View Full Version : s13bdafocker

07-19-2010, 10:04 AM
I sent payment to s13bdafocker on May 29th for one of the cooling panels he was making for the S13s. He kept in touch for the next couple weeks, stating he had delays but would get the panels (I'm assuming there were others that had purchased them) out as soon as possible. The last communication I had from him was on June 24th via PM in which he stated that all 35 sets of cooling panels would be shipped out the following day and tracking numbers would be provided to everyone.

I never received a tracking number. Due to some personal business I was unable to follow up until two weeks later. I've sent numerous PMs and an email to the hotmail account listed on his profile. I've seen that he posts on Zilvia.net almost daily, but has not responded to any of my inquiries. At this point I don't even want the panel anymore, I only want the money I spent. The PM about his intention to ship came right near the cut-off to file a dispute with paypal.

I don't know if this was an honest mistake or just shady business, but without any communication I have no way of knowing. I don't even want the item, just my money back. I don't want to risk going through this again. It may not be much, but giving money away doesn't really interest me.

07-19-2010, 10:32 AM
did u get your part?

07-19-2010, 10:47 AM
No, did not receive part, nor did I receive a refund.

Since I received the PM in which he stated his intention to ship the part the following day and to provide a tracking number I have received nothing from him.

07-19-2010, 11:04 AM
dispute with pay pal maybe? one thing why i hate buying stuff online unless its a legit site, ebay or what not...


07-19-2010, 11:41 AM
I can no longer dispute with paypal b/c it's past their 45 day cut-off date. I tried opening one and it was immediately "Resolved".

07-19-2010, 11:42 AM
maybe it was part of his scam??? the whole waiting game

sucks man.

07-19-2010, 12:30 PM
Could have been. I'm just wondering if the 34 other people he claimed to be selling them to had similar experiences. If so, that's a lot of money he earned. I know he's on the boards almost every day, I've checked the post logs. I know he has to have seen the messages. I can only assume he's chosen to ignore them.

It just pisses me off that someone can be so blatantly disregarding any communication I send, yet still be extremely active on the boards.

07-19-2010, 12:35 PM
was it on here? maybe you can contact his other customers

07-19-2010, 01:06 PM
It was on Zilvia.net. He initially made a FS thread which ended up being deleted b/c he didn't have permission to advertise his cooling plates. I'm not aware of who else purchased the plates.

07-19-2010, 03:44 PM
Seller contacted me today. We're working on a resolution. Mods can delete the thread. I'm not sure how.

07-24-2010, 10:42 PM

After the seller contacted me on the 19th, I was told that a refund would be given on Friday (I'm assuming the 23rd). I waited patiently until Friday and then sent an email to verify if it would indeed be sent. I received no word. I sent an email today (the 24th) and received no word.

I know things get busy, but for a seller to just not contact his customers with updates as to his situation or the status of the refund is just ridiculous. I'm not trying to damage the image he has created for himself on the forum, but come on. The situation could be laid to rest if he would just fulfill his end of the bargain.

To begin with, I'm never sent an item. Then, all communications requesting information about my item are ignored. I only hear back when his integrity is brought into question. Yet, on the day my refund is to be sent, he is no where to be found.

If this is the only way to get his attention, then so be it. If his online image is so important then let it be called into question. Apparently this whole group buy became a mess. That doesn't mean he can absolve himself of responsibility to the people he took money from.

After two months I just want this issue resolved. If I have to sink to calling him out on a forum then that's what I'll do. If he has time to take out of the day to post on the forum, then he has plenty of time to issue a refund or respond to my emails. The pure audacity to just blatantly ignore all communications sent by me is staggering.

07-25-2010, 12:06 PM

Im in the same boat as you. Money sent. No item or refund after weeks of waiting. The BIG issue I have is that he cannot refund my money at this point and has to wait for his payday. To me that means he took the cash I sent through paypal, put it in his bank to get him by for a month or two and now waiting for him to get paid to pay me back. Quite simply you shouldnt take money until product goes out. I put a paypal claim against him and he assured me it would be corrected and I let the claim go by. Now I am waiting and hoping I get a refund. This is the exact reason why I will probably never do private sales on this forum again. I never get treated buying as I treat others when I am selling. My experience has been less than satisfying to say the least.

07-25-2010, 01:32 PM
Sorry to hear that. At this point I just hope someone sends this link to him again. That was the only reason he responded to me last week. A friend of his emailed the link to him so he could try to stop his name from being dragged through the mud. He seemed much more concerned with earning a poor reputation on the forum than actually refunding my money.

