View Full Version : I want to smack my family!!!!!!!

08-03-2003, 04:43 AM
Well as most of you know I am in korea and my car was stored well my mom and her husband decide to drive my car with no insurance nothin on the car cus i did not want to pay.Well next thing you know a deer ran out and he lost control and ****ed up my front rims and tires from what they say.But I am worried about suspension damage I am so ****ed and no one i know can go and look for me cus well they are busy or gone.Oh and west I remeber youihave been on this board 2 years in nov I dont know when they went up but I am still here.

08-03-2003, 05:02 AM
ooooo..that is ****ed up..yea id feel the same. id visit and check it out for u..but i doubt im in the area

08-03-2003, 05:11 AM
wtf kinda shi t is that :mad:

08-03-2003, 05:12 AM
silviadriver where you from?My car is in va if you in da area I will give you my address if you can check it out.

08-03-2003, 05:47 AM
Punctuation is a valuable tool!

08-03-2003, 08:43 AM
Hey leaky go bash someone who is not in a bad ****ing mood got it:mrmeph: Everyone my mom got the first estimate it came to 4gs due to suspension.When I fix mycar Iam honestly considering selling the car and geting a new/used car still an import my eyes are set on 5 cars.They are RX-8,RX-7(fc or fd)300zxTT and the supra TT.

08-03-2003, 09:49 AM
Are your mom and her husband going to pay for the repairs? I see no reason at all for you to have to pay for them, when they drove your car. I know it's your mom and everything, but she wrecked your car.

08-03-2003, 09:50 AM
Dont be angry at your mom, she is your mom. You should have respect and accept the situation. No one says you have to be pleased with the situation, but atleast be happy that she is okay.

Now, she owes you a car. She is responsible to help replace whatever she destroyed, so expect a new car. Thats the way I would see things.

If I was your Mom, I'de beat your *** (and then buy you a replacement car out of guiltiness).

- Mother Mike

08-03-2003, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by bwalker240
Punctuation is a valuable tool!

08-03-2003, 04:37 PM
Yeah mom is going to pay for the repairs but this car is accident proned it is cursed hehehe.So if you had to get a differant car which would you choose from my list?

08-03-2003, 05:00 PM
Sh1t BEISSEN, that sounds like my mom. No freakin respect for any of my stuff. She says that i owe her for my childhood and uses that constantly. She drove my accord and got t-boned after I had explicitly told her that unless she foots the insurance and helps pay the car payment, she would have to walk while I was at work. She had made another set of keys and drove it from my work parking lot which was about 2 blocks from my house to get her cigarettes and bam. Fortunately, it was the other drivers fault and it paid to have the car repaired frame and all including paint job. My mom was fine and blamed it on me. i was like WTF??? Now that is gratitude.

08-03-2003, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by BEISSEN
So if you had to get a differant car which would you choose from my list?

Neither...because the way you drive any of those cars will end up totalled.

Sorry about your car...I can see why you are pis<i></i>sed since I can understand some concepts more than others (the whole mom thing). The estimate is up the as<i></i>s because you have a Kouki S14 and parts are EXPENSIVE...one headlight is around $220.

You should get a S13.....

08-04-2003, 04:01 AM
Hahaha thanks 95KoukiS14 But now that I getting married I am going to have to chill but is not really my likeingyeah I know its exspencive and all but also my mom went in her BDU's and had her E-7 showing and so we think he was tring to get money but I want a turbo car or a car with alot of hp and tq to start like 250 or so.I was already offered to get a 2004 mustang mach 1 for only 25gscus of being military but I want to stay in imports and keep rwd.But it seems you know me to well 95koukis14 hehehe.