View Full Version : Look at this old Bad A S S car....

Bill Roberts
08-20-2003, 08:27 PM

I was in 2nd grade when this came out and a neighbor had one. One day I missed the bus and he was on his way to work and saw me...said...You missed the bus? I said...Yea.. He said get in!

That car was awesome!

Notice the cool speedometer...like a bathroom scale...he got up to about 100..I was watching the speedo and grinning ear to ear!!!

Look at the size of the gas pedal!

I really really like how that car looks. Very classic.

That 425 cu in engine was music to my ears...just planted you back.

Hey, I was excited as a 7 year old kid to have rode in it.

Just fond memories.

Those cars are also FRONT WHEEL DRIVE!!!

Dig it baby!

08-20-2003, 08:34 PM
you get your car dyno'd yet? you said it was on the 5th...

Bill Roberts
08-20-2003, 08:49 PM
I did!

I did it last Sunday and it did very well as expected..I just need to get it scanned and post it.

Hold your horses....I will display it soon enough!

(I told a few folks in PM..Close to expectation..torque was higher than expected..HP was a shade better than I thought on the 4th run.)

MR.Memph knows the figures as the printout says..

First run was almost 6% lower than 4th. (last)

I will tell about it once I have the image scanned..all I can do now is make a copy and mail it. My dig camera is dead./

08-20-2003, 08:52 PM
ah we'll wait! im anxious to see it!!!

Bill Roberts
08-20-2003, 09:20 PM
More reminising...


Lightning rod shifters, standard with the H/O Cutless.

Oldsmobiles had some killer stuff...too bad this is the last year for them.

08-21-2003, 01:17 AM
but.... it's FWD!!!!


08-21-2003, 01:28 AM
seriously, whats the point of having a muscle car if its FWD. sorry man, just not feeling it.