View Full Version : Street Fighter games

07-21-2003, 12:45 AM
I've been a street fighter fan since the original arcade came out in my nieghbor hood round table heh. I can remember there was championship edition and turbo. over the years it grew angrew. then there cam marvel vs capcom 2. That game has got to be the best, because of the combos. I saw almost all the anime's. Is there gonna be any new games coming out besides street fighter 3? and any new animes?

07-21-2003, 02:31 AM
street fighter 3 was long time ago. i dunno if theyre ever gonna do a 4 or anything. newest game coming out i think is SNK vs Capcom (not to be confused with Capcom vs SNK (and 2) which are already out).

07-21-2003, 03:17 AM
i always hated those "X-Men" style Street Fighters...when i say "X-Men" i mean those where u can do hecka combos and jump into the air like 50ft...i call em "Xmen" style becuz..i think that idea first came out with the Xmen fighting game.

the BEST Street Fighter game Ever was "Street Figher Alpha 2" thats the best one..even SF3 doesnt par with it.

do you guys remember that championship rainbow or awetver? where u can press the start button and it changes characters? hahah or about how where guile can do like 50 sonic booms in one screen making him the ultimate character of that game HAHAHAHHA that was so awsome.

i LOVE street Fighter! best fighting game ever..even tho it has died out. =/

07-21-2003, 04:32 AM
Yea street fighter is the maddest
old skool game ive ever seen!
Its hard to make new games that will
out rule all the oldies!

Street fighter all the way:hammer: :cry:

07-21-2003, 08:27 AM
I had mad skillz when it came to Strret Fighter 2. I won 3rd place in a contest back in the day. Outta about 1000 people. All I got was a damn t-shirt. I still have the t-shirt too and I wear it.:boink:

07-21-2003, 03:41 PM

07-21-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by James
What characters did you guys play/


07-21-2003, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by James
What characters did you guys play/

Ryu, Ken, Guile....I think he was my best in old school SF2.

The new games arent that bad but I liked how they tried to bring the old school flavor back w/SF3.

I hear SF4 is on the drawing board. And the next SNK Vs. Capcom is gonna rock @$$.


07-21-2003, 04:57 PM
Ken rocks :D, had my little wars with my bro, he was ryu I was ken, shotoken battle (I am prolly way off on the fighting style they used, lol its been a while).

The new ones are all about flashy moves, fun to watch but too easy to play.

I think its high time I busted out my dreamcast and downloaded some snes emulator and games, gotta love the limitless possibilites of dreamcast.

You should all go an buy one and get yourselves some old school emulators (nes, sega, snes :bigok:)

07-21-2003, 05:42 PM

07-21-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by James
I hated guys who played Dhalsim in tournaments- they were tough!

Yes, this is true. Mostly because of the keep away factor. Freakin sucked man. Street Fighter III, Third Strike was a good rendition of the Street Fighter legacy. No super jumps, tag teams, 119 hit combos, and fluid gameplay. Updated graphics and matching soundtrack rocked. :rawk:

I remember those days of going coin-op. The very first Street Fighter was very difficult, especially that old man with the crane kung-fu style. Then the championships started when SFII and all its derivitives came to be. Ryu and Ken would be almost unstoppable if properly used (especially countering with Shoryu-Ken, dragon punch). Those were the days.

07-21-2003, 06:44 PM
Ryu and Ken

This is because they have been in EVERY SF game....even Marvel vs. Capcom...its just that Ken is a hidden character.

Anyways...if they make a new game, it will probably be a 4th edition of SFIII or the 3rd version of SF EX(3D game).

Got Sileighty?
07-21-2003, 07:17 PM
KEN!! me and my bro spent hours in front of SNES, he was RYU. i sucked at the arcade though, i couldnt pull off moves with joystick. i guess its cuz i was too poor to spend all those quarters on it, and whenever i did get a lil bit of money to play, the machines were always crowded by some asian gangs :mad:

anyway, i dont know if im alone in this, but does anyone out there play SF from just one side?? what i mean is, you can play great when youre facing right, but suck when u and the other player got switched places? i can only play facing right, so wehn me and my bro got switched in the middle of the game, we'd always stop fighting so we can switch sides hehehehe :rolleyes:

07-21-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Got Sileighty?

anyway, i dont know if im alone in this, but does anyone out there play SF from just one side?? what i mean is, you can play great when youre facing right, but suck when u and the other player got switched places? i can only play facing right, so wehn me and my bro got switched in the middle of the game, we'd always stop fighting so we can switch sides hehehehe :rolleyes:

07-21-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Got Sileighty?
anyway, i dont know if im alone in this, but does anyone out there play SF from just one side?? what i mean is, you can play great when youre facing right, but suck when u and the other player got switched places? i can only play facing right, so wehn me and my bro got switched in the middle of the game, we'd always stop fighting so we can switch sides hehehehe :rolleyes:


your not alone...I play best when I'm facing right.

07-22-2003, 12:58 AM
Shifting around here, but any of you seen the anime? the Street Fighter Zero animation movie was pretty good but didnt seem to make sense much but it was still cool. So was the Street Fighter @ movie..not the jean clausde van dam one...:rolleyes: . I have the unedited japanese :D :coolugh: :eek: :naughty: . If you guys seen it you know what im talking about...(Chung Li :naughty: ) but yea those were cool except for street fighter 2 V series. They totally changed the characters personality around.

07-23-2003, 10:21 AM
street fighter 2 turbo.
the one i have now is capcom vs. snk 2 on xbox. Still only play with the streetfighter people

07-24-2003, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by DRFT
I've been a street fighter fan since the original arcade came out in my nieghbor hood round table heh. I can remember there was championship edition and turbo. over the years it grew angrew. then there cam marvel vs capcom 2. That game has got to be the best, because of the combos. I saw almost all the anime's. Is there gonna be any new games coming out besides street fighter 3? and any new animes?

But now the question remains.....when you say you were a fan since the original game came out....do you mean the original SF II? Or do you mean the ORIGINAL GAME w/ the super huge big *** punch and kick buttons where the strength of the punch or kick was determined by how hard you hit the button? And the Shoryuken was truly and invicible move even on the way down, and any special move took off 1/3 of an opponent's energy? The game where Sagat was the last character and he recieved the scar from Ryu's dragon punch. Now that....is old school street fighter.

But either way....It's all about Ryu and Ken.

07-24-2003, 11:19 AM
Haha i meant the street fighter II game. i guess im not a hardcore fan:(

07-24-2003, 02:03 PM

07-24-2003, 04:43 PM
ryu > ken! its tru!

07-24-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by wherezmytofu
ryu > ken! its tru!

Blah his last name is Masters, that owns ryu :D.

Its the typical battle of two people that are very similar in strength but never fight and always promise that they will.

Reminds me of DBZ/DBGT with the hole Goku and Vegeta thing.
Lol now you guys got me into this whole street fighter thing and started dling the animated movies.

Got Sileighty?
07-24-2003, 08:08 PM
didnt ken beat ryu in one of those animes?? i think it was when they were still young cuz i remember them looking like they did in the alpha series. GO KEN!! they remind me of the redsuns bros in initial d too, one was calm and calculating, the other was hot-headed,even the names are similar: ryosuke and keisuke?

awwww dynomite, u know goku will put a whooping on vegeta. even vegeta admitted hes weaker. vegeta cant match the KAAAA....MEEEEEE....HAAAAA.....MEEEEEEE....HAAAAAA AAAAAAA!!!! :bowdown:

07-24-2003, 08:13 PM
I think it was on the street fighter 2 movie when ryu was looking back in his past and he was thinking about ken. They were sparing i think, and ken kicked? him in the head i think and ryu started bleeding and ken gave ryu a piece of his red outift. Then he tied the piece around ryu head, so thats how ryu got his red headband. is that what your talking about?

