View Full Version : eletrical draw causing bad idle

06-10-2010, 08:27 PM
so i realized today that something in my car causes bad idles having to do with electrical flow shit

i was putting my windows up, had the wipers, and radio on, and my lights, so my car idles bad as i added another power source. I.e. if i let go of one window button then it would go up 100rpms. I wanted to see if maybe it was the car so i turned on all the lights in the cabin, and held the power windows up, it dropped pretty low (500 rpm ish)

anyone know what the problem could be? battery? alternator??

06-11-2010, 08:19 PM
alright so today same shit happened. I pull into the parking garage at my dad's place, i put up both windows, turn off my radio, and have my foot on the brakes. My idle drops to around 300rpm. This is the worst its gotten too, the car almost shut off because of how low the idles got to. I asked my teacher and he said that the window motors might be going old, so they are drawing too much power from the alternator. Or the alternator is going bad and its not supplying enough power. But my rpm's drop 100rpms when i step on the brakes, so i doubt its the window motors. How could i go about checking the alternator?!


06-11-2010, 10:02 PM
the theory of both window motors going bad simoultaneously...or being bad because they're old....is no different than arguing it can be the alternator because it's just as old as the window motor. in reality though.... there's no argument.

the problem definitely sounds like the alternator. if you want to be 100% sure then turn on all the electronics you can while the car is idling, turn on defrost, and hold the brakes as well, whilst you have a digital multimeter on the battery and if the voltage drops below 13.2 you should put a new alternator on it.
