 12:41 AM
i been going to the gym for about 4 months now
and ima hardgainer myself
but wen i started i weighed 117
so i started taking mass complex every morning and night
so far i put on about 35lbs and completely sculpted my uperbody and core beyond belief lol in my eyes.
i stopped taking the protien about 1 1/2 ago and im maintaining this weight pretty well

12-10-2010, 02:10 AM
The supplement thread is for people not taking this very seriously, or it would seem. I'm surprised there is not more "bodybuilders" with the size of this forum.

To further separate this thread from the supps thread, I am posting my trial workout schedule, and will hopefully be able to post results and modifications in a few weeks. Sorry this is my book on fitness. But I wanted to see a real body builder thread. I guess most peeps on Zilvia are tiny and happy that way.

THIS IS MY ROUTINE. I did not go to school for this, but I have done a lot of research. I haven't tried this one out yet, I will start prolly right after Christmas. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

I work out when I am physically AND more importantly, mentally peaked. At night, that's just me, I am a night owl. (its 3:15am) I have a membership at a gym so I have tons of equipment too. Fitness 19, its 9 bucks a month and brand new, so woohoo. Also more equipment is available at night so I can have the gym to myself and work out will be more intense. Less time standing around. That is not recommended if you go to bed immediately after, it makes you sore and your muscles don't like to cool down fast either. I don't go to bed right after so no probs.

I will be eating a strict diet of eggs, fish, protein drinks, steak, fruits and veggies. Also a basic multi-vitamin and a creatine ester. Do your research there is many types. ALSO one or two times a week I will eat shitty food, a fast food meal or something. This way my body wont think I'm starving and in turn store more fan that usual. This is something I read, we will see.

The work out
7 day schedule, with one day rest and one "slacker day".
I will work certain parts of the body on certain days. I will only allow 60 seconds between sets. and only a couple of minutes between exercises. I will also try to not stay more than one hour. I will try to train myself to exert all my energy during that time. Most likely I will rotate this schedule after six weeks to confuse the muscles.

Sunday-REST, seemed to make sense and the games are on. This means I am not doing shit, all day.

Monday-SLACKER DAY I hate Mondays, so its my slacker day. My "Slacker" day will consist of whatever I want, but not trying to push it to hard. I will most likely think of what muscle in particular I want to improve on, isolate it, and hurt it.

Tuesday-CHEST For some reason I kick ass on Tuesdays, so I do chest workouts.
Overhead press -3 sets of 12/10/8
Military Press -3 sets of 12/10/8
Dumbbell flys incline and flat -3 sets of 12/10/8
Cable Pulls -3 sets 12/10/8
Isolate chest fly on the machine -Staring at moderate weight then decreasing by 20lbs until failure. Go home.

Wednesday-ARMS Chicks love big arms..
Bicep curls with machine -4 set of 10
Dumbbell curls -3 sets of 10 increasing weight
tricep pull downs with rope -3 sets of 10 increasing weight
Tricp dips -3 sets of 15 Or I might start adding weights with a belt
Standing 21's in sets with a curl bar until failure
Some sort of forearm workout as well.

Thursday-BACK This shit is important, but gets neglected because you cant really see you results. Improving back muscles will increase strength every where, really helps with core strength and bench press.
Shrugs with Olympic bar and weights -3 sets of 10 increasing weight
Shrugs with dumbbells -3 sets of 10 increasing weight
Lat pull down -3 sets of 10 increasing weight.
Row machine incline-3 sets of 10 increasing weight
Row machine decline-3 sets of 10 increasing weight
Lawnmower man with dumbbells 3 sets until failure

Friday-LEGS I want to be truly athletic, not just a meat head with toothpick legs. This also helps the entire body pack on muscle and releases testosterone.
Squats- 3 sets of 10 increasing weight
Squats on machine- 3 sets of 10 increasing weight
Caff raises- 3 sets of 10 increasing weight
Dead lift- 3 sets of 10 increasing weight
Something else on the rehab machines...
Light run to make it hurt.

Saturday- ABS and run. I gatta run, and running after abs helps to build core strength.
Crunches- 3 sets of 30
Sit ups with a weight- 3 sets of ten
Reverse sit up machine thingy we have- 3 sets of 10??
Weighted oblique lift- 3 sets of 15? with a plate.
Push ups -A few sets for the core. hehe
And throw in a mile or two. DONE

With all that I will also increase weight weekly. This way my body will think it MUST pack on muscle. Hopefully it will. After 6-8 weeks I will take a week or two off then change it up a bit and start over.

example of what and why to increase weights weekly.
Week 1: 3 sets x 10 reps x 100 pounds = 3,000 pounds
Week 2: 3 sets x 10 reps x 105 pounds = 3,150 pounds
Week 3: 3 sets x 10 reps x 110 pounds = 3,300 pounds
Week 4: 3 sets x 10 reps x 115 pounds = 3,450 pounds
the weight increase makes a big difference.

Class dismissed.

12-10-2010, 10:35 AM
I like to group back and biceps on one day and triceps, chest, and shoulders on another.
I feel as if I over train biceps if i do back on a separate day.
The supersets are nice, but im trying it this way for now.
S13dan, is there a reason why you dont include chicken in your meal plan?

12-10-2010, 12:19 PM
LOL nope, forgot to post it.. Great source of protein.

Good call with the biceps and back, I will play around with it. Might change it, you do use a lot of bicep with back. And activating your tri's helps with bench.

12-10-2010, 12:51 PM
well hell ill chime in since I’m stuck here in Afghanistan and all I do is lift weights and try not to die! I read a few opinions and most of them are ok, but make your goals realistic and start slow. Don’t go out buying big name supplements when 9 out 10 times you’re going to piss them away.( as urine) You have to work your legs, if you don’t you will never have the gains in your chest and arms! The reason behind that is the hormones, there are more in your lower trunk. Next is your back, don’t skip on it! Your lower back is the key to sculpting your abs, so put the time in and work them nice and slow! Yes chicks dig arms but chicks dig dudes who can toss them around like a rag doll too. I have a very poor diet due to the fact I’m deployed and only eat grade a shit from a bag or a box. I eat tuna sometimes twice a day if not more. The supplements I’m taking right now are NOX9 AND CREAKIC both from muscletech. There ok but the reason I’m taking them is because of supply. The military only carries muscletech and bsn, chose your brand! My stats are, I’m 66 inches, I weight 175 lbs ,and I have 7% body fat composition. My goals are to bulk up to 190-200 lbs and cut to around 185. My only hope for this is my mass gainer from optimal nutrition, and it’s in the mail as I type! I chimed in on this subject a few months back and uploaded a pick to back my claims! O ya no homo, if u search the pick! I prefer working each muscle group solo ex. Mondays legs: squats, power clings, hack squats, calf raises. Tuesdays arms: I work bi and tri together, WED BACK, THURSDAY CHEST AND FRIDAYS shoulders. I do abs every day, no cardio because it’s hard to run down the road with i.e.d.s

12-10-2010, 01:27 PM
You said no homo its all good. lol Good to hear someone else that understands the importance of entire body workouts and hormones. Keep us posted if you see some gains, as you seem to be about the same weight as most of us. Sux about your food, I hear its limited to 3000 calories a day at the max.

PS Thanks soldier, don't get your ass shot off.

12-10-2010, 03:20 PM
Doesnt one of those MREs have like 3k cals in it anyway?

12-10-2010, 03:35 PM
LOL nope, forgot to post it.. Great source of protein.

Eat chicken all day errrday.

’m 66 inches, I weight 175 lbs ,and I have 7% body fat composition.

Then you're one jacked motherfucker. How developed are your abs, upper, sides?

I hear its limited to 3000 calories a day at the max.

Ouch, I can go through that sitting on my ass.

12-10-2010, 04:40 PM
Doesnt one of those MREs have like 3k cals in it anyway?

I believe one is around 1200 calories. I could be wrong..

12-11-2010, 09:43 AM
My abs are the hardest thing to sculpt do to the cardio issue, but I do have the standard six pack. With abs I’m going to push the issue during the cut! The reason with this is because high aerobic movements burns fat and sculpt abs but it also burns muscle. my main goal is to put on the weight and hold it. MRE's have 1500-2500 calories per meal but it lacks fiber,vitamins, and all the things u get from a good meal. MRE'S are so packed with preservatives it’s not funny, and plus these things set in a warehouse for months to years before they hit the war fighter on the ground. Good luck guys and stay hungry!

12-14-2010, 07:22 PM
Ok ill be first to post a picture
Give me some advice
I checked today I am at 158ibs
first pic on the left was from 7/09, I remember I was around the 170s. I did not take any before pics but i would say I been like that.
On the right is of a few days ago. Been working out for maybe a month I forget. 6 miles on my bicycle when I can *try to go for everyday* then working out at home.

Every day I can see my upper abs coming in. Will be working on the lower abs eventually but i think that should come in when i lower my body fat. I really want to develop my chest.

12-14-2010, 07:25 PM
Ima fat ass now 187 :( Thats winter for me tho.

12-15-2010, 12:16 AM
Ok ill be first to post a picture
Give me some advice
I checked today I am at 158ibs
first pic on the left was from 7/09, I remember I was around the 170s. I did not take any before pics but i would say I been like that.
On the right is of a few days ago. Been working out for maybe a month I forget. 6 miles on my bicycle when I can *try to go for everyday* then working out at home.

Every day I can see my upper abs coming in. Will be working on the lower abs eventually but i think that should come in when i lower my body fat. I really want to develop my chest.

Sounds like you are very motivated, which is the best start. And your size and weight is good too. Your not tiny or a fatass.

Most I EVER weight was 183, and it was mostly because I was puffed up on creatine. Creatine does help some and it makes you LOOK bigger, but if you stop taking it you shrink to your regular size.

If you really want to bulk up, ride less and lift more. That might not be an option, I understand as I love to ride aswell. For you chest, military press and good ole push ups to get started. Also, how do you work out? The same everyday, or what? If you only workout certain areas of the body one day at a time and rest that area for the remainder of the week you will grow faster. Your muscles grow because you rip the fibers in them, then they scar over. So you actually grow when your are resting.

I'm 6'2 and 175lbs I will finish phase one of my new routine around Feb 15th, I'll see if there is any results. It will be the most serious I have ever taken my workouts, and most intense.

And this is what anyone taking this serious should have, A good ole cage.
You can do a lot with one of these, they are pretty cheap used. Fuck all those other total work out whatevers, bowflex included.

12-15-2010, 12:21 AM
+ 1 for the cage. Best piece of equipment you can get.

12-15-2010, 01:41 AM
good progress everyone!
ive been steady at the gym now and taking it seriously going on a month and half.
ive seen some pretty ok gains. Last friday i got a good pair of running shoes, began running, and doingt HITT running/leg workouts.
I am 5'9 186 steady looking to hit about 175/180ish or stay around 185 with around 6-8% body fat which im no where near.
im glad someone had the huevos to post pics, because to be honest, i didnt want to be the first to.
Id love to have that cage, the next place i move to will have a garage hopefully, and ill fill it with equipment.
I will be going to back to fighting mainly for fitness and ill see how i progress in the coming months.
My progress (NO HOMO)


12-15-2010, 06:53 AM
Most of the test boosters are bullshit, DHEA is a supplement that works, 200 grams of protien a day , plenty of water , sleep , Give muscle groups plenty of rest between excercise days, Don't smoke if you're trying to gain weight because it is a appitite killer, Size does not come overnight even with a needle in your ass.

+1111 for truth

If your a hardgainer like I was eventually you will be on the dark side...

www.elitefitness.com (http://zilvia.net/f/www.elitefitness.com) will be your friend for truth about gaining(naturaly or unnaturaly). Use there discussion board and avoid Bodybuilding.com as it is a joke.You want to look like a pro you better hang out with them and learn from the best. Diet is 80% of your gains.(no matter if you are a natural or not bodybuilder) I cut and bulk simply by changing my diet up. When its time to bulk I am up to around 4k calories a day and around 400grams of protein easily. To cut I slowly cut cals down to around 1200 per day or less and then slowly cut out sodium and carbs as I get closer to a show or pool party LOL

Anything else feel free to PM me

12-15-2010, 11:56 AM
^^^^idk about all that

12-15-2010, 12:00 PM
...srry hit enter accedent. ive had friends take test boosters and trust me they gained muscle mass like no other like maybe 3-4 months youll see alot of gain..im just sayin that it actually works but i wouldnt do it look it up :TREND: pretty much cycles you know but im more for all natural

12-15-2010, 12:03 PM
maybe try taking an anti estrogen supplement, or and estrogen blocker.like EPI-Bolan

12-15-2010, 01:06 PM
I simply can't eat how I need to right now. But I will have to crack down soon.
Is 400g protein a day really needed for someone my size? I was thinking 200g at most, I want to be able to shit.

12-15-2010, 01:10 PM
i think im in the low 200's.
Ive heard of some guys injesting 400ish but they are huge.
It really depends on how you are training and what your body demands.
What does your daily meal plan look like?
I hear you thought, its tought to stay on track and time is a huge factor.

12-15-2010, 02:18 PM
LOL My meal plan is a total joke right now. I live on ramen and corndogs. I eat a lot of tuna helper and tuna sandwiches but overall I eat like trash. AND cottage cheese and yogurt.

I need someone to post up a good diet plan full of protein AND veggies. I wont go into detail but I eat yogurt regularly and I need fiber.

I WANT to eat like so:
Breakfast- Eggs and high vitamin cereal or oatmeal. Multi vitamin
Lunch-Tuna sandwich, veggies and fruits. Protein drink.
Dinner Chicken or pork, veggies and fruits. Yogurt for desert. Maybe steak.

I am terrible with nutrition.

12-15-2010, 02:40 PM
Ok ill be first to post a picture
Give me some advice
I checked today I am at 158ibs
first pic on the left was from 7/09, I remember I was around the 170s. I did not take any before pics but i would say I been like that.
On the right is of a few days ago. Been working out for maybe a month I forget. 6 miles on my bicycle when I can *try to go for everyday* then working out at home.

Every day I can see my upper abs coming in. Will be working on the lower abs eventually but i think that should come in when i lower my body fat. I really want to develop my chest.

For lower abs:
-Leg raises
-Tuck jumps

I think lower abs are the hardest to get...

12-15-2010, 02:54 PM
...srry hit enter accedent. ive had friends take test boosters and trust me they gained muscle mass like no other like maybe 3-4 months youll see alot of gain..im just sayin that it actually works but i wouldnt do it look it up :TREND: pretty much cycles you know but im more for all natural

Test Boosters are wwwaaaayyy worse for you than the real deal. Take it from a guy who has been around the bend. Test Boosters turn to testosterone in your liver. So you destroy your liver as well as your natural ability to creat natural test.(thus small balls and weaker money shots but larger everything else) And all for a measly 150mg a week of test. Not worth it to take test boosters from over the counter companies. Anti estrogens compounds over the counter are also a waste.

