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06-21-2010, 09:22 PM
Post away regarding the 2010-2011 NBA Season.

Regarding the TMac rumors to LA:

Before his injury, he was an offensive beast. Like it or not, he was almost a mirror-image of Kobe’s game.
His defense is suspect, but if LA can get him for the veteran’s minimum, why not? It’s a cheap insurance policy.

Limit his role suited for his current health. He is INSTANT OFFENSE, something that is desperately needed
from our bench. 20 minutes a game would be good for him, as he doesn’t have to expend too much energy
as he always needed to. He can create his own shot, has a nice 3-point shot, is athletic, and can run the
point at times.

His knees and ankle have given him problems in the past, but take a look at Grant Hill- same type of
injuries, yet he’s playing great.

Tracy McGrady to the Lakers is a no-brainer, especially for what the Lakers can get him for. Ron Artest
has also called on him to join the Lakers, as they were teammates back in Houston. McGrady has also
stated before that the player he would definitely want to play with is Jelly Bean.

06-21-2010, 11:20 PM
What about securing Phil Jackson, don't you think that is going to effect things? I don't see how you give the coach that just won a championship for you a pay cut. How will you accommodate T-macs pay?

In regards to Grant Hill, I think Phoenix has the best medical staff in the league because everytime some injured/damaged goods player goes over there they come out like they had a sip from the fountain of youth!

Anyways, you know all we care about is where LeBron is going fool! :p j/k

Alright, I'll just throw this one out there for disuccusion.

Considering that Boston was a relatively weak team, that was not supposed to even make it far into the playoffs if at all, but yet beat the supposed two best teams in the east and then gave the best team in the west a run for its money: what does this say about the current state of the NBA?

Like I said before, I'm down for some crazy ass trades, moves by coaches and players and free agents. I hope everything gets mixed up to see if this league can be given a kick in the ass. Because if we are honest with ourselves, on scale of 1-10 its at like a 6.5 with bursts of 7.5 here and there.

06-21-2010, 11:34 PM
What about securing Phil Jackson, don't you think that is going to effect things? I don't see how you give the coach that just won a championship for you a pay cut. How will you accommodate T-macs pay?

Paying Phil won't be a problem, as it will seem he will take a paycut (he did donate his $2million bonus to charity).
Magic also said he'd give Buss money if he needs to, to keep Phil.

If TMac were to come here, he'd have to accept the veteran's minimum, as I stated. He's made plenty of
money already throughout his career. He was the highest paid NBA athlete last season, and I'm confident that
winning a ring is a priority now. For the Laker's side, it would be a cheap insurance policy.

Alright, I'll just throw this one out there for disuccusion.

Considering that Boston was a relatively weak team, that was not supposed to even make it far into the playoffs if at all, but yet beat the supposed two best teams in the east and then gave the best team in the west a run for its money: what does this say about the current state of the NBA?
Boston turned up the defense in the playoffs. It was like they reverted back to their 2008 self and it got
them all the way to the Finals. I called Boston was going to make the Finals in the last thread, but fell
short on my prediction of LA in 6.

06-21-2010, 11:56 PM
Paying Phil wont be a problem. Hell, if they really needed the money they could ask every Laker fan to paypal them 10 bucks and i'm sure it would get done. haha. What it really boils down to is Phil's health and whether or not he can and or wants to endure another season.

Also, I like this idea of T-Mac for the vet minimum to further solidify our bench. However, what we really need is another starter quality point guard. Jordan Farmar is not it. In the last 3 seasons, we really haven't seen any significant growth. Kirk Heinrich? Yes Please. And as long as we're on the subject, I used to be all for shipping out Sasha too, but he really stepped up in these playoffs and seems to have gotten back to his old self. So he should stay.

06-22-2010, 12:09 AM
The money is not the problem with Phil returning, it's his health. He wasn't even at the parade
today, he was at his doctor's appointment. He'll make his decision this week or next week, I

Farmar is NOT returning. He wants a bigger paycheck and more playing time somewhere else.
The PG's I want LA to consider are Raymond Felton, Javaris Crittenton, Earl Watson, and
Steve Blake.

06-22-2010, 01:29 AM
Paying Phil wont be a problem. Hell, if they really needed the money they could ask every Laker fan to paypal them 10 bucks and i'm sure it would get done. haha. What it really boils down to is Phil's health and whether or not he can and or wants to endure another season.

Also, I like this idea of T-Mac for the vet minimum to further solidify our bench. However, what we really need is another starter quality point guard. Jordan Farmar is not it. In the last 3 seasons, we really haven't seen any significant growth. Kirk Heinrich? Yes Please. And as long as we're on the subject, I used to be all for shipping out Sasha too, but he really stepped up in these playoffs and seems to have gotten back to his old self. So he should stay.

OMG! I've been calling for that trade for some time now. With Derek Rose in Chicago running the show Hinrich is been relegated to minor minutes and he definitely doesn't deserve that. He's a long athletic guard who can create his own shots, play defense and shoot the three ball. PERFECT if you ask me.

Also, I agree with you on keeping Sasha. I guess his back and ankle injury was really bugging him more than he let on because he was horrible last season and the beginning of this one. I'm glad he sat out and finally gave everything that much needed rest.

06-22-2010, 02:06 AM
The money is not the problem with Phil returning, it's his health. He wasn't even at the parade
today, he was at his doctor's appointment. He'll make his decision this week or next week, I believe. .

What does he have left to prove or do? I'm starting to think that he's leaning towards retirement.

06-22-2010, 02:25 PM
AkademikONE take a chill pill and enjoy the time off. the team is good the way it is. stop putting things in your head.

Vision Garage
06-22-2010, 02:36 PM
question is, where is LeBron GOING?

06-22-2010, 02:52 PM
question is, where is LeBron GOING?

Who cares! I could care less where Lebron goes.

06-22-2010, 03:43 PM
lebron's going nowhere.

wade is going nowhere.

the story is bosh and amar'e. it's obvious both don't like where they are at. i wish nobody would come to the knicks, (i'm looking at you lebron, joe johnson, etc) so that we can retain david lee.

06-22-2010, 03:55 PM
lebron come to ny!!! ny is cooler than cleveland..

06-22-2010, 05:28 PM
i hope david lee is gone with his inflated stats by d'antoni system.

lebron better go to ny and bring his friends too; wade, bosh, stoudemire and ray allen.

06-22-2010, 05:39 PM
AkademikONE take a chill pill and enjoy the time off. the team is good the way it is. stop putting things in your head.
If you had any basketball knowledge at all, you'd know that championship teams try to get better
and not sit around. If the Lakers stood pat this off-season, their 3-peat chances are slim. Please
come back with something to contribute or stay the fuck away from the thread. :wan:

This is a FORUM, things are DISCUSSED here. Me and the others are DISCUSSING.

06-22-2010, 06:05 PM
You want to put a little wager that LA will be making moves? If they're so good the way they are, they won't
make any moves this off-season.

If Lakers are going to make any adjustments, 2010-2011 season is definitely the season to do it. With the abundant amount of free agents and likelihood of them going to another team, this would be the perfect opportunity to find a well balanced chemistry between teammates; as all other teams will be too. There's so many improvements that Lakers could do, but I'd be on the computer for about an hour listing all of them.

As far as getting a new Laker PG, I totally agree, but disagree at the same time. The "trifecta" is great as is (Fisher, Kobe, and Gasol), but having an actual PG to facilitate rather than Kobe would take a load off of Kobe's shoulders. I still believe Shannon Brown could be great as a PG. (If he improved his midrange game, play/decision making skills)

06-22-2010, 08:28 PM
If Lakers are going to make any adjustments, 2010-2011 season is definitely the season to do it. With the abundant amount of free agents and likelihood of them going to another team, this would be the perfect opportunity to find a well balanced chemistry between teammates; as all other teams will be too. There's so many improvements that Lakers could do, but I'd be on the computer for about an hour listing all of them.

As far as getting a new Laker PG, I totally agree, but disagree at the same time. The "trifecta" is great as is (Fisher, Kobe, and Gasol), but having an actual PG to facilitate rather than Kobe would take a load off of Kobe's shoulders. I still believe Shannon Brown could be great as a PG. (If he improved his midrange game, play/decision making skills)
No, the Lakers are good enough as they are, you should take a chill pill and enjoy the time off lol...

I agree, the amount of available free agents during this off-season will cause plenty of talk and
negotiations. The thing with Brown is he is not a great defender. Our biggest weakness is defense
at the PG position. They need a defensive minded PG, and I like Raymond Felton and Steve Blake.
Hinrich would be the perfect fit, but he'll be hard to obtain because of his contract. Raja Bell is now
being rumored to be wanting to go to LA.

Rumored players: TMac, Mike Miller, Javaris Crittenton, Raja Bell

06-22-2010, 08:44 PM
go take more pics next to chick hearn with your receding hairline.

06-22-2010, 08:45 PM
if it aint broke, dont fix it.

06-22-2010, 08:51 PM
go take more pics next to chick hearn with your receding hairline.
Oh haaaaaay. *waves* :snoop:

06-22-2010, 10:01 PM
if it aint broke, dont fix it.

The only reason LA is able to stay on top is because they are always making changes to improve the team. There are obvious problems with the team right now that have been noted throughout the season.

Those are not going to go away because they won a championship.

If they didn't do something to fix there holes others will capitalize on it next year, especially considering they're in the West.

BTW, I hate LA. But I also respect the enemy.

06-22-2010, 10:46 PM
The Lakers are in hot pursuit of Raja Bell. I want him on the team. The dude can defend and has a nice
3-pt shot. Artest and Bell can concentrate on the defense while Kobe remains a roamer, and can save
his energy on the offensive end.

The Lakers are interested in signing free agent forward Raja Bell, according to a team source.

Source: Los Angeles Lakers interested in Raja Bell - ESPN Los Angeles (http://sports.espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/news/story?id=5317351)

The only reason LA is able to stay on top is because they are always making changes to improve the team. There are obvious problems with the team right now that have been noted throughout the season.

Those are not going to go away because they won a championship.

If they didn't do something to fix there holes others will capitalize on it next year, especially considering they're in the West.

BTW, I hate LA. But I also respect the enemy.
Exactly. Championship teams ALWAYS try to get better.

06-22-2010, 11:47 PM
any other news regarding something besides the lakers?
maggette to the bucks today.
they could've used him against the hawks..
wouldve come in handy

06-23-2010, 12:02 AM
If you had any basketball knowledge at all, you'd know that championship teams try to get better
and not sit around. If the Lakers stood pat this off-season, their 3-peat chances are slim. Please
come back with something to contribute or stay the fuck away from the thread. :wan:

This is a FORUM, things are DISCUSSED here. Me and the others are DISCUSSING.

thats true in almost any sport, not just basketball. Anyways, new PG, beef up the bench and we're going for a 3peat

06-23-2010, 07:08 AM
any other news regarding something besides the lakers?
maggette to the bucks today.
they could've used him against the hawks..
wouldve come in handy

Maggette is all offense and no defense. His presence would severely cripple the development of Brandon Jennings due to the amount of time he generally has the ball in his own hands.
Maggette is not a winner, he's like Vince Carter with even less unearned respect

06-24-2010, 10:24 AM
Draft tonight.

Does anyone care? lol

Free Agency has overshadowed this one

06-24-2010, 06:24 PM
sorry laker fans, hinrich ain't coming to you...yet.

AP source: Bulls agree to send Hinrich to Wizards - NBA News - FOX Sports on MSN (http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/kirk-hinrich-traded-from-chicago-bulls-to-washington-wizards-062410)

06-24-2010, 09:36 PM
Maggette is all offense and no defense. His presence would severely cripple the development of Brandon Jennings due to the amount of time he generally has the ball in his own hands.
Maggette is not a winner, he's like Vince Carter with even less unearned respect

nope it wouldnt.
steph curry was developing just fine.

i hope miami trades beasley
-disappointed fan.

06-25-2010, 02:57 AM
Don't worry, Beasley is going to be outta here quicker than Elian, lol.

Did you guys see this news?

Miami Heat trade Daequan Cook, 18th pick to Oklahoma City Thunder - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/draft2010/news/story?id=5320725)

The Heat now has cap room for 3 MAX contracts. ;)

06-26-2010, 02:32 AM
We just drafted this big, beefy center (on the right)

http://www4.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Phillips+66+12+Championship+Semifinals+0jnKfHiXKkH l.jpg

Dexter Pittmann 6'10 290lbs


Can't wait to see how he turns out for us

06-26-2010, 02:45 AM
^^^ thats definitely a solid pick up for miami.

06-26-2010, 04:00 PM
sorry laker fans, hinrich ain't coming to you...yet.

AP source: Bulls agree to send Hinrich to Wizards - NBA News - FOX Sports on MSN (http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/kirk-hinrich-traded-from-chicago-bulls-to-washington-wizards-062410)

Damn, I was really hoping Hinrich was going to be traded to the Lakers. He's long, athletic, good defender and can create his own shots. Would have been a really good fit at our PG position since Fisher is getting older.

06-27-2010, 04:22 AM
Hinrich would have been a long shot anyways, as the Lakers won't want to take on his contract.

06-27-2010, 12:35 PM
^ Yah, you're 100% right because right now the Lakers are 15 or 16 million over the luxary tax and are cutting salaries to try to get under.

06-27-2010, 03:18 PM
The executive, who did not want to be identified discussing a player who is not yet a free agent, said he had gathered from discussions with his fellow N.B.A. executives that James was strongly leaning toward joining the Bulls in tandem with another free agent, Chris Bosh of the Toronto Raptors.

“I think it’s a done deal,” the executive said.

lets make this shit happen.

06-27-2010, 04:46 PM
As long as Lebron stay on the Eastern Conference I could care less. Also, I hope some people from the West shift to the East to to make the East some what of an interesting conference.

06-27-2010, 07:00 PM
Bosh's agent says that the deal is not close to happening and that particular source is false.

06-28-2010, 01:55 PM
I have been completely obsessed with the Heat's off season the last few days. I'm full of anxiety.

First things first.

I don't want LeBron

I don't. I don't want that media circus and the whole drama he is going to drag along with him down here. Additionally I could only imagine the chaos it would cause if we did get him and didn't get to Finals or lost in the finals. Which I think is a strong possibility with the Heat because even if we got Wade, Lebron, and another max contract FA, our depth is lacking. You need depth to win Championships. I just don't see a championship coming with him this season (2010-2011) if he came down here.

That is also why I think he is going to go to Chicago (if he does go anywhere). Although their coach and their management is suspect (the whole fist fight fiasco), I think the depth that they have + getting LeBron and Bosh (he's going with him, he's LeBron's booty partner apparently) would cement a dynasty in the east.

Although everyone is saying he wont live up to Jordan's legacy, hey if he can get many rings in Chicago I don't think anyone would care. Rings are rings. People are gonna hate on him if he stays and only musters one out of Cleavland (or one out of NY, NJ, LAC for that matter) so he might as well get more than one ring if people are gonna hate anyways.

06-28-2010, 02:09 PM
What people fail to realize is that Chicago is a TERRIBLY run organization, as evidenced by how the owner was willing to even let MJ play baseball in the White Sox (which he also owns, BTW) farm system and how they absolutely do NOT seem to give a mad assfuck about former players not named Jordan.

The coach coming to blows (no homo) with the GM is another sign of it, and apparently that has been the norm since Phil Jackson left the first time, with Jerry Krause telling him he was "fucking gone" before he STILL coached them to a championship.
The new coach and supporting cast in Chicago would be the saving graces, but it still remains to be seen if it will make for anything in the end.

06-29-2010, 02:23 AM
Whoa, things are starting to move fast. Looks like it has started swinging our way big time.

Wade is definitely staying
Miami Heat's Dwyane Wade refutes reports that he already has agreed to visit New York Knicks - Miami Heat - MiamiHerald.com (http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/06/28/1704003/miami-heats-dwyane-wade-refutes.html)

It seems (or it has been rumored) there are quite a few top players that are willing to take their respective minimum to tag along for the Wade-LeBron-Bosh ride...so that depth we are lacking may just round itself out.

NBA Rumor: Raja Bell to the Heat | Dime Magazine (dimemag.com) : Daily NBA News, NBA Trades, NBA Rumors, Basketball Videos, Sneakers (http://dimemag.com/2010/06/nba-rumor-raja-bell-to-the-heat/)
FIU product Raja Bell would welcome Heat opportunity - Sun Sentinel (http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2010-05-10/sports/sfl-miami-heat-raja-bell-s051010_1_florida-international-university-guard-heat-opportunity-heat-president-pat-riley)
"I've talked a lot about it with my agent and my family," the 6-foot-5 defensive stopper and 3-point specialist said. "Miami is my first choice. If there would be any interest from the Heat I would give it a ponder. It's my home town"

Free Agent "Summit" happened over the weekend in Miami
Sources: Free agents LeBron James, Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade meet, discuss futures - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5338472&campaign=rss&source=DALLASHeadlines)
A modified version of the ballyhooed free-agent summit that was initially suggested and then downplayed by Dwyane Wade has indeed taken place, ESPN.com has learned.

Sources close to the situation said Monday night that three of the biggest names in basketball -- Wade, Chris Bosh and LeBron James -- met over the weekend in Miami to seriously discuss their futures, with a focus on the increasingly plausible possibility of those three teaming up with Wade's Heat.

Wade is recruiting! Hell, and Riley hasn't even gotten into the mix yet! Or has he...


06-29-2010, 03:43 AM
roommate just came in and said that david aldridge (?) just tweeted that he talked to wade/lebron/bosh after they all met in miami and that he thinks that this is what's gonna happen. personally i don't think that the team, or one city, is big enough for all three of them but i guess we're gonna find out in two days

06-29-2010, 04:07 AM
LA, Miami, and NY are all cities that can handle multiple mega celebrities/sports athletes.

Anyways, Stephen A. Smith is reporting that LeBron is going to Miami. You HAVE TO listen to this interview!

Scroll down some, click on the second link. It'll play through the flash player or you can download the MP3 file if you click the down arrow icon.

The Flagship Station for South Florida Sports (http://www.790theticket.com/lebatard.aspx)

Also, on sports center Chris Broussard is also agreeing signs are pointing to Miami as the top candidate for LeBron and that Chris Bosh will not push for a sign and trade with Cleavland.

Mentally preparing self for media frenzy and passing out on July 1st :faint:

06-29-2010, 11:24 AM
i heard it couple days ago.
its all media attention whoring. i have a gut feel lebron is looking toward miami.
but, i usually wait til the dust is settled. he may go to nyk. i hope knick has a good plan B, though.

like the hype draft i dont pay attention. it may take 2 season to see the potential like gallinari.
that kid is goood...offensively and interestingly defensive too. i was wrong d'antoni.

06-29-2010, 11:56 AM
knicks already have plan b...amar'e and johnson. god i hate johnson, especially after his john starks-like performance in the playoffs.

wade, lebron, bosh all to heat? that'll be sick. but watch them collapse to the lakers. this 'big 3' is definitely better than boston's, but still got nothing on the lakers.

bosh doesn't want to be sidekick though, he wants to be 'the man'. but who knows.

watch them all opt in their contract at 11:59pm instead of being FA's. that'd be hysterical.

06-29-2010, 12:15 PM
never know...

i would like to see this though.

06-30-2010, 03:07 AM
nowitzki opt out.
Pierce opt out

06-30-2010, 04:23 AM
The best thing for Nowitzki would be to leave and join another superstar, but I don't think its gonna happen. Pierce is definitely staying in Boston. I think they did it for better contracts, but I suppose its nice to have some teams try and go after you. Won't be surprised if some do try.

Less than 17 hours :hide:

Can anyone tell me why all these analyst don't see Stoudamire in Miami if LeBron doesn't come and instead say it will be Boozer? Why is NY/NJ the place they keep placing Stoudamire (along with Joe Johnson)? How is that a more attractive option than what Miami has to offer? :confused:

I think the biggest winner out of all of this is Joe Johnson, he is getting waaayyy over rated and is gonna get paid big time.

06-30-2010, 07:06 AM
The best thing for Nowitzki would be to leave and join another superstar, but I don't think its gonna happen.
You mean like all those titles they won with Steve Nash in town?
Pierce is definitely staying in Boston.
Agreed, he sees his window closing and wants that 4 year 90mil contract he can get.
Can anyone tell me why all these analyst don't see Stoudamire in Miami if LeBron doesn't come and instead say it will be Boozer? Why is NY/NJ the place they keep placing Stoudamire (along with Joe Johnson)? How is that a more attractive option than what Miami has to offer? :confused:
Joe Johnson and Amar'e both want those contract-padding numbers that come with playing in a Milke D'antoni offense. Neither wants to be terribly bothered with other things, like defense or rebounding (especially Stoudemire, look at all the shit he talked while being pwned by Gasol and Odom), so NY would be the big money move for them.
I think the biggest winner out of all of this is Joe Johnson, he is getting waaayyy over rated and is gonna get paid big time.
I agree

06-30-2010, 02:53 PM
You mean like all those titles they won with Steve Nash in town?

I mean that I think he needs a change of scenery. Look at when Nash left, he started to play at MVP level.

06-30-2010, 02:55 PM
I mean that I think he needs a change of scenery. Look at when Nash left, he started to play at MVP level.

I was being Sarcastic.
Dirk played at regular season MVP level, choked in the playoffs.

06-30-2010, 10:14 PM
:bite: Cue crazy shit in 3...2....1....

07-01-2010, 12:34 AM
Coaching Updates
-Doc Rivers has announced his return to Boston
-The Cavs are expected to announce Byron Scott as their new head coach

Player Update
-Atlanta Hawks will offer Joe Johnson a six year $119 million contract over six-years, $27 million more than any team will be able to offer

Recruiting Updates
-LA Clippers have announced that they have been invited to meet with LeBron
-Pat Riley has flown out to LA to meet with Amar'e Stoudemire, Carlos Boozer, and Joe Johnson individually.

07-01-2010, 03:34 AM
Wow I wanna know what's gonna happen next.......

07-01-2010, 07:59 AM
Forgot to add Richard Jefferson has opt out of his $15M contract. Either he's real stupid or he's up to something....or the Spurs are up to something.

Ugh, nothing yet on the FA front. Gonna go back to sleep.



/Fck this I'm out

07-01-2010, 09:11 AM
" James has let teams know that he doesn't want to drag out this process and wants to make a decision by Monday (http://blogs.suntimes.com/bulls/2010/07/lebron_decision_expected_by_mo.html)"

meaning, he's staying in CLE, in my opinion, otherwise, he would take his time and look through all the teams and what they all have to offer.

07-01-2010, 09:26 AM
" James has let teams know that he doesn't want to drag out this process and wants to make a decision by Monday (http://blogs.suntimes.com/bulls/2010/07/lebron_decision_expected_by_mo.html)"

meaning, he's staying in CLE, in my opinion, otherwise, he would take his time and look through all the teams and what they all have to offer.

No, that means that his "team" has been talking to the teams behind closed doors since his early vacation commenced 6 weeks ago. He has likely already "made" a deal, and wants to get on to having adventures instead of working on basketball shit.

07-01-2010, 02:11 PM
" James has let teams know that he doesn't want to drag out this process and wants to make a decision by Monday (http://blogs.suntimes.com/bulls/2010/07/lebron_decision_expected_by_mo.html)"

meaning, he's staying in CLE, in my opinion, otherwise, he would take his time and look through all the teams and what they all have to offer.

Nah, he's meeting with the Knicks and Nets on Thursday, Clippers and Heat on Friday, and last Bulls and Cavaliers on Saturday. A decision will be made over Sunday and Monday. Decision seems most likely to be announced on Monday.

07-01-2010, 02:55 PM
C'mon Lebron, come to Seattle and start up a new Seattle team:

The Seattle SuperLebronics!!! haha

07-01-2010, 03:02 PM
This Just In

ESPN reporting that Phil Jackson has announced he WILL return to coach the Lakers

07-01-2010, 03:20 PM
looks like Joe Johnson is gonna re-sign with the Hawks
6 years for $119 million

no one else can offer him anywhere close to that..
i thought he and Boozer were gonna be knicks though.

sorry deal for atlanta. all that money.

07-01-2010, 03:30 PM
This Just In

ESPN reporting that Phil Jackson has announced he WILL return to coach the Lakers

"It'll be the last stand for me, and i hope a grand one."

- Phil Jackson

yeah i jsut got about 8 mass txt about it...hurray?

07-01-2010, 06:52 PM
This Just In

ESPN reporting that Phil Jackson has announced he WILL return to coach the Lakers

Nice 3 peat lol jk...hey you never know but
This season is going to be really interesting new young players can't wait for the season to begin, I wounder where Lebron is going!!!!!!!!

Clippers? lol

07-01-2010, 08:06 PM
I was hoping Joe Johnson or Rudy Gay went to the Clippers then they would have had a solid starting 5. Imagine, Baron Davis, Eric Gordon, Joe Johnson or Rudy Gay, Blake Griffen and Chris Kaman! Omg! That team would be so tough!

07-01-2010, 08:13 PM
I was hoping Joe Johnson or Rudy Gay went to the Clippers then they would have had a solid starting 5. Imagine, Baron Davis, Eric Gordon, Joe Johnson or Rudy Gay, Blake Griffen and Chris Kaman! Omg! That team would be so tough!

No it wouldn't because 3 out of the 5 will end up getting hurt.

Joe Johnson is getting the max contract from Atlanta. So most likely he's staying there.

Rudy Gay to the Clippers sounds more believable.

07-01-2010, 08:30 PM
Rudy Gay is staying with the Grizzlies.

07-01-2010, 08:32 PM
Rudy Gay is staying with the Grizzlies.

Yah, I just read that too. There goes my hopes! I was really hoping we picked up some FA this off season.

Still trying to figure out why Richard Jefferson opted out.

07-01-2010, 08:41 PM
Yah, I just read that too. There goes my hopes! I was really hoping we picked up some FA this off season.

Still trying to figure out why Richard Jefferson opted out.
my theory:
are the spurs really gonna win a championship?? if their window was closing for the past two or so years then by now i think its closed shut .
and jefferson isnt the player he once was..he's in decline and his with his team out of the hunt what else is left for him to do?
with that in my i think he's jumping ship, cuz didnt he skip out on 15 million?

07-01-2010, 08:47 PM
richard jefferson is still pretty badass, but i do believe spurs are done for a while..wassup with Manu G.?

07-02-2010, 01:59 AM
my theory:
are the spurs really gonna win a championship?? if their window was closing for the past two or so years then by now i think its closed shut .
and jefferson isnt the player he once was..he's in decline and his with his team out of the hunt what else is left for him to do?
with that in my i think he's jumping ship, cuz didnt he skip out on 15 million?

Yes, he's leaving a lot on the table that's why no one understands exactly what he is doing. Some people speculate that he's doing this just to jump ship to a contender and some believe he's doing this to help out the Spurs. By that I mean, he renegotiates his contract for something lower so they can add new pieces. We'll just have to wait and see though.