The bottom line is he put himself in this position. Sending multiple items to buyers that only purchased one, and when the mistake was brought to his attention he made no attempt to resolve it. I'm really not concerned with his personal life. If he owes me money in return for items not being sent, then he needs to send it.

07-25-2010, 01:53 PM
Check another person off of my list of shit to buy from.

07-28-2010, 07:07 AM
Since this whole charade is still ongoing, I'll update. He has once again stated he will provide refunds to Scottie and myself, but has since disappeared from contact. I also noticed that he removed his contact emails from his user profile. That's okay though, I wrote them down before he removed them.

I'm still staggered by the immaturity and lack of respect he's shown so far. I've also noticed that after posting, on average, at least once a day, he hasn't posted in almost 5 days. I'm not sure that means he's going to lay low until things eventually get forgotten or if he's posting under a new user name.

Either way, if you're going to say you'll do something...do it. Quit being a cheap low life and refund the money.

08-13-2010, 03:13 PM
I am still waiting. He has not posted on here for a while. This will not be forgotten. If he would make good on his word I would remove the bad seller and put neutral. No harm no foul. But I am still waiting on his refund at this point. :rolleyes:

08-14-2010, 05:15 PM
I'll echo scottie's statement. I too would remove the bad trader rating and switch it to neutral. We've been in sparse contact with him and he asked for some time for his paychecks to go through. I figured two weeks would suffice. That was on July 29th. I did not contact him to "hassle" him during those two weeks, but he did not send any communication to keep me posted of his intentions. I sent him an email this morning asking for an update as to when I/we can expect a refund but have received no response.

Still waiting. You would think two months would be enough time. If he has time to make shifters and buy t-shirts he should have the time to refund the money he owes two people he swindled.

08-15-2010, 01:48 PM
I will echo what I pm'd S13dba. I am satisfied now that I have a refund. No harm no foul. I am neutral on the deal. I think he just need logistics worked out for the future. I had to wait a while but S13dba made good on his refund. So as far as I am concerned its even.

11-11-2010, 05:36 PM
DO NOT BUY FROM s13bdafocker. I was supposed to get a full ac setup for my sr20 and just recieved PART OF IT tuesday. Took him almost 3 weeks to send me it. Communication sucked always a excuse. Work, girlfriend problem or something. So I gave him benefit of doubt and got FUCKED. I have attempted over and over to get the rest of my shit but im tired of waiting. he still owes me the condesor, dryer, fan, and belt so pretty much what i got is useless


11-11-2010, 06:34 PM
Interesting... he posted this not too long ago...

I don't think I'm going to post anything up for sale for a long time. I have had a big issue shipping my A/C set up cost me $140 to ship it all so it was a loss on my part.

11-11-2010, 06:42 PM
Once again he is a liar. I have a pic of the receipt says $51.52...he claims there were 2 boxes but label on package I got says 1 of 1. And he said both boxes are one same tracking number. Once again LIE

02-18-2011, 03:27 PM
USPS is shit and now FedEx and UPS are the only shipping companies i will use.

whats that statement supposed to mean? you sent me injectors that you claimed as 550's through usps. There factory rb20 injectors. claimed he made a refund through paypal, never happened. We'll see what paypal does. He claimed to refund? paypal allowed me to escalate it to a claim, and still going on.... Lie lie lie.

02-20-2011, 04:30 PM
only thing thats showing is that I paid you you transfered it to a bank account, then transfered the same amount from a credit card to your account. Look at what you sent, it proves nothing. it proves there were transactions, the only one that has my name is a "from" Not a payment to...

02-22-2011, 03:47 AM
So wait. I had to listen to you for how many days that you gave me a refund.. and in fact, you never did. After you told me I was being a childish bitch for 3 hours straight and I continuously told you that you had not done it, then you FINALY go do it... and I'm bad mouthing you trashing your good name... get real. you trashed it yourself! plain and simple

After you bitch for a refund that i posted on the 16th and i make things rite you are still going to trash my name. Go back and fix that shit .. atleast post that you got a refund . or i will be taking this to the mods

end result this guy is a trash talker. For 4 days I listened to him lie about giving a refund. Now he is threatening with going to a moderator! WOW that takes nerve. I have proof that he's been lying! End result, like I stated in the email that I forwarded to here (see above) After 4 days of emails telling him I hadn't gotten a reund, and him replying that I had... He starts texting me.. after? 3 or more hours of him trash talking me, and me telling him no he didn't deal with paypal. He fnaly goes and does contact paypal. Of to which at that time says "ok.. sorry man if knew that's all I had to do I would of done it days ago." That was on feb 20, at 9:43.....first was 5:46..... Hell he says he was goign to a moderator. If so do a full review of the situation.. I never lied, or trashed his name.. He did that himself! He's used potty mouth and everything else, because he's been frustrated trying to point the finger at me and in fact it was all him.

and you still say you did it on the 16'th HA GET REAL!!!

