View Full Version : Minister Jones

09-09-2010, 06:20 AM
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is exhorting a Florida minister to "listen to those better angels" and call off his plan to engage in a Quran-burning protest this weekend.
Obama told ABC's "Good Morning America" in an interview aired Thursday that he hopes the Rev. Terry Jones of Florida listens to the pleas of people who have asked him to call off the plan. The president called it a "stunt."
"If he's listening, I hope he understands that what he's proposing to do is completely contrary to our values as Americans," Obama said. "That this country has been built on the notion of freedom and religious tolerance."
"And as a very practical matter, I just want him to understand that this stunt that he is talking about pulling could greatly endanger our young men and women who are in uniform," the president added.
Said Obama: "Look, this is a recruitment bonanza for Al Qaida. You could have serious violence in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan." The president also said Jones' plan, if carried out, could serve as an incentive for terrorist-minded individuals "to blow themselves up" to kill others.
"I hope he listens to those better angels and understands that this is a destructive act that he's engaging in," the president said of Jones.

I don't think the minister in question is very widely followed but he most definitely is a jackass for threatening to pull this stunt. And all this right before I go to Bagram? Just what i need... to get shelled a little harder, i guess.

09-09-2010, 07:35 AM
I blogged about this yesterday (http://callmephlip.blogspot.com/2010/09/hey-i-see-people-enjoying-themselces.html)...

The guy has a 50-member congregation is apparently playing the "no publicity is bad publicity" card, and is being egregiously disrespectful in doing so.

09-09-2010, 09:30 AM
Wouldn't it be funny if him and his congregation got
Jumped by a larger group right before they started that nonsense?

It's kinda like the small group of idiots that go to riots just to start the violence or the looting!

That kind of shit
Pisses me off.

The worst thing is that it ends up attracting weak minded and oportunists that join in on the "fun" without thinking about the consequences.

I wonder if there isn't a military base near that area? If I was in that area I would definitley put a group together to sabotage their plan, Lock them
Inside the church. Lol board it up!!
Or just soak their Korans in water so they couldn't burn them.,.,

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09-09-2010, 01:08 PM
Call in the national guard to put down the "riot".

Better yet arrest them all for domestic terrorism.

09-09-2010, 01:11 PM
Call in the national guard to put down the "riot".

Better yet arrest them all for domestic terrorism.


While I don't agree with what this group is doing, I do feel that they are within their rights to do so.

09-09-2010, 01:13 PM
guy is an idiot
but he has the right to do what he is doing.
however, doesnt mean its right to do so.

i hope he catches on fire when he does it

09-09-2010, 01:19 PM
They are within their rights to say they don't like Islam but public burning of the Koran is a hate crime(because of the message they attach with the burning) with the goal of inducing fear.

Sounds like terrorism to me.

09-09-2010, 01:34 PM
+1 on him catching on fire, but this dude is tripping out, he is commiting a hate crime....

09-09-2010, 01:38 PM
its spelled Qur'an ....jesus

09-09-2010, 01:43 PM
They are within their rights to say they don't like Islam but public burning of the Koran is a hate crime(because of the message they attach with the burning) with the goal of inducing fear.

Sounds like terrorism to me.

So if I burn Justin Bieber dolls while yelling you suck with a few friends, is that a hate crime?

Or does that book get special treatment?

09-09-2010, 01:52 PM
^^they have been burning flags for a while, i'll give you that one...but as Americans, we are supposed to be the bigger person, not stoop down to the depths of our enemies tactics. I can only imagine what type of reaction and consequences the American society will have to endure if this minister goes through with his plans, not only from Muslim/Islamic people, but our Allied Nations as well. I'm currently deployed in the Middle East, and the people whom practice that religion also occupy this base. They serve our food, clean our buildings, have an active military along with their pos jets...they are everywhere. There is not a day when i'm walking home that I don't see a host country national. Hopefully he will listen to the pleads of our President, many Generals, and the majority of the American people and stop the madness.

09-09-2010, 01:56 PM
Why is Obama getting involved in such a minor issue? What a douche.

09-09-2010, 01:57 PM
So if I burn Justin Bieber dolls while yelling you suck with a few friends, is that a hate crime?

Or does that book get special treatment?

WTF?!?! how does Justin Bieber compare to the Qur'an. Of course the book gets special treatment...its their equvilant to the Bible...so that is in turn 'hating' on a certain religion

09-09-2010, 02:03 PM
It's ok to spell Koran or Kuran.
Those are the common accepted ways to
Translate it around the world.
It's even in wikipidia

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09-09-2010, 02:09 PM
Why is Obama getting involved in such a minor issue? What a douche.

you call this minor? I'll call you ignorant then, watch the news and read up on this issue some more. You'll see what kind of unrest this 'minor issue' has caused in Afganistan.

09-09-2010, 02:57 PM
its spelled Qur'an ....jesus

Given that Arabic does not use the same alphabet as English there are many different ways to spell most words from it in English.


09-09-2010, 02:59 PM
They just canceled it.

Now pastor Jones is going to NYC to talk with the people about the center being built near ground zero...

09-09-2010, 03:01 PM
So if I burn Justin Bieber dolls while yelling you suck with a few friends, is that a hate crime?

Or does that book get special treatment?

Justin Bieber is one person. You can say what you want about the guy in public, within reason(lest you be sued for slander/defamation).

The Koran is a physical manifestation of a religion, culture, and people.

09-09-2010, 03:23 PM
It's ok to spell Koran or Kuran.
Those are the common accepted ways to
Translate it around the world.
It's even in wikipidia

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tell that to a saudi, pakistani, or anyone in the area

ill take what a native says over wikipedia. i work with them everyday lol

09-09-2010, 03:34 PM
That may be the accepted spelling there but there is no "proper" spelling of the word. It's like Maoh Se Tung or Ghengis Khan.

09-09-2010, 05:10 PM
Why is Obama getting involved in such a minor issue? What a douche.

Because the media made it into something huge and now it's a serious problem. You know damn well they will have a lot to report on and a lot of ratings if somebody gets hurt over this.

09-09-2010, 07:38 PM
You guys are both sort of right. Us, Muslims prefer to spell it as "Quran" but Koran is acceptable as well. We just never spell it that way.

09-09-2010, 07:58 PM
tell that to a saudi, pakistani, or anyone in the area

ill take what a native says over wikipedia. i work with them everyday lol

so its easier just to use the translation word..
Everytime I read about it, in american books it was spelled Koran.


09-09-2010, 07:58 PM
WTF?!?! how does Justin Bieber compare to the Qur'an. Of course the book gets special treatment...its their equvilant to the Bible...so that is in turn 'hating' on a certain religion

But why is hating that book any worse than hating Justin Bieber? Just because there are more of them? There are scores of young girls who know more about him and in a sense love him more than their lord and savior.

Religion... special treatment... blah blah. Burn some Justin Bieber booklets.

I know this is an argument I can't win.

09-09-2010, 07:58 PM
Or does that book get special treatment?

Bingo, people burn shit like this all the time. What makes this so different?

Only logical thing I can think of is the extremists that are involved in this would do something about it or use this for propaganda videos to help fuel the fire for hate against the US.

Either way I could give a fuck what this guy does, hoooray to you sir for having the balls to carry this out.

Because the media made it into something huge and now it's a serious problem.

This too, if the media would have left this alone no one would have cared except the 16 people that go to this guys church.

09-09-2010, 08:11 PM
Bingo, people burn shit like this all the time. What makes this so different?.

because yes, it could mean more deaths of american soldiers, trust me I always thought of burning the Iraq flag and other country's when they would do it, but in this case we are ocupying their country now so it puts our fellow soldiers at a greater risk.

09-09-2010, 09:06 PM
They just canceled it.

