View Full Version : Battery Relocation Kit....

Drift Style S14
08-09-2003, 10:13 AM
Should i run the positive battery cable through the in side of the car, or should i run it on the outside under the body of the car?

also for anyone else who has done this on a s14 how did you go about connecting the positive cable to the positive cable that runs to the batter in the trunk?

08-09-2003, 04:30 PM
definately inside the car. there is a pathway for the taillight harness that goes through under the passenger seat. You will have to drill a hole in hte firewall though

as for the positive cable, here is what i did:


about $2 from homedepot and an hour of creativity :) i unbolted the bolt on the stock positive and used it to connect to the new cable. That is if its summit racing kit.

08-09-2003, 04:45 PM
I plan on using a distribution block....

08-09-2003, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by Kreator
definately inside the car.

Whats wrong with running it under the car? I hear that same thing from almost everyone about system wiring and no one can really say why they do it. It's a pain trying to run and hide a 0 gauge wire, even a 4 gauge sometimes. If you can get your wire securly placed under your car, I don't see what the difference is.

Under the car:
1. Shorter Wire
2. Faster (no hiding just zip tieing)
3. Easier

Through the car:
1. Longer wire
2. A pain sometimes hiding

08-09-2003, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by RedlineRacer
Whats wrong with running it under the car? I hear that same thing from almost everyone about system wiring and no one can really say why they do it. It's a pain trying to run and hide a 0 gauge wire, even a 4 gauge sometimes. If you can get your wire securly placed under your car, I don't see what the difference is.

Under the car:
1. Shorter Wire
2. Faster (no hiding just zip tieing)
3. Easier

Through the car:
1. Longer wire
2. A pain sometimes hiding


1. why did u decide longer wire? I'd say running under the car is longer. mine goes in a straight line till the firewall and only goes up and down once each time. and since it goes down less then if u run underneath the car.

2. inside: no zip tieing at all

3. Not

Like i said. For our cars, there is a wiring for the tails running into the back. That means there is already a path, u don't have to make one up yerself.

now reasons for not running under the car in general.

1. Ever saw anything run under the car by factory? (and i mean wiring, o2 sensors and **** that works under the car doesn't count).
2. U drive over some rack or something and manage to tear up the positive cable on some metal piece. Battery dead.
3. Mr. Nice Guy with tin snips coming over to your car, bending over and cutting your power wire cuz he likes to laugh. Voila: u are stuck with a dead car. Not to mention so is yer alarm if u have one.
4. Why in the ****in world would you EVER want to run a part of something that works INSIDE your car OUTSIDE?

08-10-2003, 12:35 AM
I would worry about the elements factor, I know the wire is probably gas / oil resistant. but the keyword is "resistant" I would think with time the elements could be corrosive

not so much about someone coming by and snipping it, if ran it right next to the brake lines noone would ever know lol.