07-02-2010, 04:10 AM
From Chris Bosh's official twitter

"Just had dinner w @dwadeofficial. Great way to end day 1 of #freeagency although it feels like someone is missing..."


Oy, this isn't good for my health. :faint:

07-02-2010, 08:30 AM
Michael Wilbon says it best so far:
washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/01/AR2010070106172.html?hpid=news-col-blog)

07-02-2010, 01:53 PM

07-02-2010, 01:58 PM
Pierce staying with the celtics.

07-02-2010, 02:10 PM
LeBron has said that he will make his decision by Monday. I heard it on ESPN. I'm glad he's making his decision
soon because I don't wanna hear about it anymore.

07-02-2010, 03:18 PM
LeBron has said that he will make his decision by Monday. I heard it on ESPN. I'm glad he's making his decision
soon because I don't wanna hear about it anymore.

now they're saying that might not be true, but the bulls want an answer ASAP. the LeBron drama continues...

-knicks to offer 5 years 100 mil to amar'e????????????

didn't they learn their lesson with allan houston and health issues?? :rant2::rant2::rant2::rant2:

07-02-2010, 04:08 PM
so amar'e is not returning to phx.
they signed hakim warrick & re-signed frye.

celtics pursuing david lee.
i think they need him to stay relevant/contenders.
they need young guys.
since rasheed wallace retired they have more money to play with..

07-02-2010, 04:12 PM
now they're saying that might not be true, but the bulls want an answer ASAP. the LeBron drama continues...

-knicks to offer 5 years 100 mil to amar'e????????????

didn't they learn their lesson with allan houston and health issues?? :rant2::rant2::rant2::rant2:

The Knicks are the only ones in a desperate situation (well, Clippers and Cavs too) so they are looking the other way when on his health. But it is being said that the Suns had provisions in the new contract regarding Stoudemire's health as an insurance for them, and I guess he didn't like that. Negotiations ended on a bitter note on Tuesday.

If they do get him (its still all buzz right now) I'd say bravo to them, atleast they produced somebody for their fanbase that they have been teasing for 2 years! :eek:

07-02-2010, 05:21 PM
The Lakers have signed PG Steve Blake to a 4-year deal worth roughly $16mil. Blake’s a career 39% 3pt shooter, which the Lakers desperately needed. Look at it this way though, they repeated with no legit 3pt shooter. Now they have one…

They gave Mike Miller ‘til midnight last night and he didn’t say anything. The Lakers sign Blake today. They don’t play around.

07-02-2010, 10:07 PM
If Wade, Bosh and Lebron are truly buddy buddies these is how I view the following scenarios.

If Wade left to Chicago and was joined by LBJ, they would basically be putting their buddy Bosh out to hang....which is messed up if they're truly "buddies", especially on Wades part for being two faced with Bosh (see pic above) and the Heat organization (and fans).

If Wade left to Chicago and was joined by Bosh, same thing. LBJ would be left out to pasture. There's no where LBJ could go that could compete with that. Since Chicago does not have money for 3 max contracts they can't just invite LBJ to come along like in the Miami dream scenario.

It would work out well for all three if Wade and Bosh where together in Miami and LeBron decided to go to Chicago and possibly get joined by another top FA. But if Bosh and Wade teamed up in Miami, I think that would put the pressure on LeBron to come as he would not want to have to go up against that duo in the ECF playoffs (if you can't beat 'em join 'em?).

The two giving the most misdirection are Bosh and Wade. They are doing a good job of toying with the media and everyone watching. LBJ seems to be the only civil one in the whole ordeal in that respect, what a surprise.

07-03-2010, 07:24 AM
Lets shift our focus to another FA for a moment.

Ray Allen.

I really like this guys style of playing. He is a solid player and shooter. Great at the foul line. Can anyone figure out what happened at then end there in the playoffs (Boston hate aside)? Is it age, fatigue, was he just really really off???

When he broke the record of 3-points in a playoff game, at that moment, wouldn't you have wanted him on your team? I think some teams may make him a very attractive offer and he may not go back to Boston, depending how things line up in this off season.

07-03-2010, 12:40 PM
Lets shift our focus to another FA for a moment.

Ray Allen.

I really like this guys style of playing. He is a solid player and shooter. Great at the foul line. Can anyone figure out what happened at then end there in the playoffs (Boston hate aside)? Is it age, fatigue, was he just really really off???

When he broke the record of 3-points in a playoff game, at that moment, wouldn't you have wanted him on your team? I think some teams may make him a very attractive offer and he may not go back to Boston, depending how things line up in this off season.

A combination of age, fatigue and miles on the chassis, as mentioned in one of these basketball threads here this week.
Ray Allen blew a LOT of his years in Seattle with no chance of winning, and spent his twilight years in Boston. That record night was the example of how damn near everyone can have that one night, that night was his.
He has had surgery on at least one of, if not both of his ankles. He can't exactly create his own shot anymore -- instead needs to be run off of a bunch of screens -- and the time he spent in Seattle being a scorer and not a winner has upped his pricetag considerably. When compared to other options without an expiration date that is so close, he is less desirable unless on a team that has a system and only needs a shooter. Defense and such will be an issue, keeping one of these young bucks in front of him.

non-stop rps13
07-03-2010, 01:21 PM
LeBron has said that he will make his decision by Monday. I heard it on ESPN. I'm glad he's making his decision
soon because I don't wanna hear about it anymore.

hahaha true! Lakers 3 peat again with the odds against them as usual.

07-03-2010, 02:32 PM
miami is persuing AI. he should hold on until the big 3 makes decision. his only chance to win a championship.

the man is woking hard. he ain't done , yet!

nyk getting amare on a max. sigh, looks like another season gone.

07-03-2010, 02:58 PM
apparently chicago is daring lebron to "fill michael jordan's shoes"
why would you throw the legacy of the GOAT around like that?
i know they really want lebron but challenging him to be like mike?
thats not classy.
wade pointed it out first, chicago shows no loyalty to its former players.
now if lebron does go there he'll b in jordan's shadow.

i still think he's staying in cleveland.
now they got byron scott, someone who will COACH and not be buddies with lebron
if they can keep & add the right pieces they can win a title.

07-03-2010, 07:18 PM
Personally, I think LBJ should give Cleveland a year or 2. Sign for a max deal for that amount of time to give Cleveland another shot for a title. Hell, bring Shaq and Jameson for another shot too. K, maybe not Shaq, but atleast bring another decent Center that is more mobile than a fucking log.

Maybe just maybe Byron Scott can coach them to a title...

07-03-2010, 09:11 PM
Got my issues today:



07-04-2010, 02:20 AM
miami is persuing AI. he should hold on until the big 3 makes decision. his only chance to win a championship.

Where did you read that? Last I checked those where just rumors started by fans that wanted to see him back.

Dirk Nowitzki agrees to 4yr deal with Mavs

Sources: Dirk Nowitzki, Dallas Mavericks agree to four-year deal - ESPN Dallas (http://sports.espn.go.com/dallas/nba/news/story?id=5352960)

The deal, sources said, is worth at least $80 million and includes a no-trade clause, with Nowitzki making good on a longstanding offer to Cuban to take less than the maximum $96.2 million he could have received over the next four seasons in exchange for assurances that the Mavericks will use that financial flexibility to ramp up their efforts to acquire a top-tier sidekick.

07-04-2010, 03:59 AM
right right...

Memphis Grizzlies chase Allen Iverson but think Miami Heat lead race - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=4323159)

Allen Iverson Is The "Answer" For The Miami Heat | Bleacher Report (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/410001-allen-iverson-is-the-answer-for-the-miami-heat)

On the Beat: Miami Heat (http://blogs.herald.com/miami_heat/2009/08/allen-iverson-might-still-prove-to-be-a-free-agent-answer-for-the-miami-heat---apparently-heat-president-pat-riley-hasnt-ab.html)

SLAM ONLINE | Report: Miami Enters the Iverson Derby (http://www.slamonline.com/online/nba/2009/11/report-miami-enters-the-iverson-derby/)

Allen Iverson, Miami*Heat make for good match - Chris Mannix - SI.com (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writers/chris_mannix/08/04/twitter.mailbag/index.html)

these fans spread like aids.

07-04-2010, 06:06 AM
Thanks for the links. Very doubtful its going to happen though. I don't see how he would fit well unless he swallows his ego/pride...its a gamble with his history, just look at his last few stints.

After seeing the ESPN 30 for 30 on Iverson I've come to understand him better though and sympathize with what he's had to endure. It seems like he means well but sometimes he becomes his own worst enemy at times. Sometimes he is just a victim of the media. I wish him well though.

07-04-2010, 07:01 AM
Thanks for the links. Very doubtful its going to happen though. I don't see how he would fit well unless he swallows his ego/pride...its a gamble with his history, just look at his last few stints.
Let us not forget that as a manager of egos, Pat Riley is among the best, with 5 rings in LA himself (more on why that matters soon).
With anyone in this fold, they WILL be in line or heads will roll, they should know that before they come in the door. Iverson might pull the "retirement" thing again if things don't go his way... His Reebok deal is a lifetime one that pays him 5mil every year that he is in the league, I think he is hanging around more for that than any big contract or even a championship.
If he could piggyback on one at the veteran's minimum AND get a ring?
After seeing the ESPN 30 for 30 on Iverson I've come to understand him better though and sympathize with what he's had to endure. It seems like he means well but sometimes he becomes his own worst enemy at times. Sometimes he is just a victim of the media. I wish him well though.
Stephen A. opined (http://stephena.com/?p=419) that Iverson's issues comes from the fact that his hangers on are basically just enablers that do not question him.
And we all know how on the hook Screamin' A has always been for AI.

Now, back to Riley...
If The Heat land more than one of these free agents, you can kill Erik Spoelstra's ass goodbye as coach. As hard-nosed as Riley is as a coach and effective at it, he is an asshole and a ring-hound. It was fucked up the way he used the media to get Van Gundy off his bench just in time to win a championship with Van Gundy's players.
Erik Spoelstra is NOT Van Gundy, so he is a dead man walking.

07-04-2010, 08:08 PM
Defense and such will be an issue, keeping one of these young bucks in front of him.

I thought he did good defending Kobe.

Let us not forget that as a manager of egos, Pat Riley is among the best, with 5 rings in LA himself (more on why that matters soon)

I don't mean ego as in getting along, I mean that he has to know coming in that he wont be the primary man and will be in a secondary roll, not starting. If he's down for that I have no problem with it.

FA Update
Joe Johnson is going to stay with the Hawks. $119mil is hard to pass up.

With all this superstar money being tossed at non-super status players, I think a lockout is inevitable.

NBA free agency: Looming lockout playing big role - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/columns/story?columnist=adande_ja&page=FreeAgency-100702)

07-04-2010, 11:21 PM
2010 NBA Summer League - July 9-18


SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. All Times listed are local Orlando time (ET)

Monday, July 5
1 PM -- Charlotte vs. Utah*
3 PM -- Indiana vs. Orlando*
5 PM -- Boston vs. OKC*
7 PM -- New Jersey vs. Philadelphia*

Tuesday, July 6
1 PM -- Utah vs. Orlando*
3 PM -- Charlotte vs. OKC*
5 PM -- Philadelphia vs. Boston*
7 PM -- Indiana vs. NJ*

Wednesday, July 7
1 PM -- Charlotte vs. Boston*
3 PM -- OKC vs. Philadelphia*
5 PM -- NJ vs. Orlando*
7 PM -- Indiana vs. Utah*

Thursday, July 8
1 PM -- OKC vs. Orlando*
3 PM -- Indiana vs. Boston*
5 PM -- Utah vs. NJ*
7 PM -- Philadelphia vs. Charlotte*

Friday, July 9
8 AM -- OKC vs. Indiana
10 AM -- Philadelphia vs. Utah
12 PM -- NJ vs. Boston
2 PM -- Charlotte vs. Orlando

(10 minute intermission between games)


SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. All Times listed are local Las Vegas time (PT)

Friday July 9
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Denver vs. Dallas*
3 PM -- Houston vs. Phoenix*
5 PM -- Detroit vs. LA Lakers*
7 PM -- Golden State vs. New Orleans*

Saturday July 10
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Toronto vs. Phoenix*
3 PM -- LA Lakers vs. Denver*
5 PM -- Detroit vs. Golden State*
7 PM -- Dallas vs. Houston*

Sunday July 11
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- New York vs. Denver*
3 PM -- Portland vs. Houston*
5 PM -- Washington vs. Golden State*
7 PM -- Miami vs. New Orleans*

Monday July 12
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- LA Lakers vs. New York*
3 PM -- Sacramento vs. Detroit*
5 PM -- Dallas vs. Milwaukee*
7 PM -- Washington vs. LA Clippers*

Thomas & Mack
3:30 PM -- San Antonio vs. Minnesota
5:30 PM -- Phoenix vs. NBA D-League
7:30 PM -- Memphis vs. Atlanta

Tuesday July 13
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Denver vs. Chicago*
3 PM -- Cleveland vs. NBA D-League*
5 PM -- Milwaukee vs. Memphis*
7 PM -- Portland vs. New Orleans*

Thomas & Mack
3:30 PM -- Houston vs. Toronto
5:30 PM -- Sacramento vs. LA Lakers
7:30 PM -- Golden State vs. Miami

Wednesday July 14
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Denver vs. Houston*
3 PM -- New York vs. Toronto*
5 PM -- LA Clippers vs. Chicago*
7 PM -- Sacramento vs. Minnesota*

Thomas & Mack
3:30 PM -- Atlanta vs. San Antonio
5:30 PM -- Cleveland vs. Phoenix
7:30 PM -- Detroit vs. Miami

Thursday July 15
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- LA Lakers vs. San Antonio*
3 PM -- Golden State vs. Phoenix*
5 PM -- Washington vs. Dallas*
7 PM -- LA Clippers vs. Portland*

Thomas & Mack
5:30 PM -- Atlanta vs. Milwaukee
7:30 PM -- NBA D-League vs. Memphis

Friday July 16
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Detroit vs. New York*
3 PM -- Toronto vs. Sacramento*
5 PM -- Washington vs. New Orleans*
7 PM -- Memphis vs. Minnesota*

Thomas & Mack
5:30 PM -- Cleveland vs. Chicago
7:30 PM -- Milwaukee vs. Miami

Saturday July 17
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- New York vs. Washington*
3 PM -- Miami vs. Cleveland*
5 PM -- LA Clippers vs. San Antonio*
7 PM -- Minnesota vs. Portland*

Thomas & Mack
3:30 PM -- Toronto vs. New Orleans
5:30 PM -- Sacramento vs. Chicago
7:30 PM -- NBA D-League vs. Atlanta

Sunday July 18
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Cleveland vs. Milwaukee*
3 PM -- Chicago vs. Portland*
5 PM -- Dallas vs. Sacramento*

Thomas & Mack
1:30 PM -- San Antonio vs. Memphis
3:30 PM -- Atlanta vs. Minnesota
5:30 PM -- LA Clippers vs. NBA D-League

Is it worth it to watch these? You can watch the whole season for $14.95 on NBA.com, not a bad price.

