View Full Version : Prop 23

10-15-2010, 03:03 PM
Californians... please vote yes ><. We 240 dailyers are gonna get destroyed if we don't pass it.

10-15-2010, 03:07 PM
Californians... please vote yes ><. We 240 dailyers are gonna get destroyed if we don't pass it.

I dont really understand the prop and what its trying to do. Explain?

10-15-2010, 03:19 PM
Summary of the prop is to suspend AB32. AB32 was a Global Warming Act to reduce emissions in california. California had a target of reducing emissions within the state way below what we are at now by 2020. California would also have a minimum mpg rating of all vehicles sold in the state. It reduces blue collar jobs because factories can't hire more people since they're always trying to pay off their emissions tax. etc etc...

California is already the 5th cleanest state in the U.S. and probably one of the cleanest places, emissions wise, in the world. By not passing prop 23 we would be the strictest place in the WORLD on emissions. A friend and I had a discussion and if prop 23 does not pass, it could mean the influx of the infrared cameras detecting emmsions from tailpipes of passing vehicles. You would recieve a letter saying to get voluntary repairs or pay the fine. However, this wouldn't last forever. It would only last until California has 4 consecutive quarters of unemployment of less that 5.5%

SHORT VERSION: By passing Prop 23, we're telling the greenpeace tree huggers to calm down. We're already making a lot of strives and putting in the effort to make this a cleaner world. It's only gonna be until California has more job. After there are more jobs, AB32 goes back into effect and strictest emissions laws as we know it can happen then, but not when California is nearly bankrupt. We need to tell the greenpeace treehuggers to calm the f*** down. THere are plenty of other things they can do to make this a "greener" place instead of making AB32 mandatory.

10-15-2010, 06:00 PM
fer sher im voting yes on this one lol....

10-15-2010, 06:09 PM
It has my vote...

10-15-2010, 06:16 PM
tell your friends. spread the world. Honestly, I agree with trying to be environmentally friendly and everything but some people are plain crazy. It harms the world more to make new cars, i.e. the Prius, than it does to just keep fixing the older cars.

10-15-2010, 06:31 PM
i shall spread it lol hahahahahahahaha that sound funny no homo....

10-15-2010, 07:43 PM
yeah i'm voting yes as well. AB32 will basically give C.A.R.B. free reign to make regulations that will kill jobs. i don't know if you guys heard about this, but they wanted to pass a law that required people to have their tires inflated to a certain psi...why? because proper air pressure will provide optimum mpg, reducing consuption of fuel. the only problem is they wanted to make this LAW...and you had to have your air certified by technicians (for which they'd charge a fee for of course). if it wasn't you had to get your tires properly inflated or you'd be fined/jailed.

i hate california and C.A.R.B. and this ab32 bill is just stupid.

10-15-2010, 08:02 PM
Californians... please vote yes ><. We 240 dailyers are gonna get destroyed if we don't pass it.

California Proposition 23 (2010) - Ballotpedia (http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/California_Proposition_23_%282010%29)
Text of California Assembly Bill 32 (2006) - Ballotpedia (http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/Text_of_California_Assembly_Bill_32_%282006%29)

Apples and Oranges, Natural Gas Utilities has nothing to do with Cars.

10-15-2010, 10:26 PM
yeah but where does it stop? Soon, they're gonna be after us. They want to get all the Hot Rodz off the road and they are a VERY small group of owners. Come on... That's :bs:

10-16-2010, 12:08 AM
Please read that bill again because the people who are sponsoring this bill are from TEXAS!! Cali is one of the only states were you have to disclose who is sponsoring a bill! Im not in favor of all components of the bill, but damn people think about the future! Two words BP!

10-16-2010, 12:13 AM
IDK i like the thought of cleaner air...

10-16-2010, 12:22 AM
Proposition 23, which would Suspend AB 32, the Global Warming Act of 2006.

Global warming is just one of those things that law makers want to use to control you, tell you to buy a prius, when it creates more pollution to make the Hybrids than a regular car.

yes: would get rid of the global warming act b.s.
no: would let it go on.

10-16-2010, 12:41 AM
KILLCARB.ORG - NEWS (http://killcarb.org/news.html)

i'm worried about where this environmental extremism headed

10-16-2010, 12:46 AM
its not just the 240 owners its pretty much everyone with an older car and the rotary owners like myself

10-16-2010, 06:11 AM
tell your friends. spread the world. Honestly, I agree with trying to be environmentally friendly and everything but some people are plain crazy. It harms the world more to make new cars, i.e. the Prius, than it does to just keep fixing the older cars.

i would have to agree, only if people actually knew the externalities involved with making "alternative energy" automobiles...its baffling...

10-16-2010, 01:15 PM
it's got my vote, my 2007 already won't pass smog lmao

10-16-2010, 02:47 PM
prop 23 has my vote

beeracing s14
10-19-2010, 02:04 PM
im lazy but for this one and in support for others .. YES IM VOTING!

10-19-2010, 10:20 PM
got people handing out flyers all day on my college campus goodluck guys

10-19-2010, 11:27 PM
what about prop 26

10-21-2010, 01:14 PM
got people handing out flyers all day on my college campus goodluck guys

LOL. They are all over my campus handing shit with no on 23 out too. lol. They said it was like for big energy companies not cars.

I don't understand. Right now from ab32, CARB has the power to make any law they want?

