View Full Version : Question about contacts

08-07-2003, 12:57 AM
Okay i finally decided on getting contacts and
did some research on the types of contacts
and found out about Silicone Extended Wear Disposables Contacts.
With these you'll be able to wear for a month then throw away.
The question is can i wear them non-stop for a month and not take them out once?
Can i sleep with them in?
Do i need to put eye drops in my eyes daily?
Are they comfortable for that long?


08-07-2003, 01:35 AM
i had contacts..
didnt like it
but my gf loves her contacts

but yes.. you have to put eye drops regularly (every 3 hours?) depends on what your eyes can hold.. if they get dry, put eye drops
sleep? yea i tried that before..
and when i woke up.. i cant open up my eyes.. so sticky and it hurts
the best way to have contacts is to also have spare glasses
take em off when you want to go to sleep and let your eyes rest
get contacts that will fit your eye type for comfortness

08-07-2003, 03:50 AM
I read about these new contacts, once my current ones run out I'm probably gonna get them. They advertise that you can go non stop for a month, I wouldn't do that but thats what they say. I leave my contacts in for WAY to long sometimes even just wearing one contact cause I'm lazy :o :ugh: (same reason I sleep with them in alot) I never use drops but maybe I'm wierd cause my eyes rarely get dry. Like was said before, have a pair of glasses on stand by so you can give your eyes a rest sometimes, once you get in a habit with the contacts you should be fine.

08-07-2003, 04:39 PM
well first off, never never sleep with your contacts on. sleeping with your contacts on will make your eyes hurt like a Bi*&%.
i would go with the one-day contacts. there not as durable(sp) but if you lose it you wont have to look for it or worry about it, you just pop in a extra one
and for the eye drops, it depends on the person. my brother has to use them regularly, and i had to use eye drops like about 4 times in the four years i had them

oh yea one more thing, if you go to drift events you mite want to bring eye drops, when the tire dust gets in your eyes it feels like a Bi*&% too

08-07-2003, 04:55 PM
just get the regular 2 week contacts. you can prolong the life of them. for instance I have a 3 months supply of contacts and still have been using them for about 8 months. I guess also because now I use my glasses most of the time. But don't sleep in them, it is just a routine for me to take them off before I go to sleep, because they hurt like hell if you sleep in them.

08-07-2003, 05:04 PM
I love my contacts. I never feel them when theyre in and I never ever have to use drops. Ive seen commercials recently for contacts you can use even when youre sleeping? Havent looked into it but sounds good to me!

08-07-2003, 05:12 PM
it hurts ur eyes on u sleep? for me..if i accidently sleep with them on..which i dont recommend..and when i wake up..and try to take them off..they hurt like a bitch! it feels as if it is glued to my eye.

i have the one yr one. where u have to clean

08-07-2003, 10:19 PM
ok i did some more reasearch on found this one forum that said there is only one kind of contacts- day and night contacts - there 30 day disposables and i beleive you can sleep with them in. but every 7 days you need to give your eyes a rest so you take them out and sleep one night without them then the next mourning pop them back in. i beleive its the only contact where its actually better to keep them in then to take them out every night.

08-07-2003, 11:54 PM
I am about to try some ,some time this month, and school is about to start. Well beign the lazy *** that i am, sometimes, or all the time, I fall asleep in class. Is it "ok" if i take like short anps w/them on? and how long did you guys get used to them when you first got them?