View Full Version : SR20DET Running Rough

09-10-2010, 03:24 PM
Got the car on the road today, and it was idling fine (timing was ok) and accelerating fine, except after I gave it gas and then let off the throttle it would tend to bog down and sometimes stall out.

Since I've driven it around the block a few times, this problem has gotten worse. The engine barely idles now, and idles very low and rough, sputters and misfires.

I've been messing around with the CAS thinking that the timing might be off a tad, but no luck. I've noticed that the idle gets a little better when I unplug the MAF, but the MAF is clean and in very good condition.

Tried pulling codes from the ECU, but the red light just stays solid and doesn't shoot any codes at me (unless I'm not checking properly).

I'm stumped, any ideas? :hyper:

09-11-2010, 06:02 PM
are you running a draw through setup or blow through set up?... check your vacuum lines....... play with your idle control sensor which is attached on your intake man. make sure plugs are gaped right....... unplug injectors 1 by 1 and if you unplug one and nothing happens (have car running when u do thins).. then you have a bad injector....

09-11-2010, 06:10 PM
check all your grounds and check your tps im sure its your tps set it up to .04 or.05 someone correct me if i am also check fuel pressure after that is good you are good to go

09-11-2010, 06:25 PM
Also check your IAC valve, that catches your idle and keeps it in the right place. There's a good chance that it could be not functioning properly.

09-11-2010, 06:30 PM
Bad misfire and sputtering can cause by a spark plug going bad I would recommend replacing it with a new one but do not use platinum plugs for turbo engines and mybe go with a colder plugs as far as idle check your vacuum line

09-13-2010, 02:59 PM
TPS is set properly, the MAF is a draw through set-up. Just replaced the IACV with a new one I had sitting around.... still not even a sputter or a fart when the engine is cranking. Checked all my coils for spark and they're all sparking, put new plugs in this morning. If someone has the numbers handy does anyone know the exact factory specs for spark plug gaps?

But even if the gaps were a tad off, it should at least sputter or something!

Still having the same problem, the thing won't even start at all so I can't even tell you how it's idling.

Thanks for the input guys, keep it coming if you've got any more ideas!


09-13-2010, 04:25 PM
Check all of your hoses it be disconnected or maybe cracked my car died before when the hose from my intercooler popes out

steve shadows
09-13-2010, 09:43 PM
by draw through do you mean blow through?

or suck thought haha

I don't recommend the blow through. the filimients are very easily fried and then your car runs like shit...suck through only with MAF, if you want to get something different invest in a MAP base EMS