Now pastor Jones is going to NYC to talk with the people about the center being built near ground zero...

No the muslims "lied" to him. They agreed to "talk" but didn't agree to "move"

Our actions are what determine how we're perceived. Our actions are how we're measured. Words have become frivolous.

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Ok being that we're like 40 minutes from this dude, I've got to say people are seriously taking this to far and it's getting like 24/7 incessant news coverage locally. Some local civil rights waste of resources is going to "citizens arrest" him. Liberals are going to run in there with fire extinguishers. It has the ability to turn into a real shit storm/ kent campus event.

Here's the thing. According to the website which is now down for reasons I'll say later, this is the nut of it according to him.

"We are a private church, on private land, burning books bought with our own money in a private service." -Jones

This is america and personally while I don't agree with what he is doing, I think it's his god given right to do whatever he wants and action wise; that is all that is happening. 50 guys are going to burn some books. It's not that they're tar and feathering muslims or burning crosses in their yards or talking about killing them all and driving their nation into the sea like iran does. There's no "The only good muslim is a dead one" hate speech going on. What is going on? Some christian extremists are burning books to get back on the holy war declared by muslim extremists. That's all. It's a protest. maybe they'll storm mosques next and do "sit in's" like 60's hippies.

Now rackspace has pulled their websites off line as "burning the koran" is "hatespeech" and doesn't fit their TOS. Meh. I've seen worse "hatespeech" on here then that. I think it's poor business to censor ones page on the internet by claiming a stretched view of the truth.

So now the real question is where do all the violent actions come from?


Tolerance is a two way street. If you've seen the reports, they're the ones already starting trouble over just the "threat" of this event. If anyone needs a case of STFU it's them. How one idiot in florida with 50 friends burning some books can "incite a nation" is beyond me. If they're that easily baitable then every US soldier needs a koran and a box of matches. Find the militant by lighting one. If anything, maybe it'd help win that stupid ass ridiculous war they are pretending to fight over there.

Needless, they are the intolerant ones. They are the ones who want the world to get sensitivity training by pretending to be victims of their own violence. Be polite, no cartoons of mohammed, no burnt korans, society to conform to their dress code. etc etc. and if you don't then they'll riot, kill, break stuff and in general act like retarded savages. Tolerance is something they need to figure out and get over it if they want to share this planet with other people. Live and let live. If you disrupt that balance then it becomes kill or be killed and it seems that the muslim extremists, well that's all they want.

Personally, I'm tired of the whole muslim thing. It's played out worse "hella flush". There's always something whether it's a southpark episode, a cartoon, a book, a news story, etc etc that goes against "insert dumb religious excuse" that we feel it's ok to kill/mame/blow up the person/company who did it. It's not just a select few, it's nations of people. Screw it. Welcome to earth, we all don't get along. Sorry Rodney King. So we have to put up with things we don't like but I think the planet has had enough of all this not sensitive to muslim bullshit. Call us when your balls drop mohammed till then quit your bitchen and STFU.

09-09-2010, 10:01 PM
No the muslims "lied" to him. They agreed to "talk" but didn't agree to "move"
The Imam came out first and said they were going to NY to talk to the people in charge of the community center. The pastor came out later and said they were going to talk about moving the center. Then he said that they were going to move it or cancel it. The Imam still says that he said they were just going to talk.
"We are a private church, on private land, burning books bought with our own money in a private service." -Jones
Communities still have laws on open burns. They are only zoned for dry wood campfires. Book/paper burning is not permitted.
50 guys are going to burn some books.
It's actually only the 5 pastors/assistant pastors. The 50 comes from their tax forms where they list their size as <50.

I still think this is a move to build their flock and get donations. Their beliefs seem to be flexible.

09-09-2010, 10:45 PM
I can only hope National Burn-A-Bible Day happens because of this

09-09-2010, 11:59 PM
Last time i checked Muslims in AMERICA (the place in question), aren't rioting, killing, acting like savages over anything. I don't know what kind of news you guys are getting in the rest of the country but its the Non-Muslims going nuts over here in NY.

