View Full Version : HELP!! SAFC Wiring Issues...(actually ECU reconnection issues)

07-24-2003, 12:41 AM
Hey guys, I just sold my SAFC II to a guy on the NICO Forums. Everything went smooth taking it out(listening to instructions my friend gave me, since he installed it). So i have the harness out and ready to ship; but now my ECU has tons of half-cut wires. He said to reconnect the yellow and white one(because its the air flow) and the rest I can just cap off w/ electrical tape. He said hed draw a pic and send it over IM, but he fell asleep and says he'll do it tommorow!!!!!!! I'm afraid to start my car and kinda need it tommorow. Any ideas?

07-24-2003, 01:33 PM
go to www.apexi-usa.com and go to documentation and get the instructions for it there and just do it in the oposite order. theres only the 2 wires that were cut and connecdted to 2 wires on the safc and the rest were just tapped in. its not that difficult. goodluck

07-25-2003, 01:01 AM
it works! thanks man!