View Full Version : The Slogan Generator

08-24-2003, 01:19 PM
something to get some laughs..


since my comp is gay and wont save the pics. ill just post the link for my shizit


Bill Roberts
08-24-2003, 03:01 PM
I typed in Drifting:

Silly Rabbit, Drifting is for Kids.

The Lighter Way To Enjoy Drifting.

Tonight, Let It Be Drifting.

The Ultimate Drifting Machine.

The Drifting of your Life.

Just Do Drifting.

I'd rather be drifting.

08-24-2003, 03:07 PM
only a fool breaks the anal sex? huh?

08-26-2003, 03:18 AM

to quench that hard earned thirst, try blow job liquid. its good to the last drop!!!!


08-26-2003, 08:29 AM
man this thing has given me hours of entertainment...and even a few pick up lines...

man, my life is soooo sad, i need to study or something for class instead of doing this crap all the time lol

08-26-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by crioten
man, my life is soooo sad, i need to study or something for class instead of doing this crap all the time lol

HAHAH! I thought that was one of the slogans it gave you for a second, till I realized you were actually talking about what you should be doing. Then it made it even funnier.

08-26-2003, 12:25 PM
hahaha, lol thats good stuff....

some zilvia slogans :)

Making Zilvia Taste Better.
It's the Bright One, it's the Right One, that's Zilvia.
Now with 50% more Zilvia!
Zilvia, Take Me Away.
Super Zilvia is Almost Here.
3-in-1 Protection for your Zilvia.
It's Not All Zilvia, Zilvia, Zilvia, you know.
Double the Pleasure, Double the Zilvia.
The Zilvia For All Ages.
To Our Members, We're The Fourth Zilvia.
Unzip a Zilvia.
Promise Her Anything, But Give Her Zilvia.

greatest one...

Zilvia - Australian for Beer.