View Full Version : Siemens S56

07-26-2003, 07:35 PM
No one probably has this phone, but worth a try...I was looking at this fairly new cell from Siemens and was wondering if anyone has heard any good reviews on this cell or owns one and would like to share their thoughts. It's somewhat new, so there aren't too many customer reviews on it. Any help would be appreciated.

If not, what cell phone do you have?


07-26-2003, 09:07 PM
post a pic of it so people can see some poeple know phones by how they look not by their name haha

i have a ghetto V60 from Motorola but i plan to get a new phone..mayb the GU87?

07-26-2003, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by SilviaDriver
post a pic of it so people can see some poeple know phones by how they look not by their name haha

i have a ghetto V60 from Motorola but i plan to get a new phone..mayb the GU87?

Here's a pic from www.my-siemens.com

07-27-2003, 07:29 AM
seimens are known to overheat after a while... then after a while you wont be able to turn on your phone and it will die out on you... personal experience... IMO.. they suck...

07-27-2003, 09:24 AM
What model phone did you have?

07-27-2003, 09:29 PM
Guess what... Someone does have this phone, and that someone is me. I got it about a month ago (Cingular). At first, I was quite happy with it, but now I'm not so sure. When I bought it, it had just gone on sale. I guess I should have learned from the Ericsson T68 software fiasco. For the first couple of weeks I was enjoying it. Bluetooth kicks ***, and it functioned quite well. Plus, you can't beat DLing porn to your cell :D. However, the screen resolution is not as great as some of the newer phones. This is, however, the least of the phone's problems. For about the last week or so, I get phone calls, but when I pick up, the other party can't hear me and hears no ringtone. This happens several times a day, even with full service. Also, the phone will sometimes have phantom rings... Basically, it will ring, but there's no one there. No number is displayed on the screen. The only way to stop it is to power off and back on. Sometimes, the number of the calling party disappears off the screen after a second, but the phone keeps ringing with a blank screen. I also tried messing with it by going back to 1980 in the calendar and setting an appointment for my own birth :D. The phone got really confused, froze, made a noise and powered off. I'm going to go back to Cingular and see if they gave me a lemon...

07-27-2003, 09:47 PM
For loads of phone info go to www.howardforums.com. Best cell phone forum I have found so far.

I have a T720, and I love it, except for the little problems but all phones have those. But mine makes up in "other" not so legal ways :D. But don't bother PMing me about them, cuz its apparently been found and shut down :( , I got what i want from it though :bigok:

There are way too many phones out thee, with all these little gadgets and such. All these games are cool and all, specially useful at boring events that you get dragged to. But for the person on the go are useless.

07-28-2003, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by SiL1480
What model phone did you have?

i had the seimens S40

07-28-2003, 03:47 PM
Thanks for the link KiDyNomiTe!

Sorry to hear that chokudoriS13, that sux.

I decided to just keep the phone, Im too lazy to go return and pick up another model:rolleyes:

Thanks for the replies

07-28-2003, 06:19 PM
I've got the Nokia 3650, love it!

07-28-2003, 07:21 PM
Siemens makes good 2.4Ghz home units.