View Full Version : Car won't start everything good.

10-30-2010, 04:19 PM
This post is for a friends car. I just really feel bad for him because ever since he got the car he has had problems with it.

One morning when he went to leave to go to work, he tried to start his car and nothing happened. No turn over, no clicks or nothing. All electrical stuff works. Put a new battery in. Same exact thing. The day before the car ran, started perfect.

Everything checked and verified to be in good working order:

Battery - Brand new
Battery Fuse - Perfect
Battery cables and connections - brand new perfect
Ignition Fuse - Perfect, sends power to ignition
Ignition switch - swapped with a perfectly working one, same either way
All fuses in general - perfect
ECM - swapped with another known working computer. Same shit

All that happens is the "BRAKE" light comes on and the airbag light comes on when you turn the ignition to the on position. Clutch pedal in, turn key to start.....nothing. By the way it's not a Nissan. It's a '99 Honda Civic SI. TRUST ME I already know the best solution, which involves explosives and fire etc but he wants it to run so he can sell it and rid himself of this burden.

If mods want to delete this because it's not for a Nissan go ahead I understand, I just feel bad for the guy and and am seeking out any advice on things I may have missed when tinkering with his car. And I won't be caught dead joining a Honda forum. All help given is much appreciated.

10-30-2010, 04:22 PM
have you checked if the starter getting any current?? if it does check the starter

10-30-2010, 04:38 PM
Yeah It's getting power. Thanks though.

11-01-2010, 11:51 AM
Take the starter out take it to auto zone test it if it's not clicking over that may be the problem... If it is get a push button and wire it up... Does it prime when he turns the key?

11-01-2010, 11:54 AM
If anything you can try to kick start it to see if it will go... Maybe he jumped timing and isn't getting spark flooding cylinders list goes on and on

11-01-2010, 02:29 PM
Take the starter out take it to auto zone test it if it's not clicking over that may be the problem... If it is get a push button and wire it up... Does it prime when he turns the key?

Sounds like the starter to me...

11-01-2010, 02:39 PM
Did you check the clutch safety switch? Also check voltage drop across the starter main wire while someone holds the ignition to crank; should not be more than .5 volts. Also check for 12v at the small stud of the starter solenoid while someone holds the ignition in crank. If you have 12 volts at the small stud then its either your starter or your starter power wire.

11-02-2010, 07:35 AM
starter signal switch has a tendency to wiggy loose