07-24-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by DRFT
I think it was on the street fighter 2 movie when ryu was looking back in his past and he was thinking about ken. They were sparing i think, and ken kicked? him in the head i think and ryu started bleeding and ken gave ryu a piece of his red outift. Then he tied the piece around ryu head, so thats how ryu got his red headband. is that what your talking about?

ya thats the movie i just saw.

Now I am trying to get another one, but its hard to find, I am skipping around right now, saw SF2, and next is Alpha.

Ok course goku can kick vegetas ***, ryu can kick kens ***, and ryosuke can beat keisuke.

No one is ever equal in thier battles.

07-24-2003, 09:16 PM
WHOO HOO i loved SFII its the first and original fighting game!!! perficly balanced. I had my group of friends and we played every character. My best friend would battle my KEN with his RYU day in and day out. Till the blisters on your thumbs were bigger then your thumbs!!! We had tornaments just friends it was a blast man Blanka Zangift ill kick your *** with Zangift(sp??) Ken, Zangift, MAN i hated Guile players dam waiters hahaha. THis brings back memories!! Love the good old days.

And no one can beat my KEN!! In SF2 the movie ken had long hair in the alpha days so he had a hair tie. That bandana Ryu has is kens hair tie not part of his gi. Also no one can beat Ken only Ryu and no one can beat Ryu only Ken. They are perfectly Even in my book their on opposet ends of the rope. Ones speed ones power!! you make the pick. In Initial D the brothers are not even close in level of skill. So no comparison.

And i love the KOF vs SF... but HATE the ghey xman gay combo system in the other Marval Vs's games!!!

07-24-2003, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Sanchi

In SF2 the movie ken had long hair in the alpha days so he had a hair tie. That bandana Ryu has is kens hair tie not part of his gi.
O yea thats right eheh...I knew sometihng was wrong when i typed that it was part of his outfit.

Got Sileighty?
07-24-2003, 11:58 PM
that just proves that Ken CAN beat ryu. he still can if he'd just use his head more. anyway if u think about it, ryu doesnt have a life, he lives to fight. Ken has other things, hes married, etc. Yet their skills are pretty much even, so think about what Ken could've been if all he did was fight and train.

07-25-2003, 12:07 AM
pssst...ken and ryu...all bout Akuma.:D or Gouki...hmm...:confused:

07-25-2003, 01:41 AM
like you know how to use him...Ill still tare youup w/ken muhahahaha

07-27-2003, 04:15 PM
So in the last two days I have been dling the Street Fighter 2V Anime (29 eps), havent finished yet, but why is Akuma in every single episode. He is always hidden in the background somewhere, well he is kinda hard to hide, with his huge size, and his crazy hair.

Interesting anime, but I hate how they leave you in suspense, spent way too much time watching this thing.

And damn Cami is hot :boink:

07-28-2003, 03:44 AM
Anyone remember that April Fools joke that Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine played on everyone? Everybody went home thinking they could get the special character named Long or something like that. He was supposed to be Ken and Ryu's teacher and you could only do it if you got a perfect in every match or something like that. I remember they even made their own fake screen shot. Oh yeah, I used Ryu but always got beat down by my cousin who played as Guile. Guile was the best character because all his special moves started in a defensive stance. I just insisted on kicking *** with Ryu.

07-28-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Flybert
Anyone remember that April Fools joke that Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine played on everyone? Everybody went home thinking they could get the special character named Long or something like that. He was supposed to be Ken and Ryu's teacher and you could only do it if you got a perfect in every match or something like that. I remember they even made their own fake screen shot. Oh yeah, I used Ryu but always got beat down by my cousin who played as Guile. Guile was the best character because all his special moves started in a defensive stance. I just insisted on kicking *** with Ryu.
Oh hell yeah I remember. Everyone who played in school talked about it for weeks, until the cat was let out of the bag. I remember cornering people with e-honda or chun-li and the dragon punch counter after a fireball was thrown when they jump torward you.

