11-22-2010, 04:40 PM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1203.snc4/155497_456955552142_590482142_6021834_7122088_n.jp g
Hello I have a set of 5x114.3 18x9 and 18x10 5zigen pr n1 "black racing" wheels for sale, I am not sure of the offsets as they dont have marking on it and they were off a s2000 with slight wide body, was going to put on my s14 with rear overfender but I'm now going a different route with different wheels. Condition of the wheels I would say is 8/10, no dents no bends, just some nicks.
price: $1000, no shipping prefer local and no trades. Thanks for looking.
You can reach me by pm.
edit: I am in alhambra, CA =]
Hello I have a set of 5x114.3 18x9 and 18x10 5zigen pr n1 "black racing" wheels for sale, I am not sure of the offsets as they dont have marking on it and they were off a s2000 with slight wide body, was going to put on my s14 with rear overfender but I'm now going a different route with different wheels. Condition of the wheels I would say is 8/10, no dents no bends, just some nicks.
price: $1000, no shipping prefer local and no trades. Thanks for looking.
You can reach me by pm.
edit: I am in alhambra, CA =]