View Full Version : My computer

08-20-2003, 03:57 PM

give me your .02 and on the Mac G5

08-20-2003, 04:47 PM
Waste of money on the HP. Build it yourself and save some money. Go to pricewatch to get an idea of the components prices, then check out newegg.com.
The KM266 Motherboard is old and the cpu is a little dated as well. As for the software package, get the OS and use openoffice.org's office software package, its free and reads/saves/writes microsoft office files and even saves to acrobat PDF.

As far as the MAC, OSX is bad azz and the systems are comparable to high-end x86 systems, usually multimedia people crave these systems.

08-20-2003, 09:30 PM
okay... i might sell it and buy a new one:coolugh:

if you guys had a chance to build a new computer what would it be?(brand names and parts)

08-24-2003, 03:30 PM
what's wrong with you guys... hahaha...j/k
i know some of you have custom built computers and would like to build a new one. so give me your idea. also why do people buy a p4 2.4 gH when for a couple more bens they could have 3.06 gH

Got Sileighty?
08-24-2003, 04:22 PM
u answered your own question there. "a couple more bens" to most people is a lot. and i believe its about a few more bens, not just a couple.

those couple of bens could go towards a larger/better monitor, or a lot more RAM, or a dvdrw, or a kickass video card....get the idea?

08-24-2003, 04:50 PM
Go AMD!! prices are dirt cheap. get an Nforce2 chipset board, twin 3200-3700 ddr sticks. and a barton cpu

nforce boards (i recommend)
abit nf7-s
asus a7n8x/a7n8x dlx
soltek SL-75FRN2-L/SL-75FRN2-RL

i suggest newegg.com

08-24-2003, 06:46 PM
hey deviousKA i don't why but my computer is really slow, any suggestions? also is it possible to just buy a new processor and intsall it. i was thinnking of the AMD 2.2 ghz, is it a easy task to replace it. would i need a pro to do the install?

08-24-2003, 09:55 PM
well what is your computer? do you know any of the specs? upgrades depend on what you already have. ill assume your using windows. go to start > settings > control panel, and then click on system. when the box comes up down on the the bottom it will tell you what you have

mhz (speed)

if you have decent processor, memory can help speed you up. if its a dinosaur, prices are so cheap now its worth buying new

edit, btw: you could do all yourself if you have steady hands and patience

08-24-2003, 10:37 PM
it's all about what you want to spend and what you need it for, i have built and owned tons of computers. if you have the dough 3 grand can build one kick a$$ dual proccessor machine, like 2 3ghz p4, 1gig ram, 120 gig hd, 533 frontside bus, liquid cooled, HOT! or 2 grand can get you a 2.4 ghz, 1gig ram, 40gig hd dell laptop, but for 500 (no monitor) you can get a 2 ghz AMD, 512 ram, 80gig hd a machine that will make most gamers happy

NEVER BUY HP i hate them get a dell if you don't want to build your own but it's really easy to build your own.

also i am a computer science major at the Air Force Academy so if you need help building your computer shoot me an email.(don't ask me about viruses cuz i don't get them and if i did i would just reformat my HD) i will build computers too for the right price:boink: or if you tell me what you want i can go online and find everything for you and give you an excel sheet with all the parts you need to buy.

08-24-2003, 10:58 PM
hey deviousKA my computer on the begining of this thread

08-24-2003, 11:53 PM
oh, i thought that was one you were lookin at or something. your computer should not be "slow" by any means considering the current pc market. a 2.2 ghz will not be much faster than your 1.8. if you have no care for your warranty on computer, dump that hp motherboard and get one from asus, abit, soltek, etc.. buy 2 sticks of matched ddr and run dual channel (or you could just use your 512 stick, no dual ddr) in the new nforce2 boards

08-25-2003, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by zero.counter
As far as the MAC, OSX is bad azz and the systems are comparable to high-end x86 systems, usually multimedia people crave these systems.

and..... :bowdown:G5

08-25-2003, 03:29 AM
okay deviousKa... so you are saying that i should keep this computer because it's some what great right... i'm just making sure. in your opinon what do you think of my computer and how would you rate it?

besides the motherboard and ddr what should i do to improve my computer.

can i install these parts by myself or would i need a pro.

about the motherboard.. which asus model do you recommend and what would it do to my computer?(speed,performance.etc.)

08-25-2003, 12:37 PM
you could get your questions answered much quicker on like Amdmb.com forums or overclockers.com forums. you already have a lot of parts with your current computer that you would have to rebuy anyways, so just keep it and upgrade. actually i dont see anything wrong with your computer, it should be faster than need be. is it gaming where it slows down? or video editing? that would make more sense. The newer motherboards will benefit you with the latest chipsets, dual ddr capability (faster, but you need two sticks of matched ram). much better overall performance than that hp board. usb 2.0 agp 8x sata hard drives etc.... do some research on the before mentioned forums

all the new nforce2 boards are good, just some cost more, read the reviews on the boards i mentioned before.

putting in a better motherboard will be like upgrading the chassis of a car (kinda) like a sr20 (or a processor) is pretty good in a datsun 510 but drop it in a 240 (or asus, abit,etc.) and its much better overall, lol

08-25-2003, 05:26 PM
thanks for all the help people, i'm now taking this to amdmb