09-08-2010, 01:02 AM
So i posted a thread that i was in need of a rebuild kit. I would like to scratch that! Originally I thought my car had a t28(previous owner told me this of course) and I had no motor problems, until late..Well turbo pours smoke now running just 10psi daily,(blown seals from being tracked repeatadly when I was told it had 1 event under it's belt lol) pulled the manifold and turbo just to find out it was a t25 with no gaskets on the exhaust side, an oil line that looks like wolverine installed. I am trying to get to JCCS in long beach on Sunday but need someone to come through in the clutch!!! Is there anyone on this forum who has an everyday t25 or t28 in working order, no shaft play or close to none anD good seals who will trade me for all 3 of mine? 2 with wastegates and 1 manifold given the turbo I get doesn't have one, and have shaft play.....u can rebuild, sell, rebuild and sell them.... Idc! You can profit in some way. I just want my car up and running for this meet plzzzz!
hit me up!!! 661-400-6774 Steve.
hit me up!!! 661-400-6774 Steve.