07-05-2010, 07:29 PM
Expected to be a big s-chassis meet. Hosted by Verve Motorsports & 240sxfamily.com. Bring your friends, bring your mom. Where looking to have a barbecue, hang out, etc. They have an On sight dyno, tuning, a full show room & full performance work. They do it all. So come check out the shop at this meet, and hang out with fellow 240sx owners. Anyone is welcome.
10 dollar dyno pulls!
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs015.ash2/34105_1414032284599_1646311531_960854_7180204_n.jp g
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs062.snc4/34447_1414032964616_1646311531_960866_5365468_n.jp g
Where:Verve Motorsports
Date:August 1st, 2010
Address:430 Virginia Drive
Fort washington, PA
If a rain date, or a reschedule is happening I will update this thread.
10 dollar dyno pulls!
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs015.ash2/34105_1414032284599_1646311531_960854_7180204_n.jp g
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs062.snc4/34447_1414032964616_1646311531_960866_5365468_n.jp g
Where:Verve Motorsports
Date:August 1st, 2010
Address:430 Virginia Drive
Fort washington, PA
If a rain date, or a reschedule is happening I will update this thread.