View Full Version : Sweet JDM company......

02-24-2002, 10:26 AM
<a href="http://www.takakaira.com/index.html

" target="_blank">http://www.takakaira.com/index.html

They have some sweet JDM aerokits...and wheels.

02-24-2002, 10:42 AM
We have dealt with them in the past. &nbsp;They are fairly competent in replying their emails and shipping goods out if it's in stock. &nbsp;If it's not in stock, it usually takes a long time, and they do not update you on your orders until you email them.

Also their quote via bax global is always off, and the end cost of shipping is always much higher than projected.

Lastly they are just a middle man trading company, which is cool if you need some parts on the fly and needs someone to talk to in english.

Phase 2