Seriously you are on the wrong board to talk about bodybuilding. Have you seen the EMO kids with skinny pants and beer bellys walking around the events. I have veins larger than there biceps for gods sake. How they even manage to turn a wrench baffles me.

Check out Elitefitness.com and read there training, diet and anabolics sections. It will change your life as it did mine almost 8 years ago. Also watch the movie "BIGGER STRONGER FASTER" Amazing watch right there....

12-15-2010, 02:57 PM
one of the few things ive picked up on lately is the importance of rest, fluids, and recovery. Some people go to the gym everyday workin themselve, and thats cool, but the body needs time to REST and REBUILD!!!!! not enough sleep, fluids, and the right foods will resuilt in a loss of muscle. Anothere thing is wat i believe alot of people were mentioning, is to not only work one muscle group, every muscle uses another in order to function properly, full body workout is a MUST. And from trainers, they always say work atleast each muscle around 2 times a week to see substantial growth. Another important fact, is to switch up your routine, dont let ur body get use to the workout, cuz u will see a plateau (misspelled i think), one trainer told me "i switch my routine up everyday, i dont want to kno my routine, so my body doesnt kno my routine".

12-15-2010, 03:03 PM
For lower abs:
-Leg raises
-Tuck jumps

I think lower abs are the hardest to get...

If you have any fat on you at all DDDOOOO NOOOT do any ab training... Ab fat is the last to go and it is impossible to spot train. All you will do is make your gut larger. Abs come from DIET and Genetics straight up. Eat less than your body uses a day and wallah you are cutting. Eat more than you need and your bulking. Also do not believe that more meals equals faster metabolism.... Jokes on them... the only reason you eat more meals is to carb hunger pains when you are on a calorie deficient diet. (cutting)

Now if you are allready like 8-10% go ahead and train abs. But 90% of my probody builder work out partners NEVER train ABS and hardly even do cardio. Diet is 100x more effective than cardio.

Here is some real information:

Wavelength Guide to Bodybuilding v3.0

The goal of bodybuilding is to improve body composition by losing fat and/or gaining muscle mass. If total body weight goes down in the process, the method is generally referred to as "cutting", if total body weight goes up, it's called "bulking", if body weight stays about the same, it's called "recomping".

1 Cutting

1.1 Essential Rules

- Workout with weights about 3 times a week.
- Eat at least 1g protein / lb of lean body mass a day.
- Eat some fruit, veggies/salad, and some essential fatty acids (EFAs) every day.
- Above that eat whatever you want, preferably a wide variety of foods.
- Adjust your food intake so that the desired rate of weight loss is maintained.

The recommended rate of weight loss depends on your current body fat level. Generally, the higher your bodyfat, the higher the rate of weight loss can potentially be. The best indication for the rate being too high is if you rapidly lose strength in the gym. In this case, increase your intake and go for a smaller rate of weight loss. In general, a rate of about 1-2lbs per week is recommended.

Any cutting method that follows the above rules is close to optimal, any further details will not have significant effect on body composition. If you already have a meal plan, just check if these rules are followed and adjust if not.

1.2 Measuring Progress and Adjusting Food Intake

- Weigh yourself once a week, always at the same time (e.g. right after waking up).
- Don't panic if your weight stays the same or even goes up for one or two weeks.
- If your weight does not go down for more than three weeks, slightly reduce calories.
- If your rate of weight loss is above the desired value, slightly increase calories.
- The change in daily calories from those adjustments should not exceed 500 cals.
- After adjustment, stay on the new value for at least three weeks before adjusting again.

If you have never done a cutting diet, it's always better to start with more calories and reduce slowly until the desired rate of weight loss is maintained. If you stay patient, you will not have to adjust very often. With more experience, you will not have to count calories anymore, but as a beginner it is probably a good idea.

1.3 Unessential Factors

Since many questions revolve around further details of cutting diets, here is a list of factors that I believe to be of insignificant effect for body composition:

- Cardio and fat burners,
- Meal timing and meal frequency,
- Protein / Carb / Fat distribution throughout the day,
- carb / fat ratio,
- Sodium intake,
- Moderate alcohol intake,
- Use of supplements resp. meal replacements,
- "Clean" food vs. Junk food (sugar and saturated fat).

All these factors should be used as tools to make the diet as convenient as possible. Many people e.g. have an easier time dieting with eating more calories and doing cardio or taking fat burners. Some people like myself have an easier time without cardio and fat burners. In my experience, the end result (body composition improvement) is not significantly influenced. Another example is protein supplements. I e.g. use whey powder to meet my daily protein intake out of convenience. I could just as well get all my protein from other sources. A third example is meal frequency and timing. This tool should be used to reduce hunger as much as possible throughout the day. For some people that means eating 6 times a day, for others it means eating only once or twice a day.

2 Bulking and Recomping

The only factor that changes for bulking or recomping is that the rate of weight change X is positive resp. zero. All other essential rules are exactly the same as for cutting (see sections above).

For bulking, the critical factor is the value of X. Everyone has a different ability to gain weight with a certain ratio of muscle vs. fat gain. This ability is dependent on things like genetics, age, training experience, etc. The ratio will decrease the higher X is, but not in a linear way. The trick is to find the optimal value for X, where the ratio is still close to optimum. Unfortunally, this is solely a matter of experience. My advise would be to increase calories by 500 over maintenance and check if weight goes up while fat gains are still tolerable. If no weight is gained, increase calories again. If fat gains are too high, decrease calories.

For recomping (staying at about the same total body weight), just weigh yourself from time to time and adjust food intake accordingly to maintain that weight. You can e.g. weigh yourself in the morning and just skip your last meal of the day if you're above target weight. You can determine your progress by how much strength you gain in the gym, by taking measurements (e.g. waist size), or simply by looking in the mirror.

3 Weight Training

Weight training refers to intense (anaerobic) strength training in this guide. This applies to all three variants of bodybuilding (cutting, bulking, and recomping). There are many methods of weight training, a typical 3 day split program is assembled here (the numbers refer to number of exercises):

Day1: 3 x Chest, 2 x Biceps, 1 x Abs
Day2: Rest
Day3: 4 x Legs, 2 x Shoulders
Day4: Rest
Day5: 2 x Back, 2 x Triceps, 1 x Traps, 1 x Abs
Day6: Rest
Day7: Rest

For each exercise, do one light warmup set, then go up with the weight on the next 2-3 sets, and do one or two heavy sets to failure or close to failure. For the smaller exercises (e.g. biceps), the number of sets can also only be 3-4 though. Repetition numbers should be in the range of 15-6. For the exercises one could e.g. do (in the above order):

3 x Chest: BB Presses, DB Incline Presses, Dips
2 x Biceps: DB Curls, Concentration/Cable Curls
1 x Abs: Situps
4 x Legs: Squats or Leg Presses, Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, Calf Raises
2 x Shoulders: DB presses, Seated Rear Lateral DB Raises
2 x Back: Pullups, Cable Pulldowns
2 x Triceps: Skull Crushers, Cable Pushdowns
1 x Traps: DB Shrugs
1 x Abs: Leg Raises

These are of course only examples, there are plenty of other exercises that can be used as replacements. There are also plenty of other workout plans such as HST, German Volume Training, etc. What's most important is that the training is intense and that all major muscle groups are involved throughout the week.

4 Psychological Tips and Tricks

- It is possible that you will not "see" changes in the mirror unless your bodyfat is rather low. Don't panic, as long as the rules are followed, everything is right on track.

- If at all, only assess your physique right after a workout. At other times it's too dependent on water retention, and the mind will play tricks on you (telling you your progress sucks, etc.).

- Have a cheat/pig-out day once in a while, where you eat what you want. I had one every week on my last diet. Don't feel guilty about it, as long as the rules are still followed (total intake still leads to the desired rate of weight change), everything is allright.

- Don't take the whole thing too serious. It's better to not care about it so much. See it more as being the coach of another person, rather than yourself.

5 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I determine how much calories I should consume?
A: You can just go by what you currently eat and reduce from there as described in the guide. Alternativiely, use a calorie calculator like the "Total Metabolism Forecaster", see link section.

Q: Is it important to get the same amount of calories resp. macros every day?
A: No, it's OK to eat a little less one day and more the next.

Q: How do I determine my lean body mass for calculating my protein intake?
A: You have to take your total body weight and subtract your fat weight. If you e.g. weigh 200lbs and your bodyfat is 20% (=40lbs), your lean body mass is 200lbs - 40lbs = 160lbs. If you don't know your bodyfat, just take a guess. When in doubt, just eat a little more. However, if for some reason, you can't eat as much protein, just eat a little less, most people will still do fine.

Q: Does it matter where I get my protein from and what are good protein sources?
A: Generally, it does not matter. You can get your protein from meat, fish, eggs, cheese, protein powder, etc. Although there are differences in quality (regarding muscle sparing effect), they can easily be made up for with just a little more quantity.

Q: I work out less/more than 3 times a week, is that OK?
A: Yes, as long as all other essential rules are followed. Some people get away with less, some do better on more.

Q: I lost a lot of weight in the first few weeks but weight loss has slowed down, why?
A: The initial weight loss was probably mostly water loss. Stay at the current intake for at least another 3 weeks. If weight loss stalls, slightly reduce calories as described in the guide.

Q: What about keto diets?
A: Principally, keto diets (very low carb diets), as long as they follow all rules, would be fine. IMO, some people have a problem preserving muscle mass on a keto diet. For other people it works great. I don't think keto diets provide a significant advantage other than maybe being more convenient for some people.

Q: What about post workout nutrition?
A: I would not intentionally starve myself of protein after a workout. A meal containing some protein or a shake is perfectly fine.

Q: Apart from body composition, what about health?
A: First of all, it is important to distinguish between the goal of optimal body composition and the goal of optimal health. For the former, the guide provides all essential rules. For the latter, opinions vary a lot between experts and over time (see e.g. saturated fat, GI, food processing, cholesterol, etc.). Therefore, IMO the best way to go is to eat a wide variety of foods.

Q: How can I lose fat in certain areas of my body?
A: Although there are theories that spot reduction is possible to a certain degree, generally IMO it's not feasible. You can only reduce overall bodyfat and wait for the problem areas to come in.

Q: What exactly is your diet?
A: My cutting diet is somewhat extreme (see Links section). For bulking, I add a meal or two. That's just the most convenient way for me. However, every other diet that follows the essential rules is also perfectly OK.

Q: Should I eat differently on workout days than on off days?
A: That's not necessary, but if you're hungrier on workout days, you can eat a little more (out of convenience).

Q: Does this guide also work for girls?
A: Of course!

6 Links

How to lose fat for Noobs: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showth...hp?t=113693871 (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=113693871)
How to lose fat for Noobs part 2: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showth...hp?t=127867323 (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=127867323)
Wavelength Cutting Diet: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showpo...1&postcount=33 (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showpost.php?p=267205351&postcount=33)
Total Metabolism Forecaster: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showth...hp?t=114980801 (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=114980801)
Minimum Nutritional Requirements: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showth...hp?t=113310851 (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=113310851)

12-15-2010, 03:09 PM
Here is my daily diet example:

5am- peanut butter on whole wheat + 50g protein no carb shake (400 kcals total)

9am- tuna salad packet (90kcals and 23g protein)

12pm - tuna or similar(90 cals)

3pm- chicken breast and white rice (brown rice is gross to me) 450kcals

8pm- family dinner - usually around 500kcals+

10pm- bedtime protein shake (50g - 100kcal)

This is a maintenance diet for me..

If you arent counting calories your arent making progress..... PLain and simple!!!
Results are based on simple mathematical formulas based on your own body weight.

12-15-2010, 03:12 PM
Before you ask I might as well answer... No, I am not a natural body builder and never will be again..... My favorite supplement stack is:

Test Cypianate, EQ for 24 weeks at 500mg each per week with dbol as a kick start. And once Im in my mid to late thirties it will be prescribed to me.... Sooo excited for this....

12-15-2010, 03:49 PM
^ this shit almost made my brain explode!

LOL My meal plan is a total joke right now. I live on ramen and corndogs. I eat a lot of tuna helper and tuna sandwiches but overall I eat like trash. AND cottage cheese and yogurt.

I need someone to post up a good diet plan full of protein AND veggies. I wont go into detail but I eat yogurt regularly and I need fiber.

I WANT to eat like so:
Breakfast- Eggs and high vitamin cereal or oatmeal. Multi vitamin
Lunch-Tuna sandwich, veggies and fruits. Protein drink.
Dinner Chicken or pork, veggies and fruits. Yogurt for desert. Maybe steak.

I am terrible with nutrition.

For me the inteded plan is usually this,
a combination of some of these foods per meal.
7am-oatmeal/yogurt/whole wheat toast/eggs/ always protein shake.
8am coffee/green tea
10am- raw almonds/hard boiled eggs/apple/banana/a scoop of protein/bar
12pm-chicken breast/veggies/turkey burger/lean ground beef patty/occassional subway.
3pm-snack time same as 10am
6pm is usually when im getting ready for the gym and like to eat carbs roughly an hour before I go.
Sometimes I eat applesauce and oatmeal mixed together and Ill have my preworkout(Lean Rev) 15minutes before.
right after the gym I usually have a banana,my shake and then drive home to make dinner which is usually some variation of chicken breast and veggies and happens around 8ish.
right before bed I eat another scoop of protein and drink water and crash. Ive cut down my alcohol consumption from 100%(all the time)to 1% lol, which means the only time I have a drink is maybe on the weekends if take a sip of my girlfriends beer or something, but that doesnt really happen often.
Overall i try to stay within that meal plan but as you know, it doesnt always happen.
Im in process of a meal plan redesign haha.

Ifound this randomly this is an example of a Keto diet
Meal 1:

1 cup oatmeal (javascript:nutrientpop('20038')) with blueberries (javascript:nutrientpop('9050')) and cinnamon (javascript:nutrientpop('2010'))
50g Species Isolyze protein
Shot of apple cider vinegar (javascript:nutrientpop('2048'))
Cup of green tea (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/green.html)
Meal 2:

8oz chicken breast (javascript:nutrientpop('5011'))
1 tbsp natural almond butter (javascript:nutrientpop('12195'))
Meal 3:

12.5oz tuna (javascript:nutrientpop('15184'))
1 cup broccoli (javascript:nutrientpop('11090'))
Meal 4:

8oz chicken breast (javascript:nutrientpop('5011'))
4oz string beans (javascript:nutrientpop('11052'))
Meal 5:

8oz chicken breast (javascript:nutrientpop('5011'))
4oz string beans (javascript:nutrientpop('11052'))
Meal 6:

12.5oz tuna (javascript:nutrientpop('15184'))
1 cup broccoli (javascript:nutrientpop('11090'))
50g Species Isolyze protein
Cup of green tea (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/green.html)
Meal 7:

8oz chicken breast (javascript:nutrientpop('5011'))
4oz string beans (javascript:nutrientpop('11052'))
1 tbsp of almond butter (javascript:nutrientpop('12195'))

12-16-2010, 02:36 PM
Wow, amazing info everyone. LoL I was thinking about consulting a personal trainer, mostly for diet advice, screw that. This is great.

