View Full Version : I need a JAY-OH-BEE

nissan slut
07-29-2003, 03:42 PM
Guys, summers almost over and I need a job. See, I was working at a restaraunt for about a year and a half, then I got fired because I didn't show up one day w/o calling in. I'm sitting at my comp right now trying to think of what to look for, when I decided to ask some of you guys. I'm 17 right now, 18 in November, and I still have to go to school 8-4:30. What kind of jobs should I look for that's kinda neat, not too girly, and not too stressful. I just don't know where to start. Can anyone help me on my job search?

Bill Roberts
07-29-2003, 03:56 PM
Go to Circuit city or best buy. The both have flexible hours, you get to work around electronics and get a good discount once you are there 90 days. They do hire under 18 year olds as well.

You might just like it and you will learn sales...which will stay with you the rest of your life. Salespeople are some of the top paid folks out there.

As far as Best buy, expect 7 to 8 an hour..

Circuit city I think pays something like 7.50hr...plus a comission of you make your quota..if you don't you still get to keep the hourly..if your sales is way above quota, you can make 12 to 20 an hour...selling computers, videogames, stuff like that.

I knew a guy that sold computers at Circuit city, said he made a thousand a week..but he had to sell like 7 per day.

Look into it...but you have to be upfront and let them know you are hungry to work and can keep on a good face during work hours. You got to be upbeat and not shy. You must be ready to work and hustle..move at a higher speed and stay excited.

The key is to keep each sale under 10 mins and move on to the next one..the faster you work, the more you sell, the more you make. I think some of those stores have 22 year old managers making 50 to 90K a year..

You get hung up on a customer, you got to move along to the next one...you cannot afford to waste any time in those jobs. You are there to close sales and keep your area orderly.

07-29-2003, 06:32 PM
yeah, i second best buy. I worked there with my younger brother. job wasn't too bad. they will work around your school schedule and if you want you can work more, just depends on you. back in the day(2000) they started me at 7 bucks an hour.

also you should try car dealerships as being a lot boy. ask other people about this. I always wanted to do something like this, but school is to demanding.

07-29-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by fastpace
yeah, i second best buy. I worked there with my younger brother. job wasn't too bad. they will work around your school schedule and if you want you can work more, just depends on you. back in the day(2000) they started me at 7 bucks an hour.

also you should try car dealerships as being a lot boy. ask other people about this. I always wanted to do something like this, but school is to demanding.

dealership thing should be 18 and up, btu it might be diff for diff dealerships. I had a friend who worked at a Honda, too bad he was domestic kinda guy. But he had fun, they tought him how to drive stick in a prelude, and he said he loved messing aroun with the cars in the lot.

he also said if you scratch a car while parking it, it goes off your salaray. He scratched a few, but thats between him and the cars :D. He said the Oddessy didnt like him, and always loved scratching cars :D.

I need a job to, need to pay for things, and buy things for the misses, the car, no girl right now :( , but I guess thats a good thing in a way too.