View Full Version : Places of interest in Tokyo

08-08-2003, 05:16 PM
Just thought I would let everyone know that I am sitting in Tokyo right now. I am up at 5 AM because I love getting up early.

And there is a typhoon here.

Does anyone have any recommendations as to fun places/car shops (used parts shops especially!!) here?

08-08-2003, 07:19 PM
Bah lucky bastard :D Take lots of pics for us!

Bill Roberts
08-08-2003, 07:55 PM
See where this is...ask around..looks like a cool place.


Fair warning, takes the bandwidth, 60+ pics.

Have fun in Japan, take a lot of pictures!!!

08-08-2003, 11:19 PM
Well this isn't much for automobile touristing but....

Find a local HMV with a geijin book section and locate the lonely planet guide to tokyo/japan it's well worth the money. Also score the latest tokyo journal (lots of places have it).

Enjoy your time there. Oh yeah hit yoyogi park with a camera sunday morning/afternoon its a great place in the summer.