And I have heard enough to steer clear of test boosters! I have more of a naturalistic mindset when it comes to my supplements. Protein and vitamins for me.

--Does anyone know of a sugar that helps your muscles heal faster? I had some that was supposed to trick your muscles to start healing right after I took it . As opposed to your body trying to heal the next day or later. For whatever reason (placebo or other) the stuff I had worked, I was rarely sore and could rebound much faster. Ribose? Glutamine?

12-16-2010, 04:26 PM
I believe glutamine is what you are looking for, or glutamine peptides. Maybe Suicdn can chime in.
but Im pretty sure you want try and steer clear of normal sugar or sugary foods since they mess with your insulin levels.

12-16-2010, 04:31 PM
No, you're right. I didn't mean baking sugar or corn syrup. The man at the supp store told me it was a "type" of sugar. My stuff was called "DSG" I think. I took maybe 25mg with my creatine, pre-workout. But I cant find it on the interweb.

12-16-2010, 05:43 PM
I make you bros look soft.

I think upper abs is actually one of the last places to lose fat.

12-16-2010, 05:49 PM
Sugars are not bad and you want to understand your insulin production and how to best take advantage of it.

Wishone was right about glutamine.

PWO (POST WORK OUT) is the most important time to rebuild your muscles with sugar. Jay Cutler before he was MR.Olimpia used to down a whole can of coke just before his protein shakes after a work out. THe sugar causes an insulin spike there fore making your body super efficient at digesting what your eating right then. Genetics play a role in peoples natural look. The whole fast metabolism thing goes waaay deeper. Google the term "FEED EFFICIENCY" and you will see that F/E is what makes some people look like scrawny looking aids patients, some look like they live of cookies and ice cream and some guys look like a god damn pro nfl player all while eating the same shit the other guys eat. There are ways to make your body more efficient at metabolising your foods. But that is way to far ahead of what most people in this thread even need to be thinking about.

Rules to success:

Plan 12 week excercise cycles with diet plans
Use 3 week calorie counts before changing them
and be consistent for those 12 weeks
take 3-4 weeks off to give your joints and body a break

keep it simple and consistent and you will look good eventually.

No BS work out PROGRAMS on any DVD which keep you out of the gym work. Period... You may get good results the first time around. But do you really wanna be doing sit ups and side kicks in your living room for the rest of your life by your self or with a loved one.... F NO!!! Thats ass ghey as skinny pants on fat kids. Join a serious gym and get to know people who look good and learn from them.

12-16-2010, 09:20 PM
^^^ I need this guy to get me jacked before I go to the gym. I feel like throwing some iron and getting hurt. So I will be looking to get a low fat whey protein, an ester type creatine and a glutamine supplement when I start my new routine. That and a better diet.

And true story, fuck DVD's... I go to my basement or my gym to move weights and really try to push myself when I'm in a routine.

Funny thing, I had a friend that would eat cups of cake icing after workouts. I think he did it for the calories, he was huge.

12-16-2010, 10:07 PM
^^^ I need this guy to get me jacked before I go to the gym. I feel like throwing some iron and getting hurt. So I will be looking to get a low fat whey protein, an ester type creatine and a glutamine supplement when I start my new routine. That and a better diet.

And true story, fuck DVD's... I go to my basement or my gym to move weights and really try to push myself when I'm in a routine.

Funny thing, I had a friend that would eat cups of cake icing after workouts. I think he did it for the calories, he was huge.

Creatine is a waste of time noob supp sold to skinny kids who cant curl bigger than 45's. Its a temporary bloat situation. You'll get more return from a high protein diet and lots of rest. Figure 3 50 gram shakes a day alone is gonna get expensive. Clean gains come from higher amounts of testosterone. To get that you need to be more physically active and also find ways to be more aggressive in your lifts. You have to push from with in. Or simply add testosterone...

And nnnnoooo do not buy LEGAL TEST,DBOL, DECA(PILL CRAP) as those are fake ass pro-horomones which dooo more harm than good and also just destroy your liver. You are essentially taking a steroid dosed at 10-15% of the real stuff while giving you all of the short term and long term side effects of the real deal. IE shuts your natty test production just as bad as injecting 500mg a week of the real deal(just without the results and 10x the price of the real deal). One pill of a prohoromone or even a Real ANABOLIC ORAL is equal to an entire bottle of hard liquor.

So just get in there and drive your anger and frustration towards the weights. Take in 1g per lb of body weight of which is your LBM goal and have fun. Meet guys bigger than your self and learn....

12-16-2010, 11:56 PM
I've been thinking about loading and cycling creatine.. never tried it. Would I need to stack it with dextrose? I've been reading mixed reviews, some claiming there will be significant results with dextrose, while others say claim it's a total waste. I would like to gain 10lbs...doesn't matter if it's all water, there will be some mass once the water is gone. Opinions?

12-17-2010, 12:03 AM
Dextrose is juat sugar.....

12-17-2010, 01:59 AM
^^^ yeah I know... is it really necessary to intake extra sugar or would grape juice suffice with creatine?

12-17-2010, 02:06 AM
ugh.....creatine monohydrate is stupid. dont waste your time. Its all water weight. As soon as you cycle off of it YOU ARE GOING TO SHRINK. FACT.

If you're gonna bother with it at all (which i still don't think you reeeeally need to), take creatine ethyl ester.

And no, you don't need any extra sugar with it.

12-17-2010, 02:51 AM
^^^ yeah I know... is it really necessary to intake extra sugar or would grape juice suffice with creatine?

Please read up a few posts.... Creatine is worthless noob stuff... Like 16 x 8 sportmaxs on an s13 on megan coils lol

12-17-2010, 02:58 PM
Well ACTUALLY,creatine works well. Ethyl ester creatine is supposedly better than monohydrate creatine. The ester creatine is said to work much better on a molecular level and is absorbed by your cells better. This is all under debate. The fact is that creratine does show results, for whatever reason. Search! There is plenty of evidence to show the stuff works with no harm to your body.

Now, creatine does puff you up but it does other things as well. It helps your muscles retain more water then usual, thus the looking bigger. What it really does in realaiton to lifting is, assist converting energy instantly to allow you to lift more and not fatigue as quickly. Creatine moves the phosphate needed to convert ADP to ATP.

These guys are on the anti creatine bandwagon are most likely just repeating what the have heard. These guys know what they are talking about, don't get me wrong. But I am tired of people saying it doesn't work but cannot back up why. I dont need creatine but I will be using it again soon, I'll give first hand what I think of it. I have had one routine with it and I loved it and another were I dont think it did much. Two different brands and type of creatine..

-Prove me wrong.

12-17-2010, 03:17 PM
Ugh i've already addressed this....

Yes creatine works. Its part of the energy production process and it aids in muscular concentric motion (i.e. weight lifting, sprinting, etc.) Your body produces it already just in small amounts so adding more to help you in certain types of exercise/training is obviously going to be beneficial. BUT it has to be the right kind. The type of creatine used in this process that is truly beneficial is ethyl ester NOT monohydrate. If what you're trying to build is true solid muscle mass, ethyl ester is the way to go. If you just want to be "big" then do monohyrdate. Yeah, it'll help you, but it will also give you a false sense of accomplishment. The ballooning effect is not true muscle mass. Ethyl ester gives you the extra creatine you "need" in the right places without all the bullshit. So really, why even bother with monohydrate? Ya know? I could go on a ridiculously long kinesiology tangent about this, but i'll save you all the read. lol

I'm not necessarily anti-creatine. I know how it works and its benefits. I have to know. lol I'm just saying its not REQUIRED to get gains in the gym.

12-17-2010, 03:37 PM
The mental motivation that it works may help people push themselves. Im taking it, and feel Im going to push myself to get the most out of it and myself.

12-18-2010, 01:01 AM
another pic today
I included dumbbell flys and more push ups. And leg hip raises * I find these alot easier than crunches* just a few days and i can see the differences.. I know that picture probably isnt all that since its just a few days after that last one but still. loving the progress.

12-18-2010, 01:38 AM
You I never thought I would say this, but its good to take pictures.
I wish I did from when I started, It would really help to motivate.
Some days it seems as if I haven't accomplished anything. I know I have, but I have no reference.

And Revat, I was more addressing the naysayers. I need to do some more research on creatine. Either way, I am set on trying the ester type this time around.

12-18-2010, 06:25 AM
Yes it definately does what it says it will do. Its pushes water cells into the muscles therefore giving you quick strength and size. How ever it doea not change your bodies ability to create muscle or redevelop it. It is an expensive and bloaty temporary motivational drug. Which makes me super sleepy lol. Google does creatine make you sleepy.... What kind of motivation is that?

12-18-2010, 10:44 AM
Damn I feel like I'm working out all wrong after reading this thread. I lost almost about 40 pounds in the middle of September after going at it for about three and a half months and now I'm just working on getting cut. I only take whey protein but my question is, is it really that beneficial to increase weights EVERY week? I always thought it should be every 2-3 weeks, every week sounds intense. Oh and right now I'm like 5'7-8'' ish 155 pounds ishh and before I was at 198.

12-18-2010, 02:57 PM
I am going to start at weight that is a little less than my normal and push it every week. It will confuse your body into thinking it MUST pack on muscle. If you don't push yourself your body will simply adapt to what ever wight you are lifting. Upping the weight every 2-3 weeks would be fine, but is not the fastest/intense way to pack on muscles. For some people this works better then others.

It takes motivated individual to do this, and it is not easy.

12-18-2010, 06:15 PM
Damn I feel like I'm working out all wrong after reading this thread. I lost almost about 40 pounds in the middle of September after going at it for about three and a half months and now I'm just working on getting cut. I only take whey protein but my question is, is it really that beneficial to increase weights EVERY week? I always thought it should be every 2-3 weeks, every week sounds intense. Oh and right now I'm like 5'7-8'' ish 155 pounds ishh and before I was at 198.

Yes changing up weight will help you grow. But changing training styles every 8-12 weeks will have a more advanced effect as will diet. Remember diet is 80% of your results. No matter if your natural or not.

12-18-2010, 08:11 PM
the weight im lifting now is perhaps the most i can do with getting constant reps, so you guys saying i should switch it up sometimes and perhaps do a little lighter?

12-18-2010, 09:25 PM
the weight im lifting now is perhaps the most i can do with getting constant reps, so you guys saying i should switch it up sometimes and perhaps do a little lighter?

Constant reps??? Please define your idea of constant reps. Now let me give you an example of pyramid sets.

1. 60% of max weight for 8-10 for warm up
2. 90% of max for 8-10
3. 100% of max for 4-7 (should need a spot by 4 or its not heavy enough)
4. Same as 3
5. 90%
6. 70%

times this for 3-5 excersice sets for each muscle group.

Pulling muscles on pulling days
Pushing muscles on push days
Legs are a solo day
shoulders and traps are also a solo day as they tax chest and pulling days too much


Sat - Chest / tri's
Sun - Back / bi's

Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - Shoulders / traps

Cardio every day your off if your fat. But make sure diet is in check more than getting in your cardio. Trust me its easier to eat 500 calories less a day than it is to go to the freakin gym and run for 3 hours just to burn 500 calories. You pick.... plus its easier on the wallet... LOL... You'll be surprised how many vskf's you can buy by cutting out big macs and fries everyday...

12-18-2010, 09:26 PM
Oh yea to bulk muscle - eat like your 300 lbs lean and train like your 300 lbs lean.
To cut fat - eat like your a 90lb fashion model and train like your 300lbs lean...

pretty fuckin simple... quit big dealing it guys and get er done...

12-19-2010, 12:54 AM
Constant reps??? Please define your idea of constant reps. Now let me give you an example of pyramid sets.

1. 60% of max weight for 8-10 for warm up
2. 90% of max for 8-10
3. 100% of max for 4-7 (should need a spot by 4 or its not heavy enough)
4. Same as 3
5. 90%
6. 70%

times this for 3-5 excersice sets for each muscle group.

Pulling muscles on pulling days
Pushing muscles on push days
Legs are a solo day
shoulders and traps are also a solo day as they tax chest and pulling days too much


Sat - Chest / tri's
Sun - Back / bi's

Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - Shoulders / traps

Cardio every day your off if your fat. But make sure diet is in check more than getting in your cardio. Trust me its easier to eat 500 calories less a day than it is to go to the freakin gym and run for 3 hours just to burn 500 calories. You pick.... plus its easier on the wallet... LOL... You'll be surprised how many vskf's you can buy by cutting out big macs and fries everyday...

I haven't even touched fast food since last May. If you run why don't you do a HIIT run? It yields better results and you don't have to run on the treadmill for as long.

12-19-2010, 03:52 AM
I haven't even touched fast food since last May. If you run why don't you do a HIIT run? It yields better results and you don't have to run on the treadmill for as long.

Lol you replied as if i accused you of mickey dees and that i actually do cardio. Sorry if you took it like that but i did quote someone else. And mcdonalds was just an example. 90% of the people posting in this thread probably couldnt tell the difference between a keto diet and a low carb diet. Just take my advice as advice. I dont target any ones diet or training styles. I just talk about what works and what the pro's I train with teach me. Sorry if I offend anyone...

Also on a personal note cardio is worthless to me for any form of recomposition. My diet is so spot on right now that if you asked me how many calories was in my lunch i could break it down into macros of carbs, protein and fat cals per meal. Hell when i train for a show, pool party or some other event which dictates veins on my lower abs i dont even consider any form of cardio. Training HIT styles when lifting burn way more calories with out being catabolic to your system. HIT cardio is awful for anyone wanting to develop new muscle. Its great for strength training and endurance but awful if you want to look like a real body builder. So like I said... only do cardio if your fat while you are trying to gain muscle. But a low calorie diet will provide you with 100x times better results thant 7 days a week of cardio and 5 days a week of lifting with a so-so clean diet.

Also you can only do one or the other. Cut or bulk... No such thing as a lean bulking program. Just means you didnt gain to your fullest during the said program.

12-19-2010, 01:09 PM
Oh no I wasn't accusing you of anything. I was just saying cause a lot of people I know always complain about running so I just refer them to HIIT running to burn fat so that they don't have to run for hours on end.