10-21-2010, 02:43 PM
IT covers a lot of pollution producing issues.

Including recreational sports not limited to Offroading, sandrails and off highway vehicles.

I hate how they are promoting it because it is not clear. on tv they say oil comapnies are benefitting from it balh balh balh and to vote no on 23.

I heard if this bill is veto'd we will start seeing trails closed, smog restrictions being put on vehicles that aren't even registered for street use!!!!!

can you imagine having to put smog restrictions on your track only car?

Supposedly California is already the 5th cleanest state. Not sure if thats per capita or what not.

10-21-2010, 09:32 PM
lol. sooo much bias flying around..
manipulation of people around the "eco-friendly" factor is growing and it seems the recession isn't going to help us against the "no on prop 23." Especially how Obama and other gov't affiliates support environmentalism for the creation of jobs. In fact, we were lucky that the GWBush administration did not take strong actions against emissions; even when "global warming" was considered a problem. Maybe because Bush was from Texas, and Texas has an oil empire.

The thing I find funny is how pissed oil companies are at this moment.

Anyways, if prop 23 passes, it is a win-lose situation.. Oil companies are still going to make dem $$$$ off of people.... IMO

10-22-2010, 04:13 PM
prop 23 is going to just slow them down. That's it. It's not going to be the end all of all emissions control. I don't know if this is true but, a friend told me a he had read an article that not one person on the CARB board is a businessman of any sort. So they have no idea how much what they are doing is hurting the flow of money. Take it with a grain of salt.

11-02-2010, 12:36 PM
dont forget to vote ppl.

YES ON23 and no ON 19 :D

11-02-2010, 06:25 PM
Grassroots 'No On Prop 23' Campaign Poised to Defeat Big Oil (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/02/grassroots-no-on-prop-23-_n_777785.html)

11-02-2010, 08:47 PM
^i like your sig.

yes on 23.
yes on 19.

11-02-2010, 10:37 PM
FML.. It didn't pass.. And I wasn't old enough to vote.. And my car is now smoking like a wildfire and leaking oil.. Greeaaat job cali for ruining everyones fun

beeracing s14
11-02-2010, 11:47 PM
so prop 23 failed. i think im changing my course from turboing my car to just strictly NA. and yes ill take beatings from honda ricers. LOL

11-03-2010, 12:38 AM
I guess the word clean and dirty played a big role in this proposition. Because who wants a dirty environment? The answer is obvious and the question is rhetorical.

Great opportunity for businessmen making $$$ in the "clean green=moolah green" economy

Anyways, I hope for the best for us automotive enthusiasts in Cali.
register car in Arizona lol?

11-03-2010, 12:48 AM

11-03-2010, 12:50 AM
You guys all work for oil companies now? Or are you just gullible?

11-03-2010, 01:36 AM
Seriously right? I didn't know my car counts as an oil refinery.

11-03-2010, 09:03 AM
well we lost. the greenpeace fanatics are going to take over the world

11-03-2010, 09:12 AM
well we lost. the greenpeace fanatics are going to take over the world

We? You work for Valero or something?

11-03-2010, 10:09 AM
time to start switching over to the Honda CRZ

11-03-2010, 10:16 AM
no. I meant those of us who want tree huggers and enviromentalists to calm the hell down. They need to go do something about China first.

beeracing s14
11-03-2010, 01:22 PM
AB32 is kicking in when? is it out there to kill us now? LOL

11-04-2010, 03:15 PM
is this a super serious thing? if so, im gonna be like irobot have the only gasoline powered car
(instea of a motorcycle) in some storage and kill all the robots with it

11-04-2010, 03:18 PM
Hello!!! Global warming is myth! Anyone remember the debunker right before the G20? All the scientists that lied and got their e-mails exposed by a hacker? Yeah, watch the news! The assholes who fight for global warming admit that it does not exist - and no we are going to spend more money fighting it? Yes there is pollution, but global warming is not man-maid. Greenies just want to control, they want power - like any political party.

11-04-2010, 06:16 PM
Hello!!! Global warming is myth! Anyone remember the debunker right before the G20? All the scientists that lied and got their e-mails exposed by a hacker? Yeah, watch the news! The assholes who fight for global warming admit that it does not exist - and no we are going to spend more money fighting it? Yes there is pollution, but global warming is not man-maid. Greenies just want to control, they want power - like any political party.

this is not the first time I have heard this.


11-04-2010, 07:13 PM
What the hell did you guys expect?
It is CA after all.

11-04-2010, 08:15 PM
its not that we work for the oil companies or advocate all the extra funding they get...i personally dont like the new agenda and mass hysteria going green is causing...

11-04-2010, 10:09 PM
its not that we work for the oil companies or advocate all the extra funding they get...i personally dont like the new agenda and mass hysteria going green is causing...

this is exactly what I was trying to get at. I was hoping people would pass prop 23 to give a :mephfawk::madfawk: to the greenpeoples.

11-05-2010, 03:50 AM
Looks like I'm moving out of CA. lol

11-05-2010, 05:36 AM
Its not that I dont expect law and props on top of laws and props in cali but nevertheless boooo to this....

Tree hugging for the Fail

beeracing s14
11-05-2010, 01:16 PM
i think im using my money for a hybrid downpayment than an sr20 install

11-06-2010, 03:08 AM
I'd like CA to have much cleaner air but other states SHOULD be more concerned than ca.
i realy want those big arse container trucks to have the emission check.