View Full Version : street legal?

08-02-2003, 09:27 AM
i'm curious to know if having a gutted interior is street legal or not? and if it is in some states and isn't in others...holla back plz.

08-02-2003, 10:01 AM
I don't believe it's illegal per se. The only stipulations they have about this sort of stuff is making sure saftey equipment is intact - seatbelt anchors, side impact beams, airbags, etc etc ad nauseaum.

You can search virginia vehicle code here

US californians (where it REALLY REALLY REALLY sucks to own a modofied vehicle) can search here

Neither codes say anything about vehicle interiors.

HOWEVER. A gutten interior is Grade A cop attractant. Keep your windows tinted unless you want to draw unncessary attention. They may not write you up for a gutted interior, but when they see it, they know there's probably something on your car they CAN write you up for (another story for another day)

08-02-2003, 06:17 PM
aiight thx alot