12-19-2010, 10:21 PM
Oh no I wasn't accusing you of anything. I was just saying cause a lot of people I know always complain about running so I just refer them to HIIT running to burn fat so that they don't have to run for hours on end.

True that.. Interval cardio training is also very effective for training for fat burning. But the term fat burning is only relative to your daily caloric intake. So simply put eat no more than 1500-1800 cals pers day and you will burn fat as it will replace food forenergy.

12-19-2010, 11:49 PM
Short simple hard gainers need calories, anyone who talks to you about lean mass is talk generic and doesn't know what they are saying. I go to school for this and I have trained with professional bb, both drug free and IFBB ones. One of them used to eat a 2 pints of hagendoz ice cream or 10 cheeseburgers every night right before bed. Every person's body is different but I take in approximately 1,400 calories a day from peanut butter.

12-19-2010, 11:53 PM
my own personal goal is to perhaps cut and lean out til abs appear, than start bulking up/more calories from there, does that sound realistic?

12-19-2010, 11:55 PM
Yes it definately does what it says it will do. Its pushes water cells into the muscles therefore giving you quick strength and size. How ever it doea not change your bodies ability to create muscle or redevelop it. It is an expensive and bloaty temporary motivational drug. Which makes me super sleepy lol. Google does creatine make you sleepy.... What kind of motivation is that?
You need to do more research than creatine has many undisputable benefits. It does affect you lifts and recovery time, has well as with muscle building. In the muscle shaping process it's primarly visual gains are through water entering the muscles, but it's physical gains are very real.

12-20-2010, 12:03 AM
my own personal goal is to perhaps cut and lean out til abs appear, than start bulking up/more calories from there, does that sound realistic?

Thats very realistic, you just need to be aware of the work and commitment it takes. Just don't worry about cutting to hardcore, instead get a good 3x a week ab workout.

12-20-2010, 12:54 AM
You need to do more research than creatine has many undisputable benefits. It does affect you lifts and recovery time, has well as with muscle building. In the muscle shaping process it's primarly visual gains are through water entering the muscles, but it's physical gains are very real.

Church... From my research the only two supplements to guarantee positive results with minimum negative side effects are quality proteins and creatine. Period.

12-20-2010, 02:34 AM
We're beating a dead horse with this creatine banter. Seriously, wtf?

12-20-2010, 03:58 AM
Hey guys.

Just starting to work out, think I should use creatine?

12-20-2010, 04:05 AM

Make others jealous with your sweet rip and maximum pump. And in only 8 weeks, vaginas will be desperately campaigning to get in your life.

12-20-2010, 06:55 AM

Make others jealous with your sweet rip and maximum pump. And in only 8 weeks, vaginas will be desperately campaigning to get in your life.

FUCKING BOOKWORTHY.... The man right here!

I to am a cpt and a nutritionalist. Its a personal opinion backed by many ifbb pros i also train with that creatine is a waste of money. In the end it comes down to just that a personal opinion. The problem with supplement research is that there really is none. There is no studies of long term health affects on most dietary supps. Just a bunch of meat heads reading a few chemistry books barely passing medschool while drunk every day. They go out and start some new supp company and say that this peptide does this.... Its scientificly proven.... Lol

I wont deny it does work. But dbol works better......

12-20-2010, 02:21 PM
We're beating a dead horse with this creatine banter. Seriously, wtf?

Truth. Lets start something new.

Um, good workouts for a broader chest? My chest is weak, I want squares.
I do military press and decline. Also I do incline and flat dumbbell press. I don't want man boobs so I try to avoid doing to much flat bench.

I really want to look like Edword Norton from American History X.
Minus the haircut, nazi tats and hatred for anything that isn't white protestant. lol

redline racer510
12-20-2010, 05:18 PM
what advice can you give people that want to start working out and have no idea where to start like me

12-20-2010, 07:12 PM
what advice can you give people that want to start working out and have no idea where to start like me

Join bodybuilding.com and a large populated gym where lots of meatheads like me hang out at and are always willing to teach noobs. Then keep on reading and training.... In a few years it will pay its self off.

12-20-2010, 11:26 PM
what advice can you give people that want to start working out and have no idea where to start like me

Go to a local gym and observe, remember that diet and sleep are key, and ask questions. I can tell you this is what I do, I went to school for this I live this and very few people on a car forum will be able to give accurate information. Joining a proper forum like mentioned above is a good idea. Also remember what branch warren does and how he does it, doesn't make it the correct way.( He is just my favorite example)

12-21-2010, 10:50 AM
Go to a local gym and observe, remember that diet and sleep are key, and ask questions. I can tell you this is what I do, I went to school for this I live this and very few people on a car forum will be able to give accurate information. Joining a proper forum like mentioned above is a good idea. Also remember what branch warren does and how he does it, doesn't make it the correct way.( He is just my favorite example)


Proper form for someone will be totally different for your body type. You need to learn the mind muscle connection as well as how your body reacts to certain excersices. But really get off the car boards for a few months and read up on bb.com as a good start. Join a gym and have fun.

12-22-2010, 12:38 AM
Just got back from the gym. I tried the pyramid sets and I gatta say I like it. I maxed out then got to do some fuck you" sets. That's what I'm calling them anyway. I got hurt.

Only thing is that these type of sets will only work for people that workout one part of the body a day, as it really tires you. I like it and might start doing it all the time. I will find out tomorrow just how well I did, when I see how sore I am.

12-22-2010, 07:36 AM
what advice can you give people that want to start working out and have no idea where to start like me

Buy this book - Amazon.com: Strength Training Anatomy-3rd Edition (Sports Anatomy) (9780736092265): Frederic Delavier: Books (http://www.amazon.com/Strength-Training-Anatomy-3rd-Sports-Anatomy/dp/0736092269/ref=dp_ob_title_bk)

What are your goals, get big or cut up?

01-01-2011, 11:21 PM
havent worked out during the holidays.. Ill get back on it though.

01-02-2011, 02:40 PM
I'm still suffering from a leg workout I dd on Wednesday, I pushed a bit too hard.

01-02-2011, 10:15 PM
I'm still suffering from a leg workout I dd on Wednesday, I pushed a bit too hard.

Lol that and when I go too hard on back day kills me.

01-02-2011, 10:20 PM
Dead lifts kill me. I try to do them the day before I have a day off from work.

Working with sore legs and back sucks ass.

01-03-2011, 02:16 PM
I like being sore, feels good lol... but not like i felt after that workout, that was beyond sore.
it hurt to move, sit, lie down, walk you name it on the inside of my thighs and quads.

01-03-2011, 04:40 PM
Leg days are the best! My personal favorite.

01-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Leg days are the best! My personal favorite.

I absolutely hate leg days. Personally I like chest and tricep day.

01-03-2011, 05:40 PM
I love being sore and all pumped up during the week.

01-03-2011, 08:49 PM
LOL I'm not the only one that like to be sore,? good to hear. I usually enjoy it, except when it is excessive. Like when I worked in a warehouse. We stocked International truck and bus parts. I couldn't get too sore it would effect my speed at work!

Hopefully I will be getting a customer service job I'm interviewing for, then I'll have more energy and can get REALLY hurt.

01-03-2011, 10:13 PM
LOL I'm not the only one that like to be sore,? good to hear. I usually enjoy it, except when it is excessive. Like when I worked in a warehouse. We stocked International truck and bus parts. I couldn't get too sore it would effect my speed at work!

Hopefully I will be getting a customer service job I'm interviewing for, then I'll have more energy and can get REALLY hurt.

Funny story about pain affecting work-

First off I do construction which is very physically taxing all day. One day my foreman said, "Hey Drew we could really use your muscles over here!!!"

I replied back Jokingly,"Shit my work out starts at the gym, not here" LOL

My boss was like " So those are just SHOW MUSCLES huh???"

"Yup... They show me alot alright. They show me how much more action I get than you, show me how much better I look than you, they show me alot!!! "

That was the last time they asked me to do some dirt work that included breaking my back. Not that Im lazy but because a guy looks like he can lift it doesnt mean he should. My wife and I are just disgusted by overweight people so we train pretty hard.

Dont you guys hate the typical questions like: So how much do you bench, curl, dead lift... ect.... Or the whole: You must train like 5 days a week or more.

I just reply with no, not really, I was just gifted with good genetics. Or I bench just over 130lbs LOL. Or my favorite, I just train for Looks!!!

01-03-2011, 10:39 PM
^^^ SO TRUE.

OMG I can't stand the "how much do you bench?" question. So irritating. People are so misguided. Real strength has nothing to do with how much you bench or whatever.....or even size for that matter. I get questions like this ALL the time when i work out at 24.

When will they learn?!?!

01-04-2011, 12:00 AM
"Yup... They show me alot alright. They show me how much more action I get than you

My wife Dude, at this point your build has no effect on how much action you get.

I just train for Looks!!!I lift for aesthetics. 100%

OMG I can't stand the "how much do you bench?" question. So irritating. People are so misguided. Real strength has nothing to do with how much you bench or whatever.....or even size for that matter.

One guy benches 130 and the other 250, that 250 dude will be an animal compared to 130.

01-04-2011, 12:10 AM
Dude, at this point your build has no effect on how much action you get.

I lift for aesthetics. 100%

One guy benches 130 and the other 250, that 250 dude will be an animal compared to 130.

Not true at all. I know alot of powerlifters at my gym who bench hundreds of pounds over my 305 max flat press. But in the end of the day they still look like fat ass slobs. Heck i know pro's who dont even curl heavier than 45's ever.

Me, personally I train for a symetrical look. I could easily go on growth and insulin and become an animal but at my peak of 201lbs and 6% at 5'7" just wasnt working out for me. (12 month long ans heavy cycle of more than a few compounds) These days I enjoy cruising around 170-180 and 10% as its easy to maintain and I dont look like a meathead.

01-04-2011, 09:53 AM
Soooo true! I hate the "how much do you bench?" with a passion.
I recently reconnected with an old buddy from school and he states he has working out for 2 years or so, so I told him "cool! me too, I started getting into it this October" and then... he asks, "so how much are you benching ?"
I told him I didnt know and he looked at me like his brain was going to explode.

01-04-2011, 02:00 PM
Soooo true! I hate the "how much do you bench?" with a passion.
I recently reconnected with an old buddy from school and he states he has working out for 2 years or so, so I told him "cool! me too, I started getting into it this October" and then... he asks, "so how much are you benching ?"
I told him I didnt know and he looked at me like his brain was going to explode.

LOL I know what you mean. Some dudes really want to know and its the only thing they seem to use to judge how strong the are. I always reply by just saying "not very much." Its the answer they most likely want to hear.

When I get to my body weight in sets (or at least roughly that) I will be done pushing that venue of my workout.

Or for the real athletes you could reply I don't know but I can run a mile in seven minutes...

01-04-2011, 02:40 PM
I feel you, its extremely annoying.
I can rep 205lbs in sets of 8-10 and although its only 20lbs over my weight at the moment, I am more than satisfied and have no need to push my max or whatevr it may be.

01-04-2011, 06:45 PM
What are some good abdominal exercises? I'm tired of the crunches, planks, and v-ups that I do, they're starting to bore me so I don't do them as much anymore.

01-04-2011, 06:52 PM
Phillip lol try this if you have a pull up bar, hang from it and just lift your knees to your chest and so that the routine doesn't get boring, do a pull up after and just repeat until you're done.

01-07-2011, 11:33 PM
Crunches with the rope on cable machine. Can be done in between sets of tri pull downs ect...

01-08-2011, 01:11 AM
I been doing these
Weighted Lying Leg-Hip Raise (http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/RectusAbdominis/WtLegHipRaise.html)
fairly easy with no weight, i havent tried weight yet , may try that next time.

01-08-2011, 06:51 AM
Well the reality guys is that you do need to push your self. A good week of maxing out your abilities once a month and noting it down is essential to your developement. I was simply commenting on the typical noob comments always asking your flat bench number. Its like how asking car guys how much power they make while never taking into consideration of just how good of a driver they are. You need to push your limits in order to trigger the growth. Its the only real way to creat new tears i. The muscle which stimulate growth.

Abs: again..... 9/10 people should not be training abs. Also never use more than your own body weight. Same concept here folks... U like the pumped look your arms get after a good lift day? How would you like your abs to be all pumped and bloated. You will develop muscle there by training it pure and simple. The key to abs is having a SMALL waste there fore giving your body a symetrical look. So work on bodyweight and fat content. Abs are a genetic gift from your parents. Not from ab machines and cables.

But to keep em toned I prefer bycycle crunches and decline bench crunches and leg lifts. Along with a 1200 kcal diet makes em really pop for the summer pool parties. A probody builder from Russia told me "why do you americans obsses over bodyfat%?" "All that matters is how you look in the mirror" "eat less for more abs, lift harder for better physique.... Pretty simple...." this guy is a sponsored olyimpian contestant and a 3 time national ifbb champion. He has never had a body fat check done... He never does cardio and he never trains abs. And my guess is he around 6'1" and 225lbs and no more than 7-8% off season and way lower during show season.

01-08-2011, 07:33 AM
Along with a 1200 kcal diet makes em really pop for the summer pool parties.

1200 Cal is extremely low for any man who doesn't lay in bed 24 hours. Cardio should always be implimented in cutting. It's not so much the actual calories spent while running, but its the effect afterwards- more calories being burnt through out the day from having a higher metabolism.

01-08-2011, 08:26 AM
1200 Cal is extremely low for any man who doesn't lay in bed 24 hours. Cardio should always be implimented in cutting. It's not so much the actual calories spent while running, but its the effect afterwards- more calories being burnt through out the day from having a higher metabolism.

After seriously training for the past 10 years that is what works for me. Hell for shows I sodium and carb depelete for 3 weeks precontest and cruise around 1000 calories a day. Looking good and being healthy are completely different ideas my friend. And the theory of cardio causes faster metabilism is just that. It also creates a catabolic enviroment in which you burn more muscle than fat for energy and no amount of protrein or steroids will save you from muscke waste.

That being said... I personally enjoy running. I ran track and fielf in highschool and college. But do i want to look like lance armsrong LoL? Fawk no... So I keep my cardio to outdoor jogs and hikes. I still run a 630mile with no issues outdoors and not on some pussy ass treadmill.

01-08-2011, 05:28 PM
I saw a very interesting study done with rats. As the have very similar physiology to humans. There were two groups of rats, one group they simply feed twice as much food as the alternate group. The group that was feed less lived twice as long.

Many people cant understand the fact that we might consume way to much food, even if it goes against what we have been taught. And of course every individual is different and should diet accordingly.

01-08-2011, 05:39 PM
I saw a very interesting study done with rats. As the have very similar physiology to humans. There were two groups of rats, one group they simply feed twice as much food as the alternate group. The group that was feed less lived twice as long.

