View Full Version : i need a job..

08-11-2003, 06:47 PM
anybody know where i can get one in sd? haha...

08-11-2003, 07:22 PM
San Diego Jobs (http://joblink.uniontrib.com/advanced_job_search.cfm) Good luck ;)

08-11-2003, 07:26 PM
well any auto performance shops want an apprentice..?.. haha.. that cud be my "in" to the industry.. cuz i dont think my stock s13 is makin much waves..

08-11-2003, 07:28 PM
"any auto performance shops want an apprentice"

They just might...walk into one and ask. Tell em your willing to work hard for a very small amount of $. Basically, they get a cheap bitch and you get experience, everybody wins :cool:

You might have to settle for a standard gas station garage or muffler/brake type shop to start...maybe try a local dealer.

Bill Roberts
08-11-2003, 08:37 PM
Best Buy or Circuit city.

You will love it for a while...you either move up, or move out...at least it is money and they all are hiring for an aggressive straitup eye to eye person.

I worked with for Warner bros. (20+years) During my off time, I would go to CC and pick up some change. I usually told them..I would work for like 6 Months (worked there 5 times..re-hire etc)

I made 31K in 6 months once so go get it.

This was in the 80's and early 90's

I will always be eligable for a rehire if times get hard. Good anchor to have.

08-11-2003, 08:41 PM
whore urself.

Bill Roberts
08-11-2003, 08:43 PM
Another LOL!


08-12-2003, 12:20 AM
Whore your self out to fat chicks for money.

"Fat girls need love too... but they gotta pay"

08-12-2003, 01:18 AM
no no..its

"fat girls need love too...but dont mean i gotta give it to them"

08-12-2003, 09:50 AM

08-12-2003, 07:49 PM
donate sperm..get past the moral issues (which i think there are none)..and you get 50$ a pop...:)..3 times a week...you are sittin pretty and feelin good..;)

Bill Roberts
08-12-2003, 08:01 PM
Damn...with the right honey helping...thats like several thousand dollars per hour!


08-12-2003, 08:55 PM
what has become of my thread!!! hahaha..

08-12-2003, 09:00 PM
its the same thing that happens to everyother thread basiclly, it becomes a mini-post whore thread. See this reply is stupid, yay, my post count went up one.:D

08-13-2003, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by Bill Roberts
Damn...with the right honey helping...thats like several thousand dollars per hour!


:kiss: :wackit: :zzz:

08-13-2003, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Bill Roberts
Best Buy or Circuit city.

You will love it for a while...you either move up, or move out...at least it is money and they all are hiring for an aggressive straitup eye to eye person.

I worked with for Warner bros. (20+years) During my off time, I would go to CC and pick up some change. I usually told them..I would work for like 6 Months (worked there 5 times..re-hire etc)

I made 31K in 6 months once so go get it.

damn, you must have been one good sales person. what dept. did you work in, also I heard CC pays you off commision?? is that true or did you get paid hourly. only asking because around next april im thinking about applyin at the local Best Buy or Circuit City, which ever one will give me a steady income.

08-13-2003, 10:44 PM
CC used to pay on commision untill about a year ago. Now they are hourly just like best buy. :(

08-18-2003, 03:15 AM
you guys crack me up.. 31k in 6 months. thats hella good.

Bill Roberts
08-18-2003, 08:54 AM
Yep, The gravy train back then was major appliances, referred to as "white goods". Refrigerators, stove tops, ranges, washers/dryers, dishwashers, microwave ovens, garbage disposers, trash mashers..and such.

Commission was the bomb.

The way I did it was to go find a bunch of new houses being built and find the GC (general contractor) and make a list of new home owners to call and beat Sears prices for a "whole house" of appliances.

If you sold a "fat pack" which is most or all of the above, you made about 400 bucks off the one customer. Get service contracts, around 650.00

One saleman there made over 100K a year doing just that. Unfortunantly, Circuit city got out of the major appliance business. Cool thing back then...If Majors was dead, you could slide over to any of the other depatments and sell. All you had to do was get qualified for "whole store" or be what they called a "swing seller".

It could be a money pot.

Things that did not have good commission were small TV's, cheap computers and Stereos.

Wow...too bad they don't offer commission anymore...maybe that is why last time I shopped at Circuit city, I could not get waited on at all. I simply picked out what I wanted and took it to the register.

Times change...that part of it changing is a shame for their company...No good pay equals lousy help that does not care.

08-18-2003, 05:45 PM
A couple of summers ago I worked at CompUSA next to a Best Buy and CC. They paid an hourly wage and the only commision you got was if you sold a warennty. I think that is how they all work now for commision. But also if you work for Best Buy you get huge discounts.

That is also probably why no one helped you cause you could spend an hour or more explaining stuff to people and then just when it seemed like you were going to sell something they would say they would think about it. That was really annoying.

As for the whole selling sperm stuff it is a good money maker if you can get all the info you need. My roommate was going to do that. You just need to tell them about your family's medical history and things like that.

Bill Roberts
08-18-2003, 06:49 PM
I know I am getting off topic...but when I sold..I separated the "Johnnys" from the "Walleys" from the ones that could be closed.

IF a guy wanted to buy..I knew within the first 5 to 7 mins and asked for the sale..After asking for the sale 3 times...and the customer was assured they had all the information needed to make the purchase ( Based on our discussion..is their anything else you need to know?..13 to 15 mins max) and still did not know...I would turn them over to another salesman or just walk their azz with a card. close to 50% returned and asked for me..and I wrote them up...and get another customer.

I set my watch to beep each 15 mins...and this was the cue to lock them down or move on...I would say...welp..there is the bell, taking it with you?...walk this way..if they followed you...it was done deal. If not, game over.

I was not a babysitter and did not allow them to stroke my chain.

Neither did I hack them off. They knew I was the guy to buy from and get the hell out of the store and enjoy their new purchase. Word got out...people brought people in to buy product from me.

I always called each customer after 3 days to make sure all was cool during my lunch break.

Big orders took time...but that was after they were closed and the ka'ching, ka'ching was in the register.

I was there to write sales, not talkabout them.