View Full Version : Bachelor party in Montreal!

09-14-2010, 01:59 PM
Hey what's up zilvians...this weekend I'll be traveling up to Montreal for my bachelor party. :w00t: Just trying to see what the night life is like? clubs/lounges/strip clubs/restaurants. I was going to post in the "Canada" specific section but it doesn't seem like there's much activity there. Let me know any suggestions/stories/etc. Thanks guys! :Ownedd:

09-14-2010, 04:21 PM
eat poutine!! lots of it!!!! open 24h ;)

La Banquise - Poutine (http://www.restolabanquise.com/)

09-14-2010, 06:10 PM
Montreal is known for I think the 3rd? best city to party in of North America? I heard it on some trusted source...somewhere..

Either way, It's rad as shit! Too bad it's this weekend, as our DMCC (Drift Manaia Canadian Championship) event is in Ontario for the final round. 5 out of 6 rounds are in Quebec.

When your in MTL city go to St.Catherins street. It's bar/club central and I guarantee you'll have a blast!

"SAQ" is the liquor store, bars close later then you'll be awake, convenience stores and grocery stores all sell alcohol and I can't forget the women...some of the hottest you'll ever see guaranteed.

09-14-2010, 06:20 PM
i can vouch for the women part, 50% of the girls ive dated have come from that fine province.

09-14-2010, 08:17 PM
I was going to post in the "Canada" specific section but it doesn't seem like there's much activity there.
How thoughtful of you to blatantly disregard our forum structure and post it where ever you think it will get the most traffic...

I expect more from a Premium Member.

09-14-2010, 09:32 PM
How thoughtful of you to blatantly disregard our forum structure and post it where ever you think it will get the most traffic...

I expect more from a Premium Member.

I apologize for the post but I also posted this in the off-topic section as to be able to get feedback from canadians as well as others. This is a pretty traveled city and wanted to open up discussion to the general forum. As most of these specific region sections are usually only visited by those that live there. Sorry, won't happen again.