A Bengali Muslims cab driver got stabbed in an attempted murder couple of weeks ago.

A drunk dude came into a mosque that I personally go to and urinated on our prayer mats while yelling derogatory remarks.

A drunk dude came into the mosque while I myself was praying and started pushing the Imam. We lock the doors to our mosque now when we start praying and it sucks because now people that want to pray have trouble getting in being in the mosque itself went from a peaceful experience to an extremely stressful one.

Now did you see ANY sort of retaliation? Did the Muslims praying in the mosque drop their prayer to beat the shit out of the guy desecrating their house of worship? Did a group of Muslims go out and urinate or go around stabbing Non-Muslims? Were not going around burning flags/torahs/bibles here in America. We live in this country and have just as much pride in it as the rest of you. Muslims, especially AMERICAN Muslims are EXTREMELY peaceful people and people need to be educated on what Islam really is and what a true Muslim is/does.

Please don't let a bunch of extremist assholes ruin your perception on Muslims as a whole. And don't believe anything you see on Fox.

09-10-2010, 12:34 AM
I can only hope National Burn-A-Bible Day happens because of this

LOL, if something like
"THE BOOK OF ELI" ever happened, I would really be the bad guy, burning all the bibles in the world..hahaha
enough with that money making scam shit!!

I would save one bible and create my own"GOD THROUGH SEX" religion, preaching sex as the only way to truly reach god, undiscriminated, open sex every day 3 times a day.

09-10-2010, 10:25 AM
Please don't let a bunch of extremist assholes ruin your perception on Muslims as a whole.

What I find interesting about this sentence is.......

Add the word Americans instead of Muslims and that's exactly what this whole thing is about.

09-10-2010, 10:52 AM
What I find interesting about this sentence is.......

Add the word Americans instead of Muslims and that's exactly what this whole thing is about.

Yessir. Everyone has their crazies.

09-10-2010, 11:09 AM
Agreed .

09-10-2010, 11:16 AM
You'll see what kind of unrest this 'minor issue' has caused in Afganistan.
An ant pooping causes unrest in Afganistan. It's not my fault their culture aka "religion" is hot headed. Muslims have been an angry people for thousands of years.

09-10-2010, 11:20 AM
I really hope this whole Qur'an burning thing does not happen.

I don't think people (Americans) realize the magnitude of an action like that. It would offend the majority of the Arab and Muslim world and probably make them hate American's more and just fuel extremist views towards Americans.

I can't seem understand why America can't be more accepting towards Muslims. Sure, some of them have done some harm to Americans, but that's not a good enough reason to dislike them as a whole. Personally, I'm fond of some of the teachings of Islam, and I admire how devoted many Muslims are.

09-10-2010, 11:25 AM
An ant pooping causes unrest in Afganistan. It's not my fault their culture aka "religion" is hot headed. Muslims have been an angry people for thousands of years.
i find this comment rather dumb

living in a muslim country, ive had nothing but great experiences with all of them.
seriously....the "angry people" must just be hiding

09-10-2010, 11:28 AM
I really hope this whole Qur'an burning thing does not happen.

I don't think people (Americans) realize the magnitude of an action like that. It would offend the majority of the Arab and Muslim world and probably make them hate American's more and just fuel extremist views towards Americans.

I can't seem understand why America can't be more accepting towards Muslims. Sure, some of them have done some harm to Americans, but that's not a good enough reason to dislike them as a whole. Personally, I'm fond of some of the teachings of Islam, and I admire how devoted many Muslims are.

I would bet my money that there are many Americans who have no problem with Muslim people.

09-10-2010, 02:05 PM
i find this comment rather dumb

living in a muslim country, ive had nothing but great experiences with all of them.
seriously....the "angry people" must just be hiding

What do Muslims in Saudi have to be pissed off about. I'd be surprised if you did find pissed off muslims in SA.