Many people cant understand the fact that we might consume way to much food, even if it goes against what we have been taught. And of course every individual was is different and should diet accordingly.

So true....

01-08-2011, 05:45 PM
Can anyone give me a little insight on this

GHR1000 - The Natural Choice for Vitality (http://www.ghr1000.com/)

I have done allot to drop weight and gain muscle mass. But im stuck at 200lbs - 210lbs 6 months ago i was over 240
I work out and go to the gym plus i have altered my diet and cut out allot of things i use to eat and drink.

01-08-2011, 06:30 PM
Can anyone give me a little insight on this

GHR1000 - The Natural Choice for Vitality (http://www.ghr1000.com/)

I have done allot to drop weight and gain muscle mass. But im stuck at 200lbs - 210lbs 6 months ago i was over 240
I work out and go to the gym plus i have altered my diet and cut out allot of things i use to eat and drink.

Dont waste your money...

Give me an example of your weekly diet regimen.

meal 1
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5


For 7 days... Let me critique your diet. I bet your problem lies there. If you dont have a real meal plan you will not get results plain and simple.

DIET IS THE KEY to all results!

01-08-2011, 09:15 PM
This thread has taught me so much. I guess I never really realized how much I eat. I have cut way back in the last 2 weeks. Started eating around 3000cal, now I eat 1500 cal (give or take). I thought I would be starving, but I space my meals out alot better. Haven't seen alot of results, started weighing 220-225, now im around a constant 218. I do feel alot healthier though

01-09-2011, 02:20 AM
a friend's boyfriend. 3.5% body fat.
also one of the guys from the shake weight commercial lol
This dude is shredded!

01-09-2011, 05:12 AM
Well the reality guys is that you do need to push your self. A good week of maxing out your abilities once a month and noting it down is essential to your developement. I was simply commenting on the typical noob comments always asking your flat bench number. Its like how asking car guys how much power they make while never taking into consideration of just how good of a driver they are. You need to push your limits in order to trigger the growth. Its the only real way to creat new tears i. The muscle which stimulate growth.

Abs: again..... 9/10 people should not be training abs. Also never use more than your own body weight. Same concept here folks... U like the pumped look your arms get after a good lift day? How would you like your abs to be all pumped and bloated. You will develop muscle there by training it pure and simple. The key to abs is having a SMALL waste there fore giving your body a symetrical look. So work on bodyweight and fat content. Abs are a genetic gift from your parents. Not from ab machines and cables.

But to keep em toned I prefer bycycle crunches and decline bench crunches and leg lifts. Along with a 1200 kcal diet makes em really pop for the summer pool parties. A probody builder from Russia told me "why do you americans obsses over bodyfat%?" "All that matters is how you look in the mirror" "eat less for more abs, lift harder for better physique.... Pretty simple...." this guy is a sponsored olyimpian contestant and a 3 time national ifbb champion. He has never had a body fat check done... He never does cardio and he never trains abs. And my guess is he around 6'1" and 225lbs and no more than 7-8% off season and way lower during show season.

I agree with most of this post, but theres no way I'd keep my lean mass on 1200kcals!

I may as well chuck my before and afters in here from a couple few back:

This was before I took my diet seriously:


And after a few months:


When I was cutting just before last summer, what worked best for me was to keep my calorie intake as usual, but limiting my carbs (mostly complex) to the first half of the day (and simple carbs around training). I lifted as heavy as possible several times a week, and avoided cardio (more because I hate it than anything). I dropped quite a bit of bodyfat in a reasonably short space of time. It was my most succesful cut to date (147lbs, 5'8").


I've been pretty much eating what I want and using the 'dirty bulk' excuse since that point, so my bodyfat has increased quite a bit, but so has my strength. I started a new cut at the beginning of the year, so hopefully it'll go as well as last time.

01-09-2011, 07:00 AM
Mass? At 148 you could keep it and then some. Carbs will put on fat but induce strength. You have some definately good results due to diet. You definately need to trim your sodium intake as you seem bloated in the after pix. Sure skinny but soft. Cut out thr salt and carbs for about 8-12 weeks and watch the veins pop out. Sodium depletion is what gets me from 8/9% down to 4-6% for a show or pool party. Plus a couple extra compounds in my supplements LOL (eq for vascularity hands down)

01-09-2011, 07:09 AM
I get pretty good vascularity at the gym. Body fat across my body was pretty low, but I always struggle with the stomach (like most people). You think its down to sodium?

When I was eating before summer, I was eating <150g carbs per day, usually less than 100g. I got pretty good ab definition (for me) before my holiday, although I have no pics.

I know I seem lighter than I should be, but I push similar weights to friends who are much heavier than I am, considering my goal isn't to get as large as possible. I'd like to see 168lbs at 10% BF this year, although its asking a hell of a lot.

My training partner has a good 2 stone on me, although I manage to keep up on most days (other than back).

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs026.ash2/34659_10150224348955206_725715205_13556821_4773355 _n.jpg


01-09-2011, 08:52 AM
Yup sodium is your biggest issue. Keep it below 800mG per day for a while and you will see a huge diference in about 4 weeks.

Just remember a burger has about 1000mG alone LOL. Chicken breast is not so bad, salmon and other sea foods. Avoid canned tuna, red meat, and anything with a broth lol. Use olive oils and other oil based dressings for flavor. Use MS.Dash for seasoning.

Your abs are the last place to lean out. Its the 1st place fat stores are deposited. Vascularity should be at all times. My veins pop while im at rest. Abs show up around 10-11% for most males. Once you have a little more lean mass they will pop around 12-13%. Sodium makes you retain water which also keeps your fat cells larger. Shrink your water content and everything else shrinks. Muscles too... But id rather have veins on my abs then 18" - 20" arms.

Also it gets easier with age. Somewhere in your late 20's early 30's is where men peak development. As i approach 30 I see a huge difference. I bounce back into shape much faster as well as put on size much easier.

01-09-2011, 05:39 PM
Not true at all. I know alot of powerlifters at my gym who bench hundreds of pounds over my 305 max flat press. But in the end of the day they still look like fat ass slobs. Heck i know pro's who dont even curl heavier than 45's ever.

Me, personally I train for a symetrical look. I could easily go on growth and insulin and become an animal but at my peak of 201lbs and 6% at 5'7" just wasnt working out for me. (12 month long ans heavy cycle of more than a few compounds) These days I enjoy cruising around 170-180 and 10% as its easy to maintain and I dont look like a meathead.

So true, I love weighing a couple pounds more and just being comfortable. I still look big but I am less stressed about everything having to be so tough between diet, working out etc., now I enjoy it again. And to the one guy, vascularity is genetic as well so different people are affected by the pump differently. Also you don't need to lean out your water supply to show abs. Remember the more you work them with weight the tighter they can get. The muscle fibers in the abs will react differently than those of the rest of the body.

01-09-2011, 05:46 PM
I get pretty good vascularity at the gym. Body fat across my body was pretty low, but I always struggle with the stomach (like most people). You think its down to sodium?

When I was eating before summer, I was eating <150g carbs per day, usually less than 100g. I got pretty good ab definition (for me) before my holiday, although I have no pics.

I know I seem lighter than I should be, but I push similar weights to friends who are much heavier than I am, considering my goal isn't to get as large as possible. I'd like to see 168lbs at 10% BF this year, although its asking a hell of a lot.

My training partner has a good 2 stone on me, although I manage to keep up on most days (other than back).

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs026.ash2/34659_10150224348955206_725715205_13556821_4773355 _n.jpg


Just saw the pics of your partner... He is scrawny in the BB world. Join bodybuilding.com and look at the bodyspace section. 168 @ 10% is cake...

2500-3500 cal diet with 3-500 mg protien per day
Cardio for 45 minutes a day x 5 days
Lift heavy 4 days
Test / EQ for 12-16 weeks equals done deal

Or perfect diet for 6-9 months

either way very attainable with consistency in diet and training. That is the key here.

01-10-2011, 02:41 PM
Just saw the pics of your partner... He is scrawny in the BB world. Join bodybuilding.com and look at the bodyspace section. 168 @ 10% is cake...

Good thing we don't try to live in the BB world then! You misunderstand, neither I or my friend are trying to be bodybuilders, or get anywhere near the size of most of the guys on BB forums. Shows etc aren't my goals. Anything over 13 stone on my frame just isn't the look I'm going for. Just a nice lean 12 is perfect for me, nothing too extreme (bodyfat wise, or size wise). 9% is as low as I'd want to go.

01-17-2011, 12:35 AM
Bulking, How is this done specifically without turning into gut fat? Just intake more caleries while continuing typical workout schedule?

I havent rode my bike in a month so no cardio.

01-17-2011, 10:34 AM
Bucking means to add on mass. To keep fat low you must diet accordingly. Add 30% cals to your Khmer amount. Then lift like a Damn Olympian for 12 weeks adding 10% cals and protein every 3 weeks. If your seeing fat start to add keep your calories there and add cardiovascular or go back to your prior calorie count.1-1.5 gallons of water per day is mandatory for growth as well as 7-8 hours of sleep for recovery. Remember you grown in your sleep, not at the gym.

01-28-2011, 09:38 AM
Im very angry, I cant get my right bicep to catch up with my left.
the left one has much more aggressive peak.
Is this normal? are everyones biceps different from left to right?
This ish is all about symmetry my bi's are not.
my whole left side seems stronger the right and im right handed. wtf?
I need to jerk off more.

Yes, this is almost always correctable. First of all, uneven development is natural; it’s actually more common to have one side more developed than it is to have both perfectly even. Having 100% even development (without intentionally training for balance) is about as common as being ambidextrous.

The best way to balance out uneven arm development is to use primarily dumbbells and unilateral (one arm at a time) movements.

Unilateral training can be done with dumbbells, one arm cable movements or unilateral machines like Hammer Strength iso-lateral equipment. You can even do unilateral training on most conventional machines by using one arm instead of two.

If you really want your bicep development to even out quickly, do a lot of dumbbell and unilateral training for your entire upper body, including chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps and even forearms.

caution: The most common reaction people have to unbalanced development is to do extra sets for the lagging side. This is NOT a good idea because you may end up overtraining the smaller side. This could have the opposite effect: the overworked arm could stop growing or even get smaller!

01-28-2011, 09:56 AM
Im very angry, I cant get my right bicep to catch up with my left.
the left one has much more aggressive peak.
Is this normal? are everyones biceps different from left to right?
This ish is all about symmetry my bi's are not.
my whole left side seems stronger the right and im right handed. wtf?
I need to jerk off more.

Yes, this is almost always correctable. First of all, uneven development is natural; it&rsquo;s actually more common to have one side more developed than it is to have both perfectly even. Having 100% even development (without intentionally training for balance) is about as common as being ambidextrous.

The best way to balance out uneven arm development is to use primarily dumbbells and unilateral (one arm at a time) movements.

Unilateral training can be done with dumbbells, one arm cable movements or unilateral machines like Hammer Strength iso-lateral equipment. You can even do unilateral training on most conventional machines by using one arm instead of two.

If you really want your bicep development to even out quickly, do a lot of dumbbell and unilateral training for your entire upper body, including chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps and even forearms.

caution: The most common reaction people have to unbalanced development is to do extra sets for the lagging side. This is NOT a good idea because you may end up overtraining the smaller side. This could have the opposite effect: the overworked arm could stop growing or even get smaller!

I vote you just jerk off more... less science involved with guaranteed positive outcome and results.

Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk

01-28-2011, 10:12 AM

JLS comes to mind in this photo quail haha

good tips in here guys, hardgainer myself, been on a dirty bulk for the last few months and im starting to see results! :D not looking forward to cutting in april though :(

02-13-2011, 03:21 AM
I was able to get the data guys to upload a pic for me since were not allowed to upload anything from the war zone on government computers. im alot bigger now from this pic and more cut! i did this with out using protein supplents since all my mail containing my protein were stollen or lost in the mail system. the supplments im using are muscle tech no x9 pills and jacked three d for pre work out, and lots of tuna! no post no extra bull!

02-26-2011, 10:44 AM
WAtch the tuna...merc poisoning. Lol

I went from 185 to 197 in 3 weeks and I far as I can tell I haven't raised my fat percentage. siked!
I will probably start cutting next week until summertime.
Only bummer is I have surgery on the 25th so for 4 weeks after I can't exercise heavy at all.

02-26-2011, 02:12 PM
WAtch the tuna...merc poisoning. Lol

I went from 185 to 197 in 3 weeks and I far as I can tell I haven't raised my fat percentage. siked!
I will probably start cutting next week until summertime.
Only bummer is I have surgery on the 25th so for 4 weeks after I can't exercise heavy at all.

hmmmmmm 12lbs in three weeks.... all natural???????

Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk

02-26-2011, 04:37 PM
Actually probably
More like 4 weeks.

03-03-2011, 12:23 AM
I now do enjoy sit ups.. I do them when i finish my work out. Once you start seeing results, you actually dont mind them. Before i hated them.

Now I typically do sit ups with my hands locked behind my head, do as many reps as I can, than when i get tired, i put my hands to my side and knock out a few more since the bodyweight is lighter when the hands are at the sides.

I tried inclined sit ups on my bench and was alot harder, im sure inverted would be even more difficult.

Would you guys say proper form and more reps from standard floor situps beats a more difficult/weight sit up with less reps?

03-03-2011, 01:12 PM
Just make sure you are consistent.. i know alot of People that have been going to the gym for years with LIttle to NO Results..... and they wonder why they dont get results.... They have 1 to many Cheat Days... and dont Train Hard enough.....

03-04-2011, 12:44 AM
I now do enjoy sit ups.. I do them when i finish my work out. Once you start seeing results, you actually dont mind them. Before i hated them.

Now I typically do sit ups with my hands locked behind my head, do as many reps as I can, than when i get tired, i put my hands to my side and knock out a few more since the bodyweight is lighter when the hands are at the sides.

I tried inclined sit ups on my bench and was alot harder, im sure inverted would be even more difficult.

Would you guys say proper form and more reps from standard floor situps beats a more difficult/weight sit up with less reps?

Not necessarily, there are 4 different muscles that make up the abs, and to hit them all properly doing different angles will give you the best benefits. Also wrongly posted in this thread working out with weights will not increase the size of the abs but rather it will contract them tighter.

03-04-2011, 12:44 PM
I like roman chair and hanging raises.
Plate behind the head crunches.
on your side left leg bent and flat on the floor right knee up and and right elbow to right knee and then switch. if tht makes any sense. lol
abs are fun when start to really use the muscle as you exercise, you get a sick burn from proper form and contraction

03-04-2011, 01:10 PM
Ab training only matters when your skinny enough to see results. 15 minutes you just used training them behind your fat would have been better put to some real high intensity cardio training. And damn it they do grow like any other muscle and over development just equals a larger waste as does ab training when your fat. Get your middle section lean first with diet and consistent training then work on its look when you can actually see them.