Got Sileighty?
07-28-2003, 07:22 PM
what about Guile's handcuffs, or his "death touch"....ive never seen them in person, but a lot of people swore to seeing it. were those hoaxes? i think the handcuff move was something like doing a flash kick, but as you hit UP , u press STRONG and FORWARD (medium punch and kick). can anyone confirm these moves?

07-28-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Got Sileighty?
what about Guile's handcuffs, or his "death touch"....ive never seen them in person, but a lot of people swore to seeing it. were those hoaxes? i think the handcuff move was something like doing a flash kick, but as you hit UP , u press STRONG and FORWARD (medium punch and kick). can anyone confirm these moves?
:rofl: I remember that one also. No one I knew could verify that. I heard the one about chun-li's panties and the "Thunder Edition" where you had a one-hit super combo which beat the opponent in one blow.

07-28-2003, 07:34 PM
Anyone ever see the Rainbow Edition, multiple fireballs, mid-air special attacks, super turbo (made the game unplayable sometimes).
Special code to use M.Bison

07-28-2003, 09:52 PM
Yea i think i can remember that one. Was rainbow edition the one when ryu/kens fireballs would go in a zig zag direction?

O yea does anyone remember the game genie code for SNES, where you can make any player fight in air? something like that...

07-31-2003, 02:14 PM
I just downloaded a video of peoples combos on snk vs street fighter. ..man those guys are good. especially gouki's killer combo that beat a guy in like 5 seconds

07-31-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by zero.counter
I heard the one about chun-li's panties

You see them in Super Street Fighter 2....

just get close to someone and press High Kick...

you will see her matching panties :D

08-16-2003, 11:16 PM
Guile's "handcuffs" in SF2 (the original) were real. They weren't reall "handcuffs," just a glitch in the game that would cause your opponent's sprite to totally freeze up, allowing you to throughly kick their stupid ***. :)

Me? I used Guile and Ryu (Please dont call him RYE-YOU; that is why I will never give my kid a Japanese name! :PPP) in SF2, cus Guile had cool hair and he was a great character (but HARD to play), and Ryu, well... Ryu was the best, hands-down, in OG SF2 (Shoryuken = invincible, has priority over anything).

I didn't like the SF Zero anime... too silly, and the character design is poo-doo... SFZ should have just ended after the first, dont know why they bothered making another two (and SFZ3 is the most overrated SF game EVAR)

The original SF2 Movie tho (original = JDM, not editied USDM version)... kicks ASSSSSS.... except for the stupid cyborg guys who follow Ryu and whatnot around, but whatever. :)

And ya I remember those hacked SF2 Dash/Hyper Fighting boards... 45 degree fireballs, air fireballs, one million sonic booms... hahahaha it was great!

My SF2 Rankings:
1) Super Street Fighter IIx (its the best.. no discussion required!!!)
2) Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting
3) Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (some LAME characters but good game)
4) Street Fighter Zero II (Should have ended with one but two kicked)
5) Street Fighter II

and then whatever is clever. I dislike "VS" games but they are fun with friends. CvS is too much button mashing hoo-ha for me but I do play it... I am hoping SvC will be BETTAR, but they keep adding stupid characters like TABASA, MORRIGAN (I like Vampire characetrs but they do not belong in a game with SF/KOF people) and weapons characters... like, WTF, Haohmaru stabs Ryu with a bigass blade and he keeps fighting? Stupid... I know, I know, tossing fireballs out of your palms is just as absurd, but come on now... hes getting STABBED WITH A BLADE :P

ok im done. :D

08-19-2003, 08:48 AM
I used to use Guile, he was probably the best player! You can't escape his traps!
He had the handcuff move(freezes the player, so you can run down the time or get a free hit), Invisible throw ( He could throw you from
the other end of the screen) and if someone's game play ****ed you off, you could reset the game with Guile. That way both players lose. bet yall did'nt know that.

Got Sileighty?
08-19-2003, 10:31 PM
ohhh yeaaaaaaaaaa huh i remember that reset thing.