09-10-2010, 05:02 PM
What do Muslims in Saudi have to be pissed off about. I'd be surprised if you did find pissed off muslims in SA.

bin-laden is pissed about something...

09-10-2010, 05:04 PM
bin-laden is pissed about something...

true, he's not on Bush's payroll anymore..lol
or maybe he still is but doesn't like living in caves that much..

09-10-2010, 05:41 PM
bin-laden is pissed about something...

bin laden is only muslim by name but nothing he does is islamic despite what he says. the word "islam" means PEACE. sob has it all wrong.

09-10-2010, 10:02 PM
true, he's not on Bush's payroll anymore..lol
or maybe he still is but doesn't like living in caves that much..

I doubt bin Laden was ever on Bush's payroll; Sr. nor Jr.

bin Laden is an ideologue, pure and simple. No amount of money in the world would buy him off.

09-11-2010, 02:16 AM
Obama's right here.
you can count on the media (esp Al Jareeza) to sensationalize it.
either it does nothing at all, or it's bad for our troops.
Not like Obama can do much to shut the press up.
(some censorship isn't such a bad idea imo).

it's not just a simple matter of freedom of speech or setting a good example.
real lives may or may not be at stake here.

09-11-2010, 02:53 AM
I doubt bin Laden was ever on Bush's payroll; Sr. nor Jr.

bin Laden is an ideologue, pure and simple. No amount of money in the world would buy him off.

How on earth do you think the Afghanis beat back the Russians?

09-11-2010, 09:56 AM
How on earth do you think the Afghanis beat back the Russians?

US support of the Mujahideen started under the Carters administration and increased during Reagan's. The support the US lent to the Mujahideen consisted primarily of delivering arms and ammunition and also training. Like most covert programs, the operations in Afghanistan were conducted by the CIA.

The CIA worked in close conjunction with Pakistan's ISI which has historically provided much of the training, weapons, supplies, and financing for groups active in Afghanistan. In fact, most of the "aid" delivered to the Mujahideen by the CIA was actually given to the ISI who in turn distributed among the different insurgent groups in Afghanistan.

In addition to Pakistani and US involvement in the region, significant amounts of funding and manpower came from other groups and nations, mostly located in the Middle East, most prominently from Saudi Arabia. While many of these groups and individuals benefited from the ISI's and CIA's programs in Afghanistan many were independently financed and trained - like Osama bin Laden.

When Iraq was poised to invade Saudi Arabia in the early 90's, Osama bin Laden objected to the Saudi royal family's acceptance of US assistance, offering instead to fight off any invasion with his own group of Muslim mujahideen - as he had done in Afghanistan.

His criticism of the Saudi relationship with the US eventually led to his exile from the kingdom.

In conclusion, I stand by my original statement. I doubt bin Laden was ever on either Bush's payroll.

It's a factually inaccurate statement that has no evidence to support it.

09-11-2010, 10:44 AM
I doubt bin Laden was ever on Bush's payroll; Sr. nor Jr.

bin Laden is an ideologue, pure and simple. No amount of money in the world would buy him off.

That's why his family was the only people allowed to fly out of the united states just an hr after the sept 11 attacks right?

And it's not like they had to buy tickets.

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09-13-2010, 04:43 PM
Hey ya'll. Saw Afghanistanis burning Bibles and American flags in protest of the proposed Koran burning.
How do you Christian Americans feel about that? Because they burned quite a large amount of Bibles and flags.

09-13-2010, 04:54 PM
That place is right around the corner from me.... like less than a mile

09-13-2010, 06:57 PM
Hey ya'll. Saw Afghanistanis burning Bibles and American flags in protest of the proposed Koran burning.
How do you Christian Americans feel about that? Because they burned quite a large amount of Bibles and flags.

So, is their country having a real shit fit about those guys? I bet not....


09-13-2010, 07:18 PM
So, is their country having a real shit fit about those guys? I bet not....


