View Full Version : WTB Stock OEM exhaust S13 SOHC

08-28-2010, 05:52 AM
Anyone have a stock exhaust for a S13 laying around? I'd like to get the complete exhaust but just catback will work too.

My car is a '89 SOHC so not sure if the DOHC exhaust will fit. Not looking to spend much, maybe like $10-20

Even better, if you would like your car to be louder, I'd be more than happy to trade exhausts with you. There is nothing wrong with the aftermarket muffler on there right now, I just want my car to be more low-key.

08-29-2010, 12:28 AM
what do u have to trade? I have oem exhaust mani, cat, and full exhaust. nothing to replace the cat or cat back exhaust. but down to trade. haha.

08-29-2010, 09:20 PM
from catback on dohc or sohc bolt on.. before cat it will not work.