View Full Version : HTC evo owners.

06-22-2010, 02:17 PM
Hey everyone so im on the waiting list for the htc evo, they said it will be about 3 weeks. Iv done alot of research on the phone and everything looks great. My questions to the EVO owners are what are your personal opinions on the phone?? What do you like and dont like about it?? Just trying to get some more info on the phone before I actually go through and buy it.

06-22-2010, 02:26 PM
i dont own one...but did get to use my buddies...so far he's loving the damn thing...only thing he's noticed is that when u turn the screen...its a bit slow to go from horizontal to vertical...thats it...lol

06-22-2010, 02:31 PM
My sister, brother & his girlfriend all have this phone. I have to say that it sure beats the iPhone! Very nice!

06-22-2010, 02:34 PM
My sister, brother & his girlfriend all have this phone. I have to say that it sure beats the iPhone! Very nice!

for fucks sake lets not start that debate in here too:faint:

06-22-2010, 03:37 PM
I was playing around at the Sprint store and liked it. Although I was disappointed when I reached up to .6mbps at the store in Torrance, CA. Another disappointment was the fact that 4g will not be available in Los Angeles until the end of this year. ..or so they say.

Another option I was looking at was the Motorola Droid X (http://phones.verizonwireless.com/droid/x/) (verizon), hopefully rumors are true and they will unveil the phone tomorrow.

06-22-2010, 03:56 PM
The only downside I found with the phone was the size. 4.3inch is effing huge! The phone seems to run very smoothly. The screen clarity/resolution on the phone is amazing. Ive owned the HD2/mytouch/g1 and played with a lot of different androids/htc's and this one is a go. If you dont mind the size, i think your going to get use to it fairly fast as android is very easy to use. Sold my HD2 because it was too big and mainly because it was Windows. Im sure you've done your research already, theres a lot of sick Android phones out and coming out soon too so keep your options open.

06-22-2010, 05:55 PM
Thank you all for your help. I am using a unlocked iphone now and I like it. I just want something different try something new and im liking the evo alot more everytime I mess around with my friends evo's. Im not to worried about how big it is. Im more worried about how it actually performs.

06-22-2010, 07:13 PM
pretty damn nice, but I prefer my iphone due to a few apps and it really wasn't worth paying the at&t cancellation fee. it's a million times better than the hero and if i had to choose without having to pay the cancellation fee, I'd take the evo over my iphone. It's fast, no lag, data is great espeically watching youtube HD vids, the speaker is awesome, my call quality was decent (not superb), and just nice overall. big as hell though. pain to carry in my pocket.

06-22-2010, 09:44 PM
why not just wait for the new iphone to come out? i've heard its suppose to be way better than all these htc phones thats been coming out. downfall of the evo is that 4g is only avail in certain area if you dont have 4g in your area it just as fast as the iphone.

06-22-2010, 09:47 PM
Sprint = FAIL
Their 4g isn't even real 4g. Its WIMAX. Its shitty clearwire.

Its the same as an HTC HD2 but with Android OS
YAY for big screens.....

But hats off to those who like it.

nismo 240sx
06-22-2010, 10:05 PM
This guys is right its and hd2 with andriod...its a sick phone don't get me wrong and super fast when sprints network is avalable...but ya 4g is wifimaxx...basically is like using ur phone on wifi..the size of the is huge at first but you get use to it and it seems like a normal phone after a few days..it should be getting 2.2 andriod sometime soon which would allow saving apps and ur micro sd and save some memorey on ur phone..if you get sprint service were you live and the places your at most of the time..I would deff get it..I work at radioshack and got to test it out with my sprint rep..quality of video and pics are amazing! You tube hd is sick!...its a dope phone...try it out and get it..sprint has a 30 return policy..if you don't like it they will return all your money and you won't have to pay the month you used...know if I was you I would get it at radioshack just because the same 30 days apply and you don't have to deal will all the mail in rebate shit..its 199.99 plus tax..since the phone out right is like 550.00 its like 55 bucks of tax...witch is not bad cuz at sprint your gonna be paying like 3 bills plus and deal with mail in rebate..radioshack is all instant rebate...hope this helps

06-22-2010, 10:06 PM
Sprint = FAIL
Their 4g isn't even real 4g. Its WIMAX. Its shitty clearwire.

