View Full Version : Dell : Streak

07-28-2010, 07:03 AM
I am getting one
whos with me


07-28-2010, 11:29 AM
ehh i dunno about dell products. honestly, not a big fan of dell and i came across this earlier today:

Dell Streak: What a Mess - PCWorld (http://www.pcworld.com/article/202080/dell_streak_what_a_mess.html?tk=rss_news)

07-28-2010, 12:41 PM
looks like winmo7? if so = fail

07-28-2010, 05:33 PM
looks like winmo7? if so = fail

It's Android

07-28-2010, 09:45 PM
Hopefully they will up from Android 1.6, but still something that big.... I dunno it doesn't look too quick..... I wonder which version of the snapdragon....

drift freaq
07-29-2010, 12:22 AM
Best Android to date is the Samsung Galaxy S line. aka Vibrant,Captivate, and I forgot the names of other two. Though they are top of the heap for current Android phones.

Oh and the Hummingbird processor smokes the Snapdragon.

07-29-2010, 06:09 AM
Best Android to date is the Samsung Galaxy S line. aka Vibrant,Captivate, and I forgot the names of other two. Though they are top of the heap for current Android phones.

Oh and the Hummingbird processor smokes the Snapdragon.

How about the Droid X (and coming soon Droid 2) ? I hear good things about the processor.

07-29-2010, 09:31 AM
Droid X is great, the Droid 2 will be kinda like a DX spec-wise but it will be in the original Droids form factor. Both awesome phones. The only problem for some people is that the bootloader is locked, so no custom ROMs. AFAIK the Galaxy S line isn't and people are already cooking ROMs for them. That and the screen I think would be the main advantage. Though I bought my DX for the larger screen.

07-29-2010, 09:38 AM
Hopefully they will up from Android 1.6, but still something that big.... I dunno it doesn't look too quick..... I wonder which version of the snapdragon....

That thing will ship with 2.1 with an upgrade to 2.2 in the VERY near future.

NOTHING ships with 1.6 these days.

07-29-2010, 11:00 AM
POS Sony Ericsson X10 did.... Hella sad... I wanted that phone too....

07-29-2010, 11:09 AM
i dont trust samsung hardware on phones

drift freaq
07-29-2010, 11:11 AM
Well seriously if your willing to wait till fall HTC is to be bringing out a Android phone with a dual core processor.

07-29-2010, 11:35 AM
Well seriously if your willing to wait till fall HTC is to be bringing out a Android phone with a dual core processor.
im already waiting till late august for the Droid2...if HTC brings ^that out with a qwerty, im down to wait...ive been eligible for upgrade since 5-17-10... :eek3:

07-29-2010, 11:40 AM
i will never buy another dell product in my life, there product sucks and their customer service is even worse.

drift freaq
07-29-2010, 12:00 PM
i dont trust samsung hardware on phones

Actually quite the contrary. I had a Samsung flip phone that went under water twice. Second submerged for a good 15 minutes. Both times pulled it and dried it and functioned for quite awhile afterwards. That speaks volumes of the build quality of Samsung phones. Plus they make a lot of the parts for other manufacturers phones. LOL They are pretty dominant in the screen department.

Nearly every touch screen your hand touchs, the screen is a Samsung.

They also make great flat screen TV's. I would not just dismiss Samsung. I would LG though. LOL

Oh and that dual core processor HTC will most likely be a Atom processor from Intel.

Oh and seriously I would not touch a Dell Phone. Dell has never made a phone before. I would not want to be the Guinea pig for that shit. LOL

07-29-2010, 08:50 PM
That thing will ship with 2.1 with an upgrade to 2.2 in the VERY near future.

NOTHING ships with 1.6 these days.

Motorola i1 does,but its not even in the same ball park with the other droids....

07-30-2010, 12:20 AM
There are so many versions of Android that I have lost count.

07-30-2010, 09:09 AM
I got my Samsung Captivate (ATT) a few days ago and the screen is gorgeous. Streaming youtube and porn is so good now haha. Live wallpapers

Also, battery life is amazing with how much abuse I put through it in a day. Those who think otherwise don't have a task manager/task killer for background running apps.

