View Full Version : AC recharge for R12 S13, need advice in buying recharge kit

10-07-2010, 02:24 PM
I did my research on the whole R12-R134A conversion. But I cant find a proper kit at either auto zone or Kragen that has the import fitting's for Japanese cars. I don’t know if there is anyone here that has purchased a kit with all the proper fittings and materials to recharge a R12 AC system. I am currently about to purchase this kit linked below called FREEZE-12. I just wanted to see if anyone could recommend/vouch for a kit that would save me the headaches and the time. Any feeback would help. -Dead

Amazon.com: Freeze-12 Full Repair Kit R12 Refrigerant Replacement: Automotive (http://www.amazon.com/Freeze-12-Full-Repair-Refrigerant-Replacement/dp/B002GTGUYS)

Amazon.com: Freeze-12 Refrigerant Quick Charge Kit R12 Replacement: Automotive (http://www.amazon.com/Freeze-12-Refrigerant-Quick-Charge-Replacement/dp/B002GQ0QQO/ref=pd_sim_auto_4)

10-07-2010, 02:44 PM
Do more research on how to do it right. I recall trying to do the similar thing and gave up because the proper way to do it would have cost a grip of money. Oil of compressor must be changed when you switch refrigerants. On top of that, doing it alone, you have no way of disposing of the R-12 which is poisonous to humans. Get it dont at a shop, and save your health.

10-07-2010, 02:49 PM
get the freeze 12 conversion kit/fittings
bring it to shop to have it vac'd out /or rent a vac
then refil with proper amount of oil and freeze 12
worked good on my old integra

10-08-2010, 08:00 PM
get the freeze 12 conversion kit/fittings
bring it to shop to have it vac'd out /or rent a vac
then refil with proper amount of oil and freeze 12
worked good on my old integra

which kit did you exactly get, my problem at this point is having the correct fittings?

10-08-2010, 08:05 PM
There are shops that still has r12 but it's like twice as much to charge it

10-08-2010, 09:03 PM
There are shops that still has r12 but it's like twice as much to charge it

I actually found a guy who does the exact R-12 recharge for about $100.00~130.00, Im looking in geting the kit, that way I can still get my ac going again after I do my swap.

10-08-2010, 10:19 PM
I saved myself headaches also by getting an AC shop to retrofit r134 and charged for only 60 bucks.