View Full Version : When it rains it pours....

08-19-2010, 07:45 PM
So, last week on the way back from class in rush hour traffic, which isn't too bad here but is still a lot of stop and go.... I developed a leak behind the intake manifold on my S14.5 with redtop Sr.

So I pulled the intake off and replaced the line that was leaking and put it back together.... Then another line on my IACV started leaking so I pulled it all apart again and replaced ALL of the lines behind the intake. Of course while I was doing that I broke one of the coolant line fittings on the IACV. I tried JBweld, but it still leaked. So after 2x trying to fix leaks I had to take it all apart a 3rd time to replace my IACV got one on Ebay new Nissan OEM part for 60 + 25 to overnight it. Got it installed and the car was running like crap under boost.

I went ahead and did the usual checks, Alt was good, reset TPS, and adjusted base idle. Yet, it still acted up around 5k and I couldn't figure it out. Then it all of sudden wouldn't start. http://forums.nicoclub.com/images/smilies/gotme.gif So, I noticed the fuel pump sounded retarded and checked it out. Everything seemed ok there. So, I reset the ECU, checked all my fuses, and still no start.

It ended up being the fuel filter that was causing the no start. So, what are the odds that an old coolant line would go out around the same time as my fuel filter going out? F'n BS!

Either way after almost 2 weeks of working and waiting on parts the 240 lives again!

SleepR 240sx
08-19-2010, 07:47 PM
Every 240 owner could make one of these threads.......

08-19-2010, 08:40 PM
Welcome to the world of 20 yr old cars with used engine swap thats been beat all to hell and back.

Wait till you get rod knock...thats the best feeling ever. Well that and getting hit by an uninsured motorist.

08-19-2010, 08:48 PM
Every 240 owner could make one of these threads.......

LOL truth!

s13 @ fullboost
08-19-2010, 08:57 PM
be great full thats all that all it was.

08-19-2010, 10:04 PM
Doesn't deserve a thread.