Its the same as an HTC HD2 but with Android OS
YAY for big screens.....

But hats off to those who like it.

So you're saying WIMAX isn't a 4G technology? Are you saying that LTE is the "Real 4G" and WIMAX isn't?

Before you spread misinformation, please read this.


06-22-2010, 10:07 PM
why not just wait for the new iphone to come out? i've heard its suppose to be way better than all these htc phones thats been coming out. downfall of the evo is that 4g is only avail in certain area if you dont have 4g in your area it just as fast as the iphone.

I dont have at&t and I dont want to sign up and get raped with there crappy plans.

06-23-2010, 09:33 AM
why not just wait for the new iphone to come out? i've heard its suppose to be way better than all these htc phones thats been coming out. downfall of the evo is that 4g is only avail in certain area if you dont have 4g in your area it just as fast as the iphone.

What you heard is incorrect, and you should read up on the HTC phones and how they're just as good or may be better than the iPhone 4g.

Also size screens is subjective, it's like buying a laptop and complaining it's bigger than your netbook.

06-23-2010, 10:24 AM
I'm looking to pick up a new phone sometime soon, what exactly is this whole 4g about? Just loads websites faster?

Debating if I should get a smartphone or jsut stick with a regular simple phone, the plan rates are close to the same right?

Andrew @ 240sxMotoring
06-23-2010, 10:25 AM
I <3 my Evo. No complaints other then I wish I had 4G coverage in my area. Got a taste when I was in Chicago for Redline and it was zooming. :D

Other then that battery life was pretty crappy but it's been getting a lot better after a few charges.

06-23-2010, 11:11 AM
I'm looking to pick up a new phone sometime soon, what exactly is this whole 4g about? Just loads websites faster?

Debating if I should get a smartphone or jsut stick with a regular simple phone, the plan rates are close to the same right?

Sprint wimax(4g) download speed peaks at 10 Mbps. Average should be between 3-6 Mbps. That assuming your actually on 4g and you've got good reception. What you should do is run a bandwidth speed test on your home computer and use that as a reference on how fast you coverage will be.

Also, the rates are not the same as they charge you for a data plan instead of text & talk.

06-23-2010, 11:18 AM
if i get the evo 4g i can probably get rid of my cable internet ....

06-23-2010, 11:34 AM
Ill have to look and see if tampa has 4g yet or when they will get it.

06-23-2010, 11:56 AM
I can't imagine needing "4G" speeds any day soon. What are y'all downloading that requires this much bandwidth???

06-23-2010, 12:02 PM
I really hope most of you understand that (2g,3g,4g) has nothing to do with speed!
Thats just the capability of the network, 2 g was voice and text, 3g was voice, text, and pic msg, and 4 g just adds the capability of video messaging.
Learned this from the ceo of Helio cell phone company the first to ever bring 3g to the US

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-23-2010, 12:08 PM
I can't imagine needing "4G" speeds any day soon. What are y'all downloading that requires this much bandwidth???

the G in 2g,3g,4g has nothing to do with speed!!!
Thats just the capability of the network lol
4 g is just the addition of video messaging or conferencing.

06-23-2010, 12:20 PM
the G in 2g,3g,4g has nothing to do with speed!!!
Thats just the capability of the network lol
4 g is just the addition of video messaging or conferencing.

That's only partly true.

The capabilities of each network's 3G service differs.

In general though 2G, 3G, and 4G don't really mean squat. They're terms made up by cellular providers to sell more service to customers who don't know better.

They're buzzwords like, Antioxidants, omega 3 acids, blah blah blah.

T-Mobile's 3G HSPA+ is capable of up to 7mb/sec, yet it's still classified as 3G not 4G. W/e.

Verizon's "3G" doesn't support simultaneous voice and data. AT&T's and T-Mobile's does. There are a bunch more differences but you get the idea. If you guys are really interested, do a search on it.

06-23-2010, 04:25 PM
My friend/co-worker has it and his main complaints are the horrid battery life and the glass starting to separate at the very corner of the phone. The glass separating is not affecting all the phones, as I have another phone with one and no issues. The battery life is a common issue.

Other than that, they both love the phone.

06-23-2010, 05:42 PM
the G in 2g,3g,4g has nothing to do with speed!!!
Thats just the capability of the network lol
4 g is just the addition of video messaging or conferencing.
then why can i do video conferencing in japan on 3g?
so yeah

06-23-2010, 08:03 PM
then why can i do video conferencing in japan on 3g?
so yeah

probably because Japan has had video chat for about 3 yrs...and we are barely getting it?

06-23-2010, 08:25 PM
So you're saying WIMAX isn't a 4G technology? Are you saying that LTE is the "Real 4G" and WIMAX isn't?

Before you spread misinformation, please read this.


1. Its not information. if you read, wimax isn't 4g. Sprint made a deal with clear for faster speeds wich can't even compete with lte
2. I said nothing about lte, Iwas stating an opinion.
3. No need for instigating by saying I was spreading wrongful information.
Instead of correcting me, provide an opinion.

06-23-2010, 09:08 PM
1. Its not information. if you read, wimax isn't 4g. Sprint made a deal with clear for faster speeds wich can't even compete with lte
2. I said nothing about lte, Iwas stating an opinion.
3. No need for instigating by saying I was spreading wrongful information.
Instead of correcting me, provide an opinion.

I don't need to voice my opinion when I posted facts. You obviously didn't click the link.

So, tell me how WIMAX isn't a "4G" technology?

Last time I checked, WIMAX provides data to mobile devices at speeds currently up to 10mb/sec. Sprint chose to brand WIMAX as a 4th generation mobile technology. Is Sprint wrong in doing so? Should it be reclassified as 3G instead?

Post some facts so we can better understand your "opinion".

If you go back up and read my last post before this one, you'll see that I said there really is no standard on how mobile tech is divided into 1g 2g 3g 4g. Carriers are the ones that choose to slap that label on it. It's totally subjective. You have to look deeper than the label and examine exactly what each specific carrier is offering.

It's all marketing.

06-24-2010, 01:00 AM
then why can i do video conferencing in japan on 3g?
so yeah

so yeah ?...ummm ok....lol :cj:you said nothing..
you just didn't understand.... it's ok ...Ill break it down.
there isn't a specific number for each capability, in the US the 4g network simply are ging to add the video conference and messaging that's it..
You knowing I lived in Japan must know I know very well video messaging has existed for about 7 years or more.. each market fools their customers in different ways.
for example cell phones have been able to play live TV channels in japan for about 5 years or more..
when that come's out in the US they are probably gonna call it 5-G beta super alpha speeds or something..and are gonna charge like $6000 bucks for the internet plan!

06-24-2010, 06:41 AM
Just a FYI, my friend got a new phone and a hard reset fixed the battery issue.

06-24-2010, 07:01 PM
How would hard reseting fix the battery issue? Hard reseting only resets the phone back to factory settings. Battery problems are always going to be an issue. I dont care what phone you have; iphone htc etc... your going to have battery issues. You can download apps such as Advanced Task Kill on your android phones to kill unused apps so it can run smoother and use less battery. Also turning down the brightness of the screen helps a lot. Heres my oppinion as of now; Tmobile=NexusOne HD2, At&t=Iphone4g, Verizon=DroidX(july15th), Sprint=Evo. Like I said my oppinion, dam new phones come out every other month. Plus im a diehard Android user, o and the new iphone is nothing new, Video Chat?! I just tried it on my friends phone, it was super laggy even at full reception. Plus the Evo's got video chat too, and no need for wifi like the iphone.