02-22-2011, 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by stprasinz
So wait. I had to listen to you for how many days that you gave me a refund.. and in fact, you never did. After you told me I was being a childish bitch for 3 hours straight and I continuously told you that you had not done it, then you FINALY go do it... and I'm bad mouthing you trashing your good name... get real. you trashed it yourself! plain and simple

Originally Posted by s13bdafocker
After you bitch for a refund that i posted on the 16th and i make things rite you are still going to trash my name. Go back and fix that shit .. atleast post that you got a refund . or i will be taking this to the mods

are you fucking dumb the pics I posted show that the refund was issued the 16th all k had to do was call and get it fixed. Had no clue i had to call. Ither post you got a refund or I'm talking to the mods .. Grow the fuck up your 30 years old man

holy cow! is this seriously how this whole forum is? He has threatened me 2 times now with going to a mod, and conituously name calling me! I'm sick of it seriously! I deal with people on a regular basis for business, and I'm a respectable person. Then a bad apple like this comes around and makes the whole forum look bad! I am so frustrated with getting on my computer and haveing this person harrassing me! I eventually will get a refund, he claims I did long ago, but then corrects and said he had to "call" paypla which is hog wash! I have dealt with similar senerios before, and there was no "needed to call paypal". I have bought and sold SSSOOOOO many things online, that in this time I have been screwed once, were a person sold me a turbo and the wheels were both shot, and both housings trashed. I never got a refund from them, they bailed on the paypal account all togehter. another time I bought something that was a complete fake, and had to send it back and got the refund. Now this guy claiming for 4 days that he did refund my money, but hadn't... wether t because he filed it wrong with paypal or whatever, it wasn't complete no matter how you look at it period! I recomend never even looking at his forsale posts! all I have posted here and previusly are facts! I have 30 texts in my phone of him namecalling, trashtalking and outright harrassing me, and that is from the 4 hours he was texting me sunday, which at the end he FINALLY figured out how to use a computer, and respond to the paypal claim!

so yes eventually he responded to the claim, after 4 days of saying he had already!

02-22-2011, 06:39 PM
in the first message you sent me it was name calling. you called me a childish bitch so fuck off leave me alone! I have posted fact after fact! everytime i sent you a message you responded with I already refunded. Like I said it wasn't complete point blank and continuously told you to contact paypal

DO NOT CONTACT ME ANYMORE and incase you didn't notice... I post my emails with it!!!!

Originally Posted by s13bdafocker
Originally Posted by stprasinz
ok fuckin douche bag leave me the fuck alone i fucking explained it all in the fuckin post leave me the fuck alone go tro a fuckin mod you bitchy little son of a fag ASS bitch! ALL I POSTED WAS FACTS leave me the fuck alone! you are harrassing me point blank there are laws against that you fuckin panzy! shut the fuck up you made your fackin bed now fuckin lay in it and leave me the fuck alone!

Originally Posted by s13bdafocker
Originally Posted by stprasinz
So wait. I had to listen to you for how many days that you gave me a refund.. and in fact, you never did. After you told me I was being a childish bitch for 3 hours straight and I continuously told you that you had not done it, then you FINALY go do it... and I'm bad mouthing you trashing your good name... get real. you trashed it yourself! plain and simple

Originally Posted by s13bdafocker
After you bitch for a refund that i posted on the 16th and i make things rite you are still going to trash my name. Go back and fix that shit .. atleast post that you got a refund . or i will be taking this to the mods

are you fucking dumb the pics I posted show that the refund was issued the 16th all k had to do was call and get it fixed. Had no clue i had to call. Ither post you got a refund or I'm talking to the mods .. Grow the fuck up your 30 years old man

So posting my pm's in that thread .. Hmmm nice one there guy i should do the same but am i no. Me calling you names you might want to go back and read the texts that we have exchanged not only were you the one over reacting over something so small but you were the first to start name calling. Its nice to see you try and make me out to be the bad guy here., So it took me a little to call paypal because i was under the assumption that it was paid back on the 16th when you failed a paypal claim.

In your post you so call sold tuns of stuff over the Internet but yet to realise that paypal takes 3 days to post into any account unless you have a business account. You are full of guy.

I am now going to froward all the pm's and screen shots of the text messages to a moderator on this forum to get this dealt with the rite way.

Nice to see you can blow things way out of proportion..