View Full Version : s14 weight discrepency?

07-15-2010, 07:41 PM
I have read many places on the internet that my cars weight is 2700-2900 lbs curb weight but yet my car says it weights 3700 in the driver door jam..... i understand that my door jam is probably correct but can someone explain why my car weights so much more? it is not an se but it does have a sunroof et cettera....i could see this making it a little heavier...but 1000 lbs? http://forums.nicoclub.com/images/smilies/wtf.gif can anyone help me with this...thanks

here are a few links i found that shows my confusion....

http://www.modernracer.com/features/nissan240sx.html (http://www.modernracer.com/features/nissan240sx.html)

http://www.240sxforums.com/forums/nissa ... pency.html (http://www.240sxforums.com/forums/nissan-s14-240sx-silvia-94-5-98/10118-s13-s14-curb-weight-discrepency.html)

http://en.wakopedia.org/wiki/Nissan_240SX (http://en.wakopedia.org/wiki/Nissan_240SX)

thanks again....

07-15-2010, 09:11 PM
Your door jam is wrong.

Many people have put them on scales.

07-15-2010, 09:23 PM
Isn't that how much the vehicle can hold? Up to another xxxx lbs on top of it's 2800lbs? So door jam saying 3700 meaning it would hold another ~900lbs on top of it's curb weight?

07-15-2010, 09:23 PM
the weight listed on the VIN sticker on your door jamb is the Gross Vehicle Weight, which is how much your car weighs fully loaded. Actual weight is not listed on the car but is probably around 2800 lbs.

07-16-2010, 03:06 PM
thanks for the help