View Full Version : Tranny plugs Kae to sr20

06-16-2010, 08:12 AM
Well after 5 years im finally doing my sr swap but i ran into a few minor problems. I havea 89 240 witha s13 sr20det blacktop. Im using the kae lower harness but the trans plugs are different so ithey arent hooked up. So now for my quesiton can i put the sr trans plugs on the kae harness? If so does someone have a write up or color to color match up? Any info would help thanks

06-16-2010, 11:53 AM
Im using the kae lower harness but the trans plugs are different so ithey arent hooked up. So now for my quesiton can i put the sr trans plugs on the kae harness?

Your terminology confused me. I thought you were asking about the drain and filler plugs.

The physical parts on the gearbox are called "sensors". These sensors have wires coming out of them and the wires plug into wiring "connectors".

I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do, but I am guessing you're trying to wire up the VSS and reverse switch on the SR to work with the body.

If so does someone have a write up or color to color match up?

No write up or color matching because each car has different lower harness wiring.

You need to search my posts for the "ultimate SR20DET" thread and figure out how to wire up the lower accessories on the car to the body.

If you can't figure it out, I recommend Wiring Specialties: SR20DET Wiring Harness Services (http://www.wiringspecialties.com/)

06-16-2010, 07:14 PM
The plugs are different, but the sensors (switches) are the same per transmission, you can swap for US switches or just cut and splice new plugs on. They're all just a ground trigger so polarity does not matter.

06-16-2010, 11:27 PM
Most of the time, folks would just use the KA sensor and KA lower harness into the SR tranny...