View Full Version : 2010 Broadfield Nissan Cookout: Sunday Sept. 12th

08-14-2010, 02:15 PM
All Nissans and Datsuns Welcome

I will be holding my second annual cookout at my house for all you local and non-local Nissan lovers. I will be hosting it on Sunday September 12th starting @ 10am. We will grill and hang out for awhile, then do some nice cruising on our local streets and interstates... maybe an individual photo shoot or two if you can talk Kyle into it. I will supply all forms of food and drinks. Makes it easier for those traveling....... no need for coolers etc. All I ask is a simple donation for the cause into the tip jar. My local friends and I are accustom to mature outings, so lets not deter from that. Plenty of fun can be had without being stupid.

Please reply on this thread if you can make it and I will update the list periodically. State how many people you will have with you, if any. Also what kind of grill meat and beverage you and your guest(s) prefer.


1101 Canyon Creek Rd.
Normal, IL 61761

About 2 hours south of Chicago and a little over 3 hours from St. Louis and Indianapolis.

My cell phone if you get lost: 309-261-4827

Hope to see some of you there,

Toby Broadfield

GOING LIST: Please let me know if you are on the list and can no longer make it.

1. Broadfield
2. chiboy (pending)
3. KyleS1988
4. Daoud
5. Damon (pending vaginitis)
6. Max Diesel
7. jkocr29(pending)
8. Spec-V dude
9. 04.350z
10. 7m-power
11. whiterps13
12. hoosier240sx
13. Zeller
14. Vipervenom
15. NicG90
16. Urboymumbles
17. HS13KLS

EDIT: We will also be having a driving contest, so please bring your driving shoes: 1/4 mile and time attack.



08-14-2010, 05:09 PM
1. Broadfield
2. chiboy (pending)

i have to check and see, school starts soon and all that, itll be roughly a 3 hour drive out, i wanna see your car though. ahaha

08-14-2010, 05:32 PM
damn wish my car was running i would like to come to this

08-14-2010, 05:33 PM
damn wish my car was running i would like to come to this

You have a month :)

08-16-2010, 07:53 AM
1. Broadfield
2. chiboy (pending)
3. KyleS1988

08-16-2010, 11:24 AM
This sounds tempting...not too many folks around Indy that I can share S-chassis love with. Thanks either way for hosting fellow members and giving us a chance to see your coupe in person. Now, how to convince the wife to go with....hmm.

08-16-2010, 12:05 PM
That's why I just leave my wife at home... I know she isn't going to enjoy the events I go to anyway. I figure why drag her along and have her be miserable.

08-16-2010, 02:35 PM
1. Broadfield
2. chiboy (pending)
3. KyleS1988
4. Daoud
5. Damon (pending vaginitis)

08-16-2010, 08:02 PM
1. Broadfield
2. chiboy (pending)
3. KyleS1988
4. Daoud
5. Damon (pending vaginitis)

LOL. Yep, I will be there as long as my crap box doesn't die. That will be the longest drive I have done in it, haha. As for grilling stuff, I am a fan of brats, but hotdogs/burgers/steaks are all awesome! I will most likely be rolling out by myself. :) I'll let you know if that changes, though.

09-13-2010, 10:14 AM
So how did your shindig turn out? Really considered making the trip, but (prepare for major excuse) had previous commitments the whole day and (another supporting but equally-lame excuse) still don't have paint on my Navan aero. Any pics?

09-13-2010, 10:17 AM
I'll have some up tonightish. I'll post them in this thread.

09-15-2010, 07:34 AM

Rest here:
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