03-04-2011, 03:48 PM
im pretty stoked, my abs are pokin through now.
I need to get a BMI/fat calculator.

03-04-2011, 04:29 PM
Ab training only matters when your skinny enough to see results. 15 minutes you just used training them behind your fat would have been better put to some real high intensity cardio training. And damn it they do grow like any other muscle and over development just equals a larger waste as does ab training when your fat. Get your middle section lean first with diet and consistent training then work on its look when you can actually see them.

Exactly. You train abs for core strength, not to loose weight around your midsection. For that do cardio and a proper diet.

You do want strong abs and a lower back when doing squats and standing ohmp's, otherwise say good by to your vertebral disks.

If this 71 year old can do full ab wheel rolls and you can't your core is weak, plain and simple. If my old ass can do these with a weighted vest, you 20 somethings should be able to with no know problem.


03-04-2011, 06:40 PM
Exactly. You train abs for core strength, not to loose weight around your midsection. For that do cardio and a proper diet.

You do want strong abs and a lower back when doing squats and standing ohmp's, otherwise say good by to your vertebral disks.

That is really key cause having a strong core is key and diet is what makes everything good or bad. And once again the abs will grow tighter when training with weights not bigger, please don't make up facts.

03-15-2011, 09:35 AM
What does everyones arm routine look like?

03-15-2011, 10:28 AM
Most people on zilvia train their arms by:... Mainly jerking off and playing acoustic punk cover songs in their skinny pants and working the wrists out doing facebook updates and uploading their acoustic youtube covers.

03-15-2011, 01:35 PM
I have been trying to stay on a very low carb diet, but am having a hard time finding things to eat besides the regular

Breakfast is usually:
2-3 egg omelette, with mushrooms, and a tiny bit of cheese

1st Snack
Chopped carrots, celery

Either a salad (lettuce, mushrooms, tomato)

Chicken, Beef, or sometimes pork, and fish
Salad (again!)
and maybe a few steamed veg

Late night snack
Sometimes tuna, sometimes veggies with hummus

So, I have been doing this for around 2 weeks(mixing in different things for lunches and snacks, such as, tuna, protein shakes, etc) and wondering what else you guys have been eating.

Also, some fruits (apples, banana's etc.) and have been taking flax seed for the high fibre.

03-15-2011, 02:45 PM
Awesome thread. Any about training jiu-jitsu?

I am trying to get my lazy ass to do more circuits, but I do train 3 days a week currently and have been boarding on the off days.

03-15-2011, 03:46 PM
What does everyones arm routine look like?

You shouldn't even need to do arm isolation exercises.

Bench, press, etc.....should hit your arms plenty.

03-15-2011, 06:01 PM
I have been trying to stay on a very low carb diet, but am having a hard time finding things to eat besides the regular

Breakfast is usually:
2-3 egg omelette, with mushrooms, and a tiny bit of cheese

1st Snack
Chopped carrots, celery

Either a salad (lettuce, mushrooms, tomato)

Chicken, Beef, or sometimes pork, and fish
Salad (again!)
and maybe a few steamed veg

Late night snack
Sometimes tuna, sometimes veggies with hummus

So, I have been doing this for around 2 weeks(mixing in different things for lunches and snacks, such as, tuna, protein shakes, etc) and wondering what else you guys have been eating.

Also, some fruits (apples, banana's etc.) and have been taking flax seed for the high fibre.

what are your goals i.e. to bulk or get ripped? i recommend going to mypyramid.org and using the calculator to help u get an idea of were u want to go! im on a 3500-4k calorie diet since i made it home. i try my best to eat as health as possible!

breakfast: 1/2 cup of egg whites. i buy them in a carton. 1 cup of oatmeal.
my eggs will always have bacon or chopped ham, bell pepper,onions garlic, and cheese.

if im lazy and dont get up in time to prepare i eat 2-3 oatmeal bars 90 calories each, and protein shake. brand ON pro complex 60g protein and 300 calories or so

10:00 i drink a shake ON pro complex 60g protein 300 cal.

1030 pre work out supplement jacked 3d/ muscle tech x9 pills

11:00 i hit the gym

1300 subway club/ chicken breast

1530 tuna meal kit or cliff bars

1800 dinner what ever the ##$$ i want NOTHING FRIED THO, THATS SUNDAYS!

22-23 ON pro complex shake

current weight 170, body fat less than 6% ,an easy body fat calculator is the one provided by the US NAVY google INST. 6110.1H. it tells u how to do a simple body fat calc. :hyper::hyper:

03-15-2011, 06:35 PM
mypyramid.org seems to be out of shut down.

As of now im around 210 (dropped from 220), had my body fat taken awhile ago it was around 10 or so. My goal is to be around 185-190, so im obviously trying to cut.

My cal intake is currently around 2k, but trying to get it down to 1800.

I have researched a little, and for some reason I haven't been eating cottage cheese. So ill prob add that in for a late night snack. Im basically looking for other foods you guys have been eating while on a low carb diet.

03-15-2011, 11:05 PM
LOL isolation excercises are essential for growth.... I want too see some pro bodybuilder say that his favorite excersice for biceps is the benchpress hahahahahhahahahahahha wtf....

Low carb diets are easy.... Late night snack is a low carb protein shake for me. Easy additional 30g+ of protein and roughly only 125 cals. Circuit triaing and any form of fighting training style is completely against body building. Too much cardio and lo cal equals catabolic results. Alot of energy used on HIT cardio training equals less energy to lift with and properly tear the muscle for growth. So either your training to grow, cut or be a fighter.... You cannont combine them together and expect good results. Make a choice and stick with it for 12-24 weeks. Then switch it up.

Trust me if your lifting properly there is no way in hell you'd be flexible enough to fight. Plus you would do more damage to your muscles by over straining them while they are torn from a proper lifting day. Or if your spending 3 hours a day in a juijitsu gym getting your ass moppes across the matts you definately will not have the energy to lift.

If your trying to cut and eating like a lard ass or on a low carb diet trying to grow it just aint gonna happen.... Keep it simple... Get your body how you want it....then maintain... For most people its going to take some serious sacrificing.

03-16-2011, 12:16 PM
Pro bodybuilders are also on steroids year round and get down to 4 percent body fat. It's safe to say they don't share a lot in common with the average guy who works out.

I never hit my arms specifically and not a chance anybody would say they don't look muscular.

03-16-2011, 12:34 PM
Pro bodybuilders are also on steroids year round and get down to 4 percent body fat. It's safe to say they don't share a lot in common with the average guy who works out.

I never hit my arms specifically and not a chance anybody would say they don't look muscular.

Steroids do not make you get big(All newbs scream steroids as an excuse). Diet and training does... All steroids do is help you reach your genetic limit faster (Heal and metabolise protein more efficiently and faster). Insulin is the true growth factor for the heavy weights. But 9/10 light weight - mid weight pro bodybuilders have the strictest diet and training regimens. The steroids just allow them to train more frequently. They DO NOT make you BIG... You and your diet makes you big.

Now I have a friend who has won many all natural body building contests and pretty much exclusively only does isoloation excercises. But remember he gets payed by his body and how it looks. So take it how it is... My results speak for them selves. But then again Im not all natural, I guess people will say thats why. Personally I'd rather look great in 12 weeks vs 30 weeks of training.. I have a life, career, family and children and who cant afford to have me at the gym for 4 hours a day 6 days a week.

03-16-2011, 12:42 PM
Exactly. You train abs for core strength, not to loose weight around your midsection. For that do cardio and a proper diet.

You do want strong abs and a lower back when doing squats and standing ohmp's, otherwise say good by to your vertebral disks.

If this 71 year old can do full ab wheel rolls and you can't your core is weak, plain and simple. If my old ass can do these with a weighted vest, you 20 somethings should be able to with no know problem.


They failed to mention his TRT dose levels LOL??? My dad is 63 years old with a 6 pack...

03-16-2011, 11:51 PM
But then again Im not all natural,.

Not all natural? Meaning steroids?

03-17-2011, 01:45 AM
Not all natural? Meaning steroids?

Nah just supplements and extra testosterone........ To me natural is growth while only using food and totally avoiding any form of supplement. Legal or not.... The only difference with the illegal stuff is that its more likely to actually work vs NoXplode LOL.....

03-17-2011, 05:09 PM
they only way im able to hold such a low body fat % with out any trouble is because i was a cross country runner! while in high school i was 3-6% at all times! Running is the key! U burn so many calories and if you supplement weights your body will respond! i see so many guys doing cross fit and all those other workouts. there very committed but when i comes to playing basketball, jiu jitsu , any thing for a long period time there done! There are so many ways to exercise if u need cardio help let me know!

03-17-2011, 08:26 PM
+1 for running! Granted i sprint, but whatever. Track keeps me in shape all year even when i'm not training.

I look like this 90% of the year.


The only time i look different is during the season and especially right around league finals and nationals when my body peaks. I'm usually 5-7 pounds heavier and more muscular. It's pretty rad. lol Obviously, I'm not a body builder, but the way sprinters lift is very similar. The biggest I let myself get is around 175 - 180. Could i get bigger? Yeah, easily. Would i like to be bigger? Eh, it'd be cool for the beach i guess, but other than that it's not beneficial for what i do. I lift for strength, power, and explosiveness. Size is just an added bonus.

03-17-2011, 10:15 PM
You shouldn't even need to do arm isolation exercises.

Bench, press, etc.....should hit your arms plenty.

This is entirely false, if your thinking of any type of body building or competitive lifting.

Steroids do not make you get big(All newbs scream steroids as an excuse). Diet and training does... All steroids do is help you reach your genetic limit faster (Heal and metabolise protein more efficiently and faster). Insulin is the true growth factor for the heavy weights. But 9/10 light weight - mid weight pro bodybuilders have the strictest diet and training regimens. The steroids just allow them to train more frequently. They DO NOT make you BIG... You and your diet makes you big.

Now I have a friend who has won many all natural body building contests and pretty much exclusively only does isoloation excercises. But remember he gets payed by his body and how it looks. So take it how it is... My results speak for them selves. But then again Im not all natural, I guess people will say thats why. Personally I'd rather look great in 12 weeks vs 30 weeks of training.. I have a life, career, family and children and who cant afford to have me at the gym for 4 hours a day 6 days a week.

I train a good 3 hours a day 6 days a week for the last 6 years. If I wasn't natural I would have grown more but diet is key. I can now curl more than I can body weight and I run a 4:38 mile. Hard work will always pay off and taking stuff that helps is just that, a helper. Without the work it doesnt mean much.

04-03-2011, 06:50 PM
Pro bodybuilders are also on steroids year round and get down to 4 percent body fat. It's safe to say they don't share a lot in common with the average guy who works out.

I never hit my arms specifically and not a chance anybody would say they don't look muscular.

Since i started isolating arms I went from 12-13 to 15 1/2 inch arms overall diameter.

04-03-2011, 08:51 PM
+1 for running! Granted i sprint, but whatever. Track keeps me in shape all year even when i'm not training.

I look like this 90% of the year.


The only time i look different is during the season and especially right around league finals and nationals when my body peaks. I'm usually 5-7 pounds heavier and more muscular. It's pretty rad. lol Obviously, I'm not a body builder, but the way sprinters lift is very similar. The biggest I let myself get is around 175 - 180. Could i get bigger? Yeah, easily. Would i like to be bigger? Eh, it'd be cool for the beach i guess, but other than that it's not beneficial for what i do. I lift for strength, power, and explosiveness. Size is just an added bonus.

Have I told you lately that I hate you? :(

04-03-2011, 09:22 PM
Hadn't seen this thread until now. How many days out of the week do ya'll workout?
I try to workout at least 5 days out of the week if i can,but it's usually 4 days (Full time student,part time job). I do 2-3 miles per day starting with a light jog and try to sprint the next 2 miles. Then followed by my workout routine,which depends what im doing that day. Back,biceps,forearms etc,as im sure many of you do this. Another day it would be the same run,followed by chest triceps shoulders etc. I try to workout 2-3 body parts per day that use the same muscles and so on. I don't focus on losing weight etc since i'm already toned/cut;being a gymnast for 3-4 years in Hs really helped :D.
BTW I'm about 5'11,165-170...and i haven't checked my body fat in a loooong time ago lol.

04-03-2011, 09:35 PM
How do i gain weight quick?

04-03-2011, 09:43 PM
eat, lift heavy.

04-03-2011, 09:46 PM
eat, lift heavy.

What kinda of food?

04-03-2011, 10:22 PM
Since i started isolating arms I went from 12-13 to 15 1/2 inch arms overall diameter.

The only pics I have are on my phone that I just sent to a girl.

Imagine Brad Pitt without the face year round.

04-03-2011, 10:39 PM
What kinda of food?

I loosely follow the paleo diet and do crossfit. I have not done any bench, stupid shit I would do in the gym like cable pulls, etc.

My arms and forearms and legs mostly are all losing circumference from fat, I balloned up to 230lbs. I'm 5'8" I don't really believe in weighing myself because I have a lot of left over muscle and huge legs, 27 inch thighs to give you an idea.

So it's pointless, the weight and fat balance out, only until I'm in a size 30 pair of jeans will I chime in on weight, right now 36's fit loose, tight in the thighs of course.

I just deadlifted 130kg for 5 reps the other day, that's pretty fucking close to my 1 rep max of 340lbs (about 285lbs) and it's been a good 4 years since I've tried deadlifting up to that kind of weight.

anyway I'm rambling.

look into paleo, I think it would be very affordable for you cheap asses on zilvia.

04-04-2011, 02:19 PM
I loosely follow the paleo diet and do crossfit. I have not done any bench, stupid shit I would do in the gym like cable pulls, etc.

My arms and forearms and legs mostly are all losing circumference from fat, I balloned up to 230lbs. I'm 5'8" I don't really believe in weighing myself because I have a lot of left over muscle and huge legs, 27 inch thighs to give you an idea.

So it's pointless, the weight and fat balance out, only until I'm in a size 30 pair of jeans will I chime in on weight, right now 36's fit loose, tight in the thighs of course.

I just deadlifted 130kg for 5 reps the other day, that's pretty fucking close to my 1 rep max of 340lbs (about 285lbs) and it's been a good 4 years since I've tried deadlifting up to that kind of weight.

anyway I'm rambling.

look into paleo, I think it would be very affordable for you cheap asses on zilvia.

Wayne that diet actually looks pretty simple for noobs to keep up with. I mean basically just shop the outer portion of your grocery store and you will be fine and the foods will be fresher than anything in the isles. Try cutting your carb content in half when your not as active. Or you can carb cycle if you have a hard time adjusting to a low carb diet.