I always thought the US was the standard, I never knew we were suppose to be the same as third world countries...

Either way, First Amendment allows both the burning, and the building of the center. End of story, the media is full of whores.

09-13-2010, 08:07 PM
The way I feel is that America was, is, and should continue to be the best country in the world. However, We need to stop bending over for everybody and their brother these days or else we will sink fast and fall.

09-13-2010, 08:29 PM
The way I feel is that America was, is, and should continue to be the best country in the world. However, We need to stop bending over for everybody and their brother these days or else we will sink fast and fall.

Is it not one of our fundamental values as a nation to "bend over" for everyone in this country. The ones we agree with, as well as disagree with? The reason this country is the pillar of the world, and will always be the "greatest" nation is because we do not say you can only believe this or that "within reason." We say, and believe, that you may believe whatever you want, for whatever reason you want, and that is that (within the bounds of the constitution). This pastor, without a ridiculous media, would be nothing and no one would ever hear of him. But because our media is full of whores, we turn a guy who some how managed to get 50 people to listen to him into a national figure. It is disgusting and disturbing, and anyone who is involved with it should be considered less than the dirt on a person's shoes.

09-13-2010, 09:01 PM
I 100% agree with most of everything you wrote.

The media should never have promoted this. It really made a mountain out of a mole hill.

I don't think you and I are grasping at the same rope when I mentioned bending over and whatnot. It goes beyond the bounds of this specific topic, so I'll just leave it as is. It would be nice if there was a simple "black and white" answer to it all, but unfortunately there is a lot of gray matter.

Question about something on the topic.

So, this guy has every right to burn the Koran, right? There is no law in this country that says he cannot do it as far as I know. But, by doing it, he might directly endanger many many American lives here and overseas. So, should he still do it simply because he can?

09-13-2010, 09:42 PM
I see the mass media & it's lack of accountability in 'freedom of speech' as the main problem.

Well there's only so much you can do to enforce the behavior of every existing citizen here in the U.S
Now the major media, I believe should really be held to higher standards as their publicity arguably creates more of an effect than the given event itself.
But then again, media is driven by profits first, and regards to the safety of others second.
It brings to the matter of whether freedom of speech or the safety of individuals are more important.

My stance is that I think freedom of speech in mass media ought to be limited in cases where anyone's personal safety is in question.
To me, that's arguably more severe than say libel & slander (existing legal limitations to freedom of speech) where you have the potential to ruin another party's reputation.
I'd like to think, at least in this cultural norm, lives are considered more valuable than reputations.


09-13-2010, 10:59 PM
My stance is that I think freedom of speech in mass media ought to be limited in cases where anyone's personal safety is in question.

What you propose is a serious can of worms.

I refuse to allow to government in any form the ability to limit freedom of speech. Once you give them that they can and will claim what ever they want to be a "safety issue".

What really should happen is the media needs to go back to being it's own watchdog. In stead of the constant bandwagon jumping to fight for the highest ratings they need to be CONSTANTLY fact checking each other and fighting for the most important news faster than any one else.

09-13-2010, 11:47 PM
So, this guy has every right to burn the Koran, right? There is no law in this country that says he cannot do it as far as I know. But, by doing it, he might directly endanger many many American lives here and overseas. So, should he still do it simply because he can?

i think a local radio show burned a box of them this morning. looking for audio

09-14-2010, 05:02 AM
So, this guy has every right to burn the Koran, right? There is no law in this country that says he cannot do it as far as I know. But, by doing it, he might directly endanger many many American lives here and overseas. So, should he still do it simply because he can?

As far as a "speech" issue, there is nothing that says he can not do it. However, there maybe public ordinances that do not allow mass book burnings, worst case scenario you end up with a fine and the fire department puts your fire out real quick.

As far as doing it, he has every constitutional right to do it. Just like the KKK has every constitutional right to do cross burnings and have rallies/parades. Should they? Well obviously their views are extreme and not the norm by any standard, however, they are well withing their constitutional rights to believe them.