06-24-2010, 07:05 PM
Hey Daniel, where can I find info on reception/speed on all the carriers? I work for a cell phone company and would love to see the specs and compare all of them.

06-24-2010, 07:35 PM
How would hard reseting fix the battery issue? Hard reseting only resets the phone back to factory settings. Battery problems are always going to be an issue. I dont care what phone you have; iphone htc etc... your going to have battery issues. You can download apps such as Advanced Task Kill on your android phones to kill unused apps so it can run smoother and use less battery. Also turning down the brightness of the screen helps a lot. Heres my oppinion as of now; Tmobile=NexusOne HD2, At&t=Iphone4g, Verizon=DroidX(july15th), Sprint=Evo. Like I said my oppinion, dam new phones come out every other month. Plus im a diehard Android user, o and the new iphone is nothing new, Video Chat?! I just tried it on my friends phone, it was super laggy even at full reception. Plus the Evo's got video chat too, and no need for wifi like the iphone.


Hey Daniel, where can I find info on reception/speed on all the carriers? I work for a cell phone company and would love to see the specs and compare all of them.

I can't think of any links or pages you can visit specifically right now, but all the knowledge I've gained over the years has come from working in the mobile industry and from a million internet searches.

I'm not sure how knowledgeable you are already, but a good place to start is with US and international cellular frequencies and what each particular frequency is used for.

Some are used for voice, some for data. Some do both voice and data, domestically and internationally etc etc etc.

(It's been a long day, I've been up since 4am. I'll try to find some links tomorrow morning and post them in this thread.)

06-24-2010, 08:09 PM
I use to work for Tmobile and now I help run my friends Metro store. I still consider myself a semi-noob, but im always willing to learn more. I want to learn more towards different carriers reception levels and about the whole 2g-4g stuff. Seems like you know quite a bit. Ive learned wayyy more from online reading then what Tmobile and Metro actually trained me on. What are some of the phones you like?

06-24-2010, 09:45 PM
Blackberry bold is where it is at. Unless you are someone who would rather have a phone that plays videos and games, better than it handles phone calls, sms, and email..............


Forgot to mention horrid battery life.

06-25-2010, 06:34 AM
How would hard reseting fix the battery issue? Hard reseting only resets the phone back to factory settings.


He found this info on another forum, can't explain why...but it resolved his issue. He showed me the phone at 70% battery life with 11hrs + since the last recharge.

06-25-2010, 08:20 AM
Blackberry bold is where it is at.
Not any more... the EVO is a game changer from what I saw :2f2f: Blackberry has had nothing special since the iPhone began interfacing with corporate email.

06-27-2010, 11:39 PM
So here's a good breakdown of UMTS frequencies.
UMTS frequency bands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UMTS_frequency_bands)

I'd like to say that my thoughts on 1g2g3g4g branding was my opinion.

There is actually an international organization that designates the standards which determine what comprises each generation of technology.

At the moment, WiMax and LTE are both branded as 4G but in actuality they do not meet the requirements. With a bit of tweaking, it will be relatively simple to make them both compliant though.

Read this on WiMAX.
WiMAX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WiMAX)

and this on LTE
3GPP Long Term Evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3GPP_Long_Term_Evolution)

and this on 4G
4G - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4G)

06-28-2010, 02:54 AM
So here's a good breakdown of UMTS frequencies.
UMTS frequency bands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UMTS_frequency_bands)

I'd like to say that my thoughts on 1g2g3g4g branding was my opinion.

There is actually an international organization that designates the standards which determine what comprises each generation of technology.

At the moment, WiMax and LTE are both branded as 4G but in actuality they do not meet the requirements. With a bit of tweaking, it will be relatively simple to make them both compliant though.

