View Full Version : Go Arnold!!!

08-06-2003, 10:15 PM
i expect all of you californians to vote for him!!!:D

08-06-2003, 11:38 PM
If he loses, I want him to say "I'll be back".

I mean, he has to :D

That, or ride out on a motorcycle.

08-07-2003, 12:03 AM
Hmm...i wonder how many times i'll see him since he'll most likely be in sacramento for a while. That's if he does get elected.

08-07-2003, 11:42 AM
hes got my vote. I signed davis's recall too.

08-07-2003, 11:43 AM
yeah that's REAL smart
vote for a guy because he's famous
not because he'll be running california for sometime or because he knows anything about politics, do you know what his views/opinions are??

but rather because he's famous :rolleyes:

wow. that's real sad.

where's our MN members? im sure they can tell us what its like to have a celebrity elected into governer....

08-07-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
yeah that's REAL smart
vote for a guy because he's famous
not because he'll be running california for sometime or because he knows anything about politics, do you know what his views/opinions are??

but rather because he's famous :rolleyes:

wow. that's real sad.

where's our MN members? im sure they can tell us what its like to have a celebrity elected into governer....

acctually dousan Im not voting for arnald just becuase he's a celebrity. Have you ever heard the guy give a serious speech? Hes very intelligent. He understand what he has to do in the state cause I did listen to his acceptance and also he cant be any worse than Grey Davis who has single handedly crushed this state. Oh yes, lets look at some of the other 300 candidates. He have fabulously gay steve (no really thats his name), larry flynt, grey davis agian, Betty boobs. Oh yea. The next to years are great here in Cali. No really Arnold has my vote.

08-07-2003, 12:19 PM
DarkRaptor42: you are educated and a smart voter. that's great, and i am very pleased to hear that (no sarcasm or any negative tone in what i just wrote)

what i fear is the hundresd of thousands of voters who DONT do their homework

08-07-2003, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
what i fear is the hundresd of thousands of voters who DONT do their homework

True but such is life. Doesnt mean he doesnt deserve to be elected ;)

08-07-2003, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
yeah that's REAL smart
vote for a guy because he's famous
not because he'll be running california for sometime or because he knows anything about politics, do you know what his views/opinions are??

but rather because he's famous :rolleyes:

wow. that's real sad.

where's our MN members? im sure they can tell us what its like to have a celebrity elected into governer....
im not saying to vote for him because he's famous...hell i have hardly seen any of his movies. i agree with him on most major issues, and it'll be nice to see a republican back in control of california:D
remember, ronald reagan was an actor who was elected governor of california and then went on to be one of the greatest presidents our nation has had. being famous has nothing to do with whether or not you're a good politician.

08-07-2003, 12:53 PM
If you want to talk politics and bring in how great Reagan was I'll offer this bit of often overlooked history.

During the era of McCarthyism hollywood developed a "blacklist" of suspected commies in the movie industry actors actresses writers directors etc you name it. Reagan was a young republican who turned in a LOT of people in the industry to the commission thus earning his foothold in the political party.

Most folks learned in school about McCarthyism and that it was an overzealous kneejerk reaction to Communism that ended up persecuting a lot of innocent folks.

The great Ex President Reagan capitalized on that and paved his road to success.

I personally never thought he was that great :P

08-07-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by radhaz
If you want to talk politics and bring in how great Reagan was I'll offer this bit of often overlooked history.

During the era of McCarthyism hollywood developed a "blacklist" of suspected commies in the movie industry actors actresses writers directors etc you name it. Reagan was a young republican who turned in a LOT of people in the industry to the commission thus earning his foothold in the political party.

Most folks learned in school about McCarthyism and that it was an overzealous kneejerk reaction to Communism that ended up persecuting a lot of innocent folks.

The great Ex President Reagan capitalized on that and paved his road to success.

I personally never thought he was that great :P
hey, different people have different opinions. i could sit here and bash guys like clinton, kennedy (all of them), and carter all day long, but it's not gonna change anyone's mind. i was just pointing out that reagan was an actor who turned into a successful politician and arnold can do the same -- though not to quite the same extent.

08-07-2003, 02:08 PM
the demolition man prophecy is slowly becoming reality.

08-07-2003, 04:33 PM
DOH you beat me to it "haha demolition man" I always wondered how it would be like with Arnold in the government!!! Go ARNOLD!!!

08-07-2003, 06:49 PM
Today I heard that Gallagher and Gary Coleman would also be running, i dont know if its true, but if so GO GARY!! Hahahahahh, that would be the funniest thing in the world.

08-07-2003, 07:08 PM
Ya both are true, dang its turning into a real circus. Even Larry Flynt is running.

LOS ANGELES - Porn king Larry Flynt wants to rule California.

The Hustler magazine publisher has filed initial paperwork to run in the gubernatorial recall election and says he may spend a large amount of his own money if people take his candidacy seriously.

The registered Democrat, civil libertarian and free speech advocate said he'd solve California's budget woes by expanding slot machine gambling. His holdings include several casinos.

"California is the most progressive state in the union," said Flynt, 61. "I don't think anyone here will have a problem with a smut peddler as governor."

Flynt had not yet paid the $3,500 filing fee by Thursday afternoon, according to the California Secretary of State Web site.

More than 250 people statewide have taken the very first step of filing the paperwork with county registrars, according to the site. Other quirky candidates include several men named Gray Davis and Angelyne, the blonde, buxom artist made famous by her depiction on numerous Hollywood billboards.

To get on the Oct. 7 ballot, declared candidates also need at least 65 signatures from voters registered in their party.

08-08-2003, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by James
but what do you expect from California:rolleyes:
nothing less

08-09-2003, 06:55 AM
wow, no one else has said it.
Already started hearing people say this. "arnold for president"

I hope Arnold wins even though he's a Repulican(On the east coast I heard he's be considered a Democrate). I like the fact he's a "Moderate Repulican" i think california might need that right now.

08-09-2003, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by dousan36
what i fear is the hundresd of thousands of voters who DONT do their homework
You mean the dickheads who elected Clinton TWICE!

08-09-2003, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by Strider
wow, no one else has said it.
Already started hearing people say this. "arnold for president"


I'm not gonna point out the obvious :bash:
If you hear someone say "Arnold for president" please remove them from the voting population for their stupidity.

08-09-2003, 07:26 AM
The list for candidates for the California Recall keeps growing and growing. 598 have filed for papers to run.


click on Candidate Status Report for a list. Arnold doesn't yet appear on the list. This thing will be a circus to say the least. What a state full of nut cakes! (present company excluded?:D )

Now I hear Pete Uberoth has thrown HIS hat in the ring.


08-09-2003, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by ca18guy
[BIf you hear someone say "Arnold for president" please remove them from the voting population for their stupidity. [/B]
You have to admit though...WHo's gonna mess with the country run by "The Terminator"?

08-09-2003, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by gladhatter
You have to admit though...WHo's gonna mess with the country run by "The Terminator"?

I could care less about that. Its the fact that he could NEVER be president of the USA by law, that makes that statement so stupid.

08-09-2003, 03:07 PM

08-09-2003, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by ca18guy

I'm not gonna point out the obvious :bash:
If you hear someone say "Arnold for president" please remove them from the voting population for their stupidity.
the major problem with that is Arnold was born in Austria. you cant be president if you werent born in america.

and glad: thank you! clinton sucks. i hate that man (his wife even more).

08-09-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by James
Yeah, was going to say- Arnold was not born here= no president.
But maybe he could be vice president- and run the nation-- not like it isn't being done that way now:D
{bush} Stra-tee-ger-E {/bush} bwahaha
Clinton sucks eh? Economy was booming- major surplus- bush steps in (didn't even get the popular vote)- allllllll goooooooooone:wtc:
But hey - it's a good time to be a rich person I guess, huh.
cheney is far from running the country. when's the last time you've seen him in public? bush adresses the nation at least once a week.
if you think the economy was a result of bush being elected, i invite you to enlighten me as to how such a strong economy can so quickly change -- literally overnight? oh and if you think that a handful of hijacked airplanes had nothing to do with the "poor" economy, you're sadly mistaken.
also, we dont elect presidents based on the popular vote..pointless to make that argument.

08-09-2003, 07:43 PM
wow, getting political here. I wanna see the debates between the candidates. "What you talkin bout Arnold."

08-09-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by James
nocomedown: dayum what the F is up your butt?:blah: :blah:

this is exactly why i dont like political discussions on online forums. someone tries to present their views and they get a response like this.:squint:

08-09-2003, 11:10 PM
How did this turn into a political debate?!?! Can't we all just get along?

I have an idea...lets play a little game...its called who is your daddy and what does he do?

08-09-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by OldSklS13
I have an idea...lets play a little game...its called who is your daddy and what does he do?
hahahaha! those make the absolute BEST prank phone calls

08-10-2003, 03:15 AM
Originally posted by Strider
wow, no one else has said it.
Already started hearing people say this. "arnold for president"

the people who say that are idiots
arnold can NEVER be president as badly as he (or others) might want it.

08-10-2003, 04:06 AM
Its funny as hell man Gary Coleman said "i am the less qualified person to run for governor, but ill be surounded by alot of good ppl" it wasent even his ideal to run but the ppl that sugested it are krazy... there was an interview about it and the guys incharge of his campaign said he is the most qualifyed out of all the other circus monkies:aw: (not in those exact words):hammer:

08-10-2003, 04:58 AM
Originally posted by James
Clinton = good times
Bush = BAD times (unless you're rich- then it's still GOOD times).
(that Dixie Chick had it right:eek: :D )
Now THAT is total BULL SHIITE!!

08-10-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by gladhatter
Now THAT is total BULL SHIITE!!
:bigok: :stupid:

08-10-2003, 03:19 PM
teh demolition man quote.

Bullock: "I’ve been an enthusiast of your escapades for some time now. I have in fact perused some newsreels from the Schwarzenegger Library, and that time you took that car—"

Stallone: "Hold it! The Schwarzeneg-ger Library?"

Bullock: "Yes, the Schwarzenegger Presidential Library. Wasn’t he an actor when you—"

Stallone: "Stop! He was President?"

Bullock: "Yes. Even though he was not born in this country, his popularity at the time caused the 61st Amendment, which states that—"

Stallone: "I don’t want to know."

08-11-2003, 04:29 PM
I've lived In california for sparsely even a year, and i'm already thinking about either moving, or ignoring the politics. This current race is ridiculous. Although I do admit Arnold's views arn't so bad, and even though i'm not a republican, it's not like Davis is really a democrat, so I'd vote for Arnold.

I'll let you real californians decide this one... Although I was tempted last year too, so I could change the name of the valley to Camelot!

If you wanna start a fight just talk about religion or politics, it's bound to get interesting.

08-11-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Maeda
If you wanna start a fight just talk about religion or politics, it's bound to get interesting.
seriously. that always turns out ugly.