My stance is that I think freedom of speech in mass media ought to be limited in cases where anyone's personal safety is in question.
To me, that's arguably more severe than say libel & slander (existing legal limitations to freedom of speech) where you have the potential to ruin another party's reputation.
I'd like to think, at least in this cultural norm, lives are considered more valuable than reputations.

Libel and Slander, which are different (one is written speech, the other is actual speech), only apply to private citizens. If you run for public office you no longer can claim them, reason being to protect the people from having political speech censored.

The only time where speech is limited is "incitement" which is a very difficult standard to meet. The problem with what you propose is that you could make an argument that just about everything you hear could potentially frustrate someone and cause them to harm someone else. It would be impossible to control, and would also be very contrary to our constitution.

09-14-2010, 05:26 AM
^Agree intirely.

Fuck the media. It's impossible to get anyhting done with them flapping their gums. But thats freedom of the press so you can't really do anything about it.

09-14-2010, 10:57 AM
What you propose is a serious can of worms.

I refuse to allow to government in any form the ability to limit freedom of speech. Once you give them that they can and will claim what ever they want to be a "safety issue".

What really should happen is the media needs to go back to being it's own watchdog. In stead of the constant bandwagon jumping to fight for the highest ratings they need to be CONSTANTLY fact checking each other and fighting for the most important news faster than any one else.

What incentive is there for the media to be it's 'own watchdog'?
It's there to make $$$, and does so by stirring publicity, and/or giving their target demographic what they want (i.e. fox/cnn).
The mass media will continue to operate the way it always has, if left unchecked.
And that's just thing, there is no accountability to all that power.
Is it fair that the safety of individuals (in this case, it's pretty unambiguous imo) ought to be compromised as a result?

About censorship, I don't see what's wrong with some level of government discretion in decision making is pretty much everywhere already.
It's just a matter of whether you trust the mass media, or the government to hold your best interests.
At least the government's primary incentive isn't to make $, and elected officials have some degree of accountability.

Libel and Slander, which are different (one is written speech, the other is actual speech), only apply to private citizens. If you run for public office you no longer can claim them, reason being to protect the people from having political speech censored.

The only time where speech is limited is "incitement" which is a very difficult standard to meet. The problem with what you propose is that you could make an argument that just about everything you hear could potentially frustrate someone and cause them to harm someone else. It would be impossible to control, and would also be very contrary to our constitution.

A lot of legal matters are already a matter of discretion.
Judgment calls are made all the time, and even court cases can be appealed.
I think what's important is that there are checks and balances for anything as powerful as the mass media.
Of course, even calls for censorship would have to be considered reasonable.
It's just a matter of how much faith you have in our judicial system.

TBH - I don't trust our judicial system that much at all.
I just have more faith in someone motivated by re-election, rather than someone motivated by their own financial gain.

09-14-2010, 11:07 AM
Since so much media surrounded this Minister, I'm gla this gets some meia too.

Iran Ayatollahs Issue Fatwas Against Koran-Burners - BusinessWeek (http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-09-13/iran-ayatollahs-issue-fatwas-against-koran-burners.html)

09-14-2010, 11:12 AM
I'm not glad at all.
Just goes to show how much unchecked power the media has.
That shit wouldn't have played out, if the media hadn't instigated to begin with.

This is probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

09-14-2010, 11:21 AM
Looks like my D button wasn't working too well, eh.

I just wish that people (media and others) would realize the situations they put this country in when they feel the need to express their "free speech".

09-14-2010, 12:39 PM
Freedom of speech doesn't mean you are free from retribution for exercising that freedom.

09-14-2010, 01:46 PM

...The demons?

09-15-2010, 11:59 AM
Please don't let a bunch of extremist assholes ruin your perception on Muslims as a whole. And don't believe anything you see on Fox.

QFT People do need to understand the difference between extremist and non extremist.