04-04-2011, 04:58 PM
Simplyshredded.com I love this website.

04-04-2011, 06:11 PM
Bodybuilding Tribute To Arnold Schwarzenegger (Motivation) on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/13883373)

motivation guys!!!

04-04-2011, 10:41 PM
Greg plitt motivates me lol no homo.

04-04-2011, 11:27 PM
Rock Climbing Gym vs Traditional Gym.

Does anyone do the climbing as their main workout? I find lifting weights to be pretty damn boring. I don't really get off on hangin' with my bros, pickin' shit up, putting shit down, and wading through other peoples sweat.

04-05-2011, 01:23 AM
Yeah maybe this thread isnt for you bro.
Not everyone's got it in them lol.
I love rock climbing, I did it alot as a kid but its not the same feeling. I throw rock climbing in the same category as surfing, not something I really do for fitness but more for fun.
Although weightlifting has become really fun for me lately, and I'll choose it overall fun-wise except, for sparring.

04-05-2011, 01:28 AM
My weight fluctuates based on my work schedule. I use to weigh 240lbs, but am now down to 180lbs due to my employment.

Its not uncommon for me to gain and loose 10-20 lbs.

I work in the Oil Industry. What you with your time dictates your weight. If you sit on your ass in the office, you are going to be fat no matter what you eat. ...unless you go Auschwitz style.

04-05-2011, 01:32 AM
Yeah maybe this thread isnt for you bro.
Not everyone's got it in them lol.
I love rock climbing, I did it alot as a kid but its not the same feeling. I throw rock climbing in the same category as surfing, not something I really do for fitness but more for fun.
Although weightlifting has become really fun for me lately, I chose it overall except for sparring.

Exactly, weight lifting isn't really for me. I would like my fitness to be fun, and climbing some of those walls has to be a hell of a workout. Just seeing if anybody here has taken this route to get toned/back in shape.

04-05-2011, 09:15 AM
Maybe rock climbing and some light cardio would be a good combo.
I don't really see you putting on any size from it(not what you're into anyway) but you'll probably be in great shape.

04-05-2011, 10:19 AM
Exactly, weight lifting isn't really for me. I would like my fitness to be fun, and climbing some of those walls has to be a hell of a workout. Just seeing if anybody here has taken this route to get toned/back in shape.

You will develop an awesome back and calves. But not much of anything else. If you free climb as a sprinting pace that is some intense cardio. I know a guy who does that for cardio as he is a climbing instructor for a living. Andnhe body builds for fun and to be a better climber. Dude is jacked and always around 8%.

04-05-2011, 11:40 AM
started my body fat cutting on the 1st of april. im 17.9%!!!! fuck, all that eating to gain muscle made me a fat fuck haha!

anyway, all dirty carbs have been cut and all good carbs are very few, only oatmeal in the morning and a few assorted nuts during the day

so tired from no carbs, gonna take me a week or 2 for my body to adjust to it

also doing HIIT Training directly after weights

hoping to drop 2 pounds of fat and some water weight by friday

04-05-2011, 11:01 PM
Do HITT than the weights it will do you more good.

04-05-2011, 11:07 PM
yay... a bodybuilding thread.

started my body fat cutting on the 1st of april. im 17.9%!!!! fuck, all that eating to gain muscle made me a fat fuck haha!

anyway, all dirty carbs have been cut and all good carbs are very few, only oatmeal in the morning and a few assorted nuts during the day

so tired from no carbs, gonna take me a week or 2 for my body to adjust to it

also doing HIIT Training directly after weights

hoping to drop 2 pounds of fat and some water weight by friday

how tall are you? and how much do you weigh?

if you got fat, i guarantee it's because of your training routine. you probably worked out like a little 12 year old girl.

if you want to cut, find the proper routine- lots of volume, HIGH intensity.

eat only protein and fats. cut all carbs.

04-06-2011, 04:45 AM
yay... a bodybuilding thread.

how tall are you? and how much do you weigh?

if you got fat, i guarantee it's because of your training routine. you probably worked out like a little 12 year old girl.

if you want to cut, find the proper routine- lots of volume, HIGH intensity.

eat only protein and fats. cut all carbs.

im 6,4 and i weigh 200 pounds , ive alway been very scrawny, but have been working out solid for 2 years

i was eating around 5000 calories a day over the last 6 months and i was on a dirty bulk with no cardio what so ever. this saw me go from 14% up to 18%

yes ive cut the carbs out and only limit myself to oatmeal in the morning and a few nuts during the day

i lift weights and i work out for at least an hour a day going as hard as i can

but still i found i was gaining fuck all muscle, strength gains yes, but very little muscle

04-06-2011, 09:15 AM
Carbs are nessecary for muscular developement. Carbs are all nessary when cutting. A calorie deficiet diet will help you cut. But HIIt cardio sessions are the most important for results. 5,000 calories of crap got you to where your at today. I went on a 5,000 cal diet to bulk from 155-178 in 15 weeks and went from 13% to 11% bf. Then cut down to 8% and 175 by ramping calories down weekly and ramping cardio sessions from 30mins to almost 1.5 hours worth a day of HIIT cardio. Example of HIIT is to jog for 3 mins, sprint for 2 mins, walk for 2 mins, then start it over..... The longer you can sprint for the better and more effective it will be.

04-06-2011, 09:24 AM
Before my recent surgery put a completel stop on my gym time, I noticed I was making huge progress dropping fat by doing whole body workouts and not as much muscle group isolation. Although I still favor the isolation, for most people who aren't in the gym 6 days a week, the hole body workouts might be a better route.
The way I see it the more muscle damage you inflict the more calories you'll burn even when idling.
I sped up my workouts and began only resting 30sec between sets, this helped keep my heart rate up and the pump was awesome lol

04-06-2011, 10:11 AM
Before my recent surgery put a completel stop on my gym time, I noticed I was making huge progress dropping fat by doing whole body workouts and not as much muscle group isolation. Although I still favor the isolation, for most people who aren't in the gym 6 days a week the hole body workouts might be a better route.
The way I see it the more muscle damage you inflict the more calories you'll burn even when idling.
I sped up my workouts and began only resting 30 between sets, this helped keep my heart rate up and the pump was awesome lol

Awesome pumps are a benefit of noXplode for sure! Thats all I use these days lololololol

04-06-2011, 10:34 AM
5,000 calories of crap got you to where your at today. I went on a 5,000 cal diet to bulk from 155-178 in 15 weeks and went from 13% to 11% bf.

when i say dirty bulk , i dont completly mean eating total shit, i did make sure i ate my as much protien as needed etc but i didnt say no to pizza etc haha

would you mind telling me your clean bulk diet please??

also what supplements did you take??

thanks if you can!

04-06-2011, 10:50 AM
300-500g of protein per day. 2-300g of complex carbs. 150g of healthy fats was my rough daily intakes. Supplements were gainer shakes, testosterone, eq and eca stacks for cardio sessions.

5-6 egg whites
Protein shake
Bottle water

Protein shake

Chicken/tuna can
Mayonaise with olive oil

PWO shake

6pm dinner

Pwo shake


04-06-2011, 11:51 AM
300-500g of protein per day. 2-300g of complex carbs. 150g of healthy fats was my rough daily intakes. Supplements were gainer shakes, testosterone, eq and eca stacks for cardio sessions.

5-6 egg whites
Protein shake
Bottle water

Protein shake

Chicken/tuna can
Mayonaise with olive oil

PWO shake

6pm dinner

Pwo shake


awesome thanks a lot for that man! im gonna adjust my diet more along the way of this

what brand testosterone were you using?? or was it roids??

04-06-2011, 01:02 PM
LOL there is no OTC test children... test boosters are worse than the real thing and destroy your livers. Pretty sure that answers your question. The brand was ...... nah

04-06-2011, 01:06 PM
awesome thanks a lot for that man! im gonna adjust my diet more along the way of this

what brand testosterone were you using?? or was it roids??
Like i said before I love this EFFIN website!





1 cup of oatmeal
4 whole eggs
2-3 slices of low-fat breakfast meat
1 piece of fruit

2 ounces of nuts (your choice)
1 ounce of dried fruit

6 ounces of chicken breast
2 slices of whole-grain bread
Vegetable side dish (low-fat coleslaw, salad or steamed vegetable)

25 g of whey protein shake
50 g of simple carbs

25 g of whey protein shake
50 g of simple carbs

8 ounces of lean steak
Small baked potato or small portion of steamed rice (white or brown)
Salad with olive oil and avocado

25 g of casein protein shake

04-06-2011, 01:07 PM
Awesome pumps are a benefit of noXplode for sure! Thats all I use these days lololololol

When i get some cash Im going to send you a tub of LeanREV, My treat!

04-06-2011, 01:34 PM
Ravage > NoXplode all day.

04-06-2011, 02:59 PM
I was just joking guys... I dont use noXplode as all it makes u do is explode out your asshole later! LOL

04-06-2011, 03:00 PM
When i get some cash Im going to send you a tub of LeanREV, My treat!

Awe.... How sweet..... LOL....

04-06-2011, 03:02 PM
Like i said before I love this EFFIN website!





1 cup of oatmeal
4 whole eggs
2-3 slices of low-fat breakfast meat
1 piece of fruit

2 ounces of nuts (your choice)
1 ounce of dried fruit

6 ounces of chicken breast
2 slices of whole-grain bread
Vegetable side dish (low-fat coleslaw, salad or steamed vegetable)

25 g of whey protein shake
50 g of simple carbs

25 g of whey protein shake
50 g of simple carbs

8 ounces of lean steak
Small baked potato or small portion of steamed rice (white or brown)
Salad with olive oil and avocado

25 g of casein protein shake

Pretty funny how close that is to my general no thought put into list... But thats more of a cutting diet...

04-06-2011, 04:59 PM
Too many carbs and too many sugars to be cutting diet, NO? carbs at the wrong times too. and or rice before bed?

florante rea
04-06-2011, 05:13 PM
Check out muscle&body/ David hawks's 3 months body transformation!

04-06-2011, 05:26 PM
Too many carbs and too many sugars to be cutting diet, NO? carbs at the wrong times too. and or rice before bed?

Yup.. I didnt count the carb grams before. I estimate around 350g easy worth of useless carbs. And not enough protein for growth.... LOL hmmmmmmm.....

04-06-2011, 09:12 PM
im 6,4 and i weigh 200 pounds , ive alway been very scrawny, but have been working out solid for 2 years

i was eating around 5000 calories a day over the last 6 months and i was on a dirty bulk with no cardio what so ever. this saw me go from 14% up to 18%

yes ive cut the carbs out and only limit myself to oatmeal in the morning and a few nuts during the day

i lift weights and i work out for at least an hour a day going as hard as i can

but still i found i was gaining fuck all muscle, strength gains yes, but very little muscle

if you aren't gaining mass, like i said, it's probably your routine.

you have adequate nutrients, but for what? your body doesn't need it.

dirty bulking, imo, is a stupid idea all around.

Carbs are nessecary for muscular developement. Carbs are all nessary when cutting. A calorie deficiet diet will help you cut. But HIIt cardio sessions are the most important for results. 5,000 calories of crap got you to where your at today. I went on a 5,000 cal diet to bulk from 155-178 in 15 weeks and went from 13% to 11% bf. Then cut down to 8% and 175 by ramping calories down weekly and ramping cardio sessions from 30mins to almost 1.5 hours worth a day of HIIT cardio. Example of HIIT is to jog for 3 mins, sprint for 2 mins, walk for 2 mins, then start it over..... The longer you can sprint for the better and more effective it will be.


carb cycle 1-2 days in a week.

300-500g of protein per day. 2-300g of complex carbs. 150g of healthy fats was my rough daily intakes. Supplements were gainer shakes, testosterone, eq and eca stacks for cardio sessions.

5-6 egg whites
Protein shake
Bottle water

Protein shake

Chicken/tuna can
Mayonaise with olive oil

PWO shake

6pm dinner

Pwo shake


300-500g of protein a day is a waste.

LOL there is no OTC test children... test boosters are worse than the real thing and destroy your livers. Pretty sure that answers your question. The brand was ...... nah
until i read this. how many time's have you "bicycled"? pm me a link where you bought it.

test booster don't destroy your liver. PH's do.

04-06-2011, 09:41 PM
if you aren't gaining mass, like i said, it's probably your routine.

you have adequate nutrients, but for what? your body doesn't need it.

dirty bulking, imo, is a stupid idea all around.


carb cycle 1-2 days in a week.

300-500g of protein a day is a waste.

until i read this. how many time's have you "bicycled"? pm me a link where you bought it.

test booster don't destroy your liver. PH's do.

LOL and now you know how I use 3-500g of protien. And yes I always carb cycle. Pretty much year round. I calorie count for cutting. I have no more reason to bulk as Ive attained my target average weight of 175 @ 5'7" @ 10-13%. I bulk upto 190ish before my spring cutting program which is about to start. My best results came from extremely heavy protien diets.

Ive bycicled for years now. Im now in my thirties and plan to stay on much longer durations. My family all rides the bycicle including my father for almost 40 years now...

04-06-2011, 09:50 PM
300-500g of protein a day is a waste.

There is only a certain level of protein a day your body can even process otherwise it doesn't absorb it you just piss it out or it clogs your liver up. I used to eat about 6 times a day. I never measured protein or anything like that. eating every 2-3-4 hours gallon of water a day, no excuses.

8 egg whites
1/2 cup dry measured oats
half of a sweet potato.

meal replacement shake (protein and carbs)

4-6 oz of chicken
5oz of salmon, red snapper, mahi mahi, talapia, tuna, etc
1/2 cup of rice white or brown doesn't matter(measured cooked)

snack same as above either before or after workout.

dinner same as meal above

protein shake before bed, no carbs (isopure is probably the best and most expensive for carb, glutten free, protein.)

I did that for 90 days and dropped 30pounds of fat and killed a lot of inches off of my waistline, sadly I have no pictures of the difference in weight since most of them were with my xwife lol. To give you an idea.

from something like this.


to something like this.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/197957_10150109839945740_650265739_7158980_1563160 _n.jpg

back while I was putting my car together I started going back to the gym with one of our old linemen at school, all we did was lift retarded heavy and do about an hour of cardio before lifting. Everyday same shit.

I ate like crap though (unemployed) if I followed something like paleo I'd probably be fucking ripped back then but I didn't know about it.


I wish I had the picture of my back still. I looked like a fucking house it was awesome LOL!!! but I focused on putting the car back together and stopped going to the gym and got fat again. wah wah.

