View Full Version : 3 Hotties

08-16-2003, 04:51 PM
Just thought id introduce myself by showin u guys what i drive....i'll be hangin around here more, I'm looking into buying an s13 for track use.









08-16-2003, 04:54 PM
hey welcome to zilvia. you have unique lineup of cars already.

08-16-2003, 05:39 PM
Nice cars and welcome to Zilvia

Bill Roberts
08-16-2003, 06:12 PM
What kind of engine setup you got in the V-Dub?

I always liked those...but in Florida...almost all of them rusted to dust...California weather is easy on cars rust wise.

08-16-2003, 06:14 PM
stock 1600cc l/b with dual carbs

08-16-2003, 06:32 PM
sweet cars welcome to Zilvia

Bill Roberts
08-16-2003, 07:00 PM

08-17-2003, 05:40 PM
hey nice cars you have there. i think i've seen you on club4ag too. welcome to zilvia.

08-17-2003, 06:18 PM
sweet rides! welcome to zilvia too!

08-17-2003, 09:03 PM
I am DIGGING those VW wheels... like... seriously...
nice cars! I'm not so much a fan of the Matrix, but... could be worse. :)

08-17-2003, 09:19 PM
dont like the matrix?! it's a good practical daily driver and the 1zz is a good motor (plus i can fit 3 surfboards in it :D)




it's leavin me in december anyway...gettin an mr2 spyder (mr-s)

08-18-2003, 02:48 AM
that ae86 is nice.. mr-s is nice too. actually, i prefer that over the matrix. i know the vw is going to get lots of attention since it has that classic look.

08-19-2003, 04:51 PM
Nice..AE86..welcome...to Zilvia:D

08-19-2003, 06:43 PM
Supercharged Matrix! I bet thats fun.. I didn't know Toyota had released that yet?

08-19-2003, 07:51 PM
havn't released it yet :X!!

08-20-2003, 09:00 AM
That squareback is siiiiiiiiiiick with that perfect chrome. The Empi's work very well, too. One day, I'll have a Type 3 project.

08-21-2003, 06:52 AM
oh, damn. Yeah... that Matrix is a *little* different from a typical matrix... is it aftercooled/intercooled, or not? heh heh... that TRD SC really makes all the difference... do you have details on it and any engine modifications required to accept it (lower compression I hope/assume)... :bow:

08-21-2003, 06:59 AM
I really like the VW. I had a fastback like that and a sedan in the same body style. (I don't think they ever had the sedan in the states did they) That was back in the day. I lived in Germany then. I later got a VW Microbus. Had the hippy tie dyed curtains and all. ;)

08-21-2003, 08:56 AM
oh, damn. Yeah... that Matrix is a *little* different from a typical matrix... is it aftercooled/intercooled, or not? heh heh... that TRD SC really makes all the difference... do you have details on it and any engine modifications required to accept it (lower compression I hope/assume)...

no intercooler at the moment...thatd come later..

.....and the compression stays the same because its on a 1zz rather than a higher compression 2zz (which would be much more risky)

I really like the VW. I had a fastback like that and a sedan in the same body style. (I don't think they ever had the sedan in the states did they) That was back in the day. I lived in Germany then. I later got a VW Microbus. Had the hippy tie dyed curtains and all.

They had the sedan over here but it was very rare, it was called the notchback. The type 3 family sold in the us from 1964-1973 was made of the squareback (my stationwagen model) fastback (liftback model) and the notchback (sedan/coupe model). and the best year was 1967 ;)

08-21-2003, 10:21 AM
Oh hey! The idiot is here also.

08-21-2003, 12:10 PM
you have very.... quirky taste in cars :) but thats a good thing :) and when you get the S13, go RB :cool:. I'd like to see what a guy with your kind of money could do with one.... im assuming you're loaded since you live in orange and have 3, soon to be 4 cars.

08-21-2003, 12:21 PM
Hes a little kid.

He don't own the VW and the Matrix. Its his parents car.

As for POS SR5 thats his.

08-21-2003, 02:41 PM
Hes a little kid.

He don't own the VW and the Matrix. Its his parents car.

As for POS SR5 thats his.

