View Full Version : Need HELP!! from all PC tech/geek/smart people!

Got Sileighty?
07-19-2003, 07:39 PM
ok so i got a new PC last week, and while i was downloading all this stuff (e.g. quicktime, divx, etc.) i got duped into DLing spybot, at the time i thought it was a good idea so i did it. the next day, i read reviews for it, and id say about 20% of the reviews were bad. most of the problems concerned IE, it ran slower, and a lot of pages couldnt be displayed. this didnt scare me too much, cuz it was only 20% anyway. but then this past few days i noticed the same symptoms occurring. so i wanted to get rid of spybot ASAP, but i also read that doing just the add/remove programs on XP doesnt really remove everything. so i opt to use the system restore feature that comes with XP.

looking good so far, spybot icon is not on desktop anymore, i also found that its not in Programs anymore from the start menu. so its all good. then i decide to go search for files & folders for "spybot" and what do u know, i find a folder under Program Files and a couple of .exe prefetch files under windows folder.

NOW HERES THE QUESTION: would it be safe for me to just delete all these files?? and if i do, would spybot be completely gone in my system?? (actually ive already deleted all these files, but i DID back them up first on a cd). if it doesnt get rid of it completely, then what should i do next??


07-19-2003, 07:46 PM
I told you... But, no you didn't listen... :hammer: :hammer: :axe:


:D :aw:

07-19-2003, 08:37 PM
look at your registry and see if "spybot" is anywhere to be found. Sometimes doing a search into the reg. can show you related files in your system folder that you wouldn't be able to find when doing a search on "My Computer".

so...do u get what I mean?

07-19-2003, 09:03 PM
Hey Brudda, check this link out.
Webattack (http://www.webattack.com/freeware/security/fwantispy.shtml)
SpyBot-S&D is the one I have used to find annoying progs like the one you are talking about. But this spybot actually locates spyware. Try using Adware as well, its free and workd good.
I love webattack, its mostly free.

Got Sileighty?
07-19-2003, 10:35 PM
thanks for advice zero, but im actually trying to get rid of spybot cuz of what it did. so im gonna stay away from these things, at least for now. ill wait til they get rid of the bugs or whatever in them. i was actually thinking of running both spybot and adaware, but i guess not after this. thanks though.

anyay what i wanna know is, have i done everything to get rid of spybot? or is it still lurking in my system?

07-19-2003, 10:46 PM
Firstly, add/remove the software. Make a system restore point just in case. Then run msconfig and see if it is still in the startup and check your services for any thing relating to the prog, if it is still in the msconfig startup section, delete the program entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig (be sure to backup registry before attempting. Use a registry cleaner that shows your current reg and wipe the prog from there to delete any existing claws it may have made in the OS. Also, you can run a prog called process explorer besides the windows task manager, which will allow you to search down to the file handle of the prog to make sure it is not running, available at sysinternals.com. Lastly, find the folder and delete it for the program.

I was not sure that you were talking about the spyremoval software spybot, I thought that you might have been referring to the backdoor spybot, I apologize.

Got Sileighty?
07-19-2003, 10:56 PM
ok i checked msconfig/startup and i dont see the program there anymore. does that mean its completely gone?

yea i shouldve done the add/remove programs first, but like i said, i read that that procees doesnt completely get rid of it (i think the reviews i read were on cnet.com) so i did system restore first.

oh and no problem zero, no need for apologies, YOU'RE the one trying to help me out, thanks. :)

07-21-2003, 06:32 AM
if the reg is clean, and your problems are solved, then whats the beef? A few orphan files hanging around? Let sleeping dogs lie.

S&D is a really shweet prg though. Its on my comp right now, and Im still blazin online and have had no problems.

One way to ensure this doesnt happen anymore is get Norton Clean Sweep. This will watch your computer as you install ANYTHING. It will ask you to name the installation for futur reference. If you have a problem with the install, or just want it out; NCS will rid you of all orphans, req edits, and general bs related to that program.

Dont go anywheres with out it, has saved me *** from teh infamous Gator faukers a million times.

i hate the gator

07-21-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Weird Styles
i hate the gator
Ditto :boink:

07-21-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by zero.counter
Ditto :boink:

I also hate this ZX Cam or whatever the hell it was popping up in my face. It was almost as bad as the F*ck Buss!

"Ypou can spy on people from the saftey of your own home"

"Vouyers wanted; new camera make the law that much farther away"

wtf is up with that?!

Got Sileighty?
07-21-2003, 07:10 PM
thanks for the help guys. dang i knew i shouldve gotten the cleansweep. i had the option of either buying norton systemworks (it comes with cleansweep) or just the AV off ebay. systemworks was i think just $5-10 more, o well.

whats the gator???

i think i know what the f***bus is, i encountered it one time as i was uhhhhhhhh doing some research for this friend of mine. i think it was called bangbus though. i wouldnt know cuz i dont really look at much of that stuff :coolugh:

07-21-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Got Sileighty?
whats the gator???

i think i know what the f***bus is, i encountered it one time as i was uhhhhhhhh doing some research for this friend of mine. i think it was called bangbus though. i wouldnt know cuz i dont really look at much of that stuff :coolugh:
Gator is not your friend. It is the epitomy of evil spyware for commerical purposes. Sends your favorite site info and purchases to a company for specific consumer based ads, targeting you personal likes/dislikes.

Ahh yes, the ever so popular bang bus site. I am behind a filtering firewall and don't want to chance the proxy, but gotta love that site. Nice, fake set-up of fornication. :angel: