View Full Version : Haltech or AEM Series 2?

08-06-2010, 04:29 AM
I have done some reading and narrowed it down to these two monitoring systems. I am leaning towards the AEM series 2 because it has knock monitoring and usb hook-up. Anyone wishing to give their opinion on which one I should choose would be a great help.


08-06-2010, 06:14 AM
aem s2 is bonerville. The new software is a lot nicer than the AEMPro

They ship it with the cas disc anymore - makes life way easier.

are u talking about the haltech pnp stuff - or like a E6X?

08-06-2010, 01:31 PM
The Haltect Platinum sport 1000.

08-09-2010, 05:25 AM
check with the guy thats tuning the car...

both units are good.

08-09-2010, 06:02 AM
someone just made this exact same thread about a month ago. search. search, search. and if you're not sure if it's been answered or not. GOOGLE

08-09-2010, 08:22 AM
Are we talking KA or SR?

08-09-2010, 08:57 AM
It's for the sr20det, s13 blacktop.

steve shadows
08-09-2010, 01:02 PM
Hi Guys,

honestly from my recent expereince

Especially if you are a beginner

the Power FC is the best unit for the Nissan commuinty if you are looking for 350-400 whp MAX ranges.

Anything under 350 HP ranges it is lock stock and two smoking barrels

I have noticed a lot of people buying AEM and HALTECH and not having the patience to really go through the agonizing steps of learning the units thousands of functions.

The other thing I have realized about our community is we are by nature Do It Yourselfers, which is a great thing! But EFI and EMS tuning can get very complicated and frustrating very fast.

Just make sure when jumping into the EMS world you have a LOCAL tuner you can trust or someone who can work with you to get started and then you can start to learn from there.

I have had people requesting map services from me for a base timing map who do not know what "map" "cell" "lambda" even mean.

Take some time to do research before hand.

Ont he topic of AEM vs. Haltech.

Haltech is a great unit. P1000 is awesome. However it is a tedious unit. This unit is best tuned on a break eddy dyno where you can tune cell by cell by cell while working the motor in VE mode (volumetric efficiency) rather than raw injection time.

The AEM unit also a grat unit but has recently copied the Haltech software almost to the T (i.e. tab browsing almost like Mozilla like control panel for tuning when you are online).

Both new units take a lot of time to get used to.

Personally I went to EFI University just to get up to speed on the new AEM unit. (Which is very similar to the tab browsing make up of the P1000 and other Haltech units).

just a few tips to heed

08-09-2010, 01:06 PM
keep it simple and use Power FC. It's also cheaper out of the other 2

steve shadows
08-09-2010, 01:14 PM
Honestly if you can find a used or still shelved older PFC, they are GREAT units to start with.

Then once you get more serious with your power desires you can move to a Haltech or AEM (when you need stuff like antilag, auxilary rev limits, multiple inputs and outputs). etc etc.

I think Haltech and AEM are doing a great job innovating but they are ahead of the DIY crowd already, they are pandering to OEMs and OEM race backed teams now. Not just the weekend warrior.

If you can handle the PFC like a rubics cube in 30 seconds and know the basic lingo and ins and out of that unit then you are ready to jump to Haltech and AEM world.

Even if you don't just have some patience, invest in an EFI university class near you if you can or just take it slow. It will come, but it takes time. My first Haltech was my crash course and that's nearly 8 years ago now

08-09-2010, 01:16 PM
i have a power fc for sale for a rb engine, but the best to me is the haltech sport 2000 i use it, with 1000cc inj and it idles like stock, zero complaints