Read this on WiMAX.
WiMAX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WiMAX)

and this on LTE
3GPP Long Term Evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3GPP_Long_Term_Evolution)

and this on 4G
4G - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4G)

Thank you Daniel! That right there is excellent information and I was personally going to post that myself because I've had this debate before on another forum. Everyone should read that if they want to clearly understand how the label 3G and 4G.

the G in 2g,3g,4g has nothing to do with speed!!!
Thats just the capability of the network lol
4 g is just the addition of video messaging or conferencing.

That is not true. I'm not trying to attack you but you seem to be repeating this as if it is fact but with no supporting evidence. I would like to see where you got this information from.

Anyways, the move from 1G to 2G was mainly a move from analog to digital. That is simply how you identify the two. The move from 2G to 3G added multi-media applications and wide spectrum transmissions and at least 200 kbit/s. From there the move from 3G to "4G", "refers to all-IP packet-switched networks, mobile ultra-broadband (gigabit speed) access and multi-carrier transmission." So in fact each evolution after 2G is defined by a many factors and speed is one of them (read Daniel's links).

06-28-2010, 04:24 AM
and this on 4G
4G - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4G)

Wikipedia is not a credible source. WTF DANIEL!?!?!

JK. :kiss:

06-28-2010, 09:34 AM
Wikipedia is not a credible source. WTF DANIEL!?!?!

JK. :kiss:

LOL. It's not, but it's a good starting point.

06-28-2010, 09:57 AM
my gf has the same problem with her HTC monent or whatever those shitty phones are called shes already gone threw like 3 phoines after having it for a few weeks and like hella updates...even got a app to kry lock her phone wtf lol....yall need to step your game up................sup yall


06-28-2010, 10:03 AM
my gf has the same problem with her HTC monent or whatever those shitty phones are called shes already gone threw like 3 phoines after having it for a few weeks and like hella updates...even got a app to kry lock her phone wtf lol....yall need to step your game up................sup yall


What does a Samsung Moment I or II, or a Blackberry Storm 2 have anything to do with 4G, WiMAX, the HTC EVO, or ANYTHING we're currently discussing in this thread?

06-28-2010, 10:07 AM
b/c apperntly all HTC phones blow and battey dies after a hour... get a blackberry noobs

06-28-2010, 10:09 AM
get a blackberry no problems with mine and can do hella more with it.

06-28-2010, 10:11 AM
A Samsung Moment is a Samsung, NOT HTC. However in Soviet Russia....

06-28-2010, 10:17 AM
b/c apperntly all HTC phones blow and battey dies after a hour... get a blackberry noobs
Don't believe everything you read on Yahoo Answers!!!

06-28-2010, 12:51 PM
get a blackberry no problems with mine and can do hella more with it.

This is so wrong I don't even know where to start but I'll take the bait. What can you do with the Blackberry that you can't do with the HTC Evo?

06-28-2010, 12:58 PM
b/c apperntly all HTC phones blow and battey dies after a hour... get a blackberry noobs

If you read right then you would see a hard re-start fixes the battery life.

06-28-2010, 01:06 PM
If you read right then you would see a hard re-start fixes the battery life.

Hard resets don't do anything but restore the phone back to factory standards.

Nothing fixes poor battery life other than a larger battery, or better power management from the software.

With the 2.2 Froyo update for the Evo coming out "any day now" the battery life issue should be improved.

06-28-2010, 01:34 PM
Not any more... the EVO is a game changer from what I saw :2f2f: Blackberry has had nothing special since the iPhone began interfacing with corporate email.

I am curious as to how a cell phone which has terrible call quality......can be a "game changer"?

More like "game player". Google 'EVO call quality'

It is terrible. A PHONE that cannot even handle PHONE calls..........is not one i would ever think of owning.

06-28-2010, 01:40 PM
I am curious as to how a cell phone which has terrible call quality......can be a "game changer"?

More like "game player". Google 'EVO call quality'

It is terrible. A PHONE that cannot even handle PHONE calls..........is not one i would ever think of owning.