This was a major upgrade for me since my previous phone was an unlocked G1 on ATT service. I'm a little annoyed that I don't have a physical keypad anymore, so I can't fuckin text without looking anymore.

Oh yeah, does anyone every use that new Swype text format???

07-30-2010, 10:18 AM
Dear Dell,

F you, you told me I could order the phone by july, all lies

i am getting a nexus one


There are so many versions of Android that I have lost count.

2.2 > 2.1 > 1.6 > 1.5

07-30-2010, 12:36 PM
I got my Samsung Captivate (ATT) a few days ago and the screen is gorgeous. Streaming youtube and porn is so good now haha. Live wallpapers

Also, battery life is amazing with how much abuse I put through it in a day. Those who think otherwise don't have a task manager/task killer for background running apps.

This was a major upgrade for me since my previous phone was an unlocked G1 on ATT service. I'm a little annoyed that I don't have a physical keypad anymore, so I can't fuckin text without looking anymore.

Oh yeah, does anyone every use that new Swype text format???

Swype is awesome!!! I need a couple of more weeks to use it without looking but, yeah its awesome! Right now, my goal is texting with one hand and thumb swype everything.... Not that easy, but two handed swype is no problem.

Also playing FF8 and FF7 and Xenogears on it.... freaking awesome... I rooted and put the launchpro plus and its sooo fast and just minor stuff and if I just use it as a phone with is like 2 hour phone calls per day and the rest standby except reading some emails and fring ims, I can get like 20 hours on 1 charge.... I've seen early Froyo's on it, and I quad scores are almost 1200. Right now stock its close to 800... Also once Froyo comes out and utilizes more of the graphics chip on it, its going to be flawless......

For the record been using 2 weeks, 0 dropped calls.... Froyo=2.2, Eclair=2.1.....

07-30-2010, 06:30 PM
When the Mini 5 was announced to much fanfare I was impressed. But now that time has passed with no updates. Then the name change. It has me worried about the problems they are having with the phone.

I am thinking that the iPad made them dump all plans to have it as a mini tablet and are just going to dump it as a standard phone then come out with something else as a iPad competitor. I wouldn't touch anything that is abandoned tech.

I was watching a chick use Swype the other day. She said it was easy but watching someone makes it look like typing in code. Another guy was like "I need to get that for my Fiance." She was then flustered that people were more interested in her phone then her. LoL.

07-30-2010, 08:50 PM
Swype is awesome!!! I need a couple of more weeks to use it without looking but, yeah its awesome! Right now, my goal is texting with one hand and thumb swype everything.... Not that easy, but two handed swype is no problem.

Also playing FF8 and FF7 and Xenogears on it.... freaking awesome... I rooted and put the launchpro plus and its sooo fast and just minor stuff and if I just use it as a phone with is like 2 hour phone calls per day and the rest standby except reading some emails and fring ims, I can get like 20 hours on 1 charge.... I've seen early Froyo's on it, and I quad scores are almost 1200. Right now stock its close to 800... Also once Froyo comes out and utilizes more of the graphics chip on it, its going to be flawless......

For the record been using 2 weeks, 0 dropped calls.... Froyo=2.2, Eclair=2.1.....

You should try out ADW Launcher. It's my favorite out of the ones I've tried so far.

drift freaq
07-30-2010, 08:59 PM
You should try out ADW Launcher. It's my favorite out of the ones I've tried so far.

ADW launcher makes Androids appearance and functionality so much better its not funny. Seriously a must have for Android.

07-30-2010, 11:25 PM
ADW launcher makes Androids appearance and functionality so much better its not funny. Seriously a must have for Android.

please explain about this AWD

07-31-2010, 01:12 PM
I'm a little annoyed that I don't have a physical keypad anymore, so I can't fuckin text without looking anymore.
You should get use to it after a while. I can touch type on my phone without looking.