04-06-2011, 09:56 PM
LOL and now you know how I use 3-500g of protien. And yes I always carb cycle. Pretty much year round. I calorie count for cutting. I have no more reason to bulk as Ive attained my target average weight of 175 @ 5'7" @ 10-13%. I bulk upto 190ish before my spring cutting program which is about to start. My best results came from extremely heavy protien diets.

Ive bycicled for years now. Im now in my thirties and plan to stay on much longer durations. My family all rides the bycicle including my father for almost 40 years now...

cool man. and your dad really is on bicycle? i plan on getting on my first bicycle late into my 21's.


and Om1kron, can you post up a picture of what you want your ideal physique to look like? how tall are you? and how much do you weigh?

04-06-2011, 10:11 PM
cool man. and your dad really is on bicycle? i plan on getting on my first bicycle late into my 21's.


and Om1kron, can you post up a picture of what you want your ideal physique to look like? how tall are you? and how much do you weigh?

Yup my dad has been on it for years. Now on trt and growth till he dies. Man is 64 with a 6 pack and plays tennis every weekend. Full head of hair and no arthitus (why he started to begin with - he got tennis elbow in the air force and got fat)

04-06-2011, 10:20 PM
the fountain of youth.

04-06-2011, 10:26 PM
There is only a certain level of protein a day your body can even process otherwise it doesn't absorb it you just piss it out or it clogs your liver up. I used to eat about 6 times a day. I never measured protein or anything like that. eating every 2-3-4 hours gallon of water a day, no excuses.

8 egg whites
1/2 cup dry measured oats
half of a sweet potato.

meal replacement shake (protein and carbs)

4-6 oz of chicken
5oz of salmon, red snapper, mahi mahi, talapia, tuna, etc
1/2 cup of rice white or brown doesn't matter(measured cooked)

snack same as above either before or after workout.

dinner same as meal above

protein shake before bed, no carbs (isopure is probably the best and most expensive for carb, glutten free, protein.)

I did that for 90 days and dropped 30pounds of fat and killed a lot of inches off of my waistline, sadly I have no pictures of the difference in weight since most of them were with my xwife lol. To give you an idea.

from something like this.


to something like this.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/197957_10150109839945740_650265739_7158980_1563160 _n.jpg

back while I was putting my car together I started going back to the gym with one of our old linemen at school, all we did was lift retarded heavy and do about an hour of cardio before lifting. Everyday same shit.

I ate like crap though (unemployed) if I followed something like paleo I'd probably be fucking ripped back then but I didn't know about it.


I wish I had the picture of my back still. I looked like a fucking house it was awesome LOL!!! but I focused on putting the car back together and stopped going to the gym and got fat again. wah wah.

Feed efficiency is what dictates how much and how well your body metabolises nutrients. This is a genetic trait for very few people to have good effeciency at metbolising. A skinny person wastes as much food as a fat person. When your body is at its peak and your properly training it a 5.000 calorie diet aint shit. Have you seen how many calories pro swimmers and long distance runners eat to maintain strength. Same thing when your bodybuilding for a show. Training for 4-6 hours straight is gut wrenching on a body. Thats when RECOvERY drugs like anabolics come into play. Then when they want to grow insulin is controlled either naturally or unnaturaly. Insulin is the substance of use for our monsters in the BB world.

04-07-2011, 01:38 AM
Insulin control is seems to be key for everything, cutting or bulking.

04-07-2011, 12:03 PM
Yup my dad has been on it for years. Now on trt and growth till he dies. Man is 64 with a 6 pack and plays tennis every weekend. Full head of hair and no arthitus (why he started to begin with - he got tennis elbow in the air force and got fat)

This I need to start. Unfortunately the money just isn't there. And the key to sugar intake is remember it can magnify what ever you have after it. I typically have sugar water than protein right after a really heavy workout.

04-07-2011, 01:01 PM
This I need to start. Unfortunately the money just isn't there. And the key to sugar intake is remember it can magnify what ever you have after it. I typically have sugar water than protein right after a really heavy workout.

Jay cutler would down a can of coke before a double quarter and then a protien shake after his workouts before he could get on insulin.

04-07-2011, 01:03 PM
Insulin control is seems to be key for everything, cutting or bulking.

This is what seperates the men from the boys they say...

04-07-2011, 01:36 PM
this thread is great :D great info and motivation :D

my dont think my routine is that bad, heres an example of what i did yesterday

(started writing down my workouts to see progress)

now please tell me where im going wrong if i am, any usefull info would be great :D

p.s yeah yeah im a weak fucker :(

length of work out: 1 hour

everything is done to failure and heaviest i can lift without injury

chest day

flat dumbell bench ( cant normal bench as i have no one to spot me)

8 x 60kg
8 x 70kg (i feel that i could raise the weight on this now)
7 x 70kg
5 x 70kg
7 x 65kg

incline dumbell bench

8 x 60kg
7 x 60kg
6 x 60kg
5 x 60kg

incline flys

7 x 45 kg
6 x 45 kg
5 x 45 kg

decline dumbell bench

6 x 60kg
5 x 60kg
4 x 60kg

flat dumbell fly's

6 x 40kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 40kg

flat bench superset

8 x 50kg 8 x 30kg
7 x 50kg 7 x 30kg
8 x 50kg 7 x 30kg

then after that i went and did some HIIT running

04-07-2011, 01:41 PM
Get a spot. No pain no gain.... Pyramid your sets...

this thread is great :D great info and motivation :D

my dont think my routine is that bad, heres an example of what i did yesterday

(started writing down my workouts to see progress)

now please tell me where im going wrong if i am, any usefull info would be great :D

p.s yeah yeah im a weak fucker :(

length of work out: 1 hour

everything is done to failure and heaviest i can lift without injury

chest day

flat dumbell bench ( cant normal bench as i have no one to spot me)

8 x 60kg
8 x 70kg (i feel that i could raise the weight on this now)
7 x 70kg
5 x 70kg
7 x 65kg

incline dumbell bench

8 x 60kg
7 x 60kg
6 x 60kg
5 x 60kg

incline flys

7 x 45 kg
6 x 45 kg
5 x 45 kg

decline dumbell bench

6 x 60kg
5 x 60kg
4 x 60kg

flat dumbell fly's

6 x 40kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 40kg

flat bench superset

8 x 50kg 8 x 30kg
7 x 50kg 7 x 30kg
8 x 50kg 7 x 30kg

then after that i went and did some HIIT running

04-07-2011, 01:50 PM
Get a spot. No pain no gain.... Pyramid your sets...

is normal bench pressing better than using dumbells??

what are the benefits of pyramiding my sets?

04-07-2011, 02:03 PM
Normal with a spot will help you develope size. If you dont need a spot by 3 your lifting too light of weight. Then you finish of your set with dumbell presses to further isolate the area. Pyramiding your sets will allow you to lift more weight overall and also to further tear the muscle.

florante rea
04-07-2011, 02:30 PM
I have some products for weight lost for sale if anyone interested, oxyelite usp labs n cellucor d4. Great for cutting fat, mental energy and appetite suppressant. Pm me for details, thank you. FYI, stacking either one with omega 3 and Cla is a great fat burners.

florante rea
04-07-2011, 03:23 PM
Glutamine, bcaa, casein n whey proteins, omega 3 triple strength from Gnc are list of products I'm currently using. I started working out again, lost 35 lbs!

04-07-2011, 06:57 PM
I need to go on test already. It sucks the advantages that stuff gives you.

04-07-2011, 08:52 PM
cant believe theres a strong island boy left that isnt on test LOL... im in my thirties now (thankgod) so i pretty much stay on test atleast half a year at a time now. No more 12-15 week bullshit kid stuff. But im always on a super low dose(bridging) till its pool season.

04-07-2011, 10:48 PM
have you guys been to the arnold classic?

i went this year. it was SO much fun. got a TON of free supps.

but you live in vegas, you get to go to the olympia. i might go one year.

Glutamine, bcaa, casein n whey proteins, omega 3 triple strength from Gnc are list of products I'm currently using. I started working out again, lost 35 lbs!
glutamine is almost useless.

if you have a good diet, it's pointless to take more in.

dont buy from GNC, everything there is overpriced. and crap.

04-07-2011, 10:49 PM
Lol, I will go on that stuff once I can afford it, and I don't have to worry about getting tested by the ncaa. I know a kid who uses test and deca, in one year he became a beast.

04-07-2011, 11:01 PM
this thread is great :D great info and motivation :D

my dont think my routine is that bad, heres an example of what i did yesterday

(started writing down my workouts to see progress)

now please tell me where im going wrong if i am, any usefull info would be great :D

p.s yeah yeah im a weak fucker :(

length of work out: 1 hour

everything is done to failure and heaviest i can lift without injury

chest day

flat dumbell bench ( cant normal bench as i have no one to spot me)

8 x 60kg
8 x 70kg (i feel that i could raise the weight on this now)
7 x 70kg
5 x 70kg
7 x 65kg

incline dumbell bench

8 x 60kg
7 x 60kg
6 x 60kg
5 x 60kg

incline flys

7 x 45 kg
6 x 45 kg
5 x 45 kg

decline dumbell bench

6 x 60kg
5 x 60kg
4 x 60kg

flat dumbell fly's

6 x 40kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 40kg

flat bench superset

8 x 50kg 8 x 30kg
7 x 50kg 7 x 30kg
8 x 50kg 7 x 30kg

then after that i went and did some HIIT running

u can bench by yourself use a machine, go heavy like 90% of your max and do small reps high sets. This is what I use to push my chested along with dunbells. When I use dunbells I alternate arms for two sets and both for two sets for a too of 4 sets. I'm not a big dude but before the end may I will be benching well in the 300's

04-07-2011, 11:35 PM
dont ever use the smith machine to bench.

if you are by yourself, then use the DB's.

04-08-2011, 01:56 AM
glutamine useless... Pshhh.
not for me. I noticed such a difference when i started adding glutamine to my regimen, def need this when cutting. My diet is on point too.

to whoever said it doesnt matter.
always Brown rice... Low GI

04-08-2011, 03:12 AM
Lol, I will go on that stuff once I can afford it, and I don't have to worry about getting tested by the ncaa. I know a kid who uses test and deca, in one year he became a beast.

Dude i hear ya on that! Its soooo tempting though, especially in track. I know some of the fools i run against are on stuff, but it's only a matter of time before they're caught. Pisses me off though cuz the shit works and until they're caught i'm always a step behind.

04-08-2011, 09:24 AM
Test will kill cardiovascular health. Only eq is known to help with redblood cell count which I LOVE FOR CARDIO trainng...

04-08-2011, 10:42 AM
Lol, I will go on that stuff once I can afford it, and I don't have to worry about getting tested by the ncaa. I know a kid who uses test and deca, in one year he became a beast.

lol u know test and deca is cheaper than a protien and creatine....

04-08-2011, 12:17 PM
lol u know test and deca is cheaper than a protien and creatine....

when taking that stuff do you need to go on a pre-test cycle of some other stuff??

04-08-2011, 02:05 PM
Test will kill cardiovascular health. Only eq is known to help with redblood cell count which I LOVE FOR CARDIO trainng...

Perhaps, but in the 100 meters its an all out sprint and you only breathe 3 maybe 4 times in the entire race if you're doing it correctly. I can definitely see it being really detrimental for the distance guys though. Its a "commonly" used substance because it is one of the harder ones to detect. Dirty sprinters are usually caught with either test, HGH, or THG. Distance guys on the other hand get caught with EQ and other "blood doping" methods.

Regardless, i would never do any of it. It takes away from a win, my personal integrity and the integrity of the sport. But i digress, this thread is about body building not track and field. I can rant about doping in track and field all day. lol

04-08-2011, 02:28 PM
Exactly, bodybuilding is about pushing your body beyond its limits. Not about being in shape or healthy LOL. But I have a ton of respect for your way of thinking.

And if your asking about pretest cycles which dont exsist, your A LONG way away from ever starting. Definately need to do some serious reading on bodybuilding.com. Makesure you know EVERYTHING about diet and nutrition and natural bodybuilding first. Then once your in your mid twenties, start thinking about it......

04-09-2011, 02:09 AM
glutamine useless... Pshhh.
not for me. I noticed such a difference when i started adding glutamine to my regimen, def need this when cutting. My diet is on point too.

to whoever said it doesnt matter.
always Brown rice... Low GI

placebo. you took it, KNOWING that it was going to help. thus it did.

there have been studies on glutamine and the consensus was that it's useless. if your diet is on point, you have enough gluatmine.

also, the difference is minimal between white and brown rice. you can eat either, and be fine.


The Rice Wars :: FLzine.com (http://www.flzine.com/alan-aragon-vs-noobette-the-rice-wars/)

Bodybuilding.com Forums - View Single Post - Does eating brown rice over white rice really a big deal when cutting? (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showpost.php?p=253822331&postcount=37)

Bodybuilding.com Forums - View Single Post - Does eating brown rice over white rice really a big deal when cutting? (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showpost.php?p=253661301&postcount=26)

alan is the same person who did work on gluatmine.

04-09-2011, 08:03 AM
Agreed on the white rice vs brown rice. Shit the GI index doesntnreally make a difference when your only eating sub 200g of carbs. Itsnwhen your carbloading or bulking that it does as you want carbs low in insulin content. Results in short time are more related to higher protien intake as well as a change in training regimen. Thus why I change my program up every 6-10 weeks. Diet, lifting days..everything....

04-09-2011, 09:53 AM
today i discovered why i have lost so little weight this week in the 1st week of my cutting body fat regime

i bought protien last friday, the brand i always get , PHD pharma whey ..... or so i thought. turns out i picked up PHD pharma GAIN!!!!:(:(:(:(

the tubs of pharma whey and pharma gain are near identical , and i was in a rush (plus it was stocked were the pharma whey normally is) cant beleive i fucked that up! ive been working out as hard as possible and running like crazy , with a super strict clean diet , and i was knocking back 3 of these shakes a day:o:o

FML! thought you guys might get a laugh out of that haha

04-09-2011, 10:10 AM
Wow! Good find, really good read up!
I'll still take the brown though I like it more.

04-09-2011, 11:01 AM
my dieting sucks.
hopefully i will get treated for my depression, and my life turns around 10 fold.

then i'll be even more jacked.

04-09-2011, 11:15 AM
Tell them you have a low low testosterone count. Are you overweight? Alot of overweight americans also suffer from low testosterone levels. Get a cbc test done for sure. Complete Blood Count if you didnt know.

04-09-2011, 11:25 AM
i'm 6' 185lbs @ around 10%. i'm pretty jacked for an average guy, but this is for a medical research study, so i get whatever they want to give me.

04-10-2011, 02:37 AM
pics please!^^^^ thats where i want to be. well 180 at 10% or 9%.

04-10-2011, 09:04 AM
pics please!^^^^ thats where i want to be. well 180 at 10% or 9%.

Your sooo gay.....