View Full Version : Jeans

Bill Roberts
08-06-2003, 08:07 PM
Ok...So I admit, I am not as hip as I was when I was like teens early twentys or so..

Who the hell started the fad of the ugly as hell faded front and back of the pants legs of the jeans..and the ones that look like ground in dirt on top of the bleach? (Bleached white shade or bleach with a yellowing (like someone Peed on them)

I think it looks nasty...but all the hip kids (girls) are wearing them..in droves.

Looks like they were laying in a tub of bleach with their azz up in the air.

Whats with it?..(I know, it is about a year or so old..thought it would be over by now...but the 40 year old ladys in the office are sporting them now..)

I is like a damned tattoo around here..

Does it mean they are an easy lay?

PS, office ladies are married..


Axel Grungy
08-06-2003, 08:12 PM
yeah im getting sick of seeing them too. especially when guys wear them :ghey:

08-06-2003, 08:17 PM
Eh, it's not particularly stupider than the '80s jeans that came pre-ripped.

I wouldn't wear either.

08-06-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by AKADriver
Eh, it's not particularly stupider than the '80s jeans that came pre-ripped.
i think some places are still doing that. but anyways, i agree...it's ridiculous. the sad thing is that these jeans probably cost like 2 times as much as non-pre-faded.

08-06-2003, 08:50 PM
Yeah, I'm 18 and I think it's retarded myself.

It's kind of like those guys that paint their rims black. Why the hell paint your rims black? It looks stupid... it looks like your riding on steelies.

But thats my opinion.

Bill Roberts
08-06-2003, 09:20 PM
My initial point is this:

J Lo or someone like Christina A comes out to a concert or a Hollywood glamour show, and and sports some nasty looking clothes and millions..I mean millions times millions joins the bandwagon making people with no real life other than imagination (actors and their roles) more millions of dollars being made.

Kinda like the frisbee? well maybe.. Frisbees were cool, still are, they do something cool...like our 240SX's do something cool. All us drivers KNOW what all they do..especially these days..

All the while, what ever happened to diversity...where and indivigual can just go and do their own damned thing and it is considered part of the reasons we live in freedom?

Monkey see Monkey do?? Is that it? Nicole is getting talked to now because she whears J-lo's jeans, maybe we need the jeans maybe somebody will talk to me?


Fads are cool...but whatever happened to people doing what they feel and not doing what they are told?

It is like ...you wear this, you are in, if not, you are not.

What a debilitating situation to those who have to put jeans in the bleach a certian way, and mix mud with them to feel they can now walk down the street and feel like a part of society.

I guess this is what errks me the most. It is that someone is so goddamned insecure with their life that a product like someone on TV will give them some confidence to be something they are not actually. (sigh)

Do I feel better when I go out and buy new threads?

I buy them because I need them..not because I need them to look "cool" to the posers and idiots.

End of rant..

I was curious of how all this manifests itself...and your insight as well.

Keep the thoughts comming.

Afterall, I am hear to learn. Perhaps I do not see the big picture of it if it takes that to make someone feel good about theirself..we all are in one hell of a mess.

Lookie, I got the J-lo on...woopt!!

Is that it??

Help me..

The girls in their 40's at work wearing them takes the cake actually. Cath said she paid 75 for her's...said, well hubby said yea.


Sheeeze..(I am confused)

08-06-2003, 10:27 PM
couldnt agree with you more, bill. it's completely an issue of insecurity. people's main goal (not all, but most) is to be liked. that's only natural, but it's how people go about doing this that ****es me off. they feel that they have to imitate popular (famous) people in order to be liked when they could, in reality, have just as many friends (probably more that they have stuff in common with) if they just acted like their self. i see SO much of this no individuality crap around here and it makes me sick. it's like you have to spend $40 for a t-shirt just because it says Abercrombie on it, or else youre not cool.
to date i have never so much as set foot in an abercrombie store:D

08-06-2003, 10:47 PM
Imma make my own line of jeans, buy some cheap jeans, wear em, and rub my *** all over the floor. Or roll in the sand for the yellow stain look.

At least with cars money buys you quality, and to a certain extent i guess price would matter, but paying over 50 for a pair of jeans is insane.

08-06-2003, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Bill Roberts
Ok...So I admit, I am not as hip as I was when I was like teens early twentys or so..

Who the hell started the fad of the ugly as hell faded front and back of the pants legs of the jeans..and the ones that look like ground in dirt on top of the bleach? (Bleached white shade or bleach with a yellowing (like someone Peed on them)

I think it looks nasty...but all the hip kids (girls) are wearing them..in droves.

Looks like they were laying in a tub of bleach with their azz up in the air.

Whats with it?..(I know, it is about a year or so old..thought it would be over by now...but the 40 year old ladys in the office are sporting them now..)

I is like a damned tattoo around here..

Does it mean they are an easy lay?

PS, office ladies are married..


we all have different tastes. for example, you will never wear (from what i uderstand) what you dont like and consider it tasteless. So will the "kids" think of you and your preferences. its new generation. maybe you geting old (er)?
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

08-06-2003, 11:08 PM
ah i forgot, fashion changes, actually it goes in a cycle, returns to the previous styles, like now its 70 ****. all the beads and crap. it will die out eventually and formate to newer stye :cool:

doh boy
08-07-2003, 01:09 AM

you know what else really gets to me... sorry to offend anybody, i do listen to rap (old school rap [ie] richie rich, mack 10, warren g, eays e, bone thugs) but the "look" never interested me..

i hate seeing the new rap/hip hop style.. i mean really these guys look ridiculous, their SHORT sleeve shirts go half way down their forearms.. and the shirt ends halfway down their thighs almost to their knees...and the pants

the other day i saw a kid wearing baggy pants, like ridiculously baggy pants.. with the left leg tucked INTO his SOCKS!! and the right side rolled up.. and hes walking around thinking like hes the sh*t... his shirt was atleast three or four sizes big, the sleeves are comming down his forearms and the shirt when almost to his knees.. and he was wearing a jacket with only one sleeve on.. the other side hanging off.. i just don't get how this looks good.. and the colors.. bright orange shoes? come on.. really? it seems the stlye gets more and more ridiculous...

i just don't get it... does dressing in sean john and ecko make you a gangster or something? its hilarious when i go to the mall and i see a kid with EVERYTHING sean john the full blown "gangster look" and hes on his cell phone calling his mom for a ride home..

and the other day i was in a store buying myself some new shoes, and i see this kid in there.. wearing shorts.. sagged past his a** with maybe an inch of his ankle showing... a shirt that was WAY to big.. the same old half way down his forearm deal, and he was wearing a baseball style cap crooked and i think he was wearing the nike air force one's.. im not sure what they look like (air force one) but im assuming that it was that.. i just remember thinking how hideous the shoes were.. and he's walking around the store like he's the sh*t.. but he's there with his mom.. and she's buying him new shoes.. and i just think to myself yea dood.. you're real "gangsta"

and i hate hearing the whole fo shizzle my nizzle sh*t.. thats just annoying..

everytime i see kids that fit into this "look and attitude" i just think to myself how much of a poser they are, cause half of them are in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL!!!! and probably never thrown a punch before in their life.

*rant off*

08-07-2003, 01:29 AM
Don't bash On the air force 1's now. Best shoes ever made:bowdown:

08-07-2003, 01:54 AM
...and what is up with guys not knowing how to pick out clothes that fit?? Pants that fall to your knees are just too fricking BIG!

doh boy
08-07-2003, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by Emperiorjack
Don't bash On the air force 1's now. Best shoes ever made:bowdown:

im sorry dood, just a personal opinion, i think they are hideous..

08-07-2003, 09:00 AM
actually the thing i dont like as well is pants that 3 times more than their size to the point where it looks like they **** in their pants since its sittting so low and underware coming out of the jeans like vomit.:loco:

08-07-2003, 04:31 PM
i blame the carnies....

08-07-2003, 06:30 PM
Hey Doh Boy, i'm 16, but i'm the same as you, listening to most new rap makes me want to puke. Old school baby, Big Daddy Kane!!!! I hate how all other people judge all rap by the joke that it has become. Hip Hop today is like a saturday night live skit of the real stuff even seven or eight years ago. The worst is at my school though, where every one is a rich white kid, and they act like they are from the hood. To change the way you talk to sound cool is the stupidest thing ever. So once they are done talking tyo you, they'll jump into their hummer and drive away to their million dollar house. Also, if you want to listen to some pretty good stuff, there are some LA rappers that are good, Jurassic 5, Deltron 3030, ugly duckling, and an absolute must have is O.S.T, by the people under the stairs. Perfect summer album, nice beats, nice lyrics, don't have to skip a track. And it was made like a year ago.

Bill Roberts
08-07-2003, 07:30 PM
I use to produce and engineer some serious gansta rap in 94-98 and most of it is very good compared to the new school.
Groups you never heard of...but some are on Kazaa..

Mo Tension
Ruthless Juveniles
G money
Cheeky Blakk
The Hard White
Roy Jones Jr and the PG's
The Souljahs
Met Too Short in the studio, some others..we were all down with it and I appreciated the hard work and the talent.

Some of the beats today are so lame that my dog could walk over an MPC3000 and make better beats than half da $hit out there now.

Yep, Rap has gone downhill in terms of "tightness" and "Drama"

I met some serious rappers that wanted me to do albums for free for a cut..but even though I did do some demos..I feel that if they want to do something meaningful...they should pay something..even if it is just a c note for a day. Last rap project demo I did for free was met with a few 2 thousand dollar microphones "accidently walking out of here"...but I did get them back. Was not easy..I had to get kinda rough about it.

BTW, we had a Tornado today. Pray for all the brothers and sisters that got their houses torn down and are in the dark..facing curfew.

It amazes me with all the multimillion dollar houses around here that the tornado chose to hit the hood and the trailer parks.

My house is 10 miles away...I got lucky..thousands of folks did not get so lucky.

08-07-2003, 07:34 PM
how about Onyx? :coolugh:

House Of Pain.... Onyx&biohazard:))

08-07-2003, 08:29 PM
I'm with you guys on most of this clothing trend stuff. I listen to rap mostly and know a lot about it, but i totaly hate the clothes they wear. When ever i go to public places or big events all the people look the same. They all try to look like what's popular(50 cent).

The most rediculous thing though is the huge white undershirts, i always see them wearing them. Sizes like 5x.

S14Falcon- Yea J5 is really good i have their first album, that came out like 2-3 years ago, its really good.

08-07-2003, 09:29 PM
You guys like watered down "hip-hop". I can't believe you guys actually consider Jurassic 5 to be a good hip-hop group.

08-07-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Sway500
You guys like watered down "hip-hop". I can't believe you guys actually consider Jurassic 5 to be a good hip-hop group.
i dont. i like bands you guys probably either havent heard of or havent listened to

08-08-2003, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by nocomedown
i dont. i like bands you guys probably either havent heard of or havent listened to

Ooooooh you bad :coolugh:

Just kidding, it just comes off kinda pompous when someone says that.

Shifting gears, what's with this "emo" fad? The music isn't half bad... I've got nothing against that kind of indie sound, in fact I love it... but tell me I'm not the only person that chuckles when I see some kid sporting a plastic mesh trucker cap and a sh!t-brown sweater that's 2 sizes too small. Hell, it was one thing 10 years ago when I was raiding the attic for old worn out flannel shirts - at least we didn't look ridiculous, just lazy.

08-08-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by AKADriver
Ooooooh you bad :coolugh:

Just kidding, it just comes off kinda pompous when someone says that.

eh, well. im not trying to be superior or anything. its just true. most people in america dont like british music. and the majority of people on this board prefer electronic/rap/hip-hop -- at least that's how it seems

08-08-2003, 12:29 PM

The above jeans retail about $96 :rofl:

I can become rich off my dads old work jeans :eek: :rofl:

08-08-2003, 12:50 PM
all i listen to is rock, alternative, punk, blah blah, etc... but the rap i listen to is all hip-hop...

J-Live (not J five)
gangstar, styles of beyond, souls of mischief, heiro, j5's older ish..pharcyde, sage francis, blah blah, etc...
hehe and the occasional brotha lynch..

i only like the jeans that have the faded look...(i work at banana republic) so most of the jeans we get have it... i dont like the pants that have the zebra looking fandes on the thigh part of your legs... those are funny..

08-08-2003, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by ca18guy

The above jeans retail about $96 :rofl:

I can become rich off my dads old work jeans :eek: :rofl:
maybe i should stop giving my old torn up jeans to goodwill. i had no idea there was such a fortune to be made with them

08-08-2003, 02:36 PM
Taking it back to the jeans. I ****ing hate those things. I especially hate that zebra stripe **** on the top of the leg and the white *** bleaching. The "dirt jeans" as I like to call them, suck pure balls. Luckily my GF only has some slightly faded jeans and those are cool but those really faded and dirty pieces of **** are nasty. My girl bought some jeans with a fake hole on her *** and I never fail to tell her that she has a whole in her jeans. She always tells me that she bought them that way and now it's kind of a joke but what the **** is up with this fad. The sad thing is that it's a fake hole because it's covered underneath. I can't believe the way certain styles are nowadays. Oh yeah, I don't buy clothes because I'm too cheap and all I spend my money on is my car and a little on the GF, but I try to keep it to a minimum, the GF that is. Anyone else out there lacking in wardrobe (spelling?) variety?

08-08-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Sway500
You guys like watered down "hip-hop". I can't believe you guys actually consider Jurassic 5 to be a good hip-hop group.

hahah i like how 16 year olds are talking about old school. I was at Public Enemy concerts before they could read! hahahaha... thats hilarious. Bill Im sure remembers 80s hip hop fashion.. the track suits too tight jeans those freakin feathers on a string with the aligator clips. the original polo shirts addidas shell toes with the FAT laces or no laces kangols BKs Kswiss and big gold madallions cross color clothes and JAMZ!!! hahah man I'm old.

oh and its Eazy E the mans dead at least spell his name right

08-08-2003, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Steeles
hahah i like how 16 year olds are talking about old school. I was at Public Enemy concerts before they could read!


08-08-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by dousan36

Flava Flav = :Owned:

best Hype man EVA!!!!!!!

08-08-2003, 02:48 PM
yeah great great music.

08-09-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
yeah great great music.

yeah Im gonna end up rocking old school all freakin week now

08-09-2003, 05:32 PM
Jordache, Levis, Marithe Francois Girbeaud, "SASOON", and some other kinds. All except for the Girbeads were from the 80s.

Yeah, i remember flava flav with his bis azz clock and "grill all slugged up", teeth. EPMD, LL Cool J, A Lighter Shade of Brown, Kid Frost, Def Lepard, Duran Duran, Boy George, and all that good 80s music.

But the jeans, the whole faded thing, I think is from the 60's. I have seen hippies and others wearing the faded jeans. I thought it was a symbolism of broke azz people using the same clothes for years. My dad had 2 pairs of size 32 jeans from the early seventies when he was in college and gave them to me in 93. They were all faded (Levis) and looked good. Its just a Fad that never dies, especially in the southern states, mullets and all :D .

08-09-2003, 11:24 PM
well to tell the truth i like baggy pants(not super baggy though)just enough so there's no restraint in your walk. plus faded and dirt pants look good too. i don't see how u guys could like to wear skin-tight-high-water levi's i just don't understand it

08-09-2003, 11:46 PM
no one ever said we like to wear skin-tight pants. the majority of us just prefer something thats not 4 sizes too big.

08-10-2003, 02:00 AM
Hey everybody. All you got to do is "Don't believe the Hype"
Actually it was all "Air hoodlum" or "How to kill a radio consultant"
Or that sh*t about his Oldsmobile. Chuck D's the greatest.
**** I was born in 1980. I couldn't even think much less tag along with the trends and styles from back then. I had to play ketchup. I guess it's like that, and that's the way it is.:p

Man, talk about a posuer:axe: I even sound like a wannabe. Just wasn't my era. O'well

Got Sileighty?
08-10-2003, 02:44 AM
are u kidding me Bill? u used to produce and engineer? wow, i sooo wanna get into the industry, but all they look for are unpaid interns and i have bills to pay :( so how come u stopped?

pre-faded jeans, pre-dirty jeans are soooooooo stupid. u want faded jeans? bring out some of your old ones. u want dirty jeans? put em in dirt. WTF, is that so hard? all these spoiled kids buying em up like candy just cuz nsync wears em. hmmmmm lemme spend $80+ for jeans that look dirty...i dont get it. Fads are stupid to begin with.

08-10-2003, 07:55 AM
bell-bottom for guys and platform shoes are here today, but not for me.:cool:
I'm one of those dudes who wears the faded jeans but very lightly faded.
shoot, they're in syle man.
I don't like them overly faded like the sht got a bleach burn or something.
light fade is cool for me.

Bill Roberts
08-10-2003, 10:57 AM
Hey Got Sileighty!

I still have all my equipment but these days a dude with a cheap computer and a thousand dollar sound card is an "engineer in the box" and you can't run a faclity like this one for 10 bucks an hour. Seems this profession has gotten to that..and the big timers are hiring interns that bust their chops for free because they are too lazy to do anything theirselves.

The quality of the sound is suffering.

I do mastering still but I get cut out by the inexperienced dude that will do a whole album for like 100 bucks. To do mastering properly, I like to spend a day on 3 songs. You got 15 songs, five days. At 100 dollars, that is 1/10th minimum wage and my electric bill was 500 last month.

Lots of reasons the industry is in the trash can these days.

Those that are getting the work....their days are numbered.

The trend now is to do live recording in coffee shops and capture unplugged sets. That is where the fun is. Go get you a board, some decent mics and a good HD recorder and give it a try. Learning on the fly is a good way to go. Keep independant...word will get out...and you will get quite good with experience. The key is to listen to various speakers and get that balance "just right". It must sound good on everything from a boom box to a 50K dollar system.

08-10-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Bill Roberts
Hey Got Sileighty!

I still have all my equipment but these days a dude with a cheap computer and a thousand dollar sound card is an "engineer in the box" and you can't run a faclity like this one for 10 bucks an hour. Seems this profession has gotten to that..and the big timers are hiring interns that bust their chops for free because they are too lazy to do anything theirselves.

The quality of the sound is suffering.

I do mastering still but I get cut out by the inexperienced dude that will do a whole album for like 100 bucks. To do mastering properly, I like to spend a day on 3 songs. You got 15 songs, five days. At 100 dollars, that is 1/10th minimum wage and my electric bill was 500 last month.

Lots of reasons the industry is in the trash can these days.

Those that are getting the work....their days are numbered.

The trend now is to do live recording in coffee shops and capture unplugged sets. That is where the fun is. Go get you a board, some decent mics and a good HD recorder and give it a try. Learning on the fly is a good way to go. Keep independant...word will get out...and you will get quite good with experience. The key is to listen to various speakers and get that balance "just right". It must sound good on everything from a boom box to a 50K dollar system.
I hear ya Bill. 2 weeks ago, I purchased a M-Audio Delta 1010-LT card for my PC. I replaced the 7.1 channel POS and am liking it. I pretty much help out my friends with their garage bands for fun, occasionally and remaster some portions (i got a 12 channel soundboard with PC interface from Hermes Music for $150 bucks a while back). Personally, I would leave the big stuff for the pros, and the little things for amateurs such as myself.

drift freaq
08-10-2003, 05:18 PM
tell me something ya don't understand..how I could just kill a man......

and jumping back, ah trends nothing funnier than seeing 16 year olds complaining about trends. when they are the ones that usually jump on them.
anyone complaining about baggy jeans? baggy jeans are out. Been out for about 3 years at least now. the trend is towards a narrower standard cut except low. Thing is the bagg jeans were all being worn low so the low cut is actually stolen from that. don't like a particular way a jean is done don't buy it. want to save money on jeans go to the discount stores. you would be astounded at how many quote expensive jean lines wind up there.
I don't know guys , my girl likes me to look good i.e. in fashion does that mean I buy everything that comes down the pike ? hell no! but I do think overall this thread is a little on the lame side ?hell yes and Bill I know you got better things to do with your time than complain about fricken jeans. Come on man , your better than that.:eek: ;) :D :bow:

Bill Roberts
08-10-2003, 05:19 PM

Some of the garage situations are doing great work. I recently mastered a project from a garage band that was not shabby at all. I took the time to get a 2+2 mix (vox/instu) and remixed that..and it was pretty tight...sounding better than the newest metallica album sonics wise.

Some of the super pros are good..some of them suck.

If I can ever help you in mastering, let me know..be happy to turn a wav file around really quick. I got ftp.

The loudness wars with the L2 suck bad...pushing clipping on a 2mix...bad...nasty..no dynamics.

I do what I need to do to please the client and me...and I get no complaints. After over 25 years behind the consoles..I should by now have it down.

08-10-2003, 06:06 PM
When I was speaking of pros, it would be someone in your caliber of experience not mine since I have only been in it since 98.
What kind of monitors are you using? Mine are some yamaha 2-way cheapo depot.

Bill Roberts
08-11-2003, 10:56 AM
Currently my main mastering monitors are the Yamaha NS1000M's

My evaluation monitors are the SP technology timepiece 2.0's

I use the Boston acoustics CR-8 as another evaluation tool and I also have these:

3 Boom Boxes
Jensen model 11 (1964)
Kef 105.2
The car stereo
Some cheapo computer speakers.

We have 22 different systems at the day job and it is also valuable to switch through all of the different speakers and hear how my mastering translates. Usually, I can do it all on the NS1000M's but sometimes you may catch something over time on the other systems that needs addressing. That is why I like to have a week to do a project.

If you have Yamaha NS10's now..their are certain things they do that make for tight mixes. They are dynamically accurate..but you have to get used to the tens to get your low end right.

Unfortunantly, production of the 1000 stopped in the early 90's except in Japan. Now they are the NS1000X. Cost close to 700,000 yen as well.


08-13-2003, 05:53 PM
as for current trends, i swear, if i see one more throwback jersy...

yes the dirty/ripped jeans currently sell for about $105 at A&F, crazy...emo is sad and funny - but hey, it keeps goodwill and the salvation army in business. and now there are places that sell pre-weathered "vintage" t-shirts and whatnot.

and for the record, i only wear my jeans 1 size too big :D

08-13-2003, 06:07 PM
I may be late a bit but so what...

The faded jeans are like "The Altezza Tail's" when they came out. All over the place people have craze on them. Don't tell me that when the first "Altezza tailight" that you saw you thought it was bad ***. I did and I totally hate it now since I see them everywhere. I jump on the rest of the bandwagon "ricer hater".

Once you see too many you'll start to hate it.