View Full Version : Done my research and...

06-17-2010, 07:24 PM
Came up with about 5 different ways I can go about fixing the VVT tick on my S14 SR. I wanna hear from someone who's had the problem and how they fixed it. I've done my research so I know what's going on, just would like to know from someone directly.

I read on this forum someone just replaced the VVT sprocket and it worked great. But then its questionable, cause the tick is there and noisy (TDI sounding) and then it'll just go away, and then come back. Could it be my VVT solenoid?

ALSO, the guy I got it from said there were Tomei cams in it, could this have something to do with my VVT tick? And also when I got it the timing was all sorts of messed up. I took it to a buddy who knows SR's and he put it at TDC and set my distributor, has tons more power now! But I almost having a feeling that when they put the cams in (if i even have them) that they could have possibly missed a tooth on the timing chain?

Any help is appreciated, you can also just PM me as well if needed

LimeLite Racing
06-17-2010, 07:29 PM
The answer is simple. Timing chain tensioner. Replace it.

<------ ASE certified

06-17-2010, 07:31 PM
Are you sure? Cause this obnoxious noise is coming from right where the VVT is..

LimeLite Racing
06-17-2010, 07:35 PM
Timing chain tensioners gone bad can sound like rod knock, a bad lifter, something smacking into the head, a loud tick, a TDI engine, etc... The sound is so random, but so common in VVT systems.

I would bet 5 bucks via paypal that if you dumped a quart of lucas engine oil stabilizer in it, it would stop for a few seconds and come back once it gets more equally distributed throught your crankcase. Maybe even quiet down quite a bit.

EDIT: And if it doesn't work don't request 5 bucks from my paypal, 'cause it doesn't have any dough in it. Haha

Whereabouts in WA are you? I can come take a look at it.

06-17-2010, 07:40 PM
Lol I dont even have a paypal. I put some 10-40 in it today and it shut up for a little bit and it went right back to VW TDI gayness annoying idle. Because this is my first SR I'm totally new at this, but that sound is right at that VVT in front on top. If it's just the tensionor I will end up throwing you 5 bones somehow

LimeLite Racing
06-17-2010, 07:44 PM
Lol I dont even have a paypal. I put some 10-40 in it today and it shut up for a little bit and it went right back to VW TDI gayness annoying idle. Because this is my first SR I'm totally new at this, but that sound is right at that VVT in front on top. If it's just the tensionor I will end up throwing you 5 bones somehow

Pull the VC, inspect your cams, maybe hook it up with a valve adjustment if you have time. Meanwhile, order a timing chain tensioner. Let me know what happens after you dump a quart of engine oil stabilizer from Lucas in it.

06-17-2010, 09:23 PM
I'll just send you a PM. I put a quart of 10-40 in it today and should be a while before i can safely throw stabilizer in it

LimeLite Racing
06-18-2010, 02:27 AM
I'll just send you a PM. I put a quart of 10-40 in it today and should be a while before i can safely throw stabilizer in it

Lucas makes a great engine oil stabilizer, change the oil and leave a quart dedicated to it. Lucas EOS works with most weights, as well as synthetic, semi synth, or conventional, so even after putting 10-40 in, if there's another quart low, throw it in. If you feel like draining a quart of dirty oil, throw a quart in.

Best bet: Sea Foam in the crankcase, run for 30 miles or so, oil change, 1 quart Lucas, the rest Mobil 1, analyze.

06-18-2010, 11:13 AM
You seem pretty knowledgeable, definitely a reliable source for me to go to! One of these days I'll head down to Portland and see what's up.

06-18-2010, 02:52 PM
....you have an SR or KA that has a dizzy?? Interesting...

06-18-2010, 03:06 PM
lsx dont have vtc ticking

06-19-2010, 12:36 PM
lsx dont have vtc ticking

hahaha, lmao.