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View Full Version : RB26: Need a picture of how this should be ASAP

08-05-2010, 06:49 PM
I have been running through different possabilitys as to what may be wrong with this thing and have converged on this.
I need a picture of where this Valve cover breather hose is supposed to go. It was welded into the turbo inlet pipe and is creating so much suction it collapes the Blowby hose.
Here is the Blowby hose pic and this blowby hose goes to the blowby valve which is threaded into whats called the balance tube that connects to the AAC and has a hose running to the fuel pressure reg and I believe that because it is creating a negative pressure reversing the flow of air through this system is creating all of my idleing, A/F, and bogging issues
I just need a picture of where this goes normally, I am searching the Nissan Tech Manual right now and I'm hoping it will actually show me but I'm 1/4 of the way through it and nada.

08-05-2010, 07:51 PM
heres the most accurate one i could find

almost makes me believe that breather is clogged

is that the original hose?
That hose looks to be too soft to handle the Vaccum, Cuz i know they are suppose to be pretty rigid

08-05-2010, 07:58 PM
heres the most accurate one i could find

almost makes me believe that breather is clogged

is that the original hose?
That hose looks to be too soft to handle the Vaccum, Cuz i know they are suppose to be pretty rigid

Yes it is very soft and old but it is two different sizes so noone has anything similar and ordering one takes more than 10 weeks from samco for the kit. I will probaly make a fitting and use two different size hoses. I did find a diagraham in the manual and it does go to the intake tube but mine is welded into the intake side of the removable turbo pipe which should be essentially the same thing. I'll have to try a new hose.

08-05-2010, 11:05 PM
These are the best pics I could find..

That blow by hose on the right should go to the air hose, right after the first MAF (assuming you have the stock intake still).

08-06-2010, 01:32 PM
These are the best pics I could find..

That blow by hose on the right should go to the air hose, right after the first MAF (assuming you have the stock intake still).

I dont still have it but I can modify my aluminum intake pipe and block off the fitting in the turbo and relocate the hose farther away from the turbo inlet wheel.