View Full Version : i just met some con artists

06-11-2010, 05:05 PM
I almost just got coned by 2 real con artist... like the ones you see in t.v

im in shock and i feel really bad, cant explain it

...please flame all you must


Im riding my bike home from work when all of a sudden i hear in a weird accent " abla espanol?" It was 2 white looking dudes so i thought.. Wtf?
So i say "yes i speak Spanish" so he goes great come over here. I go over and hes like im bla bla and this is bla bla and we are from italy and we need
help. They tell me that they came down to Las Vegas and lost all their money and they need to get home because the flight was at 9. They said they had
their tickets but that due to some bla bla bla they had to pay a fine and they did not have money for it. So they bust out with 2 brand new Ipads and they
tell me they are trying to get rid of them due to them not having money for the fine. So he shows them to me and shows me the receit from the 90210 apple store dated
a couple days ago. So he was like i really hate to do this because i was gonna sell them in my country because they are worth double the price but we need to.
He was like the fine is like 250 bucks so ill give you both with receipt and everything and ill even give you my iphone for the price of one ipad. When he showed me the iphone it had
pictures of his family and everything and the 2 i pads i saw were definitely real. So im like dam i wish but i dont even have 500 on me, so hes like if you know anyone.
So i call my friend Danny (thank god) and tell him about the deal. My friend Dan always has funds so i told him we can go 200-300 and i keep one ipad and he keeps the phone and ipad.
I told him but what if they are fake? So hes like ill be right over. So im waiting with them outside my house for my friend dan and he starts showing me his passport and all the places
hes been to. I thought cool (fucking moron). So my friend dan shows up checks them out and says they are definitely real. So we talk about it and were like ok. So we go over with the money and the dude goes. Can you count the money? right before that he was putting them in a bag for us like a case. So im like yea sure so i start couting and as i was about to finish
I hear my friend Dan yell "He switched the bag!!" When he said that i completely blanked out for a second than was like wtf? The dude was like no i didnt switch the bag so im like open it open it! and he was still going i didnt switch it so i told him " get the fuck out of here before i get my bat out" he got scared and took off.

Theres still much detail missing but i cant write it all.. i just feel like shit... this has me really shocked i cant even explain it

06-11-2010, 05:10 PM
lol wtf? want to expand on your story? can't really flame you for something I have no clue about... but this is internet so... WOW YOU SO DUMB WOWOWOOW. jk ><. tell us your story. please

06-11-2010, 05:11 PM
lol yea tell the story.

oh btw if u mind, who are u lol. i live in oxnard too.

06-11-2010, 05:12 PM
lack of story is holding the flames back

06-11-2010, 05:31 PM
u idiot. this thread is useless without fucking words.

06-11-2010, 05:44 PM
i wrote it down on og post

i have crappy grammar so sorry lol

06-11-2010, 05:47 PM
So Danny is a drug dealer.

06-11-2010, 05:50 PM
So Danny is a drug dealer.

haha no he just got married to a girl with a very rich family haha

06-11-2010, 05:57 PM
Don't trust anyone. It's that simple.

06-11-2010, 06:00 PM
I have guys like that who live around me. Except when they come up to me, mind you I will be standing next to my 240, they introduce themselves as Dan Marino and Steve Young and try to sell me complete home theater systems... "perks of the job man and I don't need it" is what they tell me. Sad to say, my old roommate has bought stuff from them and it usually works just fine. However, my new fun thing to do is to tell them I work in the justice department (which is a total lie) and I now, by law, have to report that Dan Marino and Steve Young were selling possible stolen goods. They laugh.. I laugh... then we high five.

Just be glad the guy didn't try to rob you, but I would be wary the next few days now that they know where you live. Keep an eye out.:smash:

06-11-2010, 06:03 PM
Don't trust anyone. It's that simple.

i learned my lesson trust me

I have guys like that who live around me. Except when they come up to me, mind you I will be standing next to my 240, they introduce themselves as Dan Marino and Steve Young and try to sell me complete home theater systems... "perks of the job man and I don't need it" is what they tell me. Sad to say, my old roommate has bought stuff from them and it usually works just fine. However, my new fun thing to do is to tell them I work in the justice department (which is a total lie) and I now, by law, have to report that Dan Marino and Steve Young were selling possible stolen goods. They laugh.. I laugh... then we high five.

Just be glad the guy didn't try to rob you, but I would be wary the next few days now that they know where you live. Keep an eye out.:smash: Im not scared of them.. i should have brought my dog out lol

06-11-2010, 06:09 PM
LOL DAMN. you almost got screwed in teh butthole. shoulda beat him with a bat... I woulda very much liked that part of the story. Con-ners can go to hell.

06-11-2010, 06:57 PM
haha almost as good as the winning lottery numbers from yesterday. good shit.

