View Full Version : fighting.........

08-24-2003, 05:06 AM
so yeah...who here has been in fights???..drunk or sober i wanna hear your story..:D

my night tonight was rather interesting...some guy rolled into my friend's house and started talking about the individual he had started $hit with and who's as$ he had kicked earlier in the night...so i jokingly said to my friend, "damn, he could have at least worn a clean shirt to this party", (as his shirt was filthy and stained)...anyway, i guess he heard us when we laughed and decided he needed to start $hit with us as well...unfortunately for him there were 3 of my very good friends in the house and after he shoved me into the wall (for no apparent reason, other then the fact that i wouldn't shake his hand we he attempted to be "bros" with me after he talked smack to my best friend) they both decided he had been tolerated enough..i had an empty bottle of Alisay (sp?) in my hand which was perfect to smash against his head and my friends were more then willing to jump in and stand up for me as most good friends would...all i can say is that he was lucky his g/f was there to get in the middle and ensure that he made it out while he could still walk under his own power...funny thing...she appologized to US for his behavior...lol..so she actually sided with us in the end..haha..damn, that shows you to be the biatch you are when your own g/f sides with those who just beat your as$..

anyway sorry for the ramblings...i just got home and it was fresh on my mind...oh yeah, and i HATE fighting..lol..i'm too pretty to want to get hit...lol...:p

08-24-2003, 01:27 PM
well heres one for me. it was a pretty fukked up day tho :(

went to this one girls birthday party..u know girls and always celebrating their birthday. well we came to chill and drink a bit same for them. her brother and his friends were there. we started to talk and OTHER people started to get loud, and her bro would come up woth my friends and i and started to bitch at us "stfu ya'll or else somebodys gonna get beat" they rented a hotel.."smart"

it ended up the people who were loud was the birthday girl and HER friends. we were juss chillin drinking. soon, those guys said the same shiet to us again, and i guess we had enough. so my friend started to get pissed, but we walked out cuz didtn want anything happening. so they ran after us and started to say my friend was starting shiet. obviously they were drinking as well even tho they denied it. so we left and they kept chasin us. so we stood outside to talk it out..cuz we dont like to fight. then all of a sudden one of the other guys ran and jump kicked my friend right in the leg. and fist were flying. they chased after my friend who they claimed started shiet. of course like i said we tried to avoid it as much as possible..so my friend was running away..trying not to get hit. there were like 2-3 guys after him. i wasnt there yet..cuz i was upstairs..then i came down..and i saw my friend kevin handling 2 poeple, my friend quyen with one person and my friend johnny [who started "shiet"] with 2-3 people on him. i saw and i ran over to my friend johnny cuz they dragged him on the ground and started to kick him while he was on the ground. ran over and tackled a guy, mounted that foo and beat the fukk out of his face..i think i broke some things haha. then i got kicked on the side of my head. while this was all happening, the birthday girl came out and started to yell "stop hitting him hez my brother!" the thing was we werent trying to fight back but we had too. and another fukked up thing was, while we were fending ourselves, the birthday girl and her friends came out and started to hold US back from fighting. soo we were getting pulled away and hit at the same time. becuz WE were "fighting"

then they ran off into their integras and accords and ran off. and after they ran off, we stayed back to clean up and the birthday girl crying her freaken eyes out still blamed us for wat happened.


Kevin: bumps here and there
Quyen: broken hand
Johnny: busted head and broken teeth
Me: bumps

the SAD thing was..we out numbered them! and we dont know where everybody else was!

sad day. :(

Bill Roberts
08-24-2003, 02:56 PM
......honda drivers.....Humm..


08-25-2003, 01:08 AM
What?? Kwan, where was this? Who was there? haha good story tho.

08-25-2003, 07:28 AM
I went to this girl I knows house party with my roommate and his girlfriend. As soon as I go to the door, this girls bro is givin me trouble cause his name is Eric also (gay huh?)......SO anyways, I was in the kitchen talkin to some old friends, and he flicks some BBQ sauce at me, and I proceeded to beat his a$$ in his kitchen...Some people pulled me off him, and brought him out back.

Next thing I know he is at the front door yelling at me to come out in the front yard. All his boys are sitting on the living room couch, and little does he know, I know all of them from football, and we are all pals..they give me the "nod" to go out front and take care of this matter.

I go outside, he is out by the road, and I am in the middle of his yard, with everyone watching by this time....I wait, and turn around to go back inside, not wanting to fight, when I hear running footsteps. I turn around just in time to duck, and hurl him over me, then jumped on him to start pounding in his face...To make it short, I kicked his a$$ in front of his friends, family and at his own house..thats what you get for being a d*ck....


08-25-2003, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by SilviaDriver
then all of a sudden one of the other guys ran and jump kicked my friend right in the leg. and fist were flying. they chased after my friend who they claimed started shiet. of course like i said we tried to avoid it as much as possible..so my friend was running away..trying not to get hit. there were like 2-3 guys after him. i wasnt there yet..cuz i was upstairs..then i came down..and i saw my friend kevin handling 2 poeple, my friend quyen with one person and my friend johnny [who started "shiet"] with 2-3 people on him.

the SAD thing was..we out numbered them! and we dont know where everybody else was!Just a bit of friendly advice, but this is a classic case of the adage "pick your fights". No sane person WANTS to fight, but if its going to happen, make sure it happens on your terms.

08-25-2003, 12:31 PM
Used to be gang involve and yeah... Too many stupid fights.

Its funny how you look back and laugh at stupid things.

4-5 Years ago, This one was one the stupidiest thing can a person get.

I used to work at Old Navy Great mall. I was working up front folding clothes and soon I got the signal to closed the doors I see 6-7 guys walking towards me. Asking me if I got funk...(They remembered me from somwhere) I said no then proceed to closed the door then I see this ****stick flying up in the air and this one of the things that you could easily spot on the air and catch it. I caught his feet and slam his head right on the table. (knock out).

I have a long time friend that was also working there and jump in for me. So we were fighting 5-6 guys VS 2 guys and my friend was getting handed by four guys but he can fight. (Damn Karate kid). I got a hold of my walkie talkie (if you ever work at an Old Navy, We have those walkie talkie thingy) I held it right on the antenna and BANG! slam it on one of the guy head and started bleeding. So the other guys still wanted to fight so me and my friend proceed to fight and we decided to get the biggest guy first and knock him out and get the rest. Feets flyin, fist flying, Cussing words flying... I say we won. No bruises on me but my friend had one earing pulled out but nothing biggie.

They ran and got caught with the security and I press charges on them and find out three months later that they got locked up hahahha stupid fools.

Any of you guys from the Bay Area when Great Mall first open up? The shooting? That was probably the biggest fight in Great Mall I was involve in.

08-25-2003, 01:32 PM
well i used to get into fights way too often through highschool.
it was a phase.
anyways out in jasper (mountains for skiing) me and all of my friedns were walking to our lodge from the pub. about six of us total. anyways one of my friends was trying to style this girl on the way home and her brother was walking with us as well. about 15mins into the walk home the brother of the girl started to throw the shoulder at me...i tried to shrug it off, but then just told him if he does that one more time its GO TIME. so of course the liquor takes over and he throws another one. so we take off coats and he takes his glasses off and we sqaure off. he pot shots me and quickly after puts me in a deadly headlock to which he proceeded to smash me head repeadedly in a chain link fence. after every taste of metal my rage had exceeded normal level. so i broke out of the headlock and spun around to give him a kidney shot. then after short wipe of my bloody face (the after affects of a chain link fence) i hit him with a full and drunken shot to the forhead and he dropped like a stone and then i proceeded to jump on him and feed him some more unitl my buddy pulled me off and said he's had enough.

anyways that was my first real fight about 8 yrs ago.

08-25-2003, 01:37 PM
anyways one of my friends was trying to style this girl on the way

hahahahaha...All I can think of is Styles from Teen Wolf. lol

Nice story man...
