View Full Version : The future of air warfare: MOTHERSHIPS

11-16-2010, 04:55 AM
Judge for yourself...!




11-16-2010, 08:08 AM
The air jelly looks super cool. The other two just look like they would be gigantic slow moving targets. I dont see how they would last more than a few minutes in any kind of hostile environment

11-16-2010, 08:17 AM

11-16-2010, 08:17 AM
I think we've got a lot more shit out there that would be better for air warfare, white projects as well as black projects.

11-16-2010, 11:31 PM
I like Ace Combats version the best.

11-16-2010, 11:47 PM
LOL... menacing music does not make a over grown balloon a mother ship. One shot from a 50 cal and that thing is done. Bombs weight tonnes , try carrying ONE with a balloon. The jelly... one gust of wind and that thing is done too.

Those things are probably made for weather stations or high altitude/low fuel options. But yeah, most technology is made for the military, give it a few years and maybe a real mothership will come.

11-17-2010, 02:49 AM
LOL... menacing music does not make a over grown balloon a mother ship. One shot from a 50 cal and that thing is done. Bombs weight tonnes , try carrying ONE with a balloon. The jelly... one gust of wind and that thing is done too.

Agreed. Hell, let a duck fly into one of its main propellers and it looks like it'll crash.

What I'm wondering though is how that jelly stays afloat. Helium in the sphere maybe?

11-19-2010, 02:36 AM
The air jelly looks super cool. The other two just look like they would be gigantic slow moving targets. I dont see how they would last more than a few minutes in any kind of hostile environment

Active Laser Defense System will prevent any object from striking the vessel. These are only to demonstrate the concept and are in now way examples of "ready-to-field" weapons.

I like Ace Combats version the best.

Wow. Yea. That's what I am talking about. You power that thing with a nuclear reactor or an "anti-matter" reactor and your all set.

LOL... menacing music does not make a over grown balloon a mother ship. One shot from a 50 cal and that thing is done. Bombs weight tonnes , try carrying ONE with a balloon. The jelly... one gust of wind and that thing is done too.

Those things are probably made for weather stations or high altitude/low fuel options. But yeah, most technology is made for the military, give it a few years and maybe a real mothership will come.

Active Laser Defense will prevent any objects from striking the vessel. Not that any enemy will be able to see it anyhow. Full stealth is a must for this type of craft. This type of weapon would be best used to deliver drones to an area of operation rather than acting as the attack vehicle itself.

Agreed. Hell, let a duck fly into one of its main propellers and it looks like it'll crash.

What I'm wondering though is how that jelly stays afloat. Helium in the sphere maybe?

Again, "Active Laser Defense System".

11-19-2010, 06:22 AM
I can see something like that Air Combat game in the future.
got to do something now that the aircraft carrier is getting dated, and China has a carrier destroyer in the works
Chinese aircraft-carrier-killing missile could end U.S. Pacific dominance | cleveland.com (http://www.cleveland.com/world/index.ssf/2010/08/chinese_aircraft-carrier-kille.html)

also need to finish up that rail gun and exo skeleton........
World’s Most Powerful Rail Gun Delivered to Navy - Popular Mechanics (http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/4231461)
USA Electromagnetic Rail Gun (http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNUS_Rail_Gun.htm)
Raytheon Company: Time Magazine names the XOS 2 Exoskeleton a "Best Invention of 2010" (http://www.raytheon.com/newsroom/technology/rtn08_exoskeleton/index.html)

11-19-2010, 09:58 AM
yea air jelly looks cool but dont see what kind of damage that thing will do. As for the other goodyear blimps they suck.

11-19-2010, 10:06 AM
I would rather see Acecombat's version than put balloons in the air.

Sorta Related:
*Activate Skynet*
I'm willing to risk judgement day

11-20-2010, 12:47 AM
I can see something like that Air Combat game in the future.
got to do something now that the aircraft carrier is getting dated, and China has a carrier destroyer in the works
Chinese aircraft-carrier-killing missile could end U.S. Pacific dominance | cleveland.com (http://www.cleveland.com/world/index.ssf/2010/08/chinese_aircraft-carrier-kille.html)

also need to finish up that rail gun and exo skeleton........
World’s Most Powerful Rail Gun Delivered to Navy - Popular Mechanics (http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/4231461)
USA Electromagnetic Rail Gun (http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNUS_Rail_Gun.htm)
Raytheon Company: Time Magazine names the XOS 2 Exoskeleton a "Best Invention of 2010" (http://www.raytheon.com/newsroom/technology/rtn08_exoskeleton/index.html)

Yes, China will have a hard time sinking our carriers when they are hovering 90,000-120,000 feet in the air. :)

yea air jelly looks cool but dont see what kind of damage that thing will do. As for the other goodyear blimps they suck.