07-05-2010, 12:04 AM
$119M/6yrs for Joe Johnson is terrible. Some analyst say its the worst contract of all time in basketball, but I think that title belongs to Rashard Lewis though ($118M/6yrs).

$100M/5yrs for Amare is pretty bad too, unless NY gets a stud PG.

07-05-2010, 01:27 AM
Is no one calling up the Hawks and telling them how stupid they are? I mean, I'm sure its happening. Its not official until he signs on the 8th. They still have time to back out and save face.

lmao @ ESPN. First they start/perpetuate the rumor and claim that "sources" say that Amare and the Knicks met and offered him that $100M contract. Now their "sources" say that it never happened and that they'll meet for the fist time on Monday.

BTW, you can see the video that the Cavs showed to Lebron in their meeting.
LeBron James - More Than A Player (http://www.nba.com/cavaliers/morethanaplayer_splash_100630.html)

He's a douche if he leaves. I'm so glad the NBA has the 1 year of college rule, because Lebron's immaturity,ego,etc is just a product of coming straight out of highschool. It shows that its his entourage of highschool buddies trying to manage his "business". I hope they extend the rule to 2 years maybe even WITH an AA in order to enter the NBA.

07-05-2010, 10:06 AM
I thought he did good defending Kobe.
No he didn't... One on one, he got his face torched on Kobe. As a team, Boston did a decent job on Kobe.
I don't mean ego as in getting along, I mean that he has to know coming in that he wont be the primary man and will be in a secondary roll, not starting. If he's down for that I have no problem with it.
I think he would be willing to accept a non-primary role on a team where there are CLEARLY players who are better than he is, which he did not have in Memphis or Philly last year. It could work, and Pat Riley would be the one to pull it off.

07-05-2010, 05:23 PM
No he didn't... One on one, he got his face torched on Kobe.

I thought it was as good as anyone could do guarding Kobe one on one. He didn't fall for the pump fakes and other trappings Kobe pulls. In your opinion, who do you think does the best guarding Kobe one on one in the league?

-Amare to Knicks for 5yr $100M is a done deal
-Amare is trying to lure Tony Parker and Carmelo Anthony if LeBron doesn't go.

07-05-2010, 07:12 PM
I thought it was as good as anyone could do guarding Kobe one on one. He didn't fall for the pump fakes and other trappings Kobe pulls. In your opinion, who do you think does the best guarding Kobe one on one in the league?
Ron Artest and Bruce Bowen did, but Ron Artest joined the "if you can't beat em join em" gang and Bruce Bowen joined the "wear a bowtie and talk about basketball" gang.
No one remaining in the league, as long as Artest has to expend the energy Kobe might have to on defense, honestly

07-05-2010, 07:55 PM
lol nice quote......

el ocho
07-05-2010, 08:12 PM
Well its official. Amar'e to Knicks - 5yr 100mill

We'll see how this goes. I was impressed by him in the final few games of the Laker series. If they could pick up someone like T. Parker from San Antonio the Knicks could make some noise.

07-05-2010, 09:56 PM
Ron Artest and Bruce Bowen did, but Ron Artest joined the "if you can't beat em join em" gang and Bruce Bowen joined the "wear a bowtie and talk about basketball" gang.
No one remaining in the league, as long as Artest has to expend the energy Kobe might have to on defense, honestly

Queensbridge! lol, my favorite random thing to scream out at the moment.

You have to hear this
See Amare's comments to the press here (http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/nba/columns/story?id=5356746) after joining Knicks. Video at top but I recommend the full audio interview midway down. If you are a Knicks fans you have to be feeling very good about the future. :eek:

Possible super team scenarios that would glue me to the TV.

Shaq to Celtics

Carmelo and Parker to Knicks

Wade and Bosh (of course LeBron would make it even better) to Heat

LeBron to Bulls

Chris Paul to Orlando.

Make the eastern conference HOT. lol.

07-06-2010, 12:19 AM
Allen Iverson's latest tweet

I want to return to the NBA this season, and help any team that wants me, in any capacity that they feel that I can help. I'm disappointed, and I owe my fans more than what they have seen of me the last couple seasons. However, now that my family is healthy and rock solid, I can concentrate fully on doing what I do best!
Allen Iverson (alleniverson) on Twitter (http://twitter.com/alleniverson)

07-06-2010, 08:34 AM
chris doodoo duhon to orlando for 4 years, 15 mil...now we don't have a true PG...guess we're banking on that rookie...now a 1 year vet. toney douglas.

Agent: Chris Duhon leaving New York Knicks to sign with Orlando Magic - ESPN New York (http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/nba/news/story?id=5357340)

07-06-2010, 11:48 AM
The Knicks stay fucking up.
$100 Million to Amar'e, who famously butted heads with then-coach who now coaches the Knicks over defense and lack of touches.
Amar'e plays no defense, cannot create his own shot and a history of injuries and a big fucking mouth to go with it all. Unless there is a point guard coming in to spoonfeed him all his points like in Phoenix, this will be a bust.
IF LeBron or D-Wade come to NY, it will also be a bust since they can both create their own shots and Amar'e will be back to bitching about touches.

Also, the Bulls sent LeBron a package to his house this weekend; an OG pair of Jordan 1s with a message.

Phail, on both parts.

07-06-2010, 02:23 PM
i swear knicks should have waited.

but, amare is not injury prone like tmac/oden. he only had 1 season out to get his knees fixed, from then to now he didn't miss that much games including that eye problem.

he does have no defense.

07-06-2010, 02:47 PM
i swear knicks should have waited.

but, amare is not injury prone like tmac/oden. he only had 1 season out to get his knees fixed, from then to now he didn't miss that much games including that eye problem.

he does have no defense.

His contract is uninsurable with him having had microfracture surgery, and that eye thing is not something to be ignored.
Both of these should have come together to lower his cost, I will just say he has a good fucking agent or the Knicks are stupid.
Probably a bit of the latter.

07-06-2010, 04:20 PM
2010 NBA Summer League - July 9-18


SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. All Times listed are local Orlando time (ET)

Monday, July 5
1 PM -- Charlotte vs. Utah*
3 PM -- Indiana vs. Orlando*
5 PM -- Boston vs. OKC*
7 PM -- New Jersey vs. Philadelphia*

Tuesday, July 6
1 PM -- Utah vs. Orlando*
3 PM -- Charlotte vs. OKC*
5 PM -- Philadelphia vs. Boston*
7 PM -- Indiana vs. NJ*

Wednesday, July 7
1 PM -- Charlotte vs. Boston*
3 PM -- OKC vs. Philadelphia*
5 PM -- NJ vs. Orlando*
7 PM -- Indiana vs. Utah*

Thursday, July 8
1 PM -- OKC vs. Orlando*
3 PM -- Indiana vs. Boston*
5 PM -- Utah vs. NJ*
7 PM -- Philadelphia vs. Charlotte*

Friday, July 9
8 AM -- OKC vs. Indiana
10 AM -- Philadelphia vs. Utah
12 PM -- NJ vs. Boston
2 PM -- Charlotte vs. Orlando

(10 minute intermission between games)


SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. All Times listed are local Las Vegas time (PT)

Friday July 9
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Denver vs. Dallas*
3 PM -- Houston vs. Phoenix*
5 PM -- Detroit vs. LA Lakers*
7 PM -- Golden State vs. New Orleans*

Saturday July 10
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Toronto vs. Phoenix*
3 PM -- LA Lakers vs. Denver*
5 PM -- Detroit vs. Golden State*
7 PM -- Dallas vs. Houston*

Sunday July 11
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- New York vs. Denver*
3 PM -- Portland vs. Houston*
5 PM -- Washington vs. Golden State*
7 PM -- Miami vs. New Orleans*

Monday July 12
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- LA Lakers vs. New York*
3 PM -- Sacramento vs. Detroit*
5 PM -- Dallas vs. Milwaukee*
7 PM -- Washington vs. LA Clippers*

Thomas & Mack
3:30 PM -- San Antonio vs. Minnesota
5:30 PM -- Phoenix vs. NBA D-League
7:30 PM -- Memphis vs. Atlanta

Tuesday July 13
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Denver vs. Chicago*
3 PM -- Cleveland vs. NBA D-League*
5 PM -- Milwaukee vs. Memphis*
7 PM -- Portland vs. New Orleans*

Thomas & Mack
3:30 PM -- Houston vs. Toronto
5:30 PM -- Sacramento vs. LA Lakers
7:30 PM -- Golden State vs. Miami

Wednesday July 14
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Denver vs. Houston*
3 PM -- New York vs. Toronto*
5 PM -- LA Clippers vs. Chicago*
7 PM -- Sacramento vs. Minnesota*

Thomas & Mack
3:30 PM -- Atlanta vs. San Antonio
5:30 PM -- Cleveland vs. Phoenix
7:30 PM -- Detroit vs. Miami

Thursday July 15
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- LA Lakers vs. San Antonio*
3 PM -- Golden State vs. Phoenix*
5 PM -- Washington vs. Dallas*
7 PM -- LA Clippers vs. Portland*

Thomas & Mack
5:30 PM -- Atlanta vs. Milwaukee
7:30 PM -- NBA D-League vs. Memphis

Friday July 16
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Detroit vs. New York*
3 PM -- Toronto vs. Sacramento*
5 PM -- Washington vs. New Orleans*
7 PM -- Memphis vs. Minnesota*

Thomas & Mack
5:30 PM -- Cleveland vs. Chicago
7:30 PM -- Milwaukee vs. Miami

Saturday July 17
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- New York vs. Washington*
3 PM -- Miami vs. Cleveland*
5 PM -- LA Clippers vs. San Antonio*
7 PM -- Minnesota vs. Portland*

Thomas & Mack
3:30 PM -- Toronto vs. New Orleans
5:30 PM -- Sacramento vs. Chicago
7:30 PM -- NBA D-League vs. Atlanta

Sunday July 18
COX Pavilion
1 PM -- Cleveland vs. Milwaukee*
3 PM -- Chicago vs. Portland*
5 PM -- Dallas vs. Sacramento*

Thomas & Mack
1:30 PM -- San Antonio vs. Memphis
3:30 PM -- Atlanta vs. Minnesota
5:30 PM -- LA Clippers vs. NBA D-League

Is it worth it to watch these? You can watch the whole season for $14.95 on NBA.com, not a bad price.

If you're into Fantasy Basketball and want to watch players develop through the summer, yes. That's how I try to pick up my sleepers come draft day.

07-06-2010, 04:39 PM
The Knicks stay fucking up.
$100 Million to Amar'e, who famously butted heads with then-coach who now coaches the Knicks over defense and lack of touches.
Amar'e plays no defense, cannot create his own shot and a history of injuries and a big fucking mouth to go with it all. Unless there is a point guard coming in to spoonfeed him all his points like in Phoenix, this will be a bust.
IF LeBron or D-Wade come to NY, it will also be a bust since they can both create their own shots and Amar'e will be back to bitching about touches.

Also, the Bulls sent LeBron a package to his house this weekend; an OG pair of Jordan 1s with a message.

Phail, on both parts.

I think your overstating some facts. Yes, Amare plays no defense but he can create his own shot. 39% of his shots he created on his own on a heavily PG ran team which is really good for a big. I mean, you don't get in the top 10 in scoring if you can't create your own shot.

07-06-2010, 06:03 PM
shaq to boston? :]
just a rumor but its possible.

el ocho
07-06-2010, 07:13 PM
i also heard possibly shaq to atl...

07-06-2010, 08:31 PM
LeBron will make his announcement on Thursday at 6pm Pacific.

07-06-2010, 08:39 PM
I think your overstating some facts. Yes, Amare plays no defense but he can create his own shot. 39% of his shots he created on his own on a heavily PG ran team which is really good for a big. I mean, you don't get in the top 10 in scoring if you can't create your own shot.
No, a primetime scorer worth max money does not need the kind of coddling that Amar'e got from Nash. In addition to the third of shots that Amar'e got directly from assists from Nash in the regular season, that number went to 44% in the playoffs.
That does not address any time he was fouled and made the points at the free throw line, nor does it count the times when he got the ball from the second pass after it left Steve's hands. Karl Malone made a career of being that SAME PLAYER in the high screen roll with John Stockton. The difference is that Malone could be bothered to play defense and rebound like it mattered.
Oh, and not bitch about touches.
I still say that New York was foolish to give him max money.

07-06-2010, 11:24 PM
have you heard?
Del Negro to coach the Clips..

07-07-2010, 12:03 AM

LeBron will be announcing his decision on ESPN on Thursday at 9 PM EST.

Finally, this crap will be behind us soon!

Right now the tension is with Bosh. He has stated he does not want to go to the Cavs in a sign and trade. LBJ has been trying to convince him to open up to the idea.

The Raptors would rather do a sign and trade with the Cavs than the Heat. Even though we own their valuable first round pick. :rolleyes:

Edit: Didn't see your posts there AkademikONE.

07-07-2010, 01:37 AM
have you heard?
Del Negro to coach the Clips..

This is great! I couldn't be more happy!

07-07-2010, 02:16 AM
i also heard possibly shaq to atl...

shaq to boston? :]
just a rumor but its possible.

And I heard Kobe is going to Washington Wizard......

Wait that was a rumor too!

I have a feeling Lebron is heading to NYK. Think about it, Knick's gave Amare Stoudemire $100 million for 5 years to play with them, New York is showing Lebron that there not scared how much it will be to have Lebron James to play for the New York Knicks.

If Lebron is smart with money wise "you know where he's going"

http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2010/0514/pg2_james1x_288.jpg (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=brain/100514_lebron_james&sportCat=nba)

http://espn.go.com/photo/2010/0401/nba_ny_lebron_288.jpg (http://espn.go.com/newyork/)

07-07-2010, 02:23 AM
And I heard Kobe is going to Washington Wizard.....

Uhh, its not a random rumor. It actually has cred. They are both right. Celtics, Mavs, and Hawks have expressed interest in Shaq. So far Celtics seems to be the strongest possibility if LeBron doesn't come back to the Cavs.

2010 NBA free agency: Sources: Atlanta Hawks, Boston Celtics, Dallas Mavericks express interest in Shaquille O'Neal - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5356999)

But speaking of rumors, I'm laughing at all the rumors now of where LeBron will do his press conference, lol. ESPN has reported that there is no location set as of yet and that proceeds from the broadcast are going to the Boys and Girls Club of America.

Will this have bigger ratings than Game 7?

"With the 1st pick in the 2010 Free Agency Draft, LeBron James selects the..."


07-07-2010, 03:04 AM
Free-Agent Market For Shaq: Celtics, Mavericks, Hawks, or Cavaliers

He has great respect for Boston's coach, Doc Rivers (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=1579), a good relationship with Kevin Garnett (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=261), and it was Shaq who gave Paul Pierce (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=662) his nickname, "The Truth." With starting center, Kendrick Perkins (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=2018), sidelined for up to six months after undergoing knee surgery to repair a torn ACL, O'Neal would seem to be a solid replacement.

WOW talk about "TEAM HOOPING" Orlando, Los Angles, Miami, Phoenix, Cleveland.......WHAT ELSE

LA Fans are truly gonna hate Shaq now! if he goes to Boston

O'Neal also has a strong relationship with Atlanta's new head coach, Larry Drew, who was a Lakers assistant coach for parts of O'Neal's tenure in Los Angeles. The Hawks' interest in O'Neal is based on his ability to matchup with Orlando Magic (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/clubhouse?team=orl) center Dwight Howard (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=2384), who led the Magic to a four-game sweep of Atlanta in the second round of last year's playoffs.

Hawk's is a good team and they will be looking at a NBA Final match up later in the future but with Shaq in there team, Dwight Howard will still give it to Shaq, Howard is younger, faster, and quicker......

O'Neal also has a close relationship with Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=609) and owner Mark Cuban. O'Neal could conceivably help Dallas matchup better against the Lakers.

38 year old center trying to stop two seven footers in the paint, yeah good luck Shaq!

While O'Neal, who averaged 12 points and 6.7 rebounds in 23 minutes a game last season, believes he is still a starting caliber player, being assured a spot in the first five is not a deal-breaker, the sources said.

They forgot to mention 2-8 free-throws and 30% yearly :ddog:

07-07-2010, 03:16 AM
^^^But if Shaq ends up in Dallas, that could work out for him and Nowitzki. Shaq should still be able to draw double teams on the post and hopefully give Dirk more open looks...

07-07-2010, 03:35 AM
^^^But if Shaq ends up in Dallas, that could work out for him and Nowitzki. Shaq should still be able to draw double teams on the post and hopefully give Dirk more open looks...

think about it Dirk Nowitzki is not gonna be on fire with his shots for all 50 games of the season lol

07-07-2010, 05:09 AM
boobs13, edit your quotes. I didn't post any of that.

Anyways, Shaq would fit better with the Celtics. Lets get real, he's ring chasing. He's not going to the Hawks.

07-07-2010, 05:38 AM




el ocho
07-07-2010, 06:38 AM




Its actually Wade and Bosh not Wade and Lebron.

07-07-2010, 06:44 AM
woops, sorry, so excited I messed up

Wade and Bosh and we still got a shit load of cash left over!

We still got enough to get another 2nd tier FA out there and we'd still have a shit load of cash left over!

If LeBron stays in Cleavland, he is doomend. No rings in forseable future. Either go to Miami or Chicago, or Chicago may add some other piece and you are stuck boy. The Knicks? ehhhh. They may be contenders next season, but not now. Same with Cleavland. Nets a few years away too.

No, wait. Stay away LeBron.

We got $17M to play with.

Haywood, Miller, Felton, Korver. Some other mid-level guys

Bring Raja Bell? Bring Ray Allen?




07-07-2010, 06:52 AM
Wasnt there rumors that LA was trying to get Bell? I think the Lakers figured that the few folks who might be able to play D on Kobe, they need them on the team so there wont be nobody left who could.

07-07-2010, 07:00 AM
Yes true, but this is his hometown and he wants to play down here.

NBA Rumor: Raja Bell to the Heat | Dime Magazine (dimemag.com) : Daily NBA News, NBA Trades, NBA Rumors, Basketball Videos, Sneakers (http://dimemag.com/2010/06/nba-rumor-raja-bell-to-the-heat/)
FIU product Raja Bell would welcome Heat opportunity - Sun Sentinel (http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2010-05-10/sports/sfl-miami-heat-raja-bell-s051010_1_florida-international-university-guard-heat-opportunity-heat-president-pat-riley)
"I've talked a lot about it with my agent and my family," the 6-foot-5 defensive stopper and 3-point specialist said. "Miami is my first choice. If there would be any interest from the Heat I would give it a ponder. It's my home town"

Come one come all, join the Heat in Sunny, beach lined and INCOME TAX FREE Miami!


07-07-2010, 11:41 AM
woops, sorry, so excited I messed up

Wade and Bosh and we still got a shit load of cash left over!

We still got enough to get another 2nd tier FA out there and we'd still have a shit load of cash left over!

If LeBron stays in Cleavland, he is doomend. No rings in forseable future. Either go to Miami or Chicago, or Chicago may add some other piece and you are stuck boy. The Knicks? ehhhh. They may be contenders next season, but not now. Same with Cleavland. Nets a few years away too.

No, wait. Stay away LeBron.

We got $17M to play with.

Haywood, Miller, Felton, Korver. Some other mid-level guys

Bring Raja Bell? Bring Ray Allen?




I'm glad Bosh went there but no you guys need a freakin' bench.

07-07-2010, 01:25 PM
I'm glad Bosh went there but no you guys need a freakin' bench.

We got Wade and Bosh and $17M. Many teams in the league would love to have our "problem". :rofl:

Oh yeah, in addition to getting a big beefy center in the second round of the draft, we got Da'Sean Butler. I'm really excited to see how this kid is gonna bounce back. Check out ESPN's coverage on his comeback:

YouTube - Da'Sean Butler: Operation Comeback (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSqgXgEVmQQ)

He will be playing in the summer league.

07-07-2010, 02:20 PM
Will see if Da'Sean Butler can handle the playoffs this season....

07-07-2010, 03:00 PM




i feel the exact same way! hahaha.
im celebrating with you

07-07-2010, 03:01 PM
Wasnt there rumors that LA was trying to get Bell? I think the Lakers figured that the few folks who might be able to play D on Kobe, they need them on the team so there wont be nobody left who could.
raja bell said he prefered Miami over anything since his family/home is based in florida.

07-07-2010, 04:00 PM
ill take boozer in CHI.
undersized but still gets mad boards.
good in the pick-n-roll and a finisher.
please just stay healthy.

07-07-2010, 04:17 PM
boozer's size kills him though. he cant play defense and with a coach who will
be preaching the D-word all year?
he wanted to play for D'Antoni and his system, he'd fit in with them.

but thats a good pick up for chicago.

07-07-2010, 05:09 PM
Boozer for 5yrs/$80mil?! He just got overpaid, AGAIN.

Good for the Miami Heat picking up Chris Bosh and retaining Wade. The East just got a bit stronger,
meaning only the Thunder, Nuggets, and Blazers really pose a threat to the Lakers in the West.

If LeBron goes to New York (which he will), he doesn't care about winning. If he wants to have a realistic
shot at winning, he stays in Cleveland or heads to Chicago. He won't go to Miami with Bosh and Wade.

07-07-2010, 05:59 PM
Boozer for 5yrs/$80mil?! He just got overpaid, AGAIN.

Good for the Miami Heat picking up Chris Bosh and retaining Wade. The East just got a bit stronger,
meaning only the Thunder, Nuggets, and Blazers really pose a threat to the Lakers in the West.

If LeBron goes to New York (which he will), he doesn't care about winning. If he wants to have a realistic
shot at winning, he stays in Cleveland or heads to Chicago. He won't go to Miami with Bosh and Wade.

What??? I don''t think he got over paid. Think of all the big men out there and how many do exactly what he does? Answer, very few. He's a solid double double and excellent in the pick roll which gives you a lot of options/looks on offfense.

I think this definitely puts Chicago in the top 3 in the East now.

07-07-2010, 06:21 PM
If LeBron goes to New York (which he will), he doesn't care about winning. If he wants to have a realistic
shot at winning, he stays in Cleveland or heads to Chicago. He won't go to Miami with Bosh and Wade.

Thank you, at lease someone is agreeing with me. Lebron just want the money....

I think this definitely puts Chicago in the top 3 in the East now.

we will see

don't forget about Boston, Orlando, Alanta, Miami now, and New York

07-08-2010, 12:03 AM
-Cap room is officially set at $58M, $2M more than the original projection. Shit just got serious.

-Ray Allen resigns with Celtics for a $20M contract over 2 years. Could they still afford Shaq?

-Kevin Durant signs a contract extension for the max of $85M over 5 years. No fanfare and spectacle for Durant, just a simple announcement through his twitter. Man I love this guy!

-LeBron James will announce his decision at the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, Conn.
-LeBron will announce his decision within the first 10Mins of the 1-hour ESPN special

-Wade and Bosh have stated they are open to take less money to add another player(s)

-Free-agent center Jermaine O'Neal said Wednesday that he expects to sign with one of the three following teams in coming days: Dallas, Denver or Boston.

Watch the Wade and Bosh Interview below
NBA Free Agents: Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade say they'll play for Miami Heat - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5360911)

07-08-2010, 12:28 AM
-Cap room is officially set at $58M, $2M more than the original projection. Shit just got serious.

-Ray Allen resigns with Celtics for a $20M contract over 2 years. Could they still afford Shaq?

-Kevin Durant signs a contract extension for the max of $85M over 5 years. No fanfare and spectacle for Durant, just a simple announcement through his twitter. Man I love this guy!

-LeBron James will announce his decision at the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, Conn.
-LeBron will announce his decision within the first 10Mins of the 1-hour ESPN special

-Wade and Bosh have stated they are open to take less money to add another player(s)

-Free-agent center Jermaine O'Neal said Wednesday that he expects to sign with one of the three following teams in coming days: Dallas, Denver or Boston.

Watch the Wade and Bosh Interview below
NBA Free Agents: Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade say they'll play for Miami Heat - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5360911)

-im glad ray allen re signed. will he break Miller's three point record this year?? i got mixed feelings on that one..
-i hope wade and bosh do end up taking less money, and im kinda hoping lebron doesnt come to miami. lol.
after wut i saw this summer from him/ his camp im kinda dissapointed in "the king." the heat need to fill up the rest of their roster.
but i like desean butler and dexter pittman.
-J. o'neal going to boston would be good too. either him or shaq but jermaine has less miles..but he's more injurt prone[?]
-with that cap at $58 i think the heat have somewhere around $15 million plus to play with..pluss more if they trade beasley :[
-tomorrow on espn lebron will announce he is staying in cleveland. i bet, and i wouldnt be surprised if he takes a LITTLE less in order for cleveland to get him the RIGHT help.

07-08-2010, 12:31 AM
I'm glad for you Heat fans, you guys got a good player and Wade stayed. But yeah, your gonna need a bench for the long run. Glad to see a good contender in the east get better, but the west is still dominant.


hopefully you guys get pass Cleveland or Celtics this coming season. See you in the Finals

07-08-2010, 03:49 AM
looks like he'll sign with heats.

07-08-2010, 10:01 AM
I am imagining the conversation going something like...
You probably thinking about 'man, I should stay in Cleveland... finish what I started...'
FUCK THAT!!! See, that's pride fuckin' with you

07-08-2010, 10:28 AM
looks like he'll sign with heats.

Just woke up, looking at sportscenter on ESPN...that seems to be the case. Its a bit surreal right now...I wont believe it 'till it happens and I think it still wont hit me for a while if true. Steven A. Smith will go down as the greatest NBA insider ever for breaking the story a week in advance!

I'm just interested to see what we build around the big 3 if so. Not worried, just looking in awe.

Man, it feels like I'm dreaming. http://www.extremeskins.com/images/smilies/rubeyes.gif Is this what hitting the lotto feels like?

07-08-2010, 12:20 PM
lebron's such a band wagoner if he joins the heat.

if he does join the trio, then good for him.

another reason to dislike him.

07-08-2010, 01:32 PM
lebron's such a band wagoner if he joins the heat.

if he does join the trio, then good for him.

another reason to dislike him.

Yes, he would be a turncoat for leaving Cleveland, but the argument AGAINST that is Kevin Garnett in Minnesota, he gave them the best years of his career and got nothing.
His claim is that he wants to win, and as constructed, the places he was choosing from with the best chances at that is Miami. If he goes to Chicago, he would appear to be TRYING, but ultimately fail, and in Cleveland he could hide his greed under the guise of loyalty, but he would also fail.

07-08-2010, 02:48 PM
i dont get all the lebron hating after reading several posts on other sources. this flood of hate just pouring because all of the attention to lebron.

people dont see it was the media who blew all this up since earlier last season or even before that.

07-08-2010, 03:51 PM
how could you not hate someone who announces his plans on an espn special. shit's ridiculous.

i dont get all the lebron hating after reading several posts on other sources. this flood of hate just pouring because all of the attention to lebron.

people dont see it was the media who blew all this up since earlier last season or even before that.

07-08-2010, 04:17 PM
lebron's such a band wagoner if he joins the heat.

if he does join the trio, then good for him.

another reason to dislike him.

LMAO! You think he just decided to join the Heat because of Wade and Bosh's announcement yesterday!? This has been planned for months, don't kid yourself. You can call him disloyal, or egocentric or whatever, but don't call him a bandwagoner. :rofl:

Take it from a city that had a great player get screwed over by loyalty (Dan Marino). The general consensus down here is that we should have let him go so he would at least have gotten a super bowl ring somewhere else.

Going off of what Phlip said, Garnett has stated he wished he would have left a long time ago and 'cause he would have had a chance at more rings. As a matter of fact that's the advice he gave LeBron.

07-08-2010, 05:54 PM
all of this is irrelevant becuz of James' decision tonite lol but-cavs pursuing Jonny Flynn.
David Lee will be traded to the Warriors for Kelenna Azubuike, Anthony Randolph, & Ronny Turiaf. this is if NY doesnt land LeBron tonite.
only about an hour left.
feeling kinda anxious haha

07-08-2010, 06:28 PM
you guys ready for mass suicide in cle?

07-08-2010, 06:30 PM
He's going to New York. Quote me. If I'm wrong, I'll delete this. :keke:

07-08-2010, 06:33 PM
He's going to New York. Quote me. If I'm wrong, I'll delete this. :keke:
because of Carmelo?
they were saying on espn that James would rather not wait a year
and by signing with NY he'd be taking a big leap of faith.

07-08-2010, 07:28 PM
Miami. He should have went to Chicago.

07-08-2010, 07:30 PM
Most logical decision made

07-08-2010, 07:31 PM
Man, it feels like I'm dreaming.

**pinch pinch**

looks like he wants to cry when talking about leaving ohio.

07-08-2010, 07:45 PM
Shaq + Iverson + Lebron's mom = Train getting run down in South Beach

07-08-2010, 07:47 PM
The title still runs through Los Angeles. Bring it!

07-08-2010, 07:56 PM
He should've stayed in Cleveland and show everybody that he can win a championship on his own. Just like Jordan a win multiple rings and develop a Legacy in Cleveland, so that in 20 years people will say to the next big star in Cleveland you will never be as great as LeBron and you will never fill his shoes.

Now in Miami they will say, ok he won but he couldn't do it with out Wade and Bosh.

07-08-2010, 07:58 PM
All i'm saying is i dont wanna EVER AGAIN hear that discrediting "well kobe had gasol/Shaq" talk.

Either way, these fools gotta come through LA! Get some!

07-08-2010, 08:02 PM
so who's team is it now? wade or lebron's? this will get ugly like with shaq and kobe lol..

07-08-2010, 08:08 PM
^^ this is what miami now would say...

07-08-2010, 08:08 PM
Miami got nothing on the Lakers baby, Artest will stop Lebron, Kobe will stop Wade, and will Bosh he's going to have to try to get through Gasol, Odom, and Bynum lol


07-08-2010, 08:12 PM
AI get on board. the championship train is leaving!!!

07-08-2010, 08:18 PM
The title still runs through Los Angeles. Bring it!


07-08-2010, 08:23 PM
Miami. He should have went to Chicago.

Now he gets to ride on that sweet plane they have...

NBA free agency: Chicago Bulls chairman Jerry Reinsdorf expects LeBron James to choose a different team - ESPN Chicago (http://sports.espn.go.com/chicago/nba/news/story?id=5365192)

07-08-2010, 08:45 PM
Man, so with the Big 3 in Miami...they gonna have enough cap room to fill up the damn roster? They still need a Center and a PG to get the ball rolling.

All Imma say is they better fucking re-sign Haslem!!! Guy is a fucking work horse!!!

07-08-2010, 08:50 PM


I've been saying all along, he was going to stay in Cleveland... I'm still shocked

***Still happy Kings got Demarcus Cousins :bigok: ***

07-08-2010, 08:58 PM
because of Carmelo?
they were saying on espn that James would rather not wait a year
and by signing with NY he'd be taking a big leap of faith.

He's going to have to wait a year regardless. I very much doubt that Miami is going to be able to assemble a squad this quickly especially with legit role players who are going to want to take a such a drastic pay cut.

Still the Championship still runs through L.A.

07-08-2010, 09:05 PM
**pinch pinch**

looks like he wants to cry when talking about leaving ohio.

Man, I thought I was the only one that noticed that. Did anyone catch the jersey burning going on? :duh:

Good luck to the Heat, hopefully they can scrap together a decent bench and "the big 3 of Miami" learn to play nice together.

07-08-2010, 09:13 PM
Who thinks now that Pat Riley will be coaching?!?! AYE!!!

Other question is, how much do you think each one of them will make and how long are the contracts gonna be?

If Lebron is all about winning...PAY HIM THE VETERANS MINIMUM!!!

07-08-2010, 09:31 PM
so who's team is it now? wade or lebron's? this will get ugly like with shaq and kobe lol..
its wade's.

07-08-2010, 09:32 PM
The title still runs through Los Angeles. Bring it!

Miami got nothing on the Lakers baby, Artest will stop Lebron, Kobe will stop Wade, and will Bosh he's going to have to try to get through Gasol, Odom, and Bynum lol


Still the Championship still runs through L.A.

So we are saying that this Miami team is no better than the Celtics who took you to game 7?

Oh, and here I was getting excited...

07-08-2010, 09:37 PM
Who else is on the Heat??

I was shocked he chose Miami. I knew it wasn't going to be Cleveland but it felt certain NY was the likely choice. Lets see what they can create with the change thats left.

07-08-2010, 09:37 PM
If Lebron is all about winning...PAY HIM THE VETERANS MINIMUM!!!

This x infinity

How are they gonna fill out the rest of the roster really if they each get max/slightly less than max? minimum for everybody else? D leaguers? Walk-ins?

07-08-2010, 09:38 PM
So we are saying that this Miami team is no better than the Celtics who took you to game 7?

Oh, and here I was getting excited...

Celtics took the Lakers to 7 because Kobe wasn't 100% and neither was Bynum. With that said, I'm sure it would have been a close one but I don't think it would have gone to 7.

But to answer your question, yes I don't think as it stands Miami is better than Boston. Boston had 3 players who knew their window of opportunity was closing. They immediately sacrificed pay to play with each other and Ray Allen and KG came already saying, "this is Paul Pierces team." When you're a bit older and you see the window closing it's a lot easier to give up the last shot, give up that extra mill and not want the spot light as much as long as your winning.

07-08-2010, 09:43 PM
Who else is on the Heat??

NO ONE! Jermain O'Neil agreed to sign with the Celtics. They have to sign and trade Chalmers along with Beasily to create cap space. It's going to be very difficult for them to acquire solid players who are willing to take nothing just to play with them UNLESS the Big 3 decide to take a pay cut themselves.

07-08-2010, 09:54 PM
besides Rondo on the transitions and Ray Allen with one amazing performance Boston had a court and bench full of guys who couldn't put the ball in the damn cup...

You guys were down 13 in the 3rd in game 7 to a team with horrible half court offense and couldn't rebound.

I'll give you the Bynum arguement, but give me the Perkins one...?

Who else is on the Heat??

Who else was on Cleveland last year?

Who else was on Miami last year?

but I apologize cause this isn't the 09 thread.

I respect LA for sure, only ones who will be able to hang, I can't wait to watch the games.

07-08-2010, 10:02 PM

07-08-2010, 10:10 PM
LOL dan gilbert is pissed~! took plenty of cheap shots.

Cavaliers: Open Letter to Fans from Cavaliers Majority Owner Dan Gilbert (http://www.nba.com/cavaliers/news/gilbert_letter_100708.html)

Dear Cleveland, All Of Northeast Ohio and Cleveland Cavaliers Supporters Wherever You May Be Tonight;

As you now know, our former hero, who grew up in the very region that he deserted this evening, is no longer a Cleveland Cavalier.

This was announced with a several day, narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his "decision" unlike anything ever "witnessed" in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment.

Clearly, this is bitterly disappointing to all of us.

The good news is that the ownership team and the rest of the hard-working, loyal, and driven staff over here at your hometown Cavaliers have not betrayed you nor NEVER will betray you.

There is so much more to tell you about the events of the recent past and our more than exciting future. Over the next several days and weeks, we will be communicating much of that to you.

You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal.

You have given so much and deserve so much more.

In the meantime, I want to make one statement to you tonight:


You can take it to the bank.

If you thought we were motivated before tonight to bring the hardware to Cleveland, I can tell you that this shameful display of selfishness and betrayal by one of our very own has shifted our "motivation" to previously unknown and previously never experienced levels.

Some people think they should go to heaven but NOT have to die to get there.

Sorry, but that's simply not how it works.

This shocking act of disloyalty from our home grown "chosen one" sends the exact opposite lesson of what we would want our children to learn. And "who" we would want them to grow-up to become.

But the good news is that this heartless and callous action can only serve as the antidote to the so-called "curse" on Cleveland, Ohio.

The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south. And until he does "right" by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma.

Just watch.

Sleep well, Cleveland.

Tomorrow is a new and much brighter day....

I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only:

DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue....

07-08-2010, 10:10 PM
besides Rondo on the transitions and Ray Allen with one amazing performance Boston had a court and bench full of guys who couldn't put the ball in the damn cup...

You guys were down 13 in the 3rd in game 7 to a team with horrible half court offense and couldn't rebound.

I'll give you the Bynum arguement, but give me the Perkins one...?

Shoot, Perkins missing the last game wasn't that bad. Instead they got Wallace who showed why he is still a great big man. He repeatedly torched Gasol in the final game something Perkins would and could never have done.

Who else was on Cleveland last year?

Who else was on Miami last year?

but I apologize cause this isn't the 09 thread.

I respect LA for sure, only ones who will be able to hang, I can't wait to watch the games.

Cleveland had Mo Williams and Jamision. People forget that both these guys were leading scorers on their previous teams. They also had a lot of workers who did all the dirty work.

Miami had Wade and that's about it. Reason why he had to play like Jesus every night on the court.

Al I'm saying is don't expect them to hit the Finals next year. O'neil gone and soon Beasily and Chalmers.

07-08-2010, 10:20 PM
So we are saying that this Miami team is no better than the Celtics who took you to game 7?

Oh, and here I was getting excited...
So you don't agree the title still runs through LA? Bring it on, Miami, bring it.

Even if Miami makes the Finals this season, they better hope and pray they have homecourt. With
a weakened Western Conference and a stronger Eastern Conference, LA is going to have a field day
with the West. The Heat team will win a title, just not next season.

07-08-2010, 10:22 PM
all this to beat my lakers. i say bring it miami.

07-08-2010, 10:30 PM
they still wont get passed Boston

07-08-2010, 10:33 PM
so who's team is it now? wade or lebron's? this will get ugly like with shaq and kobe lol..

Wade's. That's the way we feel down here. This is Wade's House. He brought us our first championship. This is Miami-Wade County. We don't care what the rest of the country thinks, that's how we feel.

Man, so with the Big 3 in Miami...they gonna have enough cap room to fill up the damn roster? They still need a Center and a PG to get the ball rolling.

All Imma say is they better fucking re-sign Haslem!!! Guy is a fucking work horse!!!

Players will come over for the minimum. Your allowed to exceed the cap in that manner. I think our draft picks Pittmann and Butler can be placed in there, lets see how they do in the Summer League.

Definitely. Haslem is the heart of our team. I feel he encompasses the city since he is from down here. He's special to me in the same way that Fischer is to the Lakers fan. Maybe you can get someone better for the money, but for everything's he's done you don't want to get rid of him, that's how most fans feel. I know he's gonna sacrifice his pay for another season. Beasley can GTFO though.

