View Full Version : Atl meet in 2 days!

07-30-2003, 04:42 PM
ok whos going?

my car is not ready yet, so i'm probubly gunna be coming in with geske (duffman)

every1 sign in so i new how much "im a gay newb in zilvia" stickers to bring in:)

07-30-2003, 04:53 PM
so no1 is going?:bash:

07-30-2003, 05:02 PM
the following people are useless and dont deserve time on earth :
180Driftin, 204_240sx, 240sxcustom, 24D, 808audi, 91blk240, 95SilvS14, ae86driftn, ae86itb, AKADriver, alan-n, AutoDestruct, Bill Roberts, blackdragonvr4, blaqsilvia, Brssmnky6, cali240sxdrifter, Chernobyl, citizen, coolerow2, crypticfury85, dankS14, dasalnt, dave2u, deenx, dousan36, drifted240, driftheaven, dstyle, EONE914, F3600, goth, Gzero, hooter, huntz0r, i'm driftaholic, JasonNagra, KiDyNomiTe, LowBattery, Matt240SE, meme, method2833, monk, mrmephistopheles, niSm095, NismoSkylineR34, niss, NiteKids, njb, nrcooled, phatdood9, Rennen, revat619, Ricer240sx, Rocketman, ruf, S13 Silvia, s14falcon, saga240, sayuki, Siizzzoooo, skithesteel, SoFlaJDM, SR240, SR240SXT, Stee Flo, Stock-S13, SxMachine, TheTicTac, THX1138, Weird Styles, wherezmytofu, woodysmom, YellwMonky, Yoshi

07-30-2003, 08:33 PM
tofu... you do realize your own names on that list right? :D anyway I'll be in Atl woot woot cant wait to go!!! doing laundry now so I can pack lol

07-30-2003, 10:03 PM
I'm going. I've been packing all week as I'm moving to a new house. Today I realized I packed all my clothes and sent them over there, so I had to go back through them and get out what I needed to wear. I hate moving! At least I have a reason to take a break, 240's in ATL!

07-30-2003, 10:15 PM
useless? :confused:

Well, taking into consideration the fact that you have some serious mental issues, i'm guessing that this is some kind of lack-of-medication-induced joke right?

hahahaha you're insane! :D

07-30-2003, 11:13 PM
Ugh. Still up in the air on this one. That's 26hrs of driving round trip in 3 days (72hrs). More than 1/3 of the time on the road. Dunno man.

07-31-2003, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by Steeles
tofu... you do realize your own names on that list right? :D anyway I'll be in Atl woot woot cant wait to go!!! doing laundry now so I can pack lol when u tell me what im usefull for i'll tkae my name of the list, till then were in the same boat:coolugh:

07-31-2003, 06:44 AM
Originally posted by wherezmytofu
when u tell me what im usefull for i'll tkae my name of the list, till then were in the same boat:coolugh:

entertainment? and Im not on the list so your not in my boat.... we got paddles over here :aw: :D

07-31-2003, 08:25 AM
im useful with out me therd be one less toyota tech in the world to rip off people that bring their cars to the dealership and one less s13 on the road

plus i live know where near atlanta as i am in new jersey!

07-31-2003, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by wherezmytofu

my car is not ready yet,

cuz your lazy :p, so stop whoring and go to your garage, or make scott finish it for you, and also make scott snap out of his cheap ways :D.

I was supposed to come with scott and stay over with you but money and time were a problem. So i missed out on my chance to see the great whorific tofu :D.

07-31-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by KiDyNomiTe
cuz your lazy :p, so stop whoring and go to your garage, or make scott finish it for you, and also make scott snap out of his cheap ways :D.

I was supposed to come with scott and stay over with you but money and time were a problem. So i missed out on my chance to see the great whorific tofu :D.

1. im not broke im out of cash righ now
2. geske was unemploed for a time and now have a tmep joke...leave the poor man alone :p
3. u sure did

07-31-2003, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Steeles
entertainment? and Im not on the list so your not in my boat.... we got paddles over here :aw: :D race u! :eek3:

07-31-2003, 01:55 PM
i'll be there! can't wait to see ya steeles :) :) :)

07-31-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by turtlepower240
i'll be there! can't wait to see ya steeles :) :) :)

brigns a smile to have cute chicks patiently awaiting my arrival :D hotel before 5!