Those are all prototypes for different purposes. Not everything is meant to go out and do battle, lol.

I would rather see Acecombat's version than put balloons in the air.

Sorta Related:
*Activate Skynet*
I'm willing to risk judgement day

Different units for different purposes.

11-20-2010, 01:06 AM
That air jelly is really cool and yeah times are def changing and quickly at that.

11-20-2010, 01:35 PM
Yes, China will have a hard time sinking our carriers when they are hovering 90,000-120,000 feet in the air. :)

Those are all prototypes for different purposes. Not everything is meant to go out and do battle, lol.

Different units for different purposes.

Ya I understand that completely.
I'm assuming these would be manned in the same way as the predator drones?

11-22-2010, 11:27 PM
Yes. The entire mother-ship would be a drone. Everything would be automated. It itself would be like a drone. Deploying other drones and so on and so on. Also, with nano-technology, bombs will get smaller and smaller yet more and more powerful. Imagine a nuclear weapon the size of a pin head.... It would be meant to blow up a house or a tank or an enemy mother-ship instead of an entire city. And something that small could be carried by something not too much bigger than that. A mothership the size of a football could have billions of nano-bots! All of which could carry nano-nukes.

11-23-2010, 04:23 AM
500 trillion per mother airship .
another 500billion to run and maintain the airship.
who's gonna pay for this shit?

its more likely we get hit by a big ass astroid than aliens attack us to steal our resources. those airship wont do jack shit against big ass astroids or even medium size ones.

i rather have them build muther fucking hover board.
why hoverboards?
1. its a icon
2. everyone wants one bc its a muther fucking hover board!
3. military uses?....troopers on muther fucking hoverboards!!!

hovertech does stop there...hoverbus,hovertank,hovercars, hoverbuildings...etc shit is a endless possibilities.

11-23-2010, 11:01 AM
i have to agree. all this money could be going into making us fucking HOVERBOARDS! that'd be so tight..

11-23-2010, 05:15 PM
hmm hot air ballon is the future of our Airforce? lol..
haha i could shoot it down with this:

11-23-2010, 09:47 PM
You're on a watchlist

11-23-2010, 11:47 PM

11-24-2010, 11:57 PM
I have always been curious about this:Lockheed:X-22A
I read quite a few websites sayign that many Military personell durign the first few days of OIF II saw this disc hovering above some of the US forces shooting at anything that looked like an antenna or communication device.

kinda of youtube paranoia but if you search for UFO in iraq there are a few weird videos of sightings by actuall marines of UFS and strange rays and lights with the night vision.

11-25-2010, 12:04 AM
and then this thing popping up everywhere:TR-3B

11-26-2010, 07:29 AM
I can see something like that Air Combat game in the future.
got to do something now that the aircraft carrier is getting dated, and China has a carrier destroyer in the works
Chinese aircraft-carrier-killing missile could end U.S. Pacific dominance | cleveland.com (http://www.cleveland.com/world/index.ssf/2010/08/chinese_aircraft-carrier-kille.html)

also need to finish up that rail gun and exo skeleton........
World’s Most Powerful Rail Gun Delivered to Navy - Popular Mechanics (http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/4231461)
USA Electromagnetic Rail Gun (http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNUS_Rail_Gun.htm)
Raytheon Company: Time Magazine names the XOS 2 Exoskeleton a "Best Invention of 2010" (http://www.raytheon.com/newsroom/technology/rtn08_exoskeleton/index.html)

China making a carrier killing missile...even if they did, its still hard to accomplish. Too many safety nets to get thru before it hit a moving ship. You got planes that can chase it and intercept it. Anti-Missile missiles to shoot it down, and then if you do get close enough, you still have to clear the Phalanx (radar guided gatling gun).

The biggest danger China has to our carriers is the same shit ever since it was created...Submarines. China has new submarines that up to par with Russia's subs minus the nuclear reactors. Super silent diesel/battery powered subs. I've heard of an incident with one of them popping up in a the middle of a damn carrier battlegroup. Why it didnt get blown the fuck out of the water is beyond me.

11-26-2010, 08:46 PM
China making a carrier killing missile...even if they did, its still hard to accomplish. Too many safety nets to get thru before it hit a moving ship. You got planes that can chase it and intercept it. Anti-Missile missiles to shoot it down, and then if you do get close enough, you still have to clear the Phalanx (radar guided gatling gun).

Interestingly enough, a few years ago there was some massive training exercise trying to find gaps in our defenses.

The OPFOR was being led an Marine General if I remember correctly.

He took out an entire CBG by using an overwhelming salvo of cruise missiles. While most of them were shot down, enough went through to almost completely wipe out the fleet.

He was also able to completely evade our SIGINT by using messenger that avoided using electronic forms of communications.

Granted, it was a simulation, a lot of which was played out via computers, but interesting food for thought none-the-less.

11-26-2010, 09:06 PM
They won't be too hard to stop with a RAILGUN!
YouTube - Navy's Record-Breaking Railgun Shot (http://youtu.be/i1q_rRicAwI)

11-26-2010, 10:28 PM
I've heard of an incident with one of them popping up in a the middle of a damn carrier battlegroup. Why it didnt get blown the fuck out of the water is beyond me.

I would be willing to bet that they knew it was there the whole time and want them to think they snuck up on the carrier group.

Imagine the results of the Chinese thinking they could really sneak up in a real battle. And boom goes the dynamite.

11-26-2010, 11:43 PM
They won't be too hard to stop with a RAILGUN!
YouTube - Navy's Record-Breaking Railgun Shot (http://youtu.be/i1q_rRicAwI)

crazy scary machine gun:
or this:
1.000.000 rounds per minute gun:

11-27-2010, 01:17 AM
They won't be too hard to stop with a RAILGUN!
YouTube - Navy's Record-Breaking Railgun Shot (http://youtu.be/i1q_rRicAwI)

Sigh. Active Laser Defense System.

Laser: a device that produces a nearly parallel, nearly monochromatic, and coherent beam of light by exciting atoms to a higher energy level and causing them to radiate their energy in phase.

If it does not move faster than the speed of light. The laser will stop it.

I would be willing to bet that they knew it was there the whole time and want them to think they snuck up on the carrier group.

Imagine the results of the Chinese thinking they could really sneak up in a real battle. And boom goes the dynamite.

The Chinese are ready to fight a 20th century war. (with the exception of their extraordinary cyber warfare capabilities) The West has mastered 21st Century combined arms warfare beyond any level that the East will reach for the fore-seeable future. And let us not forget, the west created the computer! The "old wise men" of the West would have never let Pandora out of the box if they did not know something we don't about the type of control they possess in regards to cyber dominance.

11-27-2010, 01:30 AM
Sigh. Active Laser Defense System.

Laser: a device that produces a nearly parallel, nearly monochromatic, and coherent beam of light by exciting atoms to a higher energy level and causing them to radiate their energy in phase.

If it does not move faster than the speed of light. The laser will stop it.

Lasers are cool and all but the Phalanx is like sex through munitions.

On top of raw awesome firepower these things can be linked into multiple radar and other early warning tech to locate an incoming object. Given enough warning(equals not much) these things can and will hit any thing at any speed.


Laser = heat energy
Rail gun = kinetic energy
They both have their uses and one is not necessarily better than the other. If you want a hint as to how powerful rail guns are/can be, the navy is working on fitting battle ships with a single railgun that runs damn near the entire length of the ship. That is a LOT of kinetic energy.

The phalanx gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. lol

11-27-2010, 02:55 AM
Sigh. Active Laser Defense System.

Laser: a device that produces a nearly parallel, nearly monochromatic, and coherent beam of light by exciting atoms to a higher energy level and causing them to radiate their energy in phase.

If it does not move faster than the speed of light. The laser will stop it.

The Chinese are ready to fight a 20th century war. (with the exception of their extraordinary cyber warfare capabilities) The West has mastered 21st Century combined arms warfare beyond any level that the East will reach for the fore-seeable future. And let us not forget, the west created the computer! The "old wise men" of the West would have never let Pandora out of the box if they did not know something we don't about the type of control they possess in regards to cyber dominance.

You already said it, they own our ass in Cyberspace. The problem is, anything and everything we have is tied into the net. They can manipulate the data we see to make us think that we're ready or winning the war. Example of this, we have an online system called IMDS that we track all kinds of maintenance in (aircraft, comm system, almost anything and everything you can think of that is maintenance related), they can go into that system and manipulate the data to make use think that we have our whole F15 fleet red tagged (aka broke). Until you can verify that you know which planes are good, none of them will be flying. We know that they have infilitrated the DoD network that they can flip the switch and completely cut off our forces online, everything in Western Pacific can be cut off from the rest of the US forces and be completely blind.

11-27-2010, 03:25 AM
That is true except that any DOD networks can be made physically separate from the rest of the net. That means that as soon as they pull the external plug the enemy no longer has access.

They can still spread misinformation and hack/attack the rest of the net but I wouldn't say any one nation has a sizable advantage over the others. The lurkers of the net itself(4chan and the like) probably wield far more power in that respect than any nation.

11-27-2010, 11:54 AM
Lasers are cool and all but the Phalanx is like sex through munitions.

On top of raw awesome firepower these things can be linked into multiple radar and other early warning tech to locate an incoming object. Given enough warning(equals not much) these things can and will hit any thing at any speed.


Laser = heat energy
Rail gun = kinetic energy
They both have their uses and one is not necessarily better than the other. If you want a hint as to how powerful rail guns are/can be, the navy is working on fitting battle ships with a single railgun that runs damn near the entire length of the ship. That is a LOT of kinetic energy.

The phalanx gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. lol

The laser can create a plume of excited gasses through which nothing can pass. Just like HAARP. Rail gun projectiles do not travel fast enough to strike the target before disintegrating while traveling through the heat plume.

You already said it, they own our ass in Cyberspace. The problem is, anything and everything we have is tied into the net. They can manipulate the data we see to make us think that we're ready or winning the war. Example of this, we have an online system called IMDS that we track all kinds of maintenance in (aircraft, comm system, almost anything and everything you can think of that is maintenance related), they can go into that system and manipulate the data to make use think that we have our whole F15 fleet red tagged (aka broke). Until you can verify that you know which planes are good, none of them will be flying. We know that they have infilitrated the DoD network that they can flip the switch and completely cut off our forces online, everything in Western Pacific can be cut off from the rest of the US forces and be completely blind.

Our systems can run independent from the rest of the net. Again, HAARP can be a method of communication.

That is true except that any DOD networks can be made physically separate from the rest of the net. That means that as soon as they pull the external plug the enemy no longer has access.

They can still spread misinformation and hack/attack the rest of the net but I wouldn't say any one nation has a sizable advantage over the others. The lurkers of the net itself(4chan and the like) probably wield far more power in that respect than any nation.

The USA, Israel and India have the most powerful cyber armies on the globe.

PS: Didn't Iran just get hit with a bug that disabled their nuclear power plant. "The most advanced worm ever" they called it!!! USA? Israel?

11-27-2010, 01:50 PM
The laser can create a plume of excited gasses through which nothing can pass. Just like HAARP. Rail gun projectiles do not travel fast enough to strike the target before disintegrating while traveling through the heat plume.

High power laser are most definitely destructive but they are like surgical tools for the most part as in they cut things. What you describe sounds more like a plasma based weapon and that is still science fiction at this point.

My only comment on haarp is :tinhat:

11-27-2010, 07:24 PM
High power laser are most definitely destructive but they are like surgical tools for the most part as in they cut things. What you describe sounds more like a plasma based weapon and that is still science fiction at this point.

My only comment on haarp is :tinhat:

Incorrect. Plasma weapon technology has reached and surpassed the level of producing a battle ready weapon; even to the level of being used for stealth as the Soviets have already shown.

That FACT alone means that YES, Plasma has been weaponized.

In regards to laser being surgical in effect..... EXACTLY! The same sort of computer that operates "Phalanx", "Hail Storm", "Excalibur" and other high rate of fire weapons will control the firing mechanism of the active laser defense system. Possible even more advanced. Except that the laser is more powerful than all of those other weapons. Only a momentary burst is enough. A fraction of a second. If that...... And who ever said only one laser would be operational, lol...?

11-28-2010, 10:18 PM
The laser can create a plume of excited gasses through which nothing can pass. Just like HAARP. Rail gun projectiles do not travel fast enough to strike the target before disintegrating while traveling through the heat plume.
Our systems can run independent from the rest of the net. Again, HAARP can be a method of communication.

What are you basing your responses on? Youtube videos, personal studies, do you work for an agency? I have seen quite a few videos about this but none of them actually seam truthfull..they all sound like conspiracy theory vids..even thought I believe in some of it, I cant believe it all..because there is no evidence and some of it just doesnt make sense..
I have also talked to people who seamed to know all about it, and I couldn't get them to furnish me any proof or good explanation, it seams they got their info from you tube videos also, which can be very missleading.

Incorrect. Plasma weapon technology has reached and surpassed the level of producing a battle ready weapon; even to the level of being used for stealth as the Soviets have already shown.
That FACT alone means that YES, Plasma has been weaponized.
In regards to laser being surgical in effect..... EXACTLY! The same sort of computer that operates "Phalanx", "Hail Storm", "Excalibur" and other high rate of fire weapons will control the firing mechanism of the active laser defense system. Possible even more advanced. Except that the laser is more powerful than all of those other weapons. Only a momentary burst is enough. A fraction of a second. If that...... And who ever said only one laser would be operational, lol...?

Please enlighten me on the plasma technology that you said the Russian's are using... I am very interested in this!!!links or anything where I can read up on it would be great.

11-30-2010, 01:02 AM
What are you basing your responses on? Youtube videos, personal studies, do you work for an agency? I have seen quite a few videos about this but none of them actually seam truthfull..they all sound like conspiracy theory vids..even thought I believe in some of it, I cant believe it all..because there is no evidence and some of it just doesnt make sense..
I have also talked to people who seamed to know all about it, and I couldn't get them to furnish me any proof or good explanation, it seams they got their info from you tube videos also, which can be very missleading.

Please enlighten me on the plasma technology that you said the Russian's are using... I am very interested in this!!!links or anything where I can read up on it would be great.

For more info on HAARP, you must do some independent research. Take it all "with a grain of salt". You have to understand how some of that works before you can understand its military implications.

Plasma being weaponized..?
Russian plasma stealth fighters (http://www.military-heat.com/43/russian-plasma-stealth-fighters/)
Plasma stealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_stealth)

11-30-2010, 02:17 AM
Those links are very far fetched and have NOTHING to do with plasma based projectile weapons.

11-30-2010, 09:47 AM
Those links are very far fetched and have NOTHING to do with plasma based projectile weapons.

Who ever said it was an "offensive" weapon, lol...?

"plasma based projectile weapon"...? Who ever said anything about that...?


Weaponized does not mean offence! http://www.thefreedictionary.com/weaponize

11-30-2010, 01:18 PM
For more info on HAARP, you must do some independent research. Take it all "with a grain of salt". You have to understand how some of that works before you can understand its military implications.

Plasma being weaponized..?
Russian plasma stealth fighters (http://www.military-heat.com/43/russian-plasma-stealth-fighters/)
Plasma stealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_stealth)

Yea, I kinda got the basic of it, I just dont think we are able to actually put it to practice yet, like people talking about Us causing small hurricanes, and tornadoes, earthquakes in other parts of the world..I think that's all B.S
but maybe the communication through HAARP part is possible.

11-30-2010, 02:13 PM
Incorrect. Plasma weapon technology has reached and surpassed the level of producing a battle ready weapon...

This statement alludes to an offensive weapon.

Using ionized gas to absorb and scatter radar waves is not a weapon, offensive or defensive.

12-03-2010, 06:15 PM
This statement alludes to an offensive weapon.

Using ionized gas to absorb and scatter radar waves is not a weapon, offensive or defensive.

You Sir, are an idiot.

Here is the definition of the word weapon:

WEAPON: Weapon | Define Weapon at Dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/weapon)
–noun 1. any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting, or war, as a sword, rifle, or cannon.

2. anything used against an opponent, adversary, or victim: the deadly weapon of satire.

3. Zoology . any part or organ serving for attack or defense, as claws, horns, teeth, or stings.

QUOTE: "you're stupidity amazes me!" Pineapple Express - Movie.

12-03-2010, 06:51 PM
Oh thank you I wasn't sure on that one. I always wondered if I truly was an imbecile.

Still not a weapon.

12-03-2010, 08:43 PM
Oh thank you I wasn't sure on that one. I always wondered if I truly was an imbecile.

Still not a weapon.

Dude, I'm totally joking about the "idiot" part. Just busting chops, you know...?

But, yea, the fact that it is used for defense makes it a weapon. The phrase "defensive-weapon" comes to mind.

A plasma stealth device or plasma missile defense would both be considered weapons.

By definition.

PS: I am very interested in the type of stealth systems which bends light. I have heard rumors but nothing close to an operational system is available at this time. I would love some more info on that type of stealth system.

12-04-2010, 04:01 PM
I like Ace Combats version the best.

Those are cool concepts for sure for imagination, but functionality wise theres no reason to have giant air crafts. They just become a huge target. Additionally, the heavier they are they more they cost to fly. A Nimitz class aircraft carrier weighs 90,000 tons. Imagine a compatible flying carrier, and keeping that thing in the air.

If the sole purpose of it is to house aircrafts on the go, we already have this: Nimitz class super carriers... And to be delivered in a few years first of its class, Ford class super carriers.

12-07-2010, 02:40 AM
Those are cool concepts for sure for imagination, but functionality wise theres no reason to have giant air crafts. They just become a huge target. Additionally, the heavier they are they more they cost to fly. A Nimitz class aircraft carrier weighs 90,000 tons. Imagine a compatible flying carrier, and keeping that thing in the air.

If the sole purpose of it is to house aircrafts on the go, we already have this: Nimitz class super carriers... And to be delivered in a few years first of its class, Ford class super carriers.

The era of the sea going air craft carrier will soon come to an end. The Anti-Navy is the direct response to the Carrier Battle Fleet.

Carrier Killer Super-cavitation Torpedo
Shkval torpedo (Russia) - VA-111 - Military Periscope (http://www.periscope.ucg.com/mdb-smpl/weapons/minetorp/torpedo/w0004768.shtml)
YouTube - Torpille Ã* Supercavitation: Shkval VA-111 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4tSRrMkYVg)

How do you intend for an huge slow air-craft carrier to stop this type of weapon...?

What you don't seem to understand is that the future mother-ship would work off of magnetic levitation of some sort. Perhaps even helium. Being fully automated, the weight would not be as great as that of a Nimitz Class. Also, as I have said many times before, active-laser-defense will defend the mother-ship from any projectiles should its stealth become compromised. In addition, the vessel would be much easier to defend if it is not confined to a 2-dimensional field of play.

So, with the advent of the anti-navy and such torpedo's as the SHKVAL VA-111, the day of the super carrier will soon come to an end....

01-05-2011, 07:43 PM
of the pictures posted:

where would you build this monster
where would you take off (probably have to be the sea)
whats the point? we can already deliver bombs easily, and transport troops relativly quickly.. even tho it is cool, the size is wayy to big for human scale. maybe the wingspan of 2-3 of those refueler planes. anything bigger would be pointless.. at that point you might as well make it space ready

04-23-2011, 11:58 PM
reviving a dead thread:

here's a link because i dont know how to post video here.
YouTube - Black projects: Does the Aurora exist? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgCXupNrwHM)
this is the future of air warfare

04-24-2011, 02:00 AM
if, it was true... only probably for used recon or maybe just a test aircraft and nothing more.

for bomber used, probably too costly. but, damn it would be badass. like a f-111 on steriods.

04-24-2011, 02:16 AM
2 things humans seem to get right:

accessing porn
killing other ppl.

other than that we're complete idiots.

04-24-2011, 11:18 AM
That was a really shitty Aurora video

04-24-2011, 06:37 PM
The Aurora is so real that Nasa brags about it. lol


04-24-2011, 10:15 PM
X43 and X51 kick some major ass.

X51 hit Mach 5
X43 hit Mach 9.8 Wowzers. Pretty fast

And speaking of fast stuff, I wish the XB-70 prevailed. That thing is insane. One of these days I'm gonna visit the crash site and pick up a trinket.

04-30-2011, 06:10 AM
Those numbers just seem way too high for it to be realistic and function reliably at the same time IMO. Like in that NASA video said, material technology is the limiting factor. It is the same reason the internal combustion engine is so inefficient.

I'd like to respond to this comment also since it was directed at me even though its was months ago:

What you don't seem to understand is that the future mother-ship would work off of magnetic levitation of some sort. Perhaps even helium. Being fully automated, the weight would not be as great as that of a Nimitz Class.

The point missed here is regardless of what technology is used to fly a mothership, it still requires energy. Magnetic levitation still requires something to generate its flux field. Even if a mother ship uses a lighter weight material than steel, having to house all those other aircrafts and just being the size it is, it certainly will weigh on the same magnitude of a carrier. I stand by my statement

04-30-2011, 07:04 PM
Those numbers have been achieved for decades. You think NASA and the air force would release videos to possible enemies if they didn't already have the technology down?

The F-117 was flying missions for 20 years before the feds came clean about it. Who knows how long the stealth bomber has been flying.

04-30-2011, 10:12 PM
I can't wait for real life Final Fantasy. FUCK YEAH!