I haven't experienced a degradation in call quality at all. The call quality in this case seems to be a regional issue and can be possibly attributed to Sprint throttling their network in high load areas. They already attempt to mitigate network use by physically lowering their antennas during peak usage.

06-28-2010, 02:06 PM
Hard resets don't do anything but restore the phone back to factory standards.

Nothing fixes poor battery life other than a larger battery, or better power management from the software.

With the 2.2 Froyo update for the Evo coming out "any day now" the battery life issue should be improved.

Seem's other ppl have done it. IDK if thats what fixed it but it worked better after he did.

Just a FYI, my friend got a new phone and a hard reset fixed the battery issue.

06-28-2010, 02:22 PM
I'm not discrediting your friend's claim at all, but this could be nothing more than a case of the "butt dyno". Know what I mean?

06-28-2010, 02:29 PM
I'm not discrediting your friend's claim at all, but this could be nothing more than a case of the "butt dyno". Know what I mean?

Yea I got you man. Im just going by facts that have been stated in the thread. But unless theres hard data that proves the point true of false we will never know.

06-28-2010, 02:34 PM
It's possible that he may have downloaded an app or changed a setting that refreshed his data connection too often.

Hard resetting the phone and/or deleting that app would restore his battery consumption to normal levels.

That's the only thing I can think of though.

06-28-2010, 03:53 PM
Seem's other ppl have done it. IDK if thats what fixed it but it worked better after he did.

I know from subscribers on an Evo forum I belong to some have stated that with multiple charges after time the battery life has improved.

06-28-2010, 04:00 PM
I am curious as to how a cell phone which has terrible call quality......can be a "game changer"?

More like "game player". Google 'EVO call quality'

It is terrible. A PHONE that cannot even handle PHONE calls..........is not one i would ever think of owning.

I think your over generalizing the issue. I'm sure there are some EVO's with poor call quality but that could be said with any phone. For example, instead of typing, "EVO call quality," insert any phone in place of EVO and I'm sure you'll get several hits about poor quality. Now are those few hits indicative of everyones experience out there, no but there is always going to be a small margin of error with any phone.

What phone do you own?

06-28-2010, 07:36 PM
If you are not in an area that has 4g you should turn of the 4g in the settings. It will constantly search for the 4g towers if you have it on and it drains the battery. It's kind of like when you are driving down the road and the phone has to go from tower to tower and the battery use is increased because of it.

Also, when using a lot of widgets that have frequent updates like news tickers, facebook, weather, and others it uses battery faster because it is constantly checking servers for new information. You can help by going into the program settings and increasing the time between updates on less important programs/widgets.

Just a couple of tips on the battery life.

06-29-2010, 05:43 PM
What phone do you own?

Bold 9650. Every feature that a phone needs, works perfectly. I was researching the droid phones for awhile, while waiting on the bold to finally drop. Was going to possiblymake the jump from blackberry and get the Incredible, or the evo. But what i found were way too many negatives.

Would rather have a phone with perfect SMS, MMS, email, and call quality, than one that excels at none of the above, but will play tons of videos, games, and has a kick ass browser.

Personal preference

06-29-2010, 05:55 PM
i have both blackberry 9630 and htc evo. all i can say is the htc evo is a better phone its faster and has apps to keep you entertain. the only thing ill miss about the blackberry is blackberry messenger.

06-29-2010, 07:17 PM
Would rather have a phone with perfect SMS, MMS, email, and call quality, than one that excels at none of the above, but will play tons of videos, games, and has a kick ass browser.

Personal preference

I haven't had a problem with any of those...I have a Droid.

06-29-2010, 07:19 PM

06-29-2010, 07:35 PM
LMFAO! so true

06-29-2010, 11:02 PM
I loved that video. Pure Genius.

Got my Evo. Really love it. Battery life isn't too bad. Downloaded an App killer to help out. Qik is nice for the video conferencing. Haven't tried anything else. Works pretty good on the 3G. Wi-Fi is BLAZING. It's faster than my computer which is weird because it's wired. Speaker is terrific. 8MP camera is sort of a plus. It's hard to tell.

