View Full Version : Dies randomly at a steady pedal.

08-04-2010, 01:24 PM
1995 s14, motor rebuilt with stock guts and ran fine for about 24k or 25k miles. Out of nowhere the other day it dies on the highway. Only code stored is for my O2 sensor (which has been on since before the rebuild). If i let the car sit for about 5 or 10 minutes it will fire up and may run 2 minites or may run the rest of the day. I've replace plugs, wires, cap, and rotor thinking it was missing. Even tried replacing the distributor thinking the cam trigger was failing. I miss drivin this car, but i have my kids with me a lot and don't wanna chance it breaking down with them in it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Gave it this title cuz it will only do this at a steady pedal. It will not do it under acceleration or while decelerating. :(

08-05-2010, 02:29 AM
if im reading this correctly it sounds kinda like what i had a while ago check to see if you have a hose on the fuel pressure regulator i did a egr delete and blocked mostly the air gallery on the intake manifold and check the coolent sensor and maf sensors unplug and replug em in thats what i do when it starts to stutter or shutoff