06-11-2010, 09:48 PM
Well, you didn't really get conned.

You still have your money.

This thread sucks.

It's like telling a story about the one time you almost banged that hot brawd at the club.

Yeah. almost.


06-11-2010, 09:54 PM
Well, you didn't really get conned.

You still have your money.

This thread sucks.

It's like telling a story about the one time you almost banged that hot brawd at the club.

Yeah. almost.



you have nothing to feel bad for and i think you over reacted..should have had "Dan" hold the products in his hand while you counted the money and gave it to them..

06-11-2010, 10:47 PM

you have nothing to feel bad for and i think you over reacted..should have had "Dan" hold the products in his hand while you counted the money and gave it to them..

yea ur right

this thread does suck

06-11-2010, 10:53 PM
Heh could've been much much worse man. At least your friend saw them switch the bags. fucking low lifes!

06-11-2010, 11:00 PM
the same guy wanted to sell me leather jackets at the chevron gas station on rose and Gonzales .. he was speaking Spanish with a heavy Italian accent. i told him straight out "I'm not buying your jackets" and he cussed me out and Spanish and Italian. he started his car and peeled out ... fuck that shit

06-11-2010, 11:46 PM
at first, i for sure thought that you might have beat one of these dudes bloody with a bat and that was the detail you were leaving out and the reason you felt bad. trippy

06-12-2010, 02:21 AM
conned or not its still his story lol

luckily your friend noticed it.

06-12-2010, 08:45 AM
lol yea tell the story.

oh btw if u mind, who are u lol. i live in oxnard too.

ill pm you

at first, i for sure thought that you might have beat one of these dudes bloody with a bat and that was the detail you were leaving out and the reason you felt bad. trippy

you know what i think that is why i feel bad...because i didnt give them a beating lol cause they sure as hell deserved it.

conned or not its still his story lol

luckily your friend noticed it.

06-12-2010, 11:24 AM
That was a very well-written story, 240love. So much passion... So enthralling! Excellent grammar, too.

Well done. A++.

06-12-2010, 01:42 PM
the same guy wanted to sell me leather jackets at the chevron gas station on rose and Gonzales .. he was speaking Spanish with a heavy Italian accent. i told him straight out "I'm not buying your jackets" and he cussed me out and Spanish and Italian. he started his car (http://zilvia.net/f/#) and peeled out ... fuck that shit

I think it's the same mother fuckers! LIKE 3 YEARS AGO! AT A GAS STATION! They said they worked for armani blah blah he needed a ticket to get home to Italy or some shit! When he said yeah i'll just sell you 5 jackets for 1600$ saying shit like that's a deal, I told him straight out, I aint' dishing 1600$ for someone I don't know, regardless who the fuck you are. He started yelling and bullshit to his friend sounded like they were cussing or some shit. I went to leave in my cousins vette and they were literally yelling at us so we drove by on the way out and threw our Mc Donalds at them ahahahaha

06-12-2010, 01:58 PM
You're an idiot. Take your stupid threads and make some dumb blog.

06-12-2010, 02:11 PM
should have called the cops on them.

06-12-2010, 03:13 PM
I would have taken the real ipads and iphone and after beating the shit out of them throw the 500 on their faces and tell to fuck off.

06-12-2010, 07:10 PM
I would have taken the real ipads and iphone and after beating the shit out of them throw the 500 on their faces and tell to fuck off.

Your dumb why wont you just keep the 500 also lol

06-12-2010, 07:18 PM
Your dumb why wont you just keep the 500 also lol

because you would be charged with theft along with assault lol

06-12-2010, 07:33 PM
haha no he just got married to a girl with a very rich family haha

ah yes, the male sucubus

06-12-2010, 07:54 PM
yea ur right

this thread does suck

eh, thread doesnt suck..Just would've been better if there was like a sick ass knife fight or something.

06-12-2010, 07:57 PM
So they were looking to con someone who looks like a Spanish-speaker?
Gosh darn thieves. :-/

06-12-2010, 08:05 PM
You're an idiot. Take your stupid threads and make some dumb blog.

yes i am an idiot

my stupid threads?


suck my wang?

06-12-2010, 09:53 PM
haha. good one alex. glad you didn't lose the money. lets just start telling con stories?

06-13-2010, 09:22 AM
haha. good one alex. glad you didn't lose the money. lets just start telling con stories?

sorry dude....alex would be my ex...

we have the almost the same screen names

ive tried changing mine plenty times but they wont let me

im 240love and there is 240love^_^

can we lock this thread already plz crimson

06-13-2010, 10:23 AM
They weren't even trying to con you.

They were just giving you the old switch-a-roo.

At least your friend caught it.

Kinda like that scene in Ronin............

06-13-2010, 10:35 AM
Stupid thread is stupid. :duh:

Locked thread is locked. :lockd: