View Full Version : is Computer Engineering Technology a good course to take right now?

08-04-2003, 11:39 PM
im in such a slump here deciding on a school. its basically between CET, civil engineering, or business admin. i dont ask for alot of money in a career. something comfortable. but i want reliability over anything else. just want something that i know will give me a job for like 25-30 years, then retire

08-04-2003, 11:41 PM
i'd imagine that the tech market wouldnt be the greatest right now. but in 4 years, who knows?
if you want a safe bet, there's always going to be options for business majors.

08-04-2003, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by nocomedown
i'd imagine that the tech market wouldnt be the greatest right now. but in 4 years, who knows?
if you want a safe bet, there's always going to be options for business majors. i would only be taking a 2 year course though, maybe 4 if i cant find a job after 2. cause i can always continue on. what sort of jobs could i get from a 2 year diploma? would they just be bitch jobs around the office? or something that i could enjoy? i guess it really depends. im just all stressed out right now. heck, even computer programmers are expected to have 490 new jobs next year plus employee turnover. thats in my province of maybe 3 million people. not too bad, but i know not to get into that

08-05-2003, 10:54 AM
Right now, if you want to take any computer classes that will give a somewhat reliable job, take computer networking classes like Cisco or something, because right now the job market for working with computer is severly oversaturated becuase you can sit around all day and get paid big bucks. So most lazy people want to do those kinds of jobs to make life easy on them. thats my $0.02

08-05-2003, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by GTGuy06
Right now, if you want to take any computer classes that will give a somewhat reliable job, take computer networking classes like Cisco or something, because right now the job market for working with computer is severly oversaturated becuase you can sit around all day and get paid big bucks. So most lazy people want to do those kinds of jobs to make life easy on them. thats my $0.02 well, it makes total sence. who wants to work their *** off when they could sit on their *** all day and get paid. but it seems everyone wants to get involved in computers. ya, thats alright, but i cant see their being jobs for all the graduates. its insane trying to get into a high end computer course around here.

08-05-2003, 03:14 PM
What province do you live in?

I live in Ontario. I got into Computer Science at Waterloo University, but then decided to take Mechanical Engineering instead. The job market for computers is quite volitile, and it's somewhat tough getting good jobs. I'd really consider an option, unless your dead set on computing.

08-05-2003, 04:32 PM
im in alberta right now. but i might end up going to school in ontario. im scared that my grades aren't high enough. do most schools offer upgrading so you can qualify for the program?

08-05-2003, 07:30 PM
If you want to go into computers don't take a class that is really general. Get into something specific like electrical engineering or programming or networking. Theres too many people with general computer skills and not enough jobs for them.

08-05-2003, 07:51 PM
Dude, take it from me. I am a product of the pre-dotcom bomb. I got my Network Admin 2yr degree in 97 and got paid great until 2000. Thats when I started my own business and started on my then computer science degree (the only degree with substance in this dying market). The CCNA, A+, NET+, and 2000 MCSE helped alot, but its really tight and I worry alot. I did not end up finishing the COMP. SCI degree afterall. I switched to PRE-MED instead for the ability to help mankind and learn.

Bill Roberts
08-05-2003, 07:54 PM
First of all, the university of asdadsd simply has no curriculum.

You need to tell us where you are.

If you were in the SE US, I would say go to Auburn University and get your Bac/Sci (BS) in Electrical engineering. Then, you will be "automatically" set up to get a job starting at high pay at Eglin AFB in research and development. Once there, you can work and get your masters degree.

If you are around 19 years old,. by the time you are 33, you will have 3 fines houses (two you can rent out) and a very phat porfolio.

The two houses will be paid off and the third is a 400K place 20 miles from white sandy beaches of Destin Florida. The ones that do this build north of FWB about 20 miles toward I-10. You can build huge houses on the cheap in rolling hills in the forest still today.

Ideal place to start a family as well.

Disclaimer...you do this and behave yourself, high rewards. Not an easy program...but it is a set-up.

Well... asdadsd may be somewhere in no mans land. In that case, you are on your own.

08-05-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Bill Roberts
First of all, the university of asdadsd simply has no curriculum.

You need to tell us where you are.

If you were in the SE US, I would say go to Auburn University and get your Bac/Sci (BS) in Electrical engineering. Then, you will be "automatically" set up to get a job starting at high pay at Eglin AFB in research and development. Once there, you can work and get your masters degree.

If you are around 19 years old,. by the time you are 33, you will have 3 fines houses (two you can rent out) and a very phat porfolio.

The two houses will be paid off and the third is a 400K place 20 miles from white sandy beaches of Destin Florida. The ones that do this build north of FWB about 20 miles toward I-10. You can build huge houses on the cheap in rolling hills in the forest still today.

Ideal place to start a family as well.

Disclaimer...you do this and behave yourself, high rewards. Not an easy program...but it is a set-up.

Well... asdadsd may be somewhere in no mans land. In that case, you are on your own. awesome post :bow:

but ya, i live in alberta. its in western canada. not really in the boondocks. we have a few good universities here. and ya, i like the electrical engineering thing. one school offers "electrical engineering technology"

its a ****ty school and lots of programs say technology after them. does this mean it sucks? id have to upgrade in order to get into a 4 year university program. as my high school marks were sub par for these programs.

08-05-2003, 10:49 PM
ya Bill, i checked out the university here and they want people with 70% average in english, math, calculus, physics and chemistry

all at the grade 12 level. but my problem is that i dont have a 70% average. and here we have a weird system. there is math A30, B30, C30. i only have A30. after C30 you take calculus. id have to retake english, physics and then do chem 20, and 30. almost out of the question for me. that probably sounds confusing. damnit i dont know what to do :wtc:

08-05-2003, 10:53 PM
even tho the tech field has been bad, computer engineer jobs have still be raising, less then before but still raiseing, higher then any other tech field, just make sure u dont go into cs, those guys never get jobs

08-06-2003, 12:08 AM
I understand exactly what you are going through. I have been in community college for two years. I ended up getting a scholarship to a University that is why I am where I am at. I had the same problem you do now. I love computers and technology so much that I wanted a job in that area. Well I didn't want to get a degree and not have a job or have a job and have to leave do to job markets falling. So I put my two loves together. Police and Computers. I am now a double major at the University of Kansas. I am majoring in Computer Science as well as Crime and Delinquincy. Sounds odd I know I am wanting to work for the FBI or CIA. If you are struggling to figure out where you want to go or where you want to head. You need to sit down and figure out what you like. And by that I mean what interests you as far as jobs go. Do you like Law, medicine etc.... This will help to guide you in where you want. But take this to heart if you like Computers and what and Engineering degree in that field, or for that matter anything that has Engineering in the words be prepared to take Calc, Physics and a bunch of other extrememly hard classes. Good luck in your decision.


08-06-2003, 10:50 AM

Pick something that you enjoy, and not something that you think will be the most lucrative in terms of money or stability. Start with some general classes and do what you enjoy. If not, you'll end up with a degree in something you don't want to do. I've seen too many people waste too much money learning about stuff they don't want to do.

This coming from a recent Computer Engineering graduate (without a job I might add).

08-06-2003, 12:39 PM
I was about to say the same thing Tucker. Do something you love and everything should take care of itself.

08-06-2003, 01:39 PM
thanks for the help guys. today i went and checked out university of alberta. and they have strict entry for engineering. you need calculus, the highest math in high school, chem, physics, english. and they said their quota is full, so they admit the highest grades first, then go down from there. so it looks like my hopes are not there like they used to. id have to do way too much upgrading :(

08-06-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by mvaters
ya Bill, i checked out the university here and they want people with 70% average in english, math, calculus, physics and chemistry

all at the grade 12 level. but my problem is that i dont have a 70% average

mmm... isn't 70% like a D...? A D is a 1.0 GPA.

08-06-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Silverbullet
mmm... isn't 70% like a D...? A D is a 1.0 GPA. 70% is higher than what i have. plus i dont have calc or chem

08-06-2003, 08:40 PM
Ouch, you might wanna retake some courses.

I barely got into Mechanical Engineering at Waterloo. And I had a 91.5% average. Thats with Calculus, Algebra and Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, English, and Computers.

So boosting your average can never hurt. :)