Truenocoupe is just a little mad he got banned from club4ag for being an immature little asshole like he's being right now. Actually all of the cars are mine, and if he knew what he was talking about you could believe him. You see truenocoupe, the smarter people in this world who do something with their lives and time actually are productive and successful, unlike yourself. I bought the VW for 800$ off an old man who didn't want it anymore because it was in crap condition. Pitched the idea of a series about restoring a type3 to VW Trends of primedia, and they went for it, so that's how I got my squareback restored for cheap. Yeah, I said MY squareback because it is my car, if you don't believe me, go pick up a back issue of vw trends, the car had its own 6 part series, check out the author and photographer DUMBASS they're both ME. The sr5 I picked up for 850 even, and i pay the monthly for the matrix with my regular job and with some web design i do on the side. So CONGRATS to truenocoupe for once again being an absolute idiot and showing everybody.


Do you like proof? My mom's celica and my dad's 4runner, with my brother's tacoma across the street......any questions truenocoupe? or would you rather come back with something that you consider witty that others view as childish? I'm glad you got banned from club4ag, nobody needed you over there: all you did was create negativity around the boards and bitch.

08-21-2003, 03:27 PM
mad? HA!

Let see, 1. You don't know the story at all of why my account is locked you, ****stick. So stop assuming "Mr. The 5 Redstar people are picking on me." Why don't you cry me a river. So please don't assume again until you hear it from me or the webmaster itself of why my account got locked. As for one I really don't care if it did or not. I got love for Moto's site but its just fun *** hell to make fun of you newbies asking same 'ol question about how to slide a slow *** SR5 that probably has 50HP.

2. I've been with Club4ag for the last 5 years or so and things had gone down hill for the last couple of years. You don't know half of history in there and what I have contribute. I have showed several new guys that came in to Club4ag world behind the screen. I have put much sweat as other guy getting a stupid corolla running.

You see, I work from 10-5 For the last three years that is making me a shietload of money for doing nothing. The only thing I do while at work is **** people like you that asked about "Hot to convert an SR5 to GTS". Same 'ol question and maybe you ****stick will learn how to use the "Search and the Reference" section.

As for living my life ****stick, I got a Job and probably make 5 times much as you. For godsake, I own a 2003 yukon Denali and 2002 Suburban. You don't see me bragging about my "hotties".

Would you like me to take pics and have my finger on the middle with a penny to prove to you? Wait, Thats a wasted of time. Ill go on with my nice life behind screen. As much as you think im asshole I can really care less.

08-21-2003, 03:55 PM
if I honestly thought you had something intelligent to say, I'd waste my time reading your bull****, but I don't so don't even bother typing anymore babe thx. Keep calling me a starstick it's really getting to me :mad: < look how mad i am!! go get em truenocoupe!! maybe you should find something better to do with your time ;)

alrite cool guy hope you have a WONDERFUL day :coolugh:

08-21-2003, 04:07 PM
Half of the things you said I couldn't understand. How about you work on yourself before you give advice to someone else.

Starstick? - NOW THATS CLASSIC, My friend.

As for finding better to do with my time, I already did. ****ing you off.

-A Corolla Asshole.

Originally posted by variant
if I honestly thought you had something intelligent to say, I'd waste my time reading your bull****, but I don't so don't even bother typing anymore babe thx. Keep calling me a starstick it's really getting to me :mad: < look how mad i am!! go get em truenocoupe!! maybe you should find something better to do with your time ;)

alrite cool guy hope you have a WONDERFUL day :coolugh:

08-21-2003, 05:08 PM

08-21-2003, 05:16 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

08-21-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by MorganS13


08-21-2003, 05:22 PM
:aw: why can't we just get along?

08-21-2003, 09:44 PM
Ok, I dunno what happened between you guys in the past, but please, keep it in the past.

08-22-2003, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by transient
Ok, I dunno what happened between you guys in the past, but please, keep it in the past.

im with you on that

08-22-2003, 06:44 AM
let's all play nice, lest the Ban-Stick get angry.

08-22-2003, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by MorganS13

Best emoticon eVar! :D :bowdown:

08-22-2003, 08:05 AM
nice trueno!!! ^.^ ... i wanted one but couldn't find one... so i went for the 240sx instead. it was either that or a miata ... *barf* j/p in case anyone luvs miatas...

08-22-2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
let's all play nice, lest the Ban-Stick get angry.

Whats an off-topic forum if theres no asshole around?

08-22-2003, 10:58 AM
Sweet cars, welcome to Zilvia

08-22-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by TRUENOCOUPE
Whats an off-topic forum if theres no asshole around?

a good off topic forum.

08-22-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by TRUENOCOUPE
Whats an off-topic forum if theres no asshole around?

A sucky off-topic forum:D

08-23-2003, 05:34 PM
nice cars:D

Funny too