View Full Version : S14 automatic transmission

11-11-2010, 07:50 AM
I'm posting this for a guy local to me who actually owes me money, but can't get it until he fixes and sells his car. He needs an automatic transmission, S14 preferred but his mechanic can swap the bellhousing if you have an S13 unit. UNCUT harness is preferred, as well as, obviously, a good working unit. Someone who's pulled there's for a swap who be ideal. If the harness is cut, at least have some to work with, not cut off flush at the case. I don't know his price range as he's broke right now, but we can maybe work out something, or I can swap you a few random junk parts I have left over, or something else. Georgia of course since I'm not traveling for it and he doesn't have a car, close to Atlanta would be best. Email me at [email protected] if you have any leads.