I very much doubt that Miami is going to be able to assemble a squad this quickly especially with legit role players who are going to want to take a such a drastic pay cut.

In Riley We Trust. Every step of the off season we've been doubted. Riley assembled a championship team with less. There was doubt we could clear the cap. There was doubt we could resign Wade. There was doubt we could get a top tier FA. There was doubt we could get LeBron.

Now there is doubt he can fill the roster, that the big 3 can play together and win a championship. The way I feel is that I trust Riley and I have to feel comfortable knowing he is running the Heat organization.

I should add the three are friends, and played on Team USA, and the All Star team. Them playing together is not going to be something alien to them.

Man, I thought I was the only one that noticed that.

I saw that too. He was holding it back big time.

This x infinity

How are they gonna fill out the rest of the roster really if they each get max/slightly less than max? minimum for everybody else? D leaguers? Walk-ins?

Wade/LeBron/Bosh - $48m combined
James Jones buyout - $1.5m
Mario Chalmers - $847k
8 cap holds - $3.8m

= 1 x $3.9m player

Now, if the big 3 each took $15m, that would be 1 x $6.9m player. You can play around with the cap holds. You can sign any player for their respective minimum and exceed the cap.

They have to sign and trade Chalmers along with Beasily to create cap space.

No, just Beasley. Mario Chalmers is on the book for $847k. Beasley at $5M.


lol, what is that supposed to mean? :p Shaq has a better chance or rejoining the Lakers. He just burns bridges whenever he leaves. We don't want him.

Thanks to all the well wishers! :D

el ocho
07-08-2010, 10:34 PM
I cant wait to see them not win a championship.

It seems like such a joke how they can do this. I loved how lebron tried to compare pippen and rodman to bosh and wade. This dude is such a joke. Having a hour long special to tell where hes going.

07-08-2010, 10:36 PM
I can't wait for the #1 Heat vs. #8 Cavs first round playoff series next year. Gonna be a riot in Cleveland!!! This is almost as bad as Art Modell taking the Browns to Baltimore. LeGone better stay his ass in the hotel room when he comes to Cleveland. I don't hate him for leaving but he's got no respect anymore. Took the easy route. Nothing worth winning is easy.

07-08-2010, 10:39 PM
Bring on the Haters! We're used to it with The Canes.

So which one is it? Is it too easy and unfair and this is an automatic championship or is it impossible for these three to play together and we are gonna fail. Please, haters, come to a decision and stay consistent here. :ddog:

07-08-2010, 10:40 PM
Beasley was traded to the Wolves for 2011 draft picks.

07-08-2010, 10:43 PM
they still wont get passed Boston

will be an exciting series tho.

those 2 are going to smack the shit outta each other then have to face the lakers. lol gl with that. kobe smells 3 peat and blood in the water.

07-08-2010, 10:46 PM
Bring on the Haters! We're used to it with The Canes.

So which one is it? Is it too easy and unfair and this is an automatic championship or is it impossible for these three to play together and we are gonna fail. Please, haters, come to a decision and stay consistent here. :ddog:
Bring on the haters as well, I'm used to it since I'm a Laker diehard. :ddog:

I like the enthusiasm and confidence. See you next season. ;)

el ocho
07-08-2010, 10:51 PM
lol at the bandwagoners comming out already. shit is gunan be rediculous in miami. they couldnt sell out a game last year, now they are gunna have the most "devoted" fan base in the league according to them.

fuckin cheerleaders....

07-08-2010, 10:58 PM
if AI gets in the club. i'm joining the wagon.

get me some AI heat jersey.

07-08-2010, 10:59 PM
LOL dan gilbert is pissed~! took plenty of cheap shots.

Cavaliers: Open Letter to Fans from Cavaliers Majority Owner Dan Gilbert (http://www.nba.com/cavaliers/news/gilbert_letter_100708.html)


You can take it to the bank.

Wow. That's a little much. Damn, I guess he's stuck in the Anger phase right now.

The Seven Stages of Grief
-Shock or Disbelief
-Acceptance and Hope

So you don't agree the title still runs through LA? Bring it on, Miami, bring it.

Even if Miami makes the Finals this season, they better hope and pray they have homecourt. With
a weakened Western Conference and a stronger Eastern Conference, LA is going to have a field day
with the West. The Heat team will win a title, just not next season.

AkademikONE, let me warn you we have some ignant MoFos down here (yes IGnant). You know who the regular, pre-bandwagon fans are from the past like 4 years of NBA threads we've had. You know who the regulars are. The true and knowledgeable NBA fans that are also Heat fans, we aren't claiming shit. We know that if it comes down to going up against LA it wouldn't be a walk in the park. So I aint even going to act like this is an instant ring or whatever.

Bring on the haters as well, I'm used to it since I'm a Laker diehard. :ddog:

I like the enthusiasm and confidence. See you next season. ;)

Game recognize game. ;)

07-08-2010, 11:09 PM
haha at dan gilbert - he guarantees an nba championship? has the cavs ever won a championship? this makes me think lebron actually made a good move to leave the cavs having a douchebag like that as a part owner..

07-08-2010, 11:19 PM
haha at dan gilbert - he guarantees an nba championship? has the cavs ever won a championship? this makes me think lebron actually made a good move to leave the cavs having a douchebag like that as a part owner..

Douchebag are you serious? Do you know what LeBron James actually did to that team. First and foremost, last year he just gave up on them in the playoffs. Secondly, Cavs management catered to this guys ever whim to the point were people criticized them for doing that. Most importantly, he never informed the Cavs his decision until they heard it on his special leaving them screwed to sign other players with basically no time left. Yes, the owner who let Lebron run the team for 4 years is the total douche.

07-08-2010, 11:22 PM
I cant wait to see them not win a championship.

It seems like such a joke how they can do this. I loved how lebron tried to compare pippen and rodman to bosh and wade. This dude is such a joke. Having a hour long special to tell where hes going.

hahaha omg that would be funny, but i still think Lakers will pull a three-peat. I may be biased, but....we'll see

07-08-2010, 11:37 PM
People, lets just make fun of the situation and enjoy it. That's what I'm doing. Humor is the way I deal with most things, so I'm gonna post up the funny images I find about this. The sigs and avatars on RealGM are hilarious. :rofl:






07-08-2010, 11:49 PM
YouTube - Burn LeBron Burn!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Kk2PBBA6GM)


07-08-2010, 11:55 PM
we're runned by monkeys but, we still gots big money, exp contracts and insane cap room. lets make this happen nyk... lets get parker!!!

i'm liking this knicks.


07-09-2010, 12:14 AM
You think Carmelo is a possibility?

More funnies

07-09-2010, 12:20 AM
is it confirmed that miller is going to the heat as well?

07-09-2010, 12:34 AM
i read it too... miller @ miami for 30 mil.
miller is a good addition.

i think mello is staying in denver, he got a extension.

07-09-2010, 12:37 AM
is it confirmed that miller is going to the heat as well?

Report is coming from KSFY TV in Sioux Falls, SD. No one else has confirmed it.


Think he can shoot? ;)

07-09-2010, 01:12 AM
I'm really curious as to what Cleveland is going to do now with all the money it was willing to pay Lebron.

07-09-2010, 01:12 AM
i hate to see this guy retire...

i hope he recovers 100% or even 90% this summer. he's always welcomed back to the knicks..

07-09-2010, 01:16 AM
I'm really curious as to what Cleveland is going to do now with all the money it was willing to pay Lebron.

they gotta suck it up and rebuild. just like the knicks for how many seasons now.

07-09-2010, 01:21 AM
So we are saying that this Miami team is no better than the Celtics who took you to game 7?

Oh, and here I was getting excited...

let me give 5 reasons why Boston took us to game 7?
1. Kobe wasn't 100%
2. Bynum was in leg pain
3. Vujacic was injured
4. Lakers were frustrated because of game 4 and 5 lose
5. And Artest wasn't in his D game........

Oh and another thing, the ref were calling stupid calls not on just the Lakers, But for the Celtics as well and you know that's the true

they still wont get passed Boston

I agreed with you 100% Rondo is way to damn quick for the heat??????????

Don't forget about Orlando.

07-09-2010, 01:46 AM

lol, what is that supposed to mean? :p Shaq has a better chance or rejoining the Lakers. He just burns bridges whenever he leaves. We don't want him.

Thanks to all the well wishers! :D

Shaq, What the hell. I'm pretty sure the Lakers and Lakers fans don't want Shaq on the team, especially when he left us for Miami.

He's a big time Bandwagon and team Hooper!!!

07-09-2010, 03:29 AM
WTF is Dan Gilbert smoking?!?! Did he have a fucking aneurysm after seeing Lebron jump ship? How the fuck are you gonna guarantee the Cavs are gonna win a ring before Lebron? Money in the bank?!?! As much as I fucking LOATHE Lebron, I dont see them making the playoffs at all without him. I'd be fucking surprised if they fill that void and make .500.

07-09-2010, 03:33 AM

07-09-2010, 03:38 AM
Bring on the haters as well, I'm used to it since I'm a Laker diehard. :ddog:

I like the enthusiasm and confidence. See you next season. ;)

This times infinity.

I find it hilarious how the media and A LOT of people have pretty much written off the idea of the defending champ Lakers, the Celtics, or the Magic winning the championship next year. What a joke...

07-09-2010, 04:27 AM
is it confirmed that miller is going to the heat as well?

i read it too... miller @ miami for 30 mil.
miller is a good addition.

i think mello is staying in denver, he got a extension.

Report is coming from KSFY TV in Sioux Falls, SD. No one else has confirmed it.


Think he can shoot? ;)

Guys, unless you guys know something that I don't know or some changes were made this offseason I don't think Miami could sign Mike Miller, J.J Reddick, Jason Kapono or any other exceptionally good veteran shooter in the league. The Heat will not have the midlevel exception available to them this offseason so they are screwed. They will likely have to offer minimum salary deals to other free agents to fill out their roster unless Mike Miller is willing to take a major pay cut to chase a ring and I'm talking veteran minimum but hey stranger things have happened this offseason.

07-09-2010, 04:33 AM
Mike Miller will be a Miami Heat.

07-09-2010, 08:05 AM
Bring on the Haters! We're used to it with The Canes.

So which one is it? Is it too easy and unfair and this is an automatic championship or is it impossible for these three to play together and we are gonna fail. Please, haters, come to a decision and stay consistent here. :ddog:
It won't be as easy as (new) Miami Stans are making it out to be. It CAN happen, but it will NOT happen this year. Lack of role players is one thing, learning a new system is another. Playing like the All Star game or International Competition (which is basically the damned same in my opinion) does not work game in and game out, definitely not in the playoffs.
Do they now have one of the best cores? Yes, but do not write off Boston, Orlando, and LA -- all of whom needed little change to maintain their positions.

Beasley was traded to the Wolves for 2011 draft picks.
Sad, this makes him a bust being a 2nd overall pick.

haha at dan gilbert - he guarantees an nba championship? has the cavs ever won a championship? this makes me think lebron actually made a good move to leave the cavs having a douchebag like that as a part owner..
Dan Gilbert is being a lover scorned. LeBron was the dick here, he was given everything he asked for in Cleveland, but knew not what to do with it -- or even what to ask for -- as an individual who had never been questioned. Dan Gilbert is justified in his anger, but misses the point if he thinks that Cleveland will be anywhere other than the lottery before LeBron.

Now, though? LeBron has no more remaining excuses, he MUST win. The problem is that it will not be easy, with everyone with nothing to lose gunning at them every night of their lives now, many with a personal vendetta against them.

LeBron made the best decision if he was about winning, I concede to that. As someone who prattles on and on and fucking on about how "loyal" he is, he is a damned turncoat. For all he has accomplished, he has accomplished nothing that matters to his "legacy," which I remind you he doesn't have long to make good on.
Mike Wilbon said it best last week:
He's completed seven NBA seasons already without winning a title. Any examination of league history tells us that even though LeBron's only 25 years old, he's still got no more than eight additional years (presuming relative health) of great basketball in him. Nobody in the history of the game has had more than that. It's not the age, it's the mileage. At the age of 25 Michael Jordan had played in 312 regular season games. At the age of 25 LeBron has played in 548 regular season games -- and LeBron won't be 26 until December.

In other words, LeBron's window of opportunity for winning multiple championships, which is how legendary greatness is measured in the NBA, isn't as wide open as his age suggests.

As a very, very smart NBA executive suggested to me recently, start taking real life factors into account. Wherever he goes, one year is likely to be lost to injury, either his or a critical teammate's. Another year is likely to be lost to another team being better. What, Kobe Bryant and the Lakers aren't going to seriously contend this coming season? Kevin Durant and Oklahoma City are young and potent. Another year is likely to be lost to a fluke, a Derek Fisher shot with four-tenths of a second left, or a Ralph Sampson, no-look turnaround, bounce-twice-off-the-rim- at-the-buzzer shot.

That takes LeBron down from eight potential championship seasons to five. Hell, Kobe's already got five. Shaq and Duncan have four. LeBron's not even in the conversation yet.

Yes, this conversation is, and has been VERY MUCH about LeBron, as he would prefer it to be, given that he needs that on the very real chance that he does not win a ring.
"Very real"?
The Lakers are head and shoulders best in the west, parity has been FURTHER returned to the east, so the Eastern Conference Champion likely arrives to the finals beat to shit from 3 rounds before it.
Now, look out west, the changing of the guard is happening with Portland, OKC and (potentially, at least) The Clippers (provided Blake Griffin is not a bust) all on that tier just below the Lakers, with the Spurs and Suns aging out of their respective windows themselves. Denver will still be Denver unless Melo leaves. All that being said, the chance that The Heat/MonSTARS DON'T win a title is still very real, even if not likely.

