View Full Version : Is this even possible??

02-15-2002, 06:42 PM
I received a ticket a couple of months ago for speeding.  A cop caught me going around a corner with my suspension a bit stressed out.  He said he clocked me sliding at 42 mph on a VERY VERY sharp right hand corner right after another right hand corner.  He said he I was still sliding when he clocked me a 42 (probably a bit after I got out of the corner)  is that even possible?  I argued that to the judge saying there was no way, because my car is not high enough performance to corner like that, and it would have easily slipped out on me.  It's just a stock 98 SE.  Anyone really know?


02-15-2002, 06:55 PM
i think they're saying u didnt have control of the car.....herez a hint.....get sum lube cuz it's gunna hurt....

02-15-2002, 07:10 PM
Hmm... my guess would be no, unless you're a fairly skilled driver. Was this a 90 degree corner or just very sharp?

02-15-2002, 07:22 PM
did he shoot you when you were at an angle to him or were u coming straight ahead at him? cause radar/laser follows the doppler effect, it gives precise readings only when an object is coming or going in a straight direction relative to you. u could contest the accuracy of the gun. all i can say is find your local ticket lawyer/ vehicle code specialist.

02-15-2002, 08:24 PM
I've already paid the ticket...  and yes this was a residential blind tight 90° corner... I said no way...  I'm not a good driver as far as skill... I mean I've never wrecked... but I don't race.. you know what I mean =P   The cop caught me going straight on... the ticket was $125 for 42 in a 25.


02-15-2002, 08:50 PM
plain and simple all cops are dick heads

i wish for their wives to die during labor and for them to birth a retarded son that lives on.:)

911 is a joke words of P.E.

yes i do hate police just felt like sharing

02-15-2002, 09:52 PM
Just to thwart a MAJOR flame here, you do mean 911 as in the phone number, correct?

02-15-2002, 10:23 PM
well it looks like you are going to take one for the team

"thank you sir, may i have another"

02-16-2002, 12:02 AM
I hate tickets/cops. Can't wait to find out the verdict from my lawyer . 2 tickets in one week 2 months after I got my first ticket. So two 75's on the freeway(65 limit) and one 71 in a 55. I used up traffic school for the first 75 in a 65. I'm grabbin my ankles.

02-16-2002, 01:09 AM
. . .or you could just slow down. . .

As far as radar guns go, the more of an angle you're at the more the recorded value will be off. This is true. However, it will be off on the slow side, and it is very VERY easy to compensate if a somewhat accurate estimate of the angle is aquired (IE: radar gun mounted on a compass or somesuch tool).

02-17-2002, 02:22 PM
Dont forget to mention lawyers fucking you over too. Where I live if you get three speedings in 18 months you lose your lic for 6 months. I got pulled over for speeding and my lic was suspended for not answering another ticket and I couldnt find my ins card. So I got a three tickets speeding, no ins, and the driving on suspended lic. The speeding ticket was given to me from a cop in oncoming traffic without radar. He just pulled a U turn and bagged me. So I hire this lawyer. I already have 2 speedings so I need to get the speeding dropped. I did have ins so I got a letter from the company and I paid the ticket for which my lic was suspended. After several court appearences I finally get this offer from the ADA for pleading guilty to aggravated driving W/O a lic. It carries a $360 fine. The lawyer pulls me to the side and I asked him if I would keep my lic. He said yeah. I get a letter in the mail on thursday and my lic is revoked for 6 months. The driving W/O a lic is a misdemeanor and it counts as a speeding ticket. SO I got fucked anyhow. This lawyer couldnt even get the fine reduced so I basiucally paid him for nothing I might as well just pled guilty to the speeding and got it over with 6 months ago! <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

02-17-2002, 02:46 PM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from misnomer on 11<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wow.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':0'>9 pm on Feb. 15, 2002
. . .or you could just slow down. . .
</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>
Here's some great advice for all of you guys. &nbsp;Here's some more - pay some F'n attention! &nbsp;I've gotten one ticket in about 14 years of driving (incl. numerous cross country trips) and I speed, although not obscenely, regularly. &nbsp;It is the result of paying attention to my surroundings for cops, brake lights, blind speed trap potential spots, and keeping the speeds in a &quot;slightly above traffic&quot; range. &nbsp;

To some of you others, the cops are just doing their jobs, so don't get pissy about them. &nbsp;You ARE breaking the law and DO deserve a ticket every time you speed. &nbsp;When you DON'T get one, you are beating the system (read - cops saying &quot;#### reckless drivers&quot;). &nbsp;When you DO get one, it is deserved and don't think it's not. &nbsp;You have no special privilege to break the laws that we are all expected to follow. &nbsp;

duder - think about how stupid it was to go around a 90 degree BLIND corner in a RESIDENTIAL area at almost 20 miles over the speed limit when even you admit you are NOT A GOOD DRIVER!! &nbsp;Remember when you were a kid and you played in the street?

I've got nothing against cops and think that people who have a problem with them think they are above the law. &nbsp;

02-17-2002, 03:12 PM
Im not saying its good to do but i throw my car and slid into my neighborhood all the time its a huge enterance made of smooth concreate i start the turn at about 40 and when im threw it im at 30

so i would say our car can do it depending on the amount of room and skill

02-18-2002, 07:43 AM
yeah man, 42 on a 90deg corner?? &nbsp;I really doubt it if you're not actually trying to turn fast. &nbsp;It's like turning in 5th gear!! &nbsp;maybe the cop gunned you down before the turn. &nbsp;which is more likely for that speed.

it's a good tip to go a little faster than the traffic. &nbsp;That gets the cop thinking &quot;should I get them or not&quot;. &nbsp;by the time he decides, I be outta the sight. &nbsp;

02-18-2002, 06:56 PM
As far as being gunned before that's impossible because there are tall hedges... the point of this thread was to question the impratical possibility of cornering (and still sliding @ 42) &nbsp;

Hippo: Don't treat me like a child, I understand it was stupid, however no one was at risk, it was midnight and the streets were completely empty. &nbsp;I know how to drive legally after 4 years of perfect driving. &nbsp;I was actually running away from someone when I did it. &nbsp;It wasn't like I was trying to see how sideways I could get the car!!