Favorite feature by far is the 4.3" screen. I came from a Sprint Mogul so it's FANTASTIC. Also, the corrective keyboard is nice in case you mistype some stuff. Just calibrate it if you don't like it stock. Be careful of G-Sensor Calibration. I've heard it really messes with the phone.

06-30-2010, 12:15 AM
That movie was simply awesome!haha
depicts the reality of the world in general today when it comes to name brands.

I havent seen the new htc but so far all the new phones that are/were supposed to be better than the iphone have failed miserably.
the google phone and the older htc was like comparing the "cyphones" from china to the original one, lol..the technology was no where near it. nothing I have seen so far is as smooth and likeable as the iphone.

I dont feel I need to have the latest gadgets I didn't care to buy the new GS when it came out nor do I feel the need to get the Iphone 4, I just wanted a great fucking phone and the Iphone has been the best so far.
I am very interested in testing the new HTC though since so much has been said about it.

keep in mind a phone having more features and being able to do more things doesn't automatically make it a better phone. overall user interface and quality and i guess response to commands, does

another thing:
I hated sprint when I had it..never had so many dropped calls and errors in my bills.
Sprint 4G, though, is not available in most major cities, including San Francisco and New York.

06-30-2010, 12:16 AM
by the way would be hillarious if someone made a video like that about 240s and sr/rb swaps.

06-30-2010, 01:54 AM
^Not as funny as the original video. The original funny was great because it pointed out a crowd of people who will buy the Apple iPhone not even knowing the competition. It was also very objective when referring to the HTC Evo while the second video was very subjective.

06-30-2010, 07:22 AM
Bold 9650. Every feature that a phone needs
...then you should upgrade to this thing - it doesn't do anything fruity:


PS: I don't even own a smart phone any more. I had an iPhone & it was such shit that I swore them off forever! But I may come back into the game for the EVO.

06-30-2010, 12:41 PM

PS: I don't even own a smart phone any more. I had an iPhone & it was such shit that I swore them off forever! But I may come back into the game for the EVO.
Sounds like the kind of complain a girl who sucks at technology or has long nails so cant text would make lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-30-2010, 12:44 PM
i tried my sisters Iphone 4 for about 4 days...could not get used to the keypad sensitivity...sorry...im used to practicality right out of the box with my physical qwerty, no need to "get used to it" bs...

maybe the wider screen on the Evo or Doid X could fix my issue, but yet proven...fatty fingures FTL...

06-30-2010, 12:58 PM
Once my contract is up with att I'm getting an EVO.

06-30-2010, 01:00 PM
i tried my sisters Iphone 4 for about 4 days...could not get used to the keypad sensitivity...sorry...im used to practicality right out of the box with my physical qwerty, no need to "get used to it" bs...

maybe the wider screen on the Evo or Doid X could fix my issue, but yet proven...fatty fingures FTL...
You get used to it. Also, these phones have a wider keyboard if you hold it horizontally. There is an extremely obese guy at work that has no problems with touch keyboards, just holds the phone horizontally.

06-30-2010, 01:03 PM
You get used to it. Also, these phones have a wider keyboard if you hold it horizontally. There is an extremely obese guy at work that has no problems with touch keyboards, just holds the phone horizontally.

i always try vert and Hori...just so im not biased and say i tried it and not given it a fair chance...

07-01-2010, 02:41 AM
i always try vert and Hori...just so im not biased and say i tried it and not given it a fair chance...

Try the swype or slideit programs. I was skeptical at first but after trying it, it makes one hand typing a breeze. I can type long words with one hand in half the time it would take to even use t9 word prediction.

07-01-2010, 08:09 AM
i never use t9...and i dont mind typing with both hands...

i just like the fact that if im drunk, and i type out

im druunkk on my qwerty ...it would come out alonge the lines of klsdhfoalwhefjk on an iphone, proven fact in my case...lol