I could continue, but I think I will work on blogging this one.

07-09-2010, 11:11 AM
Oh Pat Riley....trying recreate the good ol days huh? Good luck.

07-09-2010, 11:39 AM
Cavs Fans should have a banner ready like the burnley fans had when the coach left them for a rival club in the EPL just replace god with king haha would be hilarious

07-09-2010, 01:02 PM
Guys, unless you guys know something that I don't know or some changes were made this offseason I don't think Miami could sign Mike Miller, J.J Reddick, Jason Kapono or any other exceptionally good veteran shooter in the league. The Heat will not have the midlevel exception available to them this offseason so they are screwed. They will likely have to offer minimum salary deals to other free agents to fill out their roster unless Mike Miller is willing to take a major pay cut to chase a ring and I'm talking veteran minimum but hey stranger things have happened this offseason.

lol...you're funny.

07-09-2010, 01:04 PM
LeBron James has now become Public Enemy #1, overtaking Kobe Bryant in that department.
All teams will not be gunning for Miami next season. I love how the Lakers will no longer
be targeted as much as they are. It's gonna be a great season.


Mike Miller to sign a 5yr deal with the Heat worth around $30mil.

07-09-2010, 01:35 PM
hey, strider...

Veteran free agents who could sign at the minimum level include Raja Bell, Yakhouba Diawara, Keyon Dooling, Devean George, Jarvis Hayes, Eddie House, Jawan Howard, Larry Hughes, Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Flip Murray, Chris Quinn, Brian Skinner, Etan Thomas, Ben Wallace and Jason Williams.

including AI!!!
Could Allen Iverson Join The Super Team In Miami? | Bleacher Report (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/417663-could-allen-iverson-join-the-super-team-in-miami)

cavs have no plan B at all...instant fail. we got 3 young talents w/ good contracts when we heard lebron bounce to miami.

76ers wasted AI good years, surrounded him with garbage. he even took that gargabe to the finals. imo cavs is fail town.

07-09-2010, 01:38 PM
hell yeah, its gonna be interesting.

07-09-2010, 01:40 PM
lol...you're funny.

Ummm.. Okay?

For them to sign Mike Miller like I said before he's taking a major paycut or someone is not coming back to that team, most likely Haslem.

07-09-2010, 01:43 PM
Don't believe things you read on Bleacher Report. Anybody can go in there and write articles.

For them to sign Mike Miller like I said before he's taking a major paycut or someone is not coming back to that team, most likely Haslem.
Miami is sending Beasley to the Wolves for 2011 draft picks. Beasley made around $5 mil, and Miller's
offer is 5yrs/$30mil, which is around $6mil/year.

07-09-2010, 01:52 PM
you're assuming too much and trying to enforce it to us.

fact is miller is getting 30mil for 5 yrs. its a done deal.

07-09-2010, 01:53 PM
So that means the Big 3 are going to take around 14 million to 14.5 million year.

07-09-2010, 01:55 PM
you're assuming too much and trying to enforce it to us.

fact is miller is getting 30mil for 5 yrs. its a done deal.

No, I'm not enforcing too much or assuming to much. The thing is you can see all this if you do the hard match. It's not that hard at all. We know how much a team is allowed to have, you know much certain players are willing to take and you know how rosters spots they have to fill. Not that hard to play the number game at all.

07-09-2010, 01:56 PM
Don't believe things you read on Bleacher Report. Anybody can go in there and write articles..

it's not just that, riley has been asking AI to join him and give him a call before he make any decision.

07-09-2010, 01:59 PM
Lakers are reportedly interested in Matt Barnes, but not offer has been made. Do it, Mitch!

07-09-2010, 02:00 PM
Lakers are reportedly interested in Matt Barnes, but not offer has been made. Do it, Mitch!

I wanted Raja Bell instead but Barnes would be a good fit too. I know Raja Bell said he wanted to go to Miami months ago.

07-09-2010, 02:04 PM
The Heat will desperately need a legit big man and shooter to have any sort of success in the playoffs. The bringing in of Miller takes care of the shooter situation, but they'll certainly need a big man to patrol the paint. The Heat will get
zoned to death.

I wanted Raja Bell instead but Barnes would be a good fit too. I know Raja Bell said he wanted to go to Miami months ago.
Yeah, Bell is headed to Miami as well from what he has said. Barnes would be a good fit in LA,
as he would be the hometown boy. He's a good defender, athletic, can shoot the 3-ball, and
is tough.

OH YEAH, what ever happened to Synergy? :keke:

07-09-2010, 02:30 PM
How long before that "We Are All Witnesses" sign is paintballed to shit and eventually taken down?

07-09-2010, 03:41 PM
AkademikONE is right, Heat do need a good center. I hear Shaq wants to come back. :keke: I honestly would hate to see that.

How long before that "We Are All Witnesses" sign is paintballed to shit and eventually taken down?

o/u 3 days

07-09-2010, 03:55 PM

Police were all guarding it last night. It should read "Quitness."

07-09-2010, 04:02 PM

Bosh is one ugly batgirl

07-09-2010, 04:42 PM
I think it's safe to say that LeBron James has now overtaken Kobe Bryant as the league's public enemy #1 with
his decision to join forces with Wade and Bosh in Miami. From the hundreds of articles I've read after his decision,
they all mostly say that LeBron's "legacy" will be forever tarnished if he does indeed win a title with Miami, as he
had to join a team of that caliber in order to win, and not carry a team by himself, as other greats have done.

What I'm getting at is this, what will all of this do to Kobe's public image? We all know that he's loved in LA, but
now, with all the (negative) attention surrounding LeBron, it's only helping the rest of the world's opinion and view
on Kobe. The articles I've mentioned before always refer to how Kobe Bryant (and Michael Jordan) stuck with their
respective teams and grinded it out, and the results were 6 titles for Jordan and 2 more for Kobe (and counting).

I believe this will only further solidy Kobe Bryant's legacy and image to the public and to the media and will bring
more positivity surrounding it. Also, I believe the attention on Kobe and LeBron, will now heavily shift towards
LeBron, as he will be scrutinized under a magnifying glass for every little move he makes. I feel that as the season
goes on, more and more people will pay less attention to the Lakers and more and more attention to Miami as they
have the biggest target on their backs, as teams will be gunning for them. This is all my opinion, of course.

To quote a friend of mine:
LeBron was the one that everyone compared Kobe to whenever they got the chance. Whenever there was any criticism of Kobe, it was usually backed by some statement involve LeBron. Be it teammates, loyalty, stats, or whatever. Critics would always find a way to blast Kobe by using LeBron as their medium. They simply can't do that anymore. For every bit of arrogance they believed Kobe Bryant had, LeBron's shown tenfold with this Decision 2010 drama. For every criticism of Kobe not being able to lead his team, now LeBron's ditched Cleveland because he couldn't handle being "the man". Kobe was the villain, and LeBron was the hero. Now, LeBron's finally shown his true colors and all the critics will have to retool their way of thinking whenever they compare the two of them. Kobe is no longer the ultimate villain, not after LeBron's selfish press conference.

07-09-2010, 08:02 PM
I just watched the Miami press conference and Wade said that they could be the best trio ever
formed and that LeBron guaranteed 7 championships. I'm glad they're being so humble about

07-09-2010, 09:01 PM
Ceremonial signing of contracts and the later auctioning off of the pens....

All 3 of these fools are ego maniacs. I hate the spectacle they're making this whole thing.

07-09-2010, 09:04 PM
wow thats gay^^ if Wade said that. Almost as gay as Dan G. personally guaranteeing a ring before Lebron.

Yea, 'take it to the bank'...

on other notes:

I like how everyone focuses on the fact that Lebron does not have a ring, as if Lebron was not doing his part. Give me a break, you cannot blame the failure of an entire franchise on one man. He doesn't have a ring because the owners failed to build a team and or coach it to a ring. Lebron was the only one up to par in Cleveland. Cleveland wasted 7 years of his NBA career, thank god he was smart enough to walk and spend his 'prime' elsewhere. I say that not as a Heat fan but a James fan.

I like how if Cleveland had brought home 1 ring in the past 7 years it would have been because of Lebron. But the fact that they didn't, is because of Lebron.

I like all the Lebron haters. 'He didn't give Cleveland a ring'. Exactly, he never gave you a ring or a promise to be with you the rest of his life or 'til death do us part'. He fulfilled his contract, man up.

I like how everyone judges a mans entire persona by what he decides to wear to work.

I like that it is now unclear as to who the most hated player/team is in the NBA.

I like how everyone acts as if 'role players' wouldn't be willing to take major pay cuts to be on this team. Hell, I think some would be willing to pay to be on it. Because at the end of the season, it's all about who wins.

I like how most Miami fans are automatically expecting a ring, they could very easily be very disappointed.

Also I do feel bad for the Cav fans, when all this free agent mess started I had myself mentally prepared to loose Wade and not gain Lebron or Bosh. I really couldn't believe it when he announced it.

So you don't agree the title still runs through LA? Bring it on, Miami, bring it.
I agree that LA is still a juggernaut for sure. Just was surprised at LA fans acting as if this Miami team is nothing to worry about.

The Heat team will win a title, just not next season.
That is a huge possibility.

Anyways, should be some great games and hopefully Miami can capitalize on their opportunity. Beacuse 'the Heat is on'. If they lose they won't be able to live it down, I would hate to see some ego battles surface from a loss this season.

07-09-2010, 09:29 PM
Bulls got Korver.

07-09-2010, 09:43 PM
The Jazz are gonna be terrible. Derron Williams will NOT be happy.

07-09-2010, 10:41 PM
a new era begins... 2010

07-09-2010, 10:56 PM
eventually down the road James, Wade, and Bosh arent gonna workout. They wont get in the finals atleast the first 2 years, so what will they have to play for? Stats. And you can only give them so many touches a game. I dont see both James and Wade averaging 28-32 points a game or "sharing the team"

07-09-2010, 11:00 PM
watch basketball much?

they part called the redeem team. they already had their failures and they refocused. even without kobe would have taken gold.

07-09-2010, 11:05 PM
errrgh i do watch, and thats the USA team. Not an NBA team

07-09-2010, 11:18 PM
do you even know how he plays?
here's some clue...

07-09-2010, 11:19 PM
Bulls got Korver.

and it looks like Redick might step in as their 2.

07-10-2010, 12:24 AM
eventually down the road James, Wade, and Bosh arent gonna workout. They wont get in the finals atleast the first 2 years, so what will they have to play for? Stats. And you can only give them so many touches a game. I dont see both James and Wade averaging 28-32 points a game or "sharing the team"

What are you basing this on? Show me another time, in the NBA, when 3 players in their prime (2 of which are in the top 3 players in the league)joined forces to play together? This has never happened before, so there is nothing to solidfy your case. As far as 'role players/bench players' are concerned, you could put just about any average player with this team, and he will produce. The history of the league is littered with average players, having career yrs when paired with great players(kapono, damon jones, cliff levingston, john paxson, robert horry, etc.). The bottom line is, if you make it to the NBA, you can play. Give any player consistant looks @ open shots, and they'll make them. To be honest, you and I could suit up for the Heat and do a decent job.

07-10-2010, 01:01 AM
Bulls are quietly putting a good team together.

07-10-2010, 02:28 AM
watch basketball much?

they part called the redeem team. they already had their failures and they refocused. even without kobe would have taken gold.

did you watch the gold medal game? it was not that clear cut that they would've won the game without Kobe. Huge chance they would've lost if he wasn't on that team.

07-10-2010, 02:30 AM
It’s all about competing, about trying to be the best. It’s also important to me to make the team I’m on now the best. I don’t want to go ring-chasing, as I call it; you know, going to a team that’s already pretty established and trying to win a ring with them. I want to stay with the Cavs and build a champion. And I feel like we’re on our way.

— Lebron in 2006 :wtf:

And there's more...
"I got a goal, and it's a huge goal, and that's to bring an NBA championship here to Cleveland," James said. "And I won't stop until I get it."
This guy should be called "Court Jester James" forget the king part. Like this!

07-10-2010, 08:34 AM
Dan Gilbert second stab at Lebron... (http://backporch.fanhouse.com/2010/07/09/lebron-james-fathead-going-for-17-41-in-honor-of-benedict-arnol/?icid=main|main|dl4|link4|http%3A%2F%2Fbackporch.f anhouse.com%2F2010%2F07%2F09%2Flebron-james-fathead-going-for-17-41-in-honor-of-benedict-arnol%2F)

07-10-2010, 09:51 AM
did you watch the gold medal game? it was not that clear cut that they would've won the game without Kobe. Huge chance they would've lost if he wasn't on that team.

that's a negative , sir!

07-10-2010, 10:02 AM
$17.41 nice, i always wanted to buy a fathead.

07-10-2010, 11:30 AM
It’s all about competing, about trying to be the best. It’s also important to me to make the team I’m on now the best. I don’t want to go ring-chasing, as I call it; you know, going to a team that’s already pretty established and trying to win a ring with them. I want to stay with the Cavs and build a champion. And I feel like we’re on our way.

— Lebron in 2006 :wtf:

And there's more...
"I got a goal, and it's a huge goal, and that's to bring an NBA championship here to Cleveland," James said. "And I won't stop until I get it."
This guy should be called "Court Jester James" forget the king part